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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST

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stunts on t.v. don't come. to be if you do so if you. think this is true this. is just press occupy protest player right across the u.s. as disgruntled activists target boards trade hubs in the fines of a relentless police crackdown. taking the plunge again russia's third richest man announces his second attempt to answer politics by running for president. and as brock obama celebrates the out of iraq occupation iraqis point to the devastated infrastructure and unstable government american troops are leaving behind.
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in the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina joshie welcome to the program now some of the largest yet i'll keep my protests have erupted across america paralyzing its west coast from the blog port of oakland to the shipping hub of seattle sauza it's up on sounds of disenchanted occupy movement activists have taken to the streets in defiance of a police crackdown our correspondent dan it should count as more from washington d.c. . seattle police used flash bang percussion grenades to disperse protesters who blocked an entrance to an order of the adult facility police said multiple people have been arrested they did not specify how many of those those protests were part of a national effort to block the west west calls for traffic thousands took to to go on boards from california to alaska to do this to disrupt what they described
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as an economic machine that benefits the wealthiest individuals and corporations and that's pretty much that's been the occupiers message from the very beginning they marched on boards in san diego los angeles oakland portland seattle tacoma anchorage in alaska the protesters cared for in need managed to disrupt the work of those major ports on the west coast in oakland the board there was almost entirely shut down same in portland in l.a. the effectively blocked trucks from approaching the board by doing that the occupiers to keep the message of the movement alive as they say they say they're targeting corporate greed and government complicity now a bit about why court the protesters say they want to cling to the profits of goldman sachs goldman sachs owns half of one of the world's largest transportation
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and shipping out for the occupiers it's a way to make a point to get back over this huge bank which has very much contributed to the financial crisis in new york occupy or so marched in solidarity with their fellow protesters on the west coast they took their message to goldman sachs directly marching around the banks a little lower manhattan headquarters almost two dozen people got arrested during you know what looked like a peaceful demonstration there in houston same solidarity demonstrations twenty people arrested so far is already saying. i successfully cracking down on those peaceful protesters across the united states this man doing their cams and making demonstrators around five thousand more than five thousand peaceful protesters have been arrested in the last three months those arrests though don't mean me you can be home live anymore that's what it seems like it seems to be hoped to have become business as usual dozens of demonstrators who get arrested every week over the
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weekend seventy people were arrested in san francisco now as occupiers are being forced out of their occupy the locations in parks and plazas all across america and members of the movement want to make sure that their message doesn't manage together with those ten is there. reporting there you can follow the latest updates on what's happening across the west coast right now our correspondent lisa defiance is on twitter and she's tweeting constantly about what she's seeing now these allay those protests have come as a surprise to many who predicted that was the demise of occupy tan towns the movements with fall away but philippe messina a journalist who's been covering the group believes the police crackdown has been a trial by fire and for task past it was flying colors. after an incubation period with the occupy movement really messaging and getting the message out across the country defying the media blackout and then they began ridiculing it then they
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could not be ignored the police began cracking down on the board made an effort across the country. and what's been happening in october for example and other across the country is that people are taking actions into their own hands and they're really sending a message to the system through the power brokers in the country that business as usual will mark until today will be another mass showing of power and solidarity by the occupy movement. they unfold across the west coast. and coming up later in the program europe's financial crisis drags on the british prime minister is plain as he is. veto to parliament as greece goes cap in hand to austerity inspectors once more. also hope springs eternal ukraine's former prime minister tries to avoid
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a seven year sentence for abuse of power at the country's highest appeal court and it reports she's in very bad health. the race for the presidency in russia has taken a new twist the country's third richest man says he's running for the country's top job and mart businessman may help progress ousted from the leadership of rivaling right cause party ahead of the recent parliamentary poll is optimistic about his second attempt and the politics r.t. sarah ferguson has more. mikhail prokhorov calling his decision to join the race for the presidency perhaps the most important of his life now is an unexpected me for the russian billionaire he's known for making his money in finance and metals and perhaps is the better known in the past the owning a basketball team and also for his exploits as russia's most eligible bachelor in recent times we see him playing the political field in the summer he agreed to lead
