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tv   [untitled]    October 31, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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nine times over this last debate sixty nine times about it's not ninety nine right i guess if you're worth a little bit better ronald reagan ronald reagan was clearly the obvious winner here but ninety eight times for the ronald reagan and the war and. i mean this is really more of like a war is the right i mean we got the up the drug war you know the war in afghanistan you have the war in iraq we have the war on morals in america war on poverty long gone but that was said at one hundred one hundred and five times for war. i think we'll know if that means right earlier so i think you know which one i was drinking for all right so basically what happened is a little drop but that's that's all the coverage we got time for tonight we're going to take a break. if you don't work to bring justice or. i have the right to know
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what my government would want to know why i think. i would characterize obama as the charismatic. of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes just a story so you think you understand it and then you know here's the part of it and realize that everything. is a big. the
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capital of palestine more or less for. the police corruption is. nobody seems to know. that never break the face quite hard the argument that they're being overly dramatic. ok so time for tonight's ridiculous and rumor has it the white house spokesperson
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jay carney has been trying to put a rear end to the sophomore a feud between pennsylvania avenue and kim's ass where the view apparently brother michelle don't agree on letting their daughters keep up with the car dash which is space that only one of the most important family values programs to be seen on modern television. and. lacks for. family he goes to get there. and in fact michelle's sole garage out to the stir and admitted that he's the one who doesn't like the girls watch it and since the car dash instrumental leads are the faithful followers or as they call it the cardassian mafia and news didn't really sit well we just think about it a lot of back to find a seat for a really somebody from within the mafia must have scared the president because he backtracked as soon as he got on the car dash in astroturf in hollywood have you seen the chicago i have not see the show is this you to juggle with it was. so mr
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president you never actually watched the car dash really i call bull obama be honest you've watched you just never turn the sound on personally i tune in for that cutie drop but if i may let's examine how these two families have more in common than they think and i don't just mean their penchant for hanging out with rappers who are loud mouthed drunks with long hair and bad spray tans kim has actually undertaken a massive jobs act of her own but instead of hiring fourteen million americans c.t. authors services the fourteen points here. it. was. he sorry sorry that. it's never happened where.
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i am speaking of employment president obama's been making a regular appearances on the television sets of american households to show the country that he's capable of putting jobs in the laps of americans so they can already did years earlier actually but only with her ex singer ray j. that footage ended up on the t.v.'s of millions of americans as well but unlike obama's appearances which have lasted three years and only gotten worse most men that got a gander at his jobs act only needed a few minutes to come to a happy ending and actually the contrast here between the two was almost uncanny right obama has been trying to pass his bill to no avail but can regularly passes hundreds of them a fashion boutique nationwide let's go back to what these two families have in common big white house tons of bodyguards big entourage and let's not forget the personal popper razzi there at every opportune moment to get that perfect snapshot the president played golf with bader is a p.r. gimmick and can pretend that she actually marry for love and show you.
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more in the new england. so you're sure you don't like reality t.v. mr president because you kind of seem to be living it it was the last time you tried to have a smoke without fearing the whole world would see it do you think that's rough at least being president has an end date or is jenner's going to have to croak before he can stop seeing his daughter sex tapes every single time that he signs on the internet but then again moroccan bruce both have strong women to support them in times of need special your daughters want to start running off marrying basketball players after dating them for just a month. michelle literally break the bear their balls would literally break their balls with her bare arms chris well actually i think that chris actually kind of like the ballers and their goals you know like mother like daughter right since we got of the talking about the ball this is clearly a love that both families share the president played high school ball makes a bracket every year for march madness courtside the wizards bulls game in two
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thousand and nine while simultaneously leave the free world chemical ali ali act like they're in high school they dated half of the n.b.a. and they trichords i like their second home while simultaneously having no idea what's going on on the court but from banging basketball players to hanging with basketball players the similarities just don't and these two families all slim it up from time to time all the time to show their fans that they're just like then the car dash is now a less expensive clothing line at sears to make money off the masses in a store that they would be caught dead shopping in despite what this ad might lead you to believe. what you see the candidates just keep you can pick your. cash only and seniors now the meantime michelle obama thinks that wearing j. crew shopping at target by makes her relatable come on the show you're going to
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have to trash it off a lot better than that here walmart has great produce and it t.j. maxx you can get this season's towels for less so in the end obama's trying to look like a bad car dash and knock off i think i actually learned a thing or two from them about marketing fake relatability and let's face it a car crash in grand made sixty five million dollars just last year a lot more of the obama's i have there are still more five killer with the one percent hating every man and the first family so obama i suggest that you check out a few episodes of your daughter's shows like a guidebook for little girls that are famous for their daddy's accomplishments and let's be honest defending o.j. pretty on part of being the defender of the free world. john so this year i've got a never seen i don't know anything about her past policies or the record with there's one thing that made it clear he's a winner i love america. i don't know where.
