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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2011 8:31am-9:01am EDT

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in serious two way violence with soldiers reportedly turning on each other and being killed during anti-government protests fueling fears of a full fledged civil war. plus all honey but no trap russian concert for the better of the nine spying allegations in a british court but it meant she had an affair with a married and. earlier this week israeli soldier gilad shalit was exchanged for more than a thousand palestinian prisoners but thousands still remain in jail talks to the wife of one high profile prisoner considered a terrorist by israel but a hero to the palestinians. he's regarded by many as the palestinian also mandela marwan barghouti who is currently in an israeli prison where he's been for nearly a decade he's serving five life sentences for murdering five israelis and over the
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years his release has been one of the major stumbling blocks in the gilad shalit prisoner exchange deal with me to discuss this is his wife fired were fired what the israelis always said that they would not release prisoners with blood on their hands but now they are releasing prisoners who have killed the israelis but they're not releasing your husband why do you think not. it's a political issue his judgment and sentencing in israeli court was all political the israelis put him in jail because he's a leader of the palestinian people and the israelis don't want there to be palestinian leaders he's a symbol of unity between palestinians the israelis are afraid to release him because he can bring about reconciliation between hamas and fatah many people feel that hamas was almost happy to abandon your husband because he poses serious political competition to the hamas leadership what do you think. of course a leader like marwan barghouti is very popular in palestine and the arab world
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a lot of people have been phoning me to protest that he's not part of this deal i think it's israel who don't want him out of the jail hamas only accepted the deal at the last minute why do you think hamas accepted the deal of you who were i don't know the main reason why hamas accepted a deal without marwan no one here in palestine understands it but hamas was under pressure from the israeli side khaled mashal her muscles political bureau chief promised you that there would be no deal without marwan do you feel betrayed. right now i'm confused about my feelings because i'm not happy about marwan but i'm very happy for all of the prisoners and their families as a mother i'm thrilled because all these prisoners have money. it's and i know how they feel having their sons and fathers in jail in the last ten years since marwan was imprisoned i have traveled all over the world and advocated for the rights of prisoners so i'm happy and i'm not happy do you think that this was the last chance for marwan to be free. from the moment the israelis kidnapped my husband i never
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lost hope that one day he would come out of that jail and i'll never lose their scope for marwan and for all of the prisoners marwan is a great leader and the palestinians will continue to fight for him to be released president abbas will not negotiate with the israelis and lastly free our leaders and understanding you right that they can never be real peace between israelis and palestinians as long as no one is in jail. which yes that's right and it's what president abbas said at the united nations he said that peace will never be reached between israelis and palestinians until all prisoners are released marwan among the negotiations between israel and palestine start again so the fate of the prisoners will be at the top of the agenda because there can be no peace without releasing the prisoners but you argue that the israelis see him as a great leader and for this reason don't want to release him but call the opposite
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also be true that because he is a great leader he has the power to unify palestinians and he would be a great partner for peace for the israelis. israel is not ready for a real peace they talk about peace but they don't work toward peace because of this they don't want out of jail if he was released there could be a real chance for peace israelis are still building the separation was there still demolishing houses demolishing olive trees imprisoning people building new settlements if you look at all of this you'll see that israel is not ready for a real peace why do you think israelis agreed to the deal especially the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who. it was the pressure from inside israel that made netanyahu agree surveys show that most israelis want charlie to come home but netanyahu also has a political crisis to deal with and this is a way to score points he's only looking out for the israeli people and not for anyone else so also when you look at israeli society when you really want something
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you can pressure the government into giving it. pressure netanyahu to make this deal but it's not pressuring him to make peace just by saying it again israelis do not want peace if they really did big pressure netanyahu to make a real deal and just one. four years this deal has been delayed over the question of releasing five high profiled prisoners among them your husband so why now what is significant in the timing that's for the still being agreed to now. as palestinians no one is telling us the real reasons why the deal was made so quickly and why now we are surprised to see how it was done and what was agreed i think both sides made concessions might come us who said before they never make a deal without marwan barghouti. do you think the arab spring played a role that egypt needed to reassert itself as a power and that hamas and egypt are growing closer yes of course the arab spring played a very big part in making this deal happens egypt wants to play
