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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EST

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welcome back you're watching r t here is a look at the top stories a new low in relations following a nato air strike which killed more than twenty of its soldiers pakistan says it will now play no part in a key international meeting on building a secure afghanistan as not a bot is also said to permanently close a vital military supply for its territory. britain has evacuated staff from its embassy complex in iran and has warned iran of serious consequences after angry protesters stormed the facility this follows london's decision to impose more sanctions on the country over its nuclear program. doubts are cast over it it's
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parliamentary elections as protesters continue their demands for the military rulers to step down a record number of hopefuls have turned up to vote for change in the country for the first time since president mubarak was toppled. possible serves persist with putting up roadblocks along a disputed border despite nato forces clamping down with tear gas and rubber boards protesters have been mousing barricades for months to defy a cause of authorities imposing a trade ban with serbia. two years might sound like a long time but when you're trying to finish building an olympic city from scratch and the heat is most certainly on the russian resort of sochi may still resemble a construction site but organizers of the twenty fourteen winter games there say everything will be ready in time and told them to their word the president of the international olympic committee has just paid a visit. yeah
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the present danger nationally thing could mediate so great to have you here with us in sochi i know it's not your first time in the city and your first time inspecting and a link big facility what is preferable to actually modernize existing facilities to a big city like in london thank over beijing or build everything from scratch like in sochi or world we have no preference between the two types of project what is the quality of the game for deity so we first look at the welfare of the athletes and then we have two options either we go back to a city that has already organized the games we refer to refurbish and we upgrade it we start from a virgin part of the country and we build
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a complex like the one in sochi. because that is but the quality of the game for peace comes first what you've been expecting sochi now how is it looking what have you seen so far so far very peaceful i think the team any chance or we respect that all the deadlines we see is strong support of probably go to the government but also the corporate world the russian federation is very supportive there is you begin to zero population so we have police not the cost of the winter olympics in sochi is actually estimated between twenty and thirty billion dollars which is ten times more than games in vancouver from what you've seen is this cost justified absolutely now you have to distinguish the appreciation of course from the investments by the government. the operational costs that is what it costs to organize the games for a period of a month he said that two billion us dollars this is the same sum as vancouver
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this is the same summer studio so the operational costs do not augment the relational cost funded by local sponsorship by ticket sales but also by support of the international olympic committee to the organizing committee what makes a difference is the fact that in some countries you need to build from scratch everything this is the case in sochi because this is a new sports resort and we had just to have rape and existing went to school too so that makes a difference but you cannot count this cost as being done for the olympic games and two weeks of competition this is going to leave a great legacy to the country you will have now in sochi the russian federation a state of the winter sports resort and region something that did not exist before he will have another great of the of the airport that would benefit for the
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population and you would have new roads a new procedure and you sewage system so it's not just the games it is the city as a whole thing that whatever is being built in sochi right now for there would winter olympics could also be used as a venue for other massive international sports events absolutely you would have the formula one copy. or you could stage regional events you could say two or championships and you will states who are championships in the winter sports are severely b. games many many i know that security is also among the top issues during the olympic games just how much of a challenge is it in sochi compared to london for example you cannot compare two countries securities are always of paramount importance we have hardware in munich seventy two the security has to be on top of the priorities and it is on top of it it is the work of the local local authorities it is the work of government they
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only have the means to do for security and i trust completely the russian authorities in this respect for example when you choose a venue for games to take into consideration the mentality of the people who are hosting i mean the locals for example in in sochi but the games are organized by local people the games are not organized by the international olympic committee we supervise we advise how we should both financially but the whole the whole identity is made by the local organizing committee look at. the summer games in athens this was the identity of coming back to the civilian piece of the recessing friend after friend to get into the game. beijing identity was the most populous country in the world. will be the city that has invented modern sport because football and many other sports were invented in england so the identity
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will be something very local always as sochi would have its own identity if you think about in your own words what makes sochi so special for ireland thanks. a lot of special things definitely it will represent the winter aspect of your climate and your country of course in the summer it's not the case that russia has been invented fight with snow and ice and winter i mean. the even you history with spade a major role in conflicts and wars so too will definitely be also the unique combination of beautiful see the black sea and the mountains you don't have that many times because this vicinity of very high mountains with perpetual snow and the sea and the beach that's going to be a unique. unique circumstance of the sparks of the nature is the key to the sochi olympics yeah absolutely to another subject i know that you've admitted that illegal betting is one of the main threats to modern sports i was wondering how can
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i. prevent it is it even in your power to do something about it. we can do a lot by monitoring the sport results. we can do a lot and that's what we are doing we can do a lot by monitoring. the betting line and working we see an abnormal profile of betting for a particular match then we can start an inquiry and we do this with governments because we need the support of governments to crack down the street as some say that doping is even less of a club and illegal betting which i agree nowadays doping is as dangerous for sport as he did or betting i put them side by side i think there's not one that is more important than the others we have to fight doping we have to fight. illegal betting just because we've been talking so much lately about in the combating everyone's interested in what is it exactly i mean how hard is it to track down
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these people what are they called illegal batters are they lonely criminals or is it like an organized crime group you have two types you have the law and the lonely betters. and you have the organized crime that where they would with clearly the criminal gangs who put very high bets sports results and then they go and see the athlete or the coach or the trainer and they manipulate the results of the match and this you know generate a huge amount of money and all of that is now possible because of broadband internet because you need to communicate from one part of the country or one part of the world to another this bad thing is we very sophisticated how big of a share a business is it can you compare it to something like track trafficking of prostitution or it's not that proportionate the f.b.i. has cultivated that there was more than one hundred fifty billion u.s.