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it will be so maybe from italy i don't think it's any more american because it's a while from me so it is. so it doesn't have to be on someone. together because it is going to go down the toilet. to nat i will look into the stories that are rocking this nation discussing the most minute details as though they are earth shattering i look at every case big or small with the same. i will make decisions about cases based solely on information leaked to the press and we would use this information to determine whether or not someone is guilty and at the end the most important thing is the conclusion that i myself come to because let's be honest doesn't matter what the jury says based on
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all the information that is given to them during the trial now the only thing that matters is the decision that i am my viewers piecing together by piecing together information from tabloids and limited documents that we are provided by the court because the bottom line is you may be innocent in the jury's eyes but if i can sway public perception the guilty you will never go free and you will pay for your sins so the big story tonight is the trial seeking justice for michael jackson the first i want to tell you about a case out of jackson mississippi tonight i want to tell you the story of sweet little second grader kelly so you have a story in particular touches my heart because it reminds me of the two most special people in my life. between now writes of back to kelly to what happened in jackson is the most egregious case of a race or theft ever to occur in this state break down the details of this case this is what we know first kelly sue had a razor before she went out to recess the razor was white with a purple unicorn on it second after recess the eraser was missing third notorious
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second grade goalie vavi butcher did not go out for recess because his recess privileges have been revoked due to his indiscretions. i think the pieces are starting to fall together here but wait it gets better let's take a look at bobby the butcher's parents and appears that they have never once chaperoned a field trip wow so what we are dealing with your is a suspect of the past record of misdeeds and i am a parents i offer to you to commit the crime need i say more but there is more than a razor was found in glitters desk a racer with a purple unicorn so that's it right case closed well not so fast there is a twist in this story school officials who lost the race are recovered from volleyball you got your desk funneling this case and losing it key evidence that in believe bush or go free in the process discussed it i think all we can we can all look objective lay the facts of this case see the goalie bobby butcher is guilty
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but the devil is dancing tonight because bobby is a fiery man a little kelly sousa reason this think we have a caller right now who wants to weigh in on this case call or tell us what's your name and location how machine green harlem from south carolina i don't actually care you are one of the shadow and i learned to plan for how we're going cross team now i am a gene i want to hear what is your question tonight. me and why i am i repeat bad am i don't know. how a winning car does you hear me oh thank you so much you know the twins are the most special people in my world. well you can't can i ask my question now that i had that i had interesting ok well i just want to know that since i lost that evidence you know you day i got the right allan footage in that classroom. you know i don't think if they do you have any surveillance footage in that classroom but all i know
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is that any school that my children are going to go to we'll have a camera so that there can be surveillance footage i have to hang up on you here we're getting an update i have breaking news from the michael jackson murder trial it appears that the jury may have reached a verdict so let's go straight to lauren lister who is live on the scene and who's been covering every detail lauren tell us what do you know you know nancy at this point we are hearing that the jurors have passed a note to the judge and possibly a verdict could be delivered as soon as any minute here but as you mentioned earlier he has really dr conrad murray already been convicted in the court of public opinion after being called a murderer so many times on your show but as i said we are awaiting a verdict in this highly anticipated controversy ok's now laurie i hear that isn't the only interesting thing that's happened here also here that there happens to be some kind of a sighting in the courthouse we are hearing reports that local police have been inundated with calls that done under that casey anthony is inside the courthouse as
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we speak now of course she has been fielding death threats ever since her acquittal however we have heard from a few key sources that perhaps because she was voted the second most creepy celebrity after only marilyn manson if she was feeling the pressure that you are there or let me cut you off there are you say the people are calling saying they have seen tot mom casey anthony as the most high profile case in the nation and nancy that is absolutely what we are hearing but at the same time i do have to point out that police have also received calls that possibly tupac should coeur as well as elvis presley are sitting on that jury and there are so there are other calls coming into local police given a number of. sightings that are believed to be all involved in this case do we hear from any more credible people any more credible calls have they said. we think about what the tot mom was wearing how she has her hair we are hearing that her
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hair is down but on like when she was acquitted and when she would deliver her sentencing when it was handed down it is not exactly in the same style as opposed to the flowing locks we're hearing that it's more of a house of house down where you wish i could see right here i hear we have another breaking up that here i hear that a viewer has sent in a picture of tot mom casey anthony at the trial now that wait a second wait a second controller i think we've got the wrong picture that's that's lauren lyster our reporter knows that's that's the right picture all right we have to go to a break but we will continue looking into this bombshell when we get back don't go anywhere. do you believe that any.