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a role they sponsored all the details of the deal and mediated between both sides i think the arab spring was the most important influence on the deal over the past three months but hamas always said the release of marwan was a red line for that they would never agree to a deal without him it's still confusing why the deals been done without him and other important leaders being a part of it do you blame israel or do you blame hamas. hamas to the maximum it could do also this is the maximum it can achieve from the deal we know is palestinians how israel deals with things for ten years we've known that marwan would not be released from prison without. we'll settlement in place does your husband know about this deal and that he's not part of it. what we know from the lawyer who visited marwan is that marwan did not know anything about the deal before the media and now instead he wasn't aware of any of the details no one told him anything i have not visited in
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a sense the negotiations between israel and hamas again i was supposed to visit him but because of israeli fears they canceled the visit so i will only see him in about a week or two lawyer told him and his morale was good with his doing his daily exercises and he supports all the prisoners who are part of this to this deal will not change marwan continues to fight for the freedom of palestinians and for us to live with integrity in our own country for ten years israel has been trying to isolate him for three years he was in solitary confinement but palestinians still need marwan he's in their minds and feelings so israel cannot isolate him they might have his body but his mind and his song are with the palestinian people. you got engaged to marwan when he was behind bars in fact he got his parents to ask you for your hand in marriage how difficult is it being married to him. it hasn't been easy we have four children three sons and a daughter marwan was put in jail when the children were small and i've had to
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carry all of the responsibility that as a mother i face all these pressures in the home because they are not my only do this if they were it would be easier i'm also a lawyer but i have an office i advocate for prisoner right when you asked did you see him and what did he tell you what did the two of you talk about. for the first four years in jail i was forbidden to visit him now i go as much as the israelis will allow me to the last visit was two weeks ago always when i go to visit him i seem through a wall of glass and i use a phone to talk to him each visit is forty five minutes which goes very fast so we prepare a. yes but we never have enough time to talk about everything for the first fifteen minutes we talk about the children and their issues family things then the next fifteen minutes we talk about the political situation of the palestinian people the situation with fatah during the last fifteen minutes he gives me a lot of advice a lot of things to do people to talk to you know what we have to do it in this way
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because he's not only a family man he's also a palestinian leader you've spoken a lot about the whites of palestinian prisoners what are the conditions like for your husband and other palestinians who are being held in israeli jails. in the last five years since charlotte was kidnapped israel did a lot of things to harm the prisoners and make their lives more on their own. the prisoners of course protested they stopped eating or stopped drinking and many have died every few years protesting against conditions inside the prison because that's how they won rights such as the right to education. cleanliness medical treatment but netanyahu took all of these cheap ones away he put the prisoners in solitary confinement in a small room which is also the bathroom with lots of rats it's about one point five zero by two meters. imagine living for years in this room with all the rats and bugs has. if well what about the team was released tomorrow what would he do.
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with marwan has been struggling for thirty five years he's never taken a day's holiday if he was released he would not stop struggling for palestinian rights but the first thing he do is be with his family and childre wants to apologize to his children because he wasn't there for them in their time here he wants to take care of them and compensate for the years they missed out not having a father around. after that he'd have a lot of duty fighting for freedom for justice and building an independent palestinian state do you think the day will come when you will be the wife of a president. who has a wife. mother the most important thing i want is a husband and a father i don't care about being the wife of a president all i want is my husband back what a shame. thank you very much for joining us here on aunty thank you.
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from the days of the manhattan project and maintenance forty two the university of california has been involved through the science of its provision and scientists and their relationship to the university you see since day one has been in charge of researching designing and testing nuclear weapons and to some extent producing weapons every single nuclear weapon in surveys arsenal was assigned by university of california. we don't warm go. to university of california was selected as the contract because the army needed scientists of their versity positions. a group of protesters
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interrupted a university of california border regions meeting to demand the school's severed ties with the nation's nuclear weapons program.