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dollars in illegal betting last year per year yes fifty billion. you cannot open a newspaper nowadays we've got hearing that that has being the match fixing and contrie a comfy be controversy it is widespread around the world you know that landon allin pickings will mark the end of your leadership i see what would you say is your successes greatest challenge is often called to say must my challengers i mean you know definitely the chalice would be the quality of the games chargers who would be to contain the cost and the complexity of the games not to make them to be high for very hard for. the challenge would be to fido being to fight they did a bad thing but that is also something we've started to address. to make young kids move more because that is a lack of movement and many young kids. in front of t.v.
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screen be. a p.c. or feed your game on i pads or television and many confiscates are sitting too much and not moving and this leads to a busy at two other diseases like diabetes so we have to keep the young people moving and that's also my responsibility and the one of my successor. the president of the international olympic committee thank you very much for this interview my pleasure. to go through ten year old boy. we train him out of jail we his officers develop the orders for them so. that we never explain to them why it's ok.
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most people at the point of looking down in time to pull the trigger became conscientious objectors. i don't remember squeezing the trigger and i am i don't remember seeing him go down well i remember is that we shot at him. it's a. look. at the other side are soldiers too and soldiers do what soldiers do and they're trying to kill us we're trying to kill them and that's just the ugly face a war there's. nothing honorable and killing. i went to the war zone and i started seeing how i need to check. in on a way to do there to not pick up a rival and kill another person that's why i'm applying for concerts zero. zero
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zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero zero whether it's life in the fast lane or the slow boat to anywhere. they shouldn't alongside. natural science and technology updated. the diversity of this land in such a mug colored. politics circle otty. says
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. more news today violence is once again. flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to look for a shelter on the day. which . phone watches you every single move. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw men with a video camera so i moved over and she phoned me so most of. you know we realized they were following everyone from early in the morning most of those are. the only shows to get rid of him. just to reveal him.
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to. me. on r.g.p. . and it'll all end relations following a nato air strike which killed more than twenty of its soldiers at his stance as little now play no part in an international meeting on building a secure galveston as lamb of god is also said to permanently close and vile military supplies for its territory. where it was evacuated staff from its embassy complex in a lot of gas warrant iran of serious consequences after anger of a task for storm the facility this follows along the decision to impose more sanctions on the country over its nuclear program. doubts are cast over it it's a parliamentary election as protest as continue their demands for the military rulers to step down a record number of hopefuls have turned up to vote for change in the country for
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the first time since president mubarak was toppled. possible sort of persist with putting off roadblocks along a disputed border despite nato forces clamping down with tear gas and rubber bullets and protesters have been mounting barricades for months to five cars one authorities imposing a great band serbia. so the at headlines here on our team interests here next with the way the sports news. good to have a company again and coming up the bill. changing. patrol will decide on his formula one future. returns to the sport with bread a. day. six games take place
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across the continent. and aim to the last. for a but. still in the carling cup. but first russia. says he'll make a decision about his future by december tenth after former world champion kim there are going to announced he'll return to the sport with next year thirty two year old reckoning won the title in two thousand and seven but this sport in two thousand and nine to pursue a career in reading. has decided it's time to the f one track he signed a two year deal with which will become lotus in time to twelve saying he was impressed by their ambition meanwhile the draw finished tenth in the driver's championship this season one place ahead of teammate. the twenty seven year old russian has been given a contract for next year but his manager says he'll decide on his future over the next two weeks with the decision was an easy one. coming back to form on i think
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the main main reason was that i never really lost a passion and raising him for more on memory on the on the things around it when i did some nascar races and states and. i would start to miss more and more of racing side to race against each other because in the rally you. cloakroom less so. as for the missing. football match the city booked a place in the semifinals of the carling cup following a one nil win against arsenal it remained goalies until the eighty fourth minute when substitute said errors called the winner there so city cardiff in the last four we saw at home and liverpool and charges scored two on asa goals at chelsea the semifinal draw will be made after the last quarter final push between may and crystal palace later on wednesday. in spanish football barcelona have moved within
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three points of current law legal aid to israel madrid after four new victory over rival economy alexis sanchez found the back of the net twice there for the catalans at their camp. cain on the twenty ninth and forty first minute fare added one more at the end of the first half to make passes lead a very comfortable messy contributed with a goal of his own straight after the break to complete the route it was the sixteenth of a campaign for neil again finished there the defending champ of the us recovered from saturday's shock one the first defeat of the season by tougher. want to be roper league now where in group a rubin take on irish side shamrock rovers in the third game of the day while the second fix of the group will see top from hosting park currently leading the standings chank was set to be in the starting line up for this game but unexpected knee injury will keep him away from action meaning