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protest nobody seems to know. but never a pepper spray to face the argument that they're being overly dramatic. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for things you understand it and then a glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging welcome to the big picture.
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mr. we're on the factor we want to cut through all the spin hype and p.r. nonsense and break it down for you so get ready for tonight's edition of pansies
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and patriots and over the weekend a very left leaning web site politico did a hit piece on g.o.p. presidential candidate herman cain now according to his liberal parasite well cain was one of those associations national restaurant association in the one nine hundred ninety s. at least two female employees complained to colleagues in senior associates and officials about inappropriate behavior now the slimy site goes on to smear mr cain by saying that two settlements are reached with those women but they can't talk about those settlements for legal reasons so politico is writing a story about the first black conservative g.o.p. presidential candidate it all comes from unnamed sources that's on the left leaning media d.c. new york love to do always smear a conservative any chance you get there is my question for politico where is the hard hitting investigation of john edwards a man finished third in a presidential race in two thousand and eight while having an affair with a campaign worker and fathering a child and this happened at the same time it was wife was dying of cancer it's
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open national enquirer to break that story and tabloid what he did is far more egregious than what herman cain is accused of i was a media outreach of bill clinton's sexual escapades let's face it our former president is a horndog how many women he bed while in the white house and of course let's not forget that famous blue dress and cigar but of course the liberal media is always going to rush to protect one of their own and now politico has decided to atack a g.o.p. presidential candidate with smut piece so that's why they're tonight's pansies now for our patriots herman cain this pizza exact one candidate is not letting the ankle biters in the media gets you when he was at a washington d.c. think tank today and he refused to engage with the media on this issue as you're well aware there is a there's a big cloud right now and it is a fair few ability to get this out which is the story in politico and i just wonder if you can hear it for us right now. but if you believe that question is kind of question is inconsistent with the ground rules that we have.
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on. i really mean he's going to be at the party to do that. good for you mr cain standing up against this type of irresponsible reporting tell later in the day cain decided that he would go out set the record straight so he came to the fair and balanced fox news to talk about these scurrilous accusations i have never sexually harassed anyone and i say that secondly. i've never sexually harassed anyone and yes i was falsely accused while i was at the national restaurant association and i say falsely because it turned out after the investigation to be baseless. telling the truth herman don't let the left wing mainstream media the rail your campaign and that's why herman cain is tonight's patriot he now says that he knows what it feels like to be the front runner he knows the attacks will just keep on coming and you know they will from the left the
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same left who wants to turn this country into a socialist marxist beating and we here at the factor what keep it balanced and keep america great. i welcome back the following friends now today we have more video of the anti-capitalist anti freedom loving protesters that are spreading across the nation like it is these getting what they deserve from police take a look at this video from denver colorado over the weekend where police counted rubber bullets of the hippies gump. you. thank you thank you. thank you thank you. my goodness me i mean this hippie scum is getting what they deserve who think they are going into public areas and actually try to stay there oh i definitely agree i think that it's wonderful that we are reigning justice down on these people i mean you want class more fair work if you class warfare oh you did give drug test
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because i'm sure they told you no should they yes they should but i think the police were a little busy because these protesters have been throwing stuff at the police i say more rubber bullets and then drug test and good good idea there they could bring in the dogs too it could be a good photo. i let's move on to the next one soon this is something that you are just outraged over right now this of pictures came out two thousand and ten but now this is a foreclosure firm that's called stephen j. vow and. take a look at some of these pictures people are outraged thinking that they're being insensitive to all the people of haiti you know whose houses they have foreclosed upon it's all the way but this is america you know you have the freedom to dress up as whoever and whatever you want it's clearly a joke i mean it's a cartoon people i mean if we can't trust up on how we as whatever we want then i
