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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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this is r t moscow our top stories tonight with almost all the votes counted in russia's parliamentary election thousands take to the center of moscow to voice their feelings about the outcome people both for and against the ruling party is staging massive rallies with over two hundred people ready to turn. the euro faces its biggest threat yet his member states may have a credit ratings downgrade it doesn't announce global markets reeling and that's leaders prepare a last ditch attempt to save the troubled currency it is meeting in brussels on
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thursday. and fukushima fallout tons of radioactive leak from the japanese nuclear power plant that was hit by that quake back in march are now fears the toxic fluid could have spilled into the pacific ocean over the weekend. the first part of a special report into how oil magnates driven by profit are getting away with killing off some of the wonders of nature. i. lead. lives
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. lived. lives . lived. lives.
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lived. lives lives. live . play except that. it. was.
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ok. thank. you i. thought. it's. thirty. so. what. is the goal of the twelve on to the crown when he wishes to rest he turns into a stone. he rules over the wild beasts of the jungle and when the shamans drink they come in contact with him and ask him to bring animals to community. and when
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the animals come into the community we easily hunt them down with blowpipes and share them as we always have. however the oil companies that have come here place explosives i'm dynamite in the earth to get the oil out of it they have taken our land and they are killing quote unquote by sucking his blood and polluting nature with chemicals. so our god is dying and we have no animals to hunt as we used to live with diseases and little food.
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i. in the old to do yes it was called no man's land the land with no history and no past. nevertheless it has been inhabited for
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thousands of years the siona see coolio shorn. and each one native tribes were living in harmony with their environment and no contact with the rest of the world. however at the big. you know this sixty years. war in the americas. was discovered underneath this jungle.
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at. the. coworkers were the first white men to arrive here on a massive scale in one thousand nine hundred sixty four. came in contact with development in the western civilization. of. when they saw the natives they are the texaco workers decided to feed them they gave them a bowl of rice with responds to. when they had finished eating they took the bar
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one spoon and left. this is an anecdote and because they say they will well was negotiated for a bowl of rice and responds. to. say they've only. given when you know borders. in the beginning everything looked great big machines but open roads in the jungle but then the pollution appeared i mean. that if the biodiversity disappeared everything died because there were fires burning day and night and i was in insects would go near the smoke stacks fall into the toxic tanks and i. guess
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what. few so. give i began to fall ill from endless as we didn't know if. we had shamans that cured with her but with the arrival of oil companies came many unknown diseases shamans tried to cure them but they couldn't because those diseases had just arrived. fifty five. i've
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. i've i've led. if i've. just flee. for their arrival of the oil companies we could drink the river water but now we can only drink from a spring because the rivers are polluted.
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but. it's. damn good life for us means having a lot of space because we live from nature now we protect the little land we have left because of the oil companies there is a very small area left to us and that is why we turn to handicrafts in order to survive.
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is that natives live there and the natives were considered by the state people they claim that this land is the desert of the area. tribes have been living there for hundreds of years but they said no one who lived there. said all right since no one lives there we will dump our waste into the river and those are the rivers where the neighbors fished based drank water and lived from the jungle. the neighbors were considered useless expendable yet they were all taking it all into consideration when. chevron texaco is not a human being like you and i. is a legal entity and such an entity cannot think such
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a thing has no feelings. see. this is luck. and you provincial town that popped up in the jungle only forty years ago. it is twenty kilometers away from the colombian border and field as the locals say when the three piece pewters piece stalls patrol we. get is a town created by settlers the government also granted them. jungle to the forest and cultivate. there were poor misty sauce and blacks people from all over ecuador who came to work in the new industry filled with hope today there were thousands of
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disappointed impoverished residents. it's. sad if this is pasture land this pastures grazed by animals that produce the milk and meat think go to the market. you can see it more clearly here. look. at this pure oil. it's ok paul is here but anyway there's oil here also. it's. all this area all that you say is polluted with oil this entire place.
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how much they never used membranes or any other material to prevent the absorption of hydrocarbons by the soil and they're spreading to other places that no.
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production waters are closely linked to all oil produced energy texaco was known the impact of production water since the one nine hundred sixty s. you know just have systems in place for their safe handling such as the reinjection in the drilling. they look at who however here in ecuador these methods were never used. by in the usa a country where they came from. sea up and they applied a technology that didn't allow for any dumping in the reverse. gas burning or leaving open waste but. this isn't the law but here knowing full well they shouldn't do it they did so anyway. because that way they saved four billion dollars and the reason is obvious it amounted to money why should they reject
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production water to save the lives of some poor natives. you little goose losers i say all this is absolutely false. the company began operating in eastern ecuador in one nine hundred sixty four using all the latest technologies next door as in the rest of the world. both of so what is said is pure propaganda by people who attack the company we're all busy seeking economic benefits for me cause we don't need.
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this right here is pure oil where the diseases come from. the air when mixed with water the smell is awful. something you cannot stand.
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this is. this is the toxic tank left here by texaco. i think there's a hole four meters deep. home and you're going when i came here the pool had already being constructed but back then in the mountains it didn't seem that bad. and then they say they cleaned and burnt the waste but they didn't. come in that they
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only through wooden earth on top of it. and nothing else. thank. you were. they filled it with earth in order to fill up the holes left after the deep pollution. and on top they put plants polos don't base nor agreement with the government on how restitution would be done. it's pure oil but if you let my camera can't records but the smell is absolutely disgusting. and when it's sunny the stench is even stronger.
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of course when it rains the toxic waste spreads elsewhere that is why pollution here is parametric economical but in a big company it has tremendous repercussions on the people and that is why in the amazon cancer rates are much higher. there are one hundred forty seven percent more cancer cases that in other areas of a country which have no oil activity. thank you i could i. thank.
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god thank you i. thank. these of the toxic substances that kill our people. we have the highest cancer rates in the ecuadorian amazon over fifteen hundred people have died from cancer. that so people die from cancer all across the world from all causes and effects between oil and cancer have never been proven it's never been medically certified they say there are children with cancer well let's suppose there are no one has
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proven that it is because of the oil. it is to see how they degrade the natives telling them all is a fertilizer for their plants and farmlands if there is a ceiling your property be happy for oil is the first allies they tell them oil is good for the here because there are shampoos with the world so you can take some oil and put it on your here. areas the drinking water was proven polluted however they went there with a team performed analysis and told them you can export this water bottle it and export it that it is very good quality water. before the oil companies refusal to recognize the destruction there was also
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a refusal to inform people about the damaging effects of oil and talks acceptance is his stance just because something he knows. he's done doesn't mean yes. there were communities where children would chew the crude oil because it was thick. felt it was like chewing gum things and no one absolutely no one had told them those substances were toxic. you know nothing he never put up a fence saying but no entry for animals children or people linked in must mean you know and that's bad so the pollution spread everywhere. simpy people that chewed it like gum in the tanks when you have unless beastliness shifted the crude oil floating on top of the rivers and dip their cup into drink and no one had told them the substances were talks like.
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wealthy british style. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report. the each.
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has its. fuses. he's coming. in and if the semi. how many.
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