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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2012 4:18am-4:48am EST

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to look into it she also pushed for beijing to cut its ties to iran comes as the e.u. awaits the conclusion of the drawn out greek debt talks negotiations are receiving a second. chance to avoid default at the same time it isn't working. through on legislation for political analysts christoper says the public doesn't like having these measures forced upon it. it only got to get worse i mean at the moment they're burning germany flags on the streets of athens i predict it will be roll next and then there's been you never know it could be top loaders well the tensions between the countries and particularly between the north of europe and the south of europe is only going to get greater and what you've got is you've got protests in the south and what we're seeing in the north is a political revolution where new parties are spreading you know and euro skeptic parties are getting better results than ever before the scary thing here that you have is once you start thinking with democracy and trying to change things i think you've got a very slippery slope in these and what's happening at the moment over here is that
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the e.u. is really showing it through to challenge what it's all about it doesn't want to listen to the people they're talking about an intergovernmental agreement and this will go into primary e.u. law through secondary legislation which means that the people can be bypassed there will be referendums across the continent particularly in iowa where there should be a referendum on this and what will happen is they will bypass the people and it will go straight into really you know they will get exactly what they want and it is a complete affront to democracy. for more details on everything we're covering can always be found online at r.t. dot com let's have a look at some of the stories waiting there right now an american inventor says a very decade romance between both books and humans become commonplace. and and accept protests sweeping across from europe where the first group has brought its design to suspend the online piracy legislation.
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my wall street protesters need us and lost some ground this weekend as they were evicted from downtown washington d.c. activists have been gathering there despite a camping bad suit by the corporate is anyone that week offices wearing protective gear can marry on saturday morning to. tents and sleeping bags western. park was cordoned off and look up to most of the overhead pre-occupied movement has seen some heavy handed tactics in recent. protest in d.c. excessive force won't scare activists away so it's having this problem it's our economy. who knows what's going through their head space on you know when we i watch that video it's available online and it looked like there was no justification for it when i went to make fears on the day to ask about it people said the only thing he was doing was taking the signs around the no camping and so that was the rationale for tasering him he was dropping it is not being threatening
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looks like a excessive use of force my sense is that it's not going to provoke the campers that they're more. disciplined than to fall for that. the occupy movement in a few months should show the american people that if they get mobilized and organized that we have power we can change the direction this country so the future's going to be an american spring that's going to explode on the scene and become more important the presidential race in two thousand and twelve. other news headlines from around the well this hour the u.s. presidential race but in the public and front runner mitt romney has cruised to victory in nevada state caucuses. governor of massachusetts gained over forty percent of the votes but his main rival behind just over a quarter leaving fellow candidates ron paul and rick santorum sharing the high romney has already won in two states of interest in the process to think of a publican nominee visited. thousands of australians have
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been forced to abandon their homes after record floods in eastern parts of the country of eleven thousand have been cut off by the flooding with references to rescue some people using helicopters water levels in river running through queensland are said to be rising rapidly expected to reach fifteen metres higher next twenty four hours. there's been an unexpected new turn for the father of the former f.s.b. officer example. he was poisoned in london six years ago he says he was wrong to accuse the kremlin of organizing his son's death threats said what west wanted to hear or to want to listen to a story firsthand. but is. this is how we found that litvinenko praying in his tiny italian apartment no electricity no gas no court water what you if it wasn't for the help of
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various people i would have died from hunger or frozen to death the last time i took a bath was on christmas eve. we expected more because six years ago after his son former aphis be officer aleksandr litvinenko was poisoned in london he was taken care of by some very powerful patrons like suffix out-i khun boris berezovsky and of and a tourist former chechen militant both hiding in the u.k. . yet extremist dorsett there is give me a year per year doris you would be. the one vital litvinenko sent a letter asking to be interviewed by russian television we expected more of the same but instead. we're going to. be made of each if you're watching
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this program please forgive me for all the slander the thai said and wrote about you for the hatred i had for you if only i had known my son worked for british intelligence i would not talk about his death he could easily have been shot as a double agent betrayers should be short of story what else can i add to this. the u.-turn vaulters says came when his son's we doe marina bin and co revealed to the british media that her husband had worked for m i six alexander litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around two thousand pounds a month from the british security services at the time he was murdered at first by truly pin and co like many others claimed his son had been poisoned with polonium two ten on putin's order the former f.s.b. officer and fierce critic of the kremlin alexander litvinenko spent twenty three days in a london clinic slowly dying from a toxic substance possibly consumed through
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a cup of tea even before police in london started questioning suspects the victim's father was actively kissing the russian government today by their admits he was saying only what the west wanted to hear. of course i realize russia's f.s.b. and the idiot enough to take polonium to london sprinkle it over some heads and leave traces everywhere and their suspect and a little boy is not a fool either it was anger and blind hatred speaking inside of me vikram now believes his son fell victim to his own game of double agents now he wants his words to be heard but the media outside russia which once beat down his door for interviews now won't even reply to his requests. why is that one because they like it when i scold the regime i was a real treasure for them all the while there are very few people who would say as many horrible things about as i did. you know living in two thousand and eight but
