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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2012 3:48am-4:18am EST

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years ago he's a three time winner but he's still hungry for more. well you know playing in this game it sucks to turn on the t.v. these days because you know there's so much every channel you turn on is talking about this game of the players in this game and as a as a competitor you want to be here you need to be here and this is this is why we work so hard you know over the years high school college and even the process of prepare for games like this elsewhere football's governing body thief has demanded a full report into exactly what happened on wednesday when more than seventy people lost their lives at a football match in egypt meanwhile in a show of solidarity hundreds of people came out to welcome home those who were caught up in the violence france packed into cairo's main train station and many on felt injection flags seventy four people lost their lives when opposing supporters clashed following a pitch invasion every single member of the egyptian f.a. has been sat following the incident it's also overshadowed the quarterfinals of the africa cup of nations but the shuttle to start on saturday. the first let's pray
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for those who lost their lives in the violence in egypt martyrs in my opinion reward them with paradise and base tell their families with strength and patience this is a very sad thing because football preaches love and peace and fair play everyone gets to say it in whether a player offend an official a referee or any person they have to bend their best behavior and i think this is extreme isn't as a result of intense fence brainwashing either from the irresponsible media or the way fans are organized we have to learn to accept results of matches because that's football. now on to basketball and in the n.b.a. the memphis grizzlies of registered their first win at atlanta for seven years the visitors had a ten point cushion at the break leading fifty three forty three the grizzlies then applied more pressure which led to a twenty four point advantage by the end of the third quarter rudy gay scored twenty one points including this reverse dunk midway through the period. only
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the final quarter was merely a formality headlines i had no answer to the grizzlies ninety six seventy seven the final school their. car maintained their one hundred percent record in the year early with a convincing victory over gala tasa right it was their thirteenth successive win the damage was done in the first and third quarters as the muscovites won them both by seven points the turks couldn't handle a powerful test car line up there not kristie it finished with a game high twenty points the likes of john gordon andre curling to the hole so unstoppable in the night helping the army men to an eighty five seventy victory. in hockey it was gold school or in the k.h. i was denied my moscow ended up on the right side of a five goal thriller they were three two winners against them or saving the third consecutive victory in the process our correspondent. has more. more sitting
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seventh in the eastern conference made the long journey to moscow from the russian far east and three defeats in a row and in order to avoid a fourth they were fired up and started confidently. on the score in seventeen minutes into the first period and the visitors won out how well it soon ended and dinamo started to dominate the game straight after the break sergei can cough levelled matters midway through the second period and just three minutes later sergei saw in full denominate front but the visitors never gave up the last period saw them firing at alexander edelman his goal course in philly apart from the old counterattack by the nama the most relevant less pressure was rewarded when alexander mccall and equalized for a move just ten minutes before the buzzer to cool off the sixty minutes send the two sides into overtime where every mistake counts and to the delight of the home crowd the must go it's just had the edge hot break for more as the nominees you're
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about been hit home the decider in the very last minute of the game. paddleboard slam of we're satisfied with the result of the game but there are some aspects which we need to improve surely the first of all a top power play because this could help us a lot in the playoffs continue to cover all that i think we've got a little bit unlucky who could have won during the regular time and also missed our chances to grip an extra point in overtime two points for the number one for a more meaning that the team from the far east will need to improve their standards be sure of making the forthcoming playoffs while olive's their oaks charges prepare for the cage shell final stages line an overall fill a position or tone rigor ians our city. now to moto g.p. australian case he started never pays to be in no mood to relinquish his world title the twenty six year old to set a truck record as he tested his new honda bike they say upon international circuit
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in the lazy earth he became the first ride ever to complete the circuit in less than two minutes he said valentino rossi his previous best by just under a second and rather ominously stein a says there's still time for improvement headed for the season. you know the way it's been really good to us we've been out of it to get us as many laps in as we can still not feeling great but the bike is with me now to make some more progress try and reduce the chatter a little bit more. and just try and you know decide in a few things couple different settings in the shop that we haven't tried before. and just a few other things that we've had to test on the. two winter sports now opponents you see in our county adore pettersen of sweden won the moscow stage of the cross-country skiing world cup to take the overall world cup lead constantine pathak off as the details. despite a great course constructed neal he's standing in central moscow live and was
