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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EST

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please please. please . a moscow rally in reaction to russia's parliamentary elections descends into an unauthorized march and scuffles with police. cutting back tires with russian response offers envoys beaten by security forces and apparently kremlin criticism of its u.s. stance on the arab spring revolutions. and the final leg on the road to bridge the entire eurozone credit ratings are on the blog as leaders make a beeline to brussels for a last ditch attempt to salvage the currency. news
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twenty four hours a day this is a welcome to the program with the final results of russia's parliamentary election still due overall picture of a brand new board of lawmakers is already clear united russia party has secured the lead but the ruling group is seeing a significant drop in popularity let's cross live now to. this because here in the united russia's failed to retain the dominant support it's enjoyed how would it change the party's life in that part. of that would mean that united russia is the ruling party has lost the much needed constitutional majority with almost one hundred percent of the votes counted the party has garnered just under fifty percent of the vote the communists came in second to third place by russia with liberal democrats on the full police the three other parties feel to get the
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required. per cent of the vote needed to get seats in the duma now those are not yet final but the results indicate that the party which has crushingly dominated the country's politics for years now is. track to lose its two thirds majority in the duma welcome kerrison in the two thousand and seven elections united russia got sixty four percent of the vote and now it failed to get the constitutional majority and also it didn't get that all important fifty percent mark which is the so-called psychological barrier to say the top of the country is on the side with you that means that the ruling party will have to learn to find compromises with other political forces in the country and maybe pull my polish in with that and not the policy or even parties and united russia's top brass have already said that they're willing to publish in this tube now those who didn't make it into the the actual
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race have been expressing their anger over the result to tell us more about that reaction. on monday as several thousand protesters took to the streets in the capital and van to the restraint shown with the duma both police say that between seven hundred to two thousand people came to the rally and like other rallies of this kind this rally was sanctioned by the authorities protest this john to merely actions russia without rob illusion and shame the police didn't interfere in the rally by one hundred south protest as one to along with the rally outside the route and they attempted to disrupt traffic they were faced by they faced police cordons and that resulted in hundreds of arrests a similar situation wasn't sent it is very clear also several thousand people to praise some of them rallied in support of these all that party others
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just went out to the streets to protest the election as a whole and also there was a rally organized by a pro here not a russian activist taking place and most of that where you want to run smoothly without incident was only a while international observers some of them claim that there had been violations when it came to the news of the boat others say that the boat was. the boat was transparent and objective and those violations were insignificant to the results of the vote and mission of betty ford mondeo that any any accusations of the actual electoral fraud will be investigated and those found guilty of any richmond's would be prosecuted to the to the fullest extent. ok. thank you for that update. from the institute well the column in international relations believes the moscow protests to be flouted public order there was to get attention. position was
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given their best square in downtown moscow even as the place they were given was better than the place of the supporters of the. russians the problem was that they wanted still a block of the traffic in downtown moscow which is very congested and walk to. the election commission probably the federal security service which absolutely paralyzes their congested traffic and downtown mosque where they were refused to do this because it was not it was not permitted by the city officials the idea was to make a show of conflict with police and of course riot police had to stop it. all russian journalist yvonne ski says when opposition groups start stirring up street trouble political mayhem can follow the opposition has shown itself and these are many disparate groups and actually some of the most charismatic quite scary so
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what we see is not only the rise of street politics but also. the segmentation of difference of a positional forces. from from what i see for on you tube and other social networks people react. sometimes. in a negative way to what is happening because. you know street politics. sometimes really scary and i think that russia's conservative public can read the beginning of sort of street politics as a sign that they should mobilize finally behind the leader. helping you keep track with the developments in russia's parliamentary elections get the latest facts and figures on our website at r.t. dot com. i.