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a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the. street they have. leads in tips when you chose to choose instead to get the status of the human experiment. to see this rap music or to expose movies allegedly trying to make sense of local economies and it's all came to us financial templates the research to maintain our confidence in markets and. wants to be seen trade imbalances recession look keep the nations close to collapsing and. close homes. to fail so we play banks again feel a little like think is us crash imminent smash the ceiling. just like ultimate in
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the tradition in st the i.m.f. spokesman just programs increase the total economy. party's top stories enough is enough hundreds and thousands desperately in debt in debt greeks built into the streets in their anger over a new round of tough austerity measures clashes have already broken out between police and protesters who say they are fed up with the attempts to stop the country's financial freefall. strange to stand still it's a good. desperate search for compromise in northern kosovo as nato forces stick to their old tomato urging locals are protesters to clear road blocks or be forced to go. syria's two way violence with soldiers reportedly turning on each other and being killed during anti-government protests fueling fears of
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a full fledged civil war. was all honey but no trap the russian consulate to be built turned to nine spying allegations in a british court but it meant she had an affair with a married m.p. . sports is next here in r t with kate. hello welcome to the sports news ahead of their second big night of champions league football and these are the headlines into the last eight years of honor over dropped just two games as the russian top seed powers away in the quarterfinals of the pregnant cup. while on the march to sky hit a tree past clubs on sporting kick start their champions league campaign. and the strike a light city to music leading scorer alexander goes you cough and other key men have their european showdown. we start with tennis where top seeded as one are over
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has breezed into the quarterfinals of the kremlin cup here in moscow go up on the powered serbian by no skate six one six one in her opening round match the russian is aiming for her third title of the season and also getting through to the last eight eight seed it's a book about a learner hertzog also in straight sets watch how he and francesca schiavone is struggling against a candidate for mr leah. who was in the men's draw it said in detroit ski has reached the quarter finals with a straight forward when it was paired out rebbetzin spain and among other matches this wednesday as the russian battle between paul c. nikolai that is going to move us late. we're going to football now and coach let it slip ski says he's delighted with his team's st no win over turkish side thrives on spore a result which gets the armenians champions league campaign back on track so you didn't get opened after half an hour alexander sania added
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a second with fifteen minutes left and due to be a complete his brace in the last five minutes to wrap up a convincing group stage retreat beyond the moscow side was up to second the group being behind into milan he went one afternoon and i'll do it he said take us priebatsch plan. but i think. what you were asking about was very important to score first because it gave us a certain tactical advantage we knew very well the tribes and plays well in positional attacks and attacks in large numbers but at the same time zones can appear in their defense actually we took advantage of his own head and played quite qualitatively in the difference of about one year. well elsewhere where ok must the bench to score the last gasp when as manchester city came from behind to win to want to. claim their first win in group a that result but certainly third in the table a point behind not only one wanted time to lead us by in munich it also gives reverting
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on cheney's man a chance of qualifying. was very important to win the first game and generally i think that in this moment. in this group also for the first place. but you know that we should go to the. fifteen days. probably there. will be very important again for us. also because for maybe a really good team they play for the world very well. wanting group c. wayne rooney scored two penalties is ten mans man ten man remaining signed two million big caress spot having the money of it sent off that results ninety of their first group win season and he was not to second behind benfica who want to nail that ball. while royal madrid just can't stop winning their one hundred percent record at the top of the group date with a four nil having something of neil right out now leads the group by five points
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from my x. who want to nail down i saw grab. as a very i was quick to point to ask that his side is an innings he could. be used. as their player. to go with that individual to go from digital. and. it is obvious we. were the usual. it's a little bit of little balls of the syllogisms. well meanwhile this wednesday night russian champions the needs are also in action against shakhtar in ukraine but will be without their captain eye exam the new cough and top scorer alexander current off so need to also but without make further alexei iana for this group g. clash they're trying to spread his men a confidence boosting
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a three one win over porto last time lines that put the point behind surprise leaders. themselves at porto later well received by return of brazilian striker clare betty who is being out in three weeks with a shoulder injury is expected to pair up with competitive how he missed their latest portuguese cup game the reigning you're a pretty champions posted enviable home record having lost just one of the last ten european ties. but elsewhere defending european champions barcelona host czech side victoria play genya boss at a level on points with inter milan at the top of group h. and have scored forty goals in the first twelve games you know how to shoot so far this season missy sixteen but the argentina star denies he's in competition with wales christiane renowned that. not then when you took the truth from my past i don't have any challenge set against him as i said earlier only want to help my