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notably missing several top skiers money beyond him dire colonia and better not a folk who decided to skip the raise due to the extremely cold weather poland's giustina kowalczyk had a chance to lead from your game in the world world cup standings the twenty nine year old skier started the final slowly controlling the committee sion from behind but boosted her face with a few hundred metres to go to cool lead and didn't look back to claim her maiden three technique city sprint triumph while the russians not only good as they know and understand she had but sanker finish second and third respectively with this win couple chick took over the overall world cup lead this now snow is ready for the rehab and no money when he's that ice conditions i'm not so fast there but the thing with jordan i'm happy with this is in the men's can petition it seemed like the russians would take advantage of their solid squad home snow and cold weather however on the go in money love and liberty with flowered up to the final
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wellspring clear eyed except for the hook was eliminated in the quarter final to stay in the fourteen sport the russians were setting the pace at the start of the final but it was a lot better so to set the quickest lap the twenty four year old swede crew is bust his opponents to his first world cup victory noways under the glorious and it was second and the one cares show of canada ok by the third place better send there's no thirty seven points ahead of pit a hole topping the overall sprint world cup today i have got to finish and. i was trying to stay in the back of the first part of the track so i had a little bit more in there so. felt so good today must go stage of the world cup was one to remember with extreme temperatures dramatic races a new leader is in the overall standings and despite their harsh weather fans will no doubt be hoping it gave them two remains an ever present on the cross-country
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calendar his name but out of order to finally end biathlon russian you have gagne given chad has claimed gold in the men's technicality to sprint right at the seventh stage of the world cup in norway it was his first ever world cup victory the russian was perfect about shooting ranges on fast on the track on germany was second bronze went to a local start and overall leader and will take place when. all the support from a from now i'll have more for you in a little under two hours time say that. well the. science technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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closer to compromise the u.n. negotiates a revised resolution text on syria which russia's insistence is no longer aimed at regime change. after three days of intense debate united nations security council members are sending elements of a possible future resolution on syria to their governments for deliberation get all the latest details from new york and head of the program. more killings are reported in egypt after two days of clashes left more than seventy dead. criticize him doing enough. to ask the father of murdered we'll examine the union says he regrets accusing the kremlin of carrying out his son's death.
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on air and online twenty four hours a day this is out. russia is claiming a diplomatic victory at the u.n. after members of the security council agreed to take a more balanced stance on syria calls for the removal of president assad and the enforcement of a point you. have been dropped from a revised resolution text which is still pending approval but moscow is warning it will oppose any attempts to even hint at targeting the syrian regime. has more. after three days of diplomatic deadlock over this arab and western backed regime change resolution it looks like russia's calls that it would not support such resolutions have finally been heard and we're seeing somewhat of
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a game changer take place delegates and diplomats seem to have agreed on new elements that they are considering putting into a new document and we do know that these new elements are being sent over to governments at home for consideration approval and deliberation and for more we know the russian ambassador to the u.n. has said that this does not mean that anything has been fully decided yet and russia continues to reiterate that even if the hint of a regime change clause continues to be presented in such a resolution it would not be supported now what we what we're hearing and some reports that this clause will actually be nonexistent in this new text being considered whereas earlier the arab league and the west have been seeing that the syrian leader needs to step down if this does not happen within fifteen days further measures could take place another clause that we're hearing is going to be
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removed from this document is the arms embargo that russia has also been opposing but from what we understand what will continue to remain in a new text is a support of a facilitation of a political transition now of course i have to again say that some of the details are still largely up in the air some diplomats are saying that a vote could come very shortly as soon as on friday others are saying that it's going to take a little more time monday possibly we will just have to wait and see exactly how events play out the security council in the days to come. for us is committed to seeing a change of power in damascus in order to strengthen its position in the middle east to view politics post magazine editor. western interest in the conflict in syria isn't guided by wanting to advance human rights democracy or the rule of law in the region if it was about that then we'd probably see an american naval flotilla off the coast of saudi arabia which happens to be one of the most