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jermain defoe will begin upfront remember the english men just a point behind the greeks and recall with rubin but only third position on goal difference that means their correct temperament should try to age they splash in order to escape a stressful finish of the group stage in two weeks' time. a must win game. i think that if you look at the group and. you surely can see rubin. respect to share going to rubin is a very difficult game for anybody so you definitely don't get maximum points. at celtic and let's go madrid prepared to go head to head in scotland. today and must win for the home side south africa cardless third in their group with just five points their opponents tonight and italian side. first and second positions with seven the pace past three points in their final home game of the group stage are
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going to be vital for nail and charges the manager expects is a match. played very well against the. corresponding friction in madrid. you know the almost. on the team packed full of quality players. it was the most. the start of the game very well. and in the game going to. come home against. real madrid with the lucian's school. while the spirit is currently sitting first in the group can still qualification for the knockout stage if they win in glasgow however. it is far from their past as that in the league at the moment but despite having fresh memories on an upsetting for well off from local rivals real madrid last weekend. sets this place sides on the right result they start to
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believe you again are they do is to win because that mathematically takes us through so we need to do is go out and take three points which will secure our step in the next phase. there are still no games in the n.b.a. as its players gave their thoughts on the new collective agreement which awaits certification meanwhile some of the league's stars decided to spend some of their free time and their own money on charity le bron james dwyane wade and chris paul temporarily out of jobs distributed mails to brooklyn families in new york about eight hundred people received boxes of food from the hands of the. people even more hungry for something else of course the game. as players approve the deal training camps and free agency will open simultaneously on the ninth of december the plan is for a sixty six game season to begin on christmas day. the flip side. you see in
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a tweet up or like you know my kids on christmas day. you know the excitement for the game you know when we all missed it you guys missed it more paul your friends missed you know solve the. problem as well just to get the excitement going back you know watching t.v. i watch sports center see in order games with a sore the eggs out or a matter of this or the eggs out in advance that was going to miss the some of the games that they love so. you know to see some of the scheduling. to see that we're going to have a season you know the great we've been doing what a lot of hormones. for did finally come to a good draft. get to go back excited to watch a basketball we're all excited to be out there. and finally a group of children from some are have won the trip of a lifetime together to the home of football giants are still the emirates stadium in london that's after winning the russian general disable football tournament teams from five cities from around the country took part and it's now correspondent
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richard roth that has the details. disabled sports in russia has never got much attention however things are slowly starting to change the country's impressive performance in the paralympics in vancouver help disabled athletes to get more coverage and sponsorship was former football and dimitri scenic of says when this continues to grow and grow around russia there i mean if you i remember being in america once and thinking that there wasn't one restaurant or shop which wasn't accessible to someone in a wheelchair there were disabled toilet disabled parking spot disabled people are really well catered for over there russia could learn a lot from this and i think things are getting better in moscow for example as it's easier for someone in a wheelchair to cross the street or get into the metro now the russian junior disabled football tournament is also helping to raise awareness giving able bodied and those with disabilities the chance to play with each other and scenic of believes this is an excellent idea to help break down boundaries. the fact that
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disabled kids can play alongside able bodied children is fantastic it goes to show that all children are equal whether they have a disability or not when they get older they will take this understanding with them and it will help to stamp out things like discrimination or the football tournament or teams from five cities competing moscow's and petersburg salt she need not go to that and some manner while there were plenty of fun and games as well to keep those who weren't competing intertainment this may be only the second year this torment has been held but it's already started to make a massive difference for disabled children in russia and no one is failed at the threat of a lifetime to asses home ground game or a stadium in london. the final sore teams from some modern easy nor good battle it out for the trip to london incidentally last year's winners got an all expenses paid trip to the sun ciro where they were able to watch ac milan play some dorian so there was plenty for the kids to play for with a trip of
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a lifetime to gamers stadium. the chance to see the likes of i'm doing a show of it and comb the team from some mara in the green managed to win for too much to the delight of their thirteen year old playing good. i'm a big tired at the moment but still we have the is the second time we have come here and we have managed to win. once again this total been proved to be an all round success the team from some morrow will have a trip they'll never get to see also play but perhaps most importantly this tournament is helping to raise awareness of disabled sports people and it's helping to break down barriers between able bodied and disabled athletes rich artsy moscow . that's all this falseness for a moment all that i can tell as time went by there is that.
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question was there so much a lot of people at the area will still. taxing people in the name of health is one of the aims of the so-called fact that government all over the world and throughout history have adopted policies.
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wealthy british style. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. world for the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.


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