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team to do things better for myself and team point but at no time do i look at what christiane does so that i can try to be better than him but compare myself to him and say that is your game but i'm going to go well elsewhere chelsea will be looking to cement their narrow leading group d. as the english giants host belgian side again cool bottom the blues currently have four points but will have to do without brazil midfielder limb here as strike a philanderer torres is expected to start despite still struggling to find his top form a win would put chelsea in firm control of the group but coach and three village voice is bracing himself for tough competition. the result as well and you can say that it's a good result but they are going to do. just to win the game so. of course they would do three points on the greens a game. what i know about the little guys in the game is that the they created a couple of changes as well but luke was unruly and superior so i think i think the
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group is strides and when we put in the battle again for qualification and that's what we want to. be more our spying have extended their lead at the top of people's world rankings after winning both the last year and twenty twelve qualifying matches for the netherlands their second stage further behind after losing to sweden and then it's germany and europe i want brazil rise to number five followed by italy and england and portugal share a spot with greece who rise three places while russia are thirteenth and will play the greeks in a friendly little in the eleventh argentina and denmark are tied for ten. hours four days to go until the rugby world cup final france are named unchanged side to face hosts and favorites new zealand in oakland coach mark even more says he had no hesitation in keeping faith with the team that clinched a thrilling nine eight win over wales in the semifinals despite me for not calling some of his plays spoiled brats defying
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a curfew after that match to celebrate their victory the french will also be hoping it will be third time lucky this sunday they've reached the final twice before a nine hundred eighty seven and one nine hundred ninety nine and a loss on both occasions they were overwhelming underdogs with a clash against the all blacks. and finally fourteen time olympic swimming champion michael phelps has vowed to improve after failing to reach the final of the one hundred metres freestyle at the third stage of the world cup here in moscow though the american did bounce back to win the medley comes a day but up of reports. the twenty five meter. screen blix had been the settling for the nine hundred eighty olympics and this year it hosted the world cup for the seventh time but. had hardly ever welcomed so many prestigious swimmers. the olympic sports complex has long held traditions boosting and inspiring many russian swimmers hopefully will enjoy a high standard of competition and will probably witness new world records being said here meanwhile the preparations for the olympics has started and everyone is
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keeping london two thousand and twelve in mind swedish legend the results harmer winner of twenty five world championship mantles was in lane four for the one hundred butterfly final but the thirty four year old had to settle for second up to being heaped by china's luigne however alzheimer confidently topped her opponent in the fifty meter freestyle while behave as the world's most famous swimmer michael phelps marked his return to world cup swimming after a year away but it first everything wasn't going quite swimmingly for the fourteen time olympic champion phelps failed to burst of following the one hundred freestyle final then he improved in the two hundred meter butterfly after having a tough time on the walls to take a surprising bronze medal behind when i hit them are so some are from japan and south africa's child like last who took the silver but phelps is still confident of
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red is covering his star quality on the way to the london olympics that i am a lot better than terrified but. they really just being able to race is what i try to do right now. my walls are very good on three hundred. ninety water kicks are very good in there so there standings that we need to work on between now and there. next summer however the twenty six year old american did form his form and managed to grab first place in the one hundred meter individual medley the win gave him something to build on heading into the second day of competition have two relatively small returns but he is high standard. hopefully tomorrow we can have a little bit faster something a little bit better a scene but you know it's a good first day and i can't be too too upset but i could be a lot more happy with sixteen more golds up for grabs and wednesday there is still
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a lot to be decided much excitement many deals and breathtakingly says to come on the closing day of moscow's world cup stage because they about are both thirteen. but has a list for this bill isn't by far. the. question is that so much there's a huge decision by the market but reads like a cheap hollywood movie script iran is accused to have been behind a plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the u.s. to read.
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is moving. to.
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go on the streets of boston athens is what you see violent clashes breaking out as protesters the cases in their all star team measures that they say a crippling that culture will bring you all the latest tonight in just a moment. in other news strange and stand still serves a northern kosovo say the only clear there are roadblocks if albanian officials abandon border checkpoints despite nato's ultimatum urging them to leave or be forced out. in syria's two way violence with soldiers reportedly turning on each other and being killed during anti-government protests feeling fear of a full fledged civil war. was all honeymoon.


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