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the only thing young call flat russia or sanctuary need to leave is settled in the sleeping quiet town of sunni guy it offered to new anonymous life the man claimed putin was his number one enemy so hiding in europe he believed was the only safe solution today was the lithuanian co is still afraid to open this door not because of putin though but because of his landlord to whom he owes a lot of money this miserable life has made him a slave of his sanctuary but surely the namco sold everything he had in russia to come to eataly he opened a small business several years ago but it went bankrupt things got worse after the seventy three year old had buried his wife but are now fears here a casket could be removed because he hasn't paid the cost of a barrel plot and it's been months since the electricity was shut off to his flat he's lost forty euros went on a gas canister and that is gone to. this is how my son of
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a book that i've been this dual to let the southern wind inside. do is east only is russia through my homeland for. children i want to go home to russia i do want to stay here. he fit in the car children are t. sity got eataly you could. when just a few minutes saw special report on the reset in u.s. russia relations how it's being affected by america's controversial missile defense system in europe press ahead on a couple minutes tennis. world
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with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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the close up team has been to the hub our of screen. where the country's little wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our chief goes to the area. was named up. plenty of good looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. for the four by fours are made and should be tested to the limit. welcome to the streets of. russia close up on our wealthy british style it's a spot on. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in cars reports.
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that have a look at the headlines for you stalemates how the un russia and china rebuffed the western backed draft resolution on syria and moscow saying it's a great wording into the door open for foreign military intervention. by return to on the rest of the dozen dead and thousands wounded in egypt as protests as their attempt to do some of it transpired. in russia hundreds of thousands gather for rival rallies ahead of next month's presidential vote with massive pro and anti-government munchers. u.s.
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a police clamp down on the occupy movement a tent city in central washington is the name to be a victim after camping battles will take. the so-called reset in russia u.s. relations has been struggling to make headway with the ongoing dispute between the two countries over america's controversial missile defense system europe more on that now now special report. the most vital national security interests of the united states would be most effectively realized not through hostility to russia but through cooperation with it. i see russia and the united states can we just settlement of the establishment of a global missile defense system by which. this plan reset is in jeopardy even the new strategic arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington has been unable
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to help. at a time of warmer bilateral relations needs whose top brass decided to deploy a missile defense system aimed at protecting europe but they were setting up too close to russia's borders and moscow didn't view it as a friendly gesture. we want to defend the whole europe not just some european countries we want to european allies and friends to join in on missile defense strategy. solution even in the event of the situation with a european missile defense system becoming unfavorable to russia we reserve the right to take no further steps in the nuclear disarmament area. the kremlin has repeatedly demanded that nato guarantees that the european missile defense shield would pose no threat to russia's strategic interests sofa the west has refused to cooperate with moscow on the issue.
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intercontinental ballistic missiles are transported through snowbound russian forests under the cover of darkness. the movements are shrouded in secrecy the people in charge need to perform training drills and test the hardware on the roof . suddenly the convoy comes to a halt there's a forest stream blocking the path. crossing it's quite a challenge for the drivers of motor vehicles weighing many tons. as specially considering the carrying nuclear warheads.
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engine is make sure that the heavy launches safely reach the opposite bank with the most hazardous huddle behind it the convoy is on the move again. as the convoy forges ahead to its destination they leave the forest and pass through villages the sound of powerful engines thundering past is becoming a common occurrence lately for local people. we need such missiles to defend russia we were good we would be crushed if we didn't have them. that's all there is to it. working when you hear them rumbling past you get
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a sense of great might there is no dealt we will be able to defend our country. without an agreement with the united states on missile defense and in the face of potential military threats russia was compelled to think of countermeasures. the country has declared in the past that it may withdrawal from the strategic arms reduction treaty and said it will introduce measures to counter the missile defense shield. we will go ahead with the deployment of our missile defense system it is obvious that this presupposes deployment of its components in poland in romania in a radar station in turkey obviously this will also until these their mission of the bases be for american ships equipped with the ag system. it is obvious that the missile defense system will be targeted at the russian federation rather than some mythical middle eastern countries possessing virtual
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missiles. at least fifteen countries around the world have been involved with the nato missile defense shield . their radar stations in denmark and britain which is also host to interceptor missiles in. canada too is going to join the project anti missile functions will be given to norad b. agency responsible for north america's air and outer space defense. japan has decided to assist the nato missile defense shield its taking part in the manufacture of a just interceptor missiles. japan is going to build a forward based radar station on its territory. a similar radar station has already been built in turkey. the czech republic rumania hungry and poland are ready to allow nato as missile defense complexes to be placed on their territory. but that
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would make a forward based american military presence which means the deployment of bases in post is so. republics notably in central asia is an element of u.s. global domination as a powerful ramified infrastructure any military base has the capacity to deploy units of agents supplying electronic intelligence. russia has taken adequate measures to counter such actions but i'm like nato it confines its activities to its own territory a radar station is being put on combat duty in the kaliningrad region russia's westernmost. systems are being deployed in the country's west and. they can hit any target within a radius of up to five hundred kilometers. what is most important is that the russian ballistic missiles are being gradually equipped with new warheads capable of overcoming nato's missile defense system.
