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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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years of the biggest pacific rim economies meeting in hawaii pledge to prevent a european debt crisis from spreading to the region and triggering another global recession also. we're seeing really very ugly develop. when. it comes to the interests of the demands of the. concern of the growing influence of brussels over member states as greece and now italy look to choose a prime minister is based on the support of europe not the people. debate over palestinian statehood bands with deadlock at the un security council with the quest
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for sovereignty fuelling tension and clashes over israeli settlements on the west bank. and closer team travels to russia's black sea coast to see how the popular resort is attracting growing numbers of daring water sports fans. in the russian capital you're watching r t with josh welcome to the program leaders from the asia pacific region are gathering for a summit in sunny hawai but the dark clouds of european financial turmoil thousands of miles away are likely to dominate proceedings although we can gathering is focused on establishing a pacific wide free trade zone for the euro crisis and its implications are a step to money the pacific waters arches in a city tribune reports from honolulu. basically even though the primary primary
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goals of the apec summit are improving the trade relationship an economic relationship all countries that make up the asia pacific because of the extent of the european financial crisis this is certainly a headache that's looming over leaders having gathered here and many are seeing this as sort of a continuation of the g twenty summit without the participation of the european states we are expecting the leaders gathered for the apec summit to send another push to send out an extra message to the european countries to try to find to step up their attempts to improve the financial situation so this is an extra message important message that we're expecting to hear a lot of about here on the ground in the next few days to come even though the the top of the talk and the substance of the effect summit is usually traditionally konami issues certainly political issues are surfacing we've been hearing because of the situation in syria where anti-government clashes have been really attracting so many headlines as we have heard from u.s.
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secretary of state hillary clinton saying that the united states believes that the syrian president should step down regarding syria we discuss the ongoing an escalating violence perpetrated by the assad government against its own people our position is clear we are supporting peaceful transition assad has lost his legitimacy to rule and he should step down russia on the other hand believes that it's important to take for negotiations to take place and it says that it intends to help and kick starting those talks inside syria the russian foreign minister has spoken and said that he believes that it's it's the only responsible thing to do some opposition groups see clearly there's ways in turkey and the u.s. . calls for dialogue which is position can be me this is just we will continue to encourage field position to structures leads to and to show concern about this country and the syrian people of the world seems to go to sleep with russia
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believes its import. to avoid the libyan scenario when it comes to syria but this is certainly not the only political issue that is being touched upon here on the ground we are expecting a meeting between the russian and u.s. presidents to take place where they're very likely to discuss the u.s. plans for a european missile defense shield as well as russia's accession to the world trade organization and those really a range of other political issues so definitely a lot on the agenda here in honolulu. and of reporting there and what we really have more from honolulu throughout the day as the sun also steam for that if you can. easily could welcome a new prime minister and government as early as saturday after a final vote on a spirit finalizes the exit of silvio berlusconi the most likely successor is a former euro crap leading to some concern that the influence of brussels will be at the very center of national politics or words from rome. the emphasis really here now is on decisive action and the front runner that's emerged recently
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is a man named mary muncie he's a former economic and he says they've noticed amongst politicians here that amongst you is a need is what i do we've also seen the top spot in greece taken by former e.c.v. official there is any concern amongst the public in these countries that what you're seeing now is an extension of brussels in the sense the surely that is what's happening again the m.p.'s that we're speaking to are saying that this take quite government now is really good it is pushing through these harsh measures just getting them off the ground because they've been long promised and have failed to materialize and that's really what's needed to be seen now from the usa leaders and of course not just italy but the entire usa future right now looking extremely uncertain to still this very harsh reforms that not only have to be passed they then have to be influenced say is one thing to put in place these euro kratz who go into a piece brussels at the quite another to gain up public support to be seen in the
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past and countries like great a lot of public support that really had a very significant impact in d.c. by no means it's league game to be out of the word if the when that new government is formed it's expected to happen as early as saturday their first reporting there of the changes in italy and greece were instigated in brussels and show the e.u. stand and see two words dictatorship that's the view of john martin director of studies at the paris and submit of democracy and cooperation. these people who have taken power in greece and shortly to take hour in italy have never been elected these are men who have made their entire careers through garnering important appointments and cases like the european commission or the european central bank and they have no democratic mandate at all and precisely what is so frightening about what is happening in nafta as the european union and the euro enters its death agonies because that's what i think it is is the way in which the european union really is showing and i say this without any exaggeration it's true nature as