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right calls which is a new political movement aimed at intellectuals and businessmen and i is going to be running for the presidency and much as an independent candidates and against the backdrop of the tens of thousands of people we saw taking to the street on the weekend he said he's going to be aiming his presidential candidacy at the cool middle class now who's why evasive about his political plans we do know that the official registration for his candidacy is expected later on this week there's been some skepticism among analysts and against and indeed from the protesters themselves about what makes pro course political ambitions actually are a bit although they're not fully convinced at the moment he's certainly talking the talk he talks about this new political movement about society waking up saying that political forces that day to engage in discussions with society again to be swept
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away but russia's third richest man looks set to join in that presidential race in march to our first reporting there and proper of to. hands as a victory are uncertain but some analysts say at the very least he'll bring some fresh blood into the presidential race it makes the board interesting because he's a very good mother with finance here he's a businessman he's a sports personality he's internationalist so therefore he's a name that people will recognize and he would bring some. useful vigor if you like to the proceedings one would expect him to articulate some views from a purely economic point of view you haven't much experience of politics but you could argue about france you can argue about the way ahead for russia he may in fact attract the new class of the young professionals the under thirty five's and so on they want a voice. of me if i can offer that but of course being extremely rich man he's not
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going to the poorest population so i would say it was really going for the new middle class young professionals of the people who would like to be like. now don't hesitate to log onto our web site r.t. dot com if you missed something we're covering and it's the best place to get all the dates comments and analysis so here is a quick look at what can be found there at the moment. find out how a post office chief in moscow risked her life to make sure a local pensioners get their winter payments despite being shot by raiders. also secret now more iran says it will design and new spy craft based on a brand new american stealth drone it shot down over the country earlier this month .
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the war in iraq is coming to an am says brock obama whether withdrawal of u.s. troops set to conclude within weeks he was speaking at a joint news conference with iraq's prime minister who's on an official visit to washington obama says the troops are leaving a sovereign and self-reliant iraq but a rocky say after almost a decade of occupation their country simply cast adrift as artist sean thomas now reports. as two thousand and eleven draws to an end and historical chapter for iraq and the us is finishing as well the occupation is over to keep i'm glad that the americans are leaving who are still concerned because after the troops leave we do not know what will happen next meanwhile despite all the efforts by the us there is doubt that anything significant has been accomplished in implementing a new form of democratic government but i think that's why they're not. done with. the old system is it. and they spoke to him
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hoping to have nothing to loose this thing which is more done from said done. that's not what approach for generations iraq has been plagued by sectarian violence now moving forward there is concern whether different parties can agree to work together for the benefit of the country and the problem with us forces but i know. for sure that far from the corruption. but now the problem. by difficulties that voted. for this in their view and this is what we are such as now there is a fear that an ineffective government will leave the country vulnerable to outside influences so they're not ever going to be having to be doing that you know if you take a medical leave i think it's a bit of it is. going to be you know. you could you know it is
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a very loyal. yes i know it will. i thin funny phone. but there is no you know one of the problems here in iraq is that the infrastructure it was already crumbling but as the conflict progressed it was all but destroyed now the people living here say there's a lot of rhetoric about rebuilding but the political infighting and corruption is blocking any real progress the military is getting pretty big foot and i think what the n.s.a. done will not see get out of new projects bookkeeping you know and if it is easy to see the security just detailed it isn't that bad about it it's a good i think over and beyond the political challenges there has been an exodus of critical thinkers and educated talent in the country a much needed resource for any developing nation we hear people working in this a world where you can really they think so or we need you still believe i'm ready
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to go on to where you're going through this story because i think there. will be all the noise what kind of you want to look at the winter ok sure ok we will leave but you will come to me. i don't leaving iraq easy in a position of continued reliance on american resources in baghdad sean thomas party . the founder of the future of freedom foundation jacob hornberger told r.t. that iraq is will never put up with a regime brought into power by invaders and this nine year war and occupation has been an absolute disaster you killed countless number of people with this invasion occupation you've got us a regime that is dictatorial in every sense of the word there incarcerating people without trial holding that man definitely i mean it's part of a dictatorship that just happens to be democratically elected and there's people