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this lift carries people down to a secret radar station in european russia it's tucked away deep underground in a few minutes time major will be on duty to protect russia's space. to get everything about the station is classified the equipment behind these doors is the responsibility of special officers the station itself can operate autonomously it has its own power source and water supply and a ventilation system in. washington those only too well that russia can easily control the entire space of eastern europe this radio is one of the instruments the military installation
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protects the moscow region from attack by ballistic missiles it's thought to be controlled by russia's president who is also commander in chief of the armed forces . some time ago russia suggested to the united states that they jointly control the outer space over the middle east using a similar radio transmitter stationed in azerbaijan if nato is top brass agreed to cooperate they would receive reports of any unauthorized iranian missile launches that washington would see as a threat to america. or in his developed milicic missiles capable of hitting targets in a little east in eastern europe this poses a threat to u.s. interests in the region. i don't agree with the u.s. government belief that this is a serious problem with iran is doing is they're using very simple relit and nothing simple about rockets but the using very early generation rocket
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technology the only rockets they could build that could reach the united states would be enormous in size and not be mobile as say they would have to be launched from fixed locations where the united states and russia if russia joined the united states could monitor these these missiles many in the united states dislike the views of theodore postol he maintains that the european missile defense system is ineffective the scientist estimates that it has no chance of protecting the united states from a rainy and missiles instead it creates problems for russia if russia believes is the fence is not needed but it doesn't pose a theoretical threat to russia. my guess is that the russian government. if you want to spend your national treasure this will help you so it solves the political problem and it provides
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a much more capable defense there with the united states currently built in goods are. much cheaper. the professor believes that the purpose of nato is radar with europe is to track the movements of russian strategic weapons and to monitor russia's new military technologies. the real target could be russia but certainly it makes the people of europe less safe it draws them in in fact as a geo strategic pawn by great powers as they maneuver and use the missile defense shield not as a way to defend your not as a way to defend anybody in fact but to provide a first strike a potential capability against the adversary. this is how we are going to train ourselves in order to be ready for any situation . these people crossing
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a field of kelp have serious worries about the global situation. they feel that as long as nuclear weapons exist they need to know how to protect themselves. if they're to survive in the face of a real threat they need to have everything necessary close at hand. the coach tells them that a compass and a mobile phone unlikely to help. the problem is that we can only get our bearings by looking at tree branches there are more branches on the side where they are exposed to see. some light outside points to the south. the people involved in a survival experiment will have to cover several kilometers in full gear their training
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mission is to reach an abandoned military base where they can hide from the harmful effects of radiation. the close up team has been to the hub our of screen. where the country's middle wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our team goes to the area. was named after lenin would look into a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. than for the four by fours are made and can be turned it to the limit. welcome to the creature. russia close up on r.t.
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. the. line . would be soon which brightened if you only bought song from phones to impressions. from stunts on t.v. don't come. on. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day.
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alexandra's family live in a military camp that is off limits to the public. that keep going keep going. keep going. in a secret unit manning missiles when he's. always makes a point of spending time with his wife and children. he's well aware of the standoff between nato and russia. it makes him apprehensive about what kind of future awaits his sons. of course my wife and i often talk about the future. we would like to see a bright future without crises. and overdue we want everybody to live in peace and we want everything to be just fine.
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the i.c.b.m. so accompanied by a come back to school to the world today we have eyes covered ground very difficult conditions for a thrust forward to kill i do hope everything will pass off without any incidents. trucks carrying nuclear warheads lined up in a quiet glade the snowy forest provides good kemah flash for them together these mobile missile launches a cold and had gotten russian on the lingo they need to be ready for action at any moment. right dress section. come on major section chief says all reporting unit is ready. fully in. the aggregate for. for haste. intercontinental ballistic missile known as the s s twenty five to make this move a twenty one meters long it's almost two meters in diameter and weighs about forty
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five tons if you look despite its impressive propulsion the russian missile still hits targets with absolute precision mage's i'd say if john is making sure that the missile launches weighs in working order moving military hardware enjoy. the danger. with this is a highly accurate weapon it has a range of up to ten thousand kilometers and lands within not more than two hundred metres from targets. you certainly realize that for the purposes of a nuclear strike this means a direct hit. the united states cannot give russian legal guarantees the. missile defense system is not directed against it this would be the wrong move as the matter consumes the defense of need two countries. russia feels compelled to take countermeasures because the united states has refused to give legal gay.


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