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a dictatorship after all it is europe which has effectively commanded it these two prime ministers to leave office padre who had to leave office the moment he suggested a referendum on the debt package and berlusconi had to leave office the moment he said that italians had become poor under the euro so we're seeing really a very ugly development now in europe where people are being put in power because they serve the interests of the minds of the european union not because they have done it any and electoral support in their home countries they only need to bailouts from the european union because they don't have the option of devaluation they don't have the option of managing their own economic and monetary affairs it's precisely europe that has got them into this situation. as always max guys are in space here and offer very unique take on all the latest twists and turns of the debt crisis the full report is coming your way in less than half an hour.
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the eurozone creates a dollar or euro in stimulus they create a hundred euros in naked short sells they'll never going to win that war but the fact is that the tail is wagging the economic and financial dog around the world and we're totally powerless against an intransitive toxicity with unlimited credit zero percent interest rates with the central banks at their bidding and politicians just basically lying down and doing nothing about it so this is the new world order . israeli forces have clashed with palestinian activists protesting against confiscation of land across the west bank protesters hurled rocks at israeli troops who responded with tear gas and water cannons over a dozen of his traitors are reported to happen injury situation in the area has been even more tan stand usual following the palestinian bid for statehood and full membership but the latest round of the debate at the security council handed in
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deadlock after members failed to reach agreement the us has been strongly opposed to the recognition of palestine and has been removing its veto power even palestinians to question washington's commitment to a two state solution in the middle east. the approach to the united nations is less about membership of palestine in the united nations and more of challenging the west in the ability to walk the walk over to speak paradigm what we're seeing is forty four years of the west specifically the united states making a case for two speeds but in the first real test of bringing about has failed to move it forward i believe that the u.s. foreign policy as it relates to this issue has been hijacked by prove israeli lobby inside u.s. politics and i don't believe the united states is acting in its interests by
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ignoring this bid which is exactly in line with what it has been calling for no money for forty four years good for twenty intense years of not bilateral negotiations the palestinians having given twenty years to negotiations with israel is have come to the conclusion that they are not interested in allowing a state to emerge in palestine so we've tried with israel has completely ignored its commitments so our bass basically is in a first for his political survival he cannot continue to sell to his people. and collapse peace process and i think that's one nation's. so for us our a two decade search for just. under. two hundred fifty thousand serbs and the. possible official goes on trial for atrocities
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against serbs during the war we talk to a former nato officer who says the block is equally to blame for after. people get a little crazy with being given a worry about every little word they say. travels to the core of the big apple to find out whether people there are tired of political correctness or find it a modern necessity. the un atomic watchdog has released letters and satellite images that allegedly back up its reports suggesting iran's nuclear program as military aims. and void in the agency is mystifying saying the presentation was based on material fabricated by the u.s. and its allies earlier mohamad sohini from the university of southern california told r.t. that i report contains more politics than evidence. the tone of the report
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of the agency has moved in a more decisively political direction for example. there as dative former director never talked about the united nations security council resolutions and only talked about the technical issues at hand the new the new reports by. a year brings out the political issues right out front the evidence that it presents actually not very convincing a lot of it is a speculation the report itself uses the board's alleged everywhere it uses the word coup maybe might possibly could have been things of that sort so in that sense. reports and tone have moved in a very decisively political direction which in my view actually here's the critical here because as a as i said the task of the agency is not to talk about political issues and leave them alone for united nations security council and the international community and
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rather just talk about the technical issues. and remember you can always find more stories now right size including filing the wall street bull new york police detain two clowns while nearby their accomplice dressed as a matter the word can detract the be substantially down on charts and go on to see how this fight and it. is also a dream destination and greatest tour operator offers a one hundred twenty per se and safe trip to see a war ravaged iraq promising the journey will put a smile on your face check out the price on our website. let. me make sure i'm discovering.