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repressive regimes in the world it follows a pro western foreign policy syria is a huge player in middle eastern politics and the west principally america has a very problematic relationship with syria so it would be very much within america's interests for the syrian government for president assad to fall from power and for a more accommodating a more sort of pro western government to come to parallel should that happen that would give. washington almost food dominance politically in the middle east so instead of western governments the british and the american and the french ones talking about president assad stays being numbered they should be more responsible in their outlook and the main focus should be on bring in peace to syria. but i still ahead this hour the electrolyze on launching a web cam be presiding over the upcoming presidential elections in russia and then
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move on to more transparency now go over to haiti. see the question this is the year is aimed has it indeed risen from the dead well that depends on who you thought was the relate as a conflict of opinion going on thanks a bang while the day. remains optimistic i'll have more details in twenty minutes time nothing but them. two protesters have reportedly been shot dead by police in the egyptian city of suez only on friday the latest killings in what's now a third day of violence in the country in cairo clashes have resumed with protesters continue to lay siege to the interior ministry having surrounded it on. thursday more than six hundred were injured in pakistan. telecast sportswriters thousands of applicants from the radicals to prevent the death of at least seventy four or so to consider demonstrators are also calling on the ruling military council to step down
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professor of international relations mark almond says there are forces in egypt that actually want more turmoil. the police are very demoralized they took a beating if you like barak they were friends of his regime and the army eventually got rid of him but maybe people want to use this story. of the one hand the muslim brotherhood has accused the government of failing at being someone responsible for the riots they won the election to call them and they want a quick transfer part of them on the other hand quite a few of the people in the streets protesting on happy about the muslim brotherhood victory in the elections and they may feel that disorder on the streets might give them more interims if i have actually the electorate to launch egypt and then as i say that maybe people who say we need a four hundred mm you can provide it but either way it's not a happy prospect for transition to a better egypt. i would like to know what you think about what's happening in egypt
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today we're asking you why congress not yet returned to the country last year's resolution to log on to our web site r.t. dot com to take part in our latest poll. forty three percent of you to be speaking to supporters of ousted president barack assumed power two thirds say it's just a radical change of rest twenty one percent suggest that everyone evolution creates its own down. a minority believes that it's in the final resting for many protesters to have meant jobs go to r.t. dot com costume but one of them to check out what else we have for you on like today. israel increases the pressure on iran with pressure accusations about the scale of the threat from islamic republic. guided by google and its latest wave of upgrades john just. about that on the right side. of russian coffee house is holding
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a presidential election of its own don't think customers with the traits of their own. taste of the latest political from. the father of a murdered f.s.b. officer alexander litvinenko has made a shocking turn over claims that russia was behind the assassination of his son he says he regrets the accusations he made in the aftermath of the infamous two thousand and six killing in london by polian poisoning. who travel went to meet him . but. this is how we found like that litvinenko praying in his tiny telling apartment no electricity
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no gas no water. if it wasn't for the help of his people i would have died from hunger or frozen to death the last time i took a bath was on christmas eve. we expected more because six years ago after his son former aphis be officer aleksandr litvinenko was poisoned in london he was taken care of by some very powerful patrons. tycoon. and. and a tourist former chechen militant both hiding in the u k. yet you get extremist young dorsett there and he's giving a yapper here dorothy would be. one vitally opinion koz sent a letter asking to be interviewed by russian television we expected more of the same but instead we're going to
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a different if not be me that the meat of each if you're watching this program please forgive me for all the slander the thai said and wrote about you for the hatred i had for you even only i had known my son worked for british intelligence i would not talk about his death he could easily have been shot as a double agent betrayers should be short of story what else can i add to the holes in the view of. the u.-turn vowed to assess came when his sons we doe marina bin and co revealed to the british media that her husband had worked for m i six further details followed when a newspaper launched its own investigation alexander litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around two thousand pounds a month from the british security services at the time he was murdered it is understood that sir john scarlett now head of m i six and was based in moscow was involved in recruiting him to the secret intelligence service. at first by turnitin and cole like many others claimed his son had been poisoned with polonium two ten