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russia scaling back its relations with qatar following an attack on its envoy in doha the soltys being linked to moscow's criticism against qatar's u.s. backed position of unrest in syria is going to chicken reports with washington's weight behind it qatar feels it can get away with anything. a small country with gigantic ambitions qatar with a population of less than two million people embarks on an aggressive plan to shape their war old playing in tune with washington's policies in the region could target gain diplomatic weight it never had before they could tyreese feel as if they've got enormous backing and that they've become sort of larger than life as a factor in the politics of the region they're currently the chairman of the arab
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league and they've used that position to press for the most aggressive kind of action against syria could target became the first gulf nation to close its embassy in syria in july qatar is also reportedly funneling syrian rebels with weapons as it did in libya. the country's cheerleading rolling revolutions in the middle east and north africa has earned qatar cheers and applause in the west or is not only supported diplomatically but is also supportive of military. partnership between our two countries is a model everyone's beginning to notice the u.s. went from once branding the qatar funded al-jazeera a terrorist channel to openly praising al-jazeera al-jazeera has played a key and leading role but qatar has come under increasing criticism from russia
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for its aggressive involvement in the affairs of other countries in the region last week a daughter airport the russian ambassador to qatar with two other russian embassy officials were physically assaulted by qatari customs and security officers when they made an attempt to confiscate the russians diplomatic bag because of the incident moscow has downgraded formal relations with qatar but get a sense that anything that they do to really stick a finger. in the rush or any of the other bric countries will be applauded in certain circles in the western rewarded so yeah i think it's all of it's all about that since you know they're in the front. russia is not for when you around this syria issue these said and took place on the same day as russia's foreign ministry criticize qatar for supplying weapons to levy and rebels in violation of a un arms embargo the us which has a military base in the country has qatar's full backing for its ventures in the
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region with syria now in play washington is betting high on doha qatar has been put forward as the arab face on this bullying operation tiny qatar empowered by the us is now playing big striving to shape the turbulent region in its favor the incident at the airport with russian diplomats shows what happens when someone gets in their way i'm going to check out reporting from washington r.t. . meanwhile hawkish in washington are calling for a review of relations with pakistan they accuse is on about of supporting terrorist organizations it's freezing cooperation that was triggered by a deadly nato attack on pakistan's border foreign policy and thinks america is planning to leave pakistan by the wayside. i think what's happened is that the united states has made some decisions about its strategy in the region both
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in central asia and in the south in south asia that essentially is going to cut pakistan out of the formula and i don't think united states cure is very much what's going to happen after withdraws its troops in two thousand and fourteen and i think they would rather not withdraw their troops which is the nub of the problem because just on november second russia china iran and pakistan had a meeting in istanbul which they all agreed that they would pressure the united states not to leave troops in afghanistan and i find it very difficult to imagine it is fallout in relations between pakistan and the united states is not somehow try to that position. or another air of u.s. interest is also facing increasing diplomatic isolation iran is warning against a new washington backed sanctions over its nuclear program which will target its or
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the exports it says they may more than double fuel prices most of the on the national iranian american council says such sanctions when the choke already struggling western economies. but these are saying that. this is the sponsors that actually acknowledge ok this is going to raise gas prices a little bit here in the u.s. it might in my you know take away some jobs here in the u.s. but it's so important that we need to do it even though we've never seen these sanctions actually work meanwhile in europe they've talked about imposing similar sanctions actually imposing an embargo on iranian oil exports so that europe wouldn't be able to purchase those and it looked like they were going to go through with it until spain italy greece said now hold on we're teetering right now if you actually raise gas prices here if you cut off our oil imports from iran we're going to go under that's going to create far more damage. than we could expect from actually pursuing a different course with iran focused on
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a way out of this sort of escalating confrontation. and more towards diplomacy than just pressure for pressures sake. whether you can get the news whenever you want. including japan's i watch an expensive super cost smash eight hurries to misstate isn't one lamborghini we know what's going to be the world's costliest car crash thankfully no serious injuries but the footage on life. on the voyage of russia's martian road was over before it started two hundred million dollars for the most recent probe begins breaking up after being stuck for a month until the let's move it to towns right.