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there that are never going to accept a regime that came into. existence complements of foreign empire that went in there invade it without any cause and then what happens with it we have to rock decide to go totally independent and oppose the us government then what happens with all those arm is just another recipe for giant mess well our team has spoken to a former indian ambassador to iraq who thinks the us withdrawing troops from the country does not mean an anti washington's presence in the full interview is coming up next hour but here's a preview. actually i think it's just the shuffle of the cards so as to speak because the americans not going very far they're just going to quit which is mexico and you can always come back because the bases will be kept intact and as i mentioned the twenty thousand strong us embassy most of that stuff except that in order to be there and secondly they have made sure that there is nor air force so they don't control the space forwarded
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are very very good. news that you can be in force a good whenever you want however you. it's a crucial day for the former ukrainian premier ula to shankill on tuesday it's her last chance to escape seven years of prison as a country's highest appeal court is set to hear her attempt to overturn a conviction for abuse of power are she likes he or she ask explains why the iron lady of ukraine politics is hoping for. experts are speculating how long it may take for the ukraine's highest appeal court to deliver its decision on the appeal against the verdict of yulia tymoshenko ukraine's former prime minister in fact it is unclear whether it may take several days but we do understand that the essential part of the hearings is starting today on tuesday experts are also speculating what
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their verdict what the decision by the appeal court would be and most likely they say the court will deny the appeal against verdict on october eleventh the country's former prime minister was sentenced to seven years in prison for abusing her power during signing gas deals with russia back in two thousand and nine the move which infuriated both the european union and russia which said that all those laws were all those agreements were signed in full accordance with the countries with the two countries legislation and the european union said that unless you are freed there will be no agreement on the association between the european union and ukraine signed any time soon now experts are also speculating whether they could be other reasons for you to be freed from the detention center where she has been for the last four and a half months poor health may be one of the reasons for the authorities to make such a decision it is understood it is believed that has
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a very serious diseases. spinal hemorrhage and also possibly some. sources report of blood disease. and that's why she's feeling bad she can't even walk as some sources say she has to be carried by armed guards when other she's been taken out of her cell in a detention center now the sentence for abuse of power which has already received is not the only accusation towards the country's former prime minister we also know of other deals of other cases against her including the texas. including the unlawful usage of money received by ukraine from the signing of the kyoto protocol and also several cases have been launched against connection with her business fifteen years ago when she ran the united energy systems of ukraine company. ask your pouring there from ukraine and still coming out of the program and internet
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spy scandal go maps app offers a bird's eye view of a top secret u.s. military base and citing a storm of accusations that a company is compromising national security. and land says five thousand people have now died in syria's uprising crackdown forcing international leaders worldwide to increase the pressure on damascus. british prime minister david cameron has taken a stand in parliament to the fantasy a new european union treaty changes were not of the country's interest and lacked sufficient financial save guards in southern europe debt ridden greece and or they were out of meetings with international staring inspectors seeking and neutrons. historian and author of folk never says where the latest rescue attempts the eurozone is just heading further into crisis. what we were doing is driving us deeper into a depression i mean we've now entered what is in effect the second great depression
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and just as happened in the nineteenth thirties europe's leaders are repeating the mistakes that deepened the depression in the thirty's which is to deflate in a crisis in a crisis you have to do the opposite if you do it if you impose austerity if you reduce demand you will drive the european economy deeper into deeper into mass unemployment deeper intimacy and that's the road which they're moving. is about removing any kind of democratic accountability and putting in place a system whereby there will be sanctions imposed on states that exceed their budgets that don't produce their deficits that don't pay off their debts in other words the unelected e.u. officials will be overriding to democracy you've been working in europe you know with the drive through the austerity cuts to. public services pensions benefits wages. and more economic forecasts coming out on the kaiser report just after seven
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thirty am g.m.t. is the time for banking big shots to take cover here's a quick taster. he was asked about this whole euro zone crisis and what he's doing and basically it's going to fall apart he believes that the presenter asked him do you own dollars then instead of euros and look at his response. i have a very special dog keep for you. the same police g. d r you know what i prefer to hold with bloody finally it's jumped on my bandwagon you know since two thousand and three i've been ninety percent gold and silver that's what we've been telling people to do it's worked out with this past decade it will work the same the next decade.