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communicate with the wyoming. test yourself and become free and. see what nature can give you on all the. wealthy british soil science. that's not on the books right on. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our. in an unprecedented case a senior cause of and politician has gone on trial in pristina for atrocities against serbian civilians during the cost of war in the late ninety's even though he had been tried and acquitted by the hague war crimes tribunal the e.u.
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led prosecution claims merely and eight other military officers tortured and killed serbs at a time consular was under nato control christian carsey former leader officer was writing a book as an apology to the serbian people told their team the alliance should also be held responsible. in cost of war. we basically charge of the whole thing curate this information and there are water two hundred fifty thousand serbs and no no beings were ethnically cleansed from the territory across it. so we went to war with nato gave the very heart of this. we basically gave them they are either me or you would have to accept unconditional. use of roads airports and. in order to facilitate. they thought infrastructure so this was basically.
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occupation or. like any sovereign nation. and instead of being nato powers all over the territory it's a common complaint across the world political correctness has gone too far so r.t. said laurie harkness to central new york to ask people whether there is just too much you can't talk about in public. a recent poll indicated that people are starting to feel like political correctness is having a negative affect them society how do you feel about it this week let's talk about that it's being carried aboard people are getting a little crazy with being having to worry about every little word they say whether it's actually politically correct or not well if you live in this country you should be politically correct because this is your country what does that mean that
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is so you can have to censor what you say you should think about what you say you should you should take time to use the correct words before you say something that you don't mean and i mean we've got thing in england where comedians are being political correctness so i think you just got to realize special of comedy. just loosen up you know everyone's going to be offended by something and i just think there's always going to be someone who looked for something to complain about my generation we don't really we just laugh it's funny but it just depends if like generations are crossing if you're talking smelly people then. you show some respect even if you know you don't completely think it's necessary it's different when you're younger but when you start getting a bit older you realize that sometimes what comes out of your math is not a pearl. it's refreshing to see somebody like chris christie from new jersey cause he speaks his mind regardless of what the consequences are versus always being
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worried of people are going to think what the poll numbers show or you'd rather be offended and at least have the truth yes very much so whether or not you feel like political correctness is having a negative effect on society the bottom line is it's probably just going to keep becoming more and more prevalent. thousands of women and the disputed region of kashmir have seen their husbands literally disappear leaving them to live with the loss of a loved one but even harder to live in a society which sounds women left without a man to the family to have a family explains. gunfire and grenades becoming a familiar sight for the people living on this just couldn't land that is currently rules by india but his also been claimed by neighboring pakistan but beyond that. in the background of the conflict the women of kashmir have been silently suffering more than fifteen hundred in the area are estimated to be in
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a limbo status known as half widows these women's husbands have disappeared leaving them in a male dominated society with little government protection because they cannot confirm whether their men are dead or alive it has been several years and we still don't know where he is and i have small children i have to beg sometimes to feed them know that windows has arrived they don't even have more globes and shoes begum john lives in the mountains of srinagar with her five children she has been unable to hold down a steady job and had to take her else's children out of school so they could go to work or when her husband disappeared the indian government says that in the past two decades of the kashmir conflict between three and four thousand people have gone missing victims advocates say that number is really close thirty eight thousand all the indian government maintains that many of the people who have disappeared actually joined the militants the other is believed that thousands have been captured by indian security forces after their husbands go missing many