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the euro's time is almost up so says one of the big three credit rating agencies as it prepares for a massive eurozone debt downgrade standard and poor's announcement shook international markets. with an investor's cutting running on the pin holdings especially worrying this time is that even germany. is being spared the agency justified its decision by pointing out the blocks consistent idea to stem its debts in this nation's interest rates but that when all is not lost the need is generally brussels on thursday what's expected to be the last chance to come up with the finish of solution. test australia has this report. the years of crisis has been good fodder for cartoonists but it's no laughing matter for major rescue packages numerous unpopular measures two years and hundreds of billions of euros in bailouts later it's still in need of a shot for that elusive big bazooka solution hopes are high that december ninth
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e.u. summit will finally be a decisive day for the future german chancellor angela merkel is pushing for a treaty change with a fiscal union as the end goal she wants brussels to have veto powers over national budget plans that breach e.u. limits automatic sanctions for debt violators a day of court for repeat offenders. in a word merkel wants to impose discipline french president nicolas sarkozy is generally on the same page but is resisting giving more powers to brussels whoever pays the piper gets to call the june germany price we've all of you in the euro zone want to keep the single card safe you must be prepared for that you must be prepared for giving up your fiscal sovereignty perhaps maybe you can even save some public money by this solving your national finance ministries but this german
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m.e.p. begs to differ but what is the sovereignty for germany at the moment paying billions and billions of risk there's no sovereignty we are forced to do this because the euro is with reality so basically. regaining sovereignty by sharing it on the european level is what the whole operation is about. while germany may be for greater fiscal integration it's dead set against the euro bond idea or euro countries sharing debt and idea pushed by the european commission albeit renaming it stability bonds in effect italy's debt interest rates for example would go down from its worrying six to seven percent level while germany's would go up merkel's response is a resounding no germany won't let the deficit sinners off the hook by taking on their debt if sarkozy ever got his way he'd like the european central bank to act as a lender of last resort but again merkel said no she won't let the e.c.b. swoop in to save the day at least not until countries learn to keep their finances
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in check but it's widely seen that the e.c.b. will have to expand its role one way or another and it's already considering it and what of other e.u. members who don't use the euro the idea of a two tier europe or the euro zone and the rest doesn't sit well with a major economy like the u.k. . the euro is successful because a lot of our trade depends on it but on the other hand to us if there's a group a central group which are in the euro as another group which is not who makes up the rules which control the single market it appears that any plan agreed upon will have to have germany's backing all merkel dismissed the idea of germany dominating europe as absurd although that's how it's increasingly being perceived for better or for worse tests are still r.t. brussels. from the onset of crisis discussions have been rife about who's to blame for the reckless borrowing that started it all from populist leaders to profit
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addicted banks of escape have nothing to point to the british euro and he called for a blue believes the responsibility lies squarely with germany and france. the first people to break the rules i think was in two thousand and three with the french and the germans by breaking the maastricht treaty sixty percent of g.d.p. rule so they've been breaking the rules everybody's be breaking the rules they continue to break the rules so the whole thing is a complete shambles and they're trying to strap sell it's a pull everybody it's not working for thing it we are now what we're missing the end game it's over. if the euro had been a hole so they would have shot it on the professional economists i've been thirty five years of professional economists this isn't about politics this is a bit about economics and i've never known in the history of the world politics beat economics water doesn't flow uphill last long and short of it forget my politics it doesn't really matter the long and short of it is this project is
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doomed to failure it was always tuned to failure and moreover i would have the people responsible i would have them arraigned i would have a fiscal crimes tribe you knew him i would like to see some of these people sent to prison. well various move to the temps in europe to harmonize its finances have sent markets some of the new coaster ride but some international investors are making record profits from the chaos yet except that i'm discussions into these kinds of reports when i was time. bank breaks the law they changed the law if the government is failing to do what they were elected to do they change the definition of what it is they're supposed to be doing or they change the statistics that they are reporting to somehow reflect them in a better light because this is how in fact they make money they probe the globe's financial orifices and they root out all the detritus that they find there as collateral for five hundred trillion dollars worth of anus collateralized j.p.