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on putin's order the former f.s.b. officer and fierce critic of the kremlin alexander litvinenko spent twenty three days in a london clinic slowly dying from a toxic substance possibly consumed through a cup of tea even before police in london started questioning suspects the victim's father was actively kucing the russian government today by their admits he was saying only what the west wanted to hear. of course i realize russia's f.s.b. and the idiot enough to take polonium to london sprinkle it over some heads and leave traces everywhere and their suspect and a little boy is not a fool either it was anger and blind hatred speaking inside of me viger now believes his son fell victim to his own game of double agents now he wants his words to be heard but the media outside russia which once beat down his door for interviews now won't even reply to his requests. why is that because
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they like it when i scold the regime i was a root treasure for the end of the hall there are very few people who would say as many horrible things about as i did as well you know living in two thousand and eight was the only thing young called what russia for sanctuary in italy is settled in the sleeping quiet town of sinegal it offered to new anonymous life the man claimed putin was his number one enemy so hiding in europe he believed was the only safe solution today was there litvinenko is still afraid to open this door not because of putin though but because of his landlord to whom hill has a lot of money this miserable life has made him a slave of his sanctuary. but surely the namco sold everything he had in russia to come to eataly he opened a small business several years ago but it went bankrupt things got worse after the seventy three year old had buried his wife but her now fears her casket could be
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removed because he hasn't paid the cost of a very old plot and it's been months since the electricity was shut off to his flat he was lost forty euros went on a gas canister and that is gone to your this is how i wound myself of a book that i don't have in the door to let the southern wind inside. there is east only as russia through my homeland where for. tourists i want to go home to russia. i don't want to stay here. except in the church over our t.v. city ghalia eataly. well coming your way in the program a community conundrum muslims in the belgium are divided local and the good news for posing a radical was. the german chancellor is in china asking for help
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investment from the u.s. and it seems she might get it china's prime minister says the country is now considering contributing to european rescue funds either merkel is on an official visit to beijing where she's been trying to reassure the chinese about the economic situation. he also like to see beijing support a western stance on iran's nuclear ambitions joining the european bargain on oil in one islamic state analysts say beijing is an important player in the middle east and it's only interested in a diplomatic solution to the crisis in iran. and china is not the eve of sanctions and i believe that china we not reduce its import off oil from iran it doesn't mean that china is going to increase its import of oil from iran but i think china will use its influence in the middle east a way which is compatible with the principles of china as diplomacy and i believe
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that china even the easing a very strong body position in the middle east goes. to a lot of evil of course china is very good relations between israel but china is also good relations we. saw china re your power broker in in the middle east. where as the u.s. presidential campaign holds up we look at who the republicans may end up choosing to challenge barack obama here's a quick look at what's in our cross talk debate show that are today. for mitt romney to have a debate with the president on the health care reform bill it's going to be laughable because the bill that the president signed into law was based almost entirely on the bill that mitt romney signed into law in massachusetts. you're right he's not even going to be able to make that argument and the question earlier is is a conservative enough i mean how could anyone call him a conservative when he himself has called himself
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a moderate the real deal here is the republican party is trying to get the conservative grassroots to support the guy who lost to the guy who lost to obama and so there's this endless cycle of you know it's your turn that's being shoved down the grassroots throat he's been running for five years he already has organization set up in all the states plus the backing of goldman sachs and the republican establishment and the guy still can't break fifty percent i don't think he would do well in the general. it's a question of identity this integration is that the group in belgium is on the five views which people say go to extreme which was that was threatened by what used to sort of the polls. bearded wearing a comma flush jacket and constantly surrounded by men fought about his hard not to
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notice he heads the islamic fundamentalist group sharia for belgium in september the group opened the country's first sharia court in antwerp to mediate domestic disputes among muslims with our own system. of handling things if you want to accept it accept it if you don't that's your problem but there is a judgement day if you if you're a muslim you will go to paradise if you are this believer you will go to hell. any further controversy may have ended there if that was all there is to it but videos such as these. have caused outrage. the freedom of speech and. the hatred incitement to violence starts we have. leadership. he openly. said. i should.


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