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google is at the center of a spy scandal the internet giant is accused of compromising u.s. national security and that's because one of its maps application shows a classified airbase used for testing top secret military drones investigative journalist ross baker thinks this case exposes washington's hypocrisy. what the news organizations that that spotted this saw and have published is a photo that very clearly shows what seems to be a drone the super secret drone on a secret air base near yucca lake in nevada and of course this is the type of technology that the united states government is desperately trying to keep away from prying eyes we know with this recent development with iran having commandeered and then taken down a drone and now they're reverse engineering it and learning about all the parts
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that then governments are under pressure like never before how are they going to keep their secrets governments themselves are extremely hypocritical they want to know everything about us and of course those drones are doing the exact same thing that the google satellites are doing they're zooming all the way in and they can actually see people's be equals and who's doing what you're taking pictures of everything so they want to be able to essentially prying into everyone's lives and have no one brought into what they are doing. to go get some other stories from around the world canada is the first country to pull out of the landmark nine hundred ninety seven kyoto climate change agreement the accord committed industrial nations to curb greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the rate of global warming the kyoto agreement will be substituted with another global treaty which the un drop on sunday that one will take effect by two thousand and twenty at the latest. united nations as around five thousand people have now died as
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a result of syria's crackdown on protests un human rights chief navi pillay once syrian leaders to face trial as the international criminal court by damascus called the allegations by saying there is only on the testimonies of rebels. a professor of the university of lebanon says the credibility of numbers given by the u.n. should be checked. well there are definite questions on the credibility of the syrian human rights observatory particularly when it comes to the number of victims that they are victims of the government atrocities many a time anyone who dies in syria they claim that these are victims of the syrian government atrocities you could say we have been several different function factions here working you have the united states and france and turkey and certain members of the league of arab states that of course are working very strongly to push for an allied government in syria a government that would do its wishing as a government that may be more akin to the jordanian government more it came to what
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he will but it wasn't egypt prior to his downfall government that would not not support resistance against israel a government that would work towards a peace agreement with israel a government that would open up its economies fully for the united states and that brings us up to date here on r.t.c. all the latest from the world of business coming your way now katie is here in the studio. welcome to the business program all my viruses all the scourge of the online wild many users well wide have seen that paso data wiped out by a single piece of malware but lost it as a criticism now increasingly targeting corporate level compared to systems as aussies correspondent michael craft ripples. now a virus is used to be created by disgruntled teenagers or so-called hacktivists the level of virus we're seeing nowadays definitely carries
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a distinct level of sophistication so when you alone post it with twenty eleven losses a port of one hundred seventy one million dollars thanks to viruses companies like labs here also predict the future where companies resort to closed systems in order to stave off fifty or file corruption now another thing hampering the industry is the emergence of free antivirus software which chips a lot of consumers into thinking they can protect themselves from next to nothing it's like kaspersky himself said if you want to go to work you can walk it's free but it took you ten times longer than if you spent some cash and caught the bus and bought a call now and finally there's some bad news for you mac users out there you think that your world is virus free think again. because just simply have not the time to take a live mate any kind of virus for apple users but with popularity growing for apple
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and macs we can be guaranteed that in the near future because we'll find a new can of worms which will be tailor made for apple's. now let's check out those markets oil is higher. in the previous session it took two lovers level and around two weeks about the year is that prospects brant land is trying to get out of one hundred seven dollars. as the markets tumbled on tuesday after racing as it sees fit amber weighed in on the latest plan europe's debt crisis japanese exporters were among the main decliners this amy says dropping every three percent and all the can make a home. soon enough. and here we are the markets have. traded on a negative night trying to. by the season losses in this is a down around one percent although at how soft from the to be capital says
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investors are staying away from the rest head of the christmas holiday. the market will remain range arranged around we're nearing christmas all the adults in this race will worsen the shuffler performers either before or after christmas holidays were entering year and obviously there are no reasons for year and relevance of it certain and at the same time there's a lot of uncertainly mainly stemming out of europe and so i think arranged and work is what we'll see throughout this week and the next and probably toward servian of years well given the level of concern seed it does look like a challenging year again it will press remain elevated that's poz for russian budget that's positive for for the oil and gas sector there will be providing have to have cash flows in the coming years. russian standard is mixing a wine and ford cup business cup tell cause a newspaper says the owner of the well known vodka ground is buying italian alcohol make again see up there it's worth at least one hundred fifty million dollars and here's made after so in the fall cream lime ground it works in sixty countries
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including portugal japan and finland russia has a long struggle to overseas offices whose alco business try to acquire vodka produce enough for three hundred million dollars however the deal fell due to shareholder conflict in ukraine company as if n l i'll be back in about fifty five minutes for another business update by. if.
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you. move them a. few to. me. if. twenty years ago are just.


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