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morgan strength or bonds which are the basis for jamie diamond christmas bonus. on the hearts of the e.u. there's one place that's long been struggling to achieve a much talked about unity until now belgium finally has a new government after a record breaking five hundred twenty days of deadlock sensuously group will take charge of a new coalition which will have to sort out reforms and cuts to belgium's really corny the last government quit in april twenty ten after failing to resolve internal disputes. are very coast's deposed president has appeared in the hague on war crimes charges don't plunge the country into civil war after refusing to accept defeat in last year's election resulting in around three thousand deaths widely accepted were mentioned to power after french and un forces moved in but bear was
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flown to the netherlands last week was the first ever x. head of state to appear at the tribunals. a series of bomb blasts of torn through crowds of graeme's in central iraq killing thirty three people mostly women and children more than eighty others were injured as they gathered during a religious festival of violence comes amid concerns over the future of iraq and security wants later withdraws its troops in a couple of week's time. the pristine tropical forests of the amazon are in down as the nuns of our planet as well here they did today all that is at risk with the relentless march of energy giants in their hunt for oil.
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the latest business news with a touch. it's twenty two minutes past ten am here in moscow you're watching the business program on r t a new russian parliament has been chosen but many of the challenges remain
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the same a number of these a long term project such as building infrastructure of privatization due to changes in the constitution this duma will sit for five years rather than four benares from business new europe thinks the extra time will help get things done. all of the problems that russia faces have to do with long term planning and you know massive amounts of reform rebuilding restructuring investment what have you and this sense it's not like a western democracy and so given that what needs to be done is actually pretty obvious i mean you need to invest in the education system you need to invest into infrastructure to power to rails transport you know all these things it's very obvious what needs to be done and so in that sense having a government that's in power a little bit longer which can concentrate in the job in hands is probably a positive thing. with a new parliament now formed many in russia waiting for the privatisation programme to get back on the priority list bruised our from there in the capital says the
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government has done a good job so far and encouraging investors to inject some cash into state owned companies. the government for several years has been making an effort to improve transparency and to improve governance soon companies but now you're actually seeing the fruits of that effort so last last week when goes from announced its students were higher than expected of you know almost two hundred billion rubles that goes from as dividend yield of almost five percent that's higher than. the time chevron and so that's an open and petrobras successor so the government is actually taking you know very dramatic steps to pay you to be a minority shareholder and then you see increasing transparency in dividend payouts from a host of other student companies so you know the general story is that the government's efforts to improve corporate governance among student companies are now rewarding you substantially as a minority shareholder so that's you know what we keep an eye on. and it's time now
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to have a look at the markets crude prices are in the red as the euro retreated against the dollar that's after standard and poor's place fifteen the eurozone economies on a watch list for a possible downgrade in the next three months the light sweet is currently trading at just under one hundred dollars a barrel brant is at one hundred nine and a half dollars. asian indices a widening their losses in the wake of the s. and p. warning tokyo and hong kong are down more than one a quarter percent each banking stocks are among the main losers in hong kong this season the bread after the london received a large fine by the u.k. regulators over the sales of some securities to the elderly bucking the general trend or to your list of shares of citi group they rallied five percent tracking citigroup's have to gains on wall street overnight. the russian markets opened
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a little work and sympathy with asia the r.t.s. is shedding just under one and a third of a percent in my six is down almost one percent. hershel's insurance companies seem to be resilient against the global economic downturn research by consultants all over wire and shows that most insurers expect their businesses to have grown thirteen percent this year and up to twenty percent next year they also forecast more consolidation as a result of the new capital requirements reducing the number of germs firms formed more than five hundred eighty to about two hundred with a full year's. russia's biggest mobile phone retailer euro set is planning to buy one of its main rivals all telecom commerce on daily says the seventy million dollars deal would help euro said five hundred twenty stores to its chain the total number of the outlets would then top five thousand. that's all
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from the business theme for now but i'll be back in about fifteen minutes i'll see about. that.
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it's all designed to keep you close in your own small world as a prison. you know you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a stress positions. you have this fear of the unknown in this stress sort of building and. i've seen interrogations go on ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson and. slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy cause or war coming up here into iraq into baghdad. johnny pulled the bodies to the floor which is the rock n roll band it was fitting for the job we were doing.
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well with. serious technology innovations all the years developments from around russia we've got the future covered. the each. to move to just stick to. six. six. six six. zero and.


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