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halfway toes are abandoned by their in-laws most of these women were living on the property of their husbands families and surviving on ration cards provided in their husband's name because of social stigma many believe that is unacceptable to remarry or live with a male relative who might be able to help most women say that it's the psychological and emotional trauma of not knowing where their loved one is that is the most unbearable mentally very disturbing it's an intense and incurable disease like cancer the woman who suffers from his boys in a state of restlessness and panic. they say they just want answers especially for their children who are constant reminders of their missing partners they were very small when their father go disappeared had he been alive he would have gone in the seven years if they had even given us his dead body we wouldn't be complaining he attempting to make sense to stay strong for what remains of their broken families
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preassure either r t srinagar india. let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world turkish man that was have stormed a hijacked ferry and xai alone i jack or authorities say none of the eighteen passengers or crew members were hurt the vessel was seized a few hours ago by suspect a kurdish militia near the turkish city of a stamboul hijacker was reportedly armed with explosives but had only demanded food and fuel. lebanese people were wanted when a landmine exploded on the lebanon syria border opposition activists claim government troops laid mines in the area to prevent army defectors and opponents of president bashar asad fleeing however authorities say they're trying to stop illegal arms and weapons smuggling which soared in recent months. nearly forty people have been injured after anti mining protests turned violent in peru the clash happen as the nation's mining and agriculture minister refused to
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sign a pledge to ban mining in the region eighteen thousand protesters came out to complain that rivers are being polluted something the government strongly denies. the time now for our russia closer series and today we are hearing the beach. we're on a black sea which has long been a popular holiday resort for russians however the region is now becoming a hub for daring action watersports as a garden discover it. slowly the old soviet resorts on russia's black sea coast are becoming centers for very modern water sports throughout the week hundreds of children and adults of be competing here in the black sea cup windsurfing trophy and it's hoped that with the right support this region could
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become a real center for water sports. it's the black sea cup in southern russia the waters full of jellyfish the sea full of waves and the wind whips the air with salty spray and that's just what everyone here has come for. children and adults have traveled from all over russia to show their skills and share in the growing water sports experience here and so on is one of the best that. when you ride in your board at top speed your feelings so you have control of two forces of nature in your hands wind in water. he's currently number two in russia and has skim the waves in european competitions the sport isn't cheap and he's short of financial backing to match that of his european and american competitors but he's hopeful for the black sea coast as a potential world class water sports center. this is a wonderful place with a great wind the infrastructure is ok but with some investments it could be good we
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had a three star competition here not long ago and we have hopes of hosting a world championship he'll be trying to win that championship i was just getting the hang of standing up i'm surrounded by hundreds of women of all ages bathing in the black sea it's evidence of the growing status of water sports. i won't be joining the many times through. a neither would i be taking part in even more tricky quite surfing here too they have been battling it out to prove their speed and agility surrogate has been crowned number one in russia. there's a lot of adrenaline that's what it's all about tricks and a lot of adrenaline now it's easier because master trick you have to fall one hundred times the black sea provides good conditions for this war two it's a difficult sport to master with many of these young riders taking years to reach
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that standard. we have a number of good spots for riding this wonderful day and on the other side of the black sea here in russia the season is short so we don't have much practice time on the water or the advantage of russia is we can snow kite. again it's money that's the problem for most kite service now however it's on the way to joining the list of the limp exports and that raises the profile of what is still a fledgling pursuit in russia. i wish it was a sport needs young people in ten years i want to see hundreds of kids causing here and then we'll be in good hands we'll have a future. a future that will be played out here in the surgeon blue of the black sea tom watson r.t. . and we are out to date for more there is our website r.t. dot com stay with us i'll be back shortly with at once.
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all. the. wealthy british style. sometimes by the time.
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the markets try not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on r.t. . the close up scene was good for the fans outreach or for technological breakthroughs save human lives. now article.
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here. hardly any birds squirrels. darks yes you know i don't know what's going on here. on the green on the marquee.


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