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feel like we just don't have freedom in this country anymore is just professional they have to work with this people so obviously they're. the only think they can think about. this so. i do have to say i personally feel really bad for the bankers this year because i heard that evil banker was it was a big halloween costume and that's just wrong. let's take a look at actually something that is wrong if you want to talk about halloween and what's wrong it's not going to dress up as whatever you want it's this continuation of giving handouts something of the obama administration is not very good out take a look at the about in this nation heading out how we can have the white house. for all the carrots grow the carrots or gummy carrots from the white house garden
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well i agree. there they make you sad. that they try to i am not the right is not michelle obama's thing or something like candy is bad for kids it makes you have these now if you're they are giving away the popular seat isis ridiculous i completely agree i mean i think that how we know it's the perfect time to teach your kids a lesson and the lesson that i taught my kids once capitalism i had them hire some other kids to go around and get their candy for them and then those kids got one piece of candy while my kids got all the rest of the candy because that's how capitalism works and that there are no welfare cases they're not going to the white house trying to get free candy just ridiculous where there's a ministration is taking this country would recognize it anymore i completely agree and you know speaking of not recognizing things the other day i was driving down the road and you will not believe what i saw a billboard on the grass
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a good lord it was a billboard and it had people on it of of the black color and. did she you know pete is the new black what's. one of the lord. i thank you for everyone to see i think we have a clip of somebody actually the videotape this billboard that i was talking about let's take a look here. this billboard just went up and saw a few shoes didn't belong to and it's got st you going to say should behind a verse which calls itself. it's a conservative group dedicated to attracting more americans of color to the republican party well just. i mean i don't really know a savior but i think we need more republicans in this country we need more good citizens that know what party to vote for but is it really right where they have to be can we find our white wine well. i think that the problem we run into is
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we don't want immigrants so we have to turn to another group i think this is i think this is all a ploy by the obama administration right they want more black voters to go to the republican party because the more black voters in the republican party they think that they're going to try to subvert our politicians the more giving out candy at the white house more welfare more you know the government feeding all the hands i think we're just running or people are that's why they're trying. to. be willing that you know he anybody can feel i'm going to be joined now well let's talk about why we don't want to be part of the liberal club take a look at this this new teacher this is a horrific horrific story. stacy schuler she had a bizarre defense citing the drug zoloft and alcohol for actions she even blamed her very good diet and irritable bowel syndrome for what she did but. personally i think hollywood has a little something to do with this well. that's what happens to those so she was
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liberal. if the only healthy food easily go to the occupy wall street is that you look in those tents i'm sure they will go to jewelry you know there is a law you we're the oh no no we don't there he wouldn't have been on it so if you're going out with your you know you have it all wrong what happens is when you drunk the bright portion of meat in your diet then you start to act irrationally and with her i agree this is a really good thing is frightening it's frightening and it's sweeping america because hollywood has made a call and it's not ok we need to get rid of the vegans there they're threatening our children and our schools well they're not done her children are two of the old know with those strike out in those tents and god knows what i'll be there right now it's time sorry guys we have to wrap it up tonight i think that night so thanks for tuning in if you enjoyed our hollowing special invaders me back on the program tomorrow now in the meantime got to get to become
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a fan of the i want to show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the night's or any other nights the first half well the you tube dot com slash the i want to show you up next if this. this is nature and discover is buzy. communicate with the wind only until that. test yourself and become free to. see what nature can give you on the. culture is that so much the same you're going to need to get a lot of people a variant of burkas is the world over populated as the world reaches still another
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population benchmark the debate continues as to whether the planet. wealthy british style science. is not on the title. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which might stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report on our. morning news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada.


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