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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2010 10:30pm-11:00pm EST

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on. six thirty am in the russian capital good to have you with us here on our t.v. your headlines in washington says the release of u.s. classified diplomatic wires by whistle blowing web site wiki leaks is an attack on the u.s. and the international community but some have a list claim the revelations show the government's incompetence is. under suspicion in tehran accuses western governments and israel caught in the assassination of iranian nuclear scientists one physicist died another was wounded in separate attacks. and china calling for an emergency meeting of the six nations involved in north korea disarmament talks as tension rises on the korean peninsula joint naval exercises between south korea and the u.s. are underway despite warnings from. talk to the secretary general
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of the collective security treaty organization nicholai board usia about how to stem the flow of afghan drugs to russia that's coming your way next in the spotlight stay with us. how again a welcome to spotlight on r.t. . today my guest is. the organization for security and cooperation here at this holding its meeting this week in the. leaders
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that coming to discuss threats to their each one of the biggest challenges is the drug trade from afghanistan the recent joint. operation was a success and many experts are now advocating closer teamwork between nato russia and afghanistan but what i'm going to say she could have the muscle and now to boost the coalition efforts in afghanistan general of the collective security treaty of. the forthcoming always seesawing capital astana will feature leaders of the top political and military blocs the u.s. nato and the europe presenting europe and america will join the cia asked. to discuss terrorism international crime and drug trafficking the c.s.t. oh has been pessimistic about cooperation with nature so far but the successful joint anti-drug operation in afghanistan has proved teamwork is possible the c.e.o.
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also sees the astronaut summit as a perfect chance to blueprint real stamps creating a new pan european security system proposed by president dmitry medvedev. thank you for being with us today. about the upcoming summit. well it is a five major international organizations are participating. and you personally like to see as a result of this meeting your main objectives. well firstly the o.e.c.d. hasn't held a summit for eleven years. and now it's happening in a with because i stand as a siesta member state chairing it's. the very fact that top government officials are meeting to discuss security issues is a very important achievement. and for our objectives. we certainly
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want to discuss the issue of afghanistan but. i believe representatives of these by of organizations could discuss coordination of their efforts in tackling the problem of afghanistan and improving the situation in southern kurdistan. i'd even say that the fact that we're meeting to discuss all these matters will give an impetus to our joint efforts in maintaining security in the region more specifically i'll have a meeting with the always see secretary general to discuss the new always see initiatives regarding kurdistan the so-called peaceful police mission. we're willing to assist the always seeing these actions as we've been cooperating with the kurds authorities in stabilizing their situation and restoring order there. briefly discuss some different some of the nato summit has just taken place if i'm
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not mistaken beckons from where you say and i quote. position. you know there is no consensus among nato members regarding cooperation with the c.s.t. oh they obviously prefer. from the viewpoint on which are in their political goals unquote. the summit took place it was a success as we heard in russia participated in it is your position changed or has it remained the same. or nothing actually happened regarding the interaction between nato and the c s t o firstly the summit adopted made his new strategic concept secondly the summit took place without russia's participation russia participated. exactly participated in the russian nato summit which had its own agenda indeed many political analysts are saying that the summit was successful indeed a new strategic concept was adopted nato and russia agreed that russia should be
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more involved in supporting need to keep it is in afghanistan that they agreed to work together on a european missile defense system but there are other issues for instance that of urging russia to a knowledges decision to recognize south of. the summit did not discuss our initiative on the european security treaty because i also believe there was no breakthrough on the c.f.e. treaty so odds say that was a summit of a major international organization concerned with security representatives of need to member states assess it as successful we took note of its results nonetheless i want to stress we would really like to cooperate with nato in such areas as maintaining security in afghanistan and central asia drugs illegal immigration terrorism and so on well indeed the latest russian nato council meeting
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has seen a real breakthrough corporation between the former and tackiness as many analysts say to make war on the agreements the chief in lisbon in a report by spotlights. two words from the new strategic concept adopted by the alliance native poses no threat to russia a considered a major political achievement though is been summit moscow in brussels have agreed they're facing common threats like terrorism drug trafficking and the proof aeration the weapons of mass destruction and pledge to book a new era of cooperation we've worked hard to reset the relations between the united states and russia which has led to concrete benefits for both our nations now we're also resetting the nato russia relationship the most dramatic step forward in russian made a rule is the prospect of a new missile defense shield for europe for years the show was
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a stumbling block in relations between moscow and the west known the two sides seemed ready to make it in joint pool just in we treasure would be responsible for handling ruled missiles from the east and later from the west. we have agreed with our nato partners that we will pursue dialogue on european missile defense yeah a good here should be that our participation ought to be equal at it and i will stress this it can only be a support terrorists because it would definitely take time to work out the details for cooperation in the sound defense experts agree this question the idea is revolutionary in itself. and russia ever closer to real partnership in the. sense in september commenting on the suggestion for russia to join nato was unrealistic even at the quote. i don't think russia should even be discussing this matter you unquote missed. that but today nonetheless western
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and russian politicians seriously claim that this may happen some time in the future. war so do you still believe that russia will never turn nato. discussions or just a. stunt i haven't heard any russian politicians seriously discussing this matter since you're an oscar your organs are well right i know that many political analysts are discussing this issue first of all i repeat i believe that russia doesn't need to change the existing security system there is a well established security system within the collective security treaty organization. this system includes countries which used to be together in the soviet union they share the same intelligence the same approach the same military school the same structure of security forces the same agenda so it makes no sense to ted down what we already have and build something new with new partners in
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europe secondly there is a much cheaper option russia and the sea is still can interact with nato and that's exactly what we're talking about we can join these potentials and work together. so you believe that since there is no confrontation now. there is no need for us to journey to a new longer right confrontation and a long time ago there is no cooperation either third i believe any discussion of this topic is harmful as it makes zero allies feel uncertain. we should be able to tell them clearly should we take our stand with you with the c s t o. we me be the leading country here. where building this security system together with you. my next question is about. you mentioned korea when you answered my first question. first and purchased some with
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a serious seo. and i believe this was the first instance of such cooperation. to continue coordinating your work and cooperation and courage. and possibly other hotspots or was it a while. thing you know there was. actually we started coordinating our activities several years ago. we started discussing and evaluating various events together and considering what we can do together. kurdistan was the first instance where we called unaided our work not only with the sea but also with the un and in fact the e.u. but it's nearing the period of unrest representatives of these four guys asians gathered and assessed those events together and prepared their proposals on standardizing the situation and we continue doing so on other problems of central
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asia besides kurdistan's for instance we've been working together on the problem of the border on afghanistan i'm very grateful to the always see secretary-general mr bush on board for being so open to this cooperation. by the way some criticize the safest here and we talked about that last time around for not responding quickly enough to i think question and courage. the russian foreign ministry even said recently that in the. crisis response mechanisms should be a priority what song do you think these mechanisms are developing now. they certainly are the next serious to some into which will take place on december tenth will be devoted to these issues but actually one the leaders of the c.s.t. all countries met in the year of on recently they spoke highly of c.s.t. oh efforts our response to the current is crisis was prompt and effective we designed and recommended the measures which the presidents then approved the reason
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for criticism was different we were criticized because we chose not to send up peacekeeping forces to kurdistan however considering the way you dance unfolded we see that we were right not to send military units there instead we focused primarily on helping the. courage is authorities and law enforcement agencies to restore order in the country says new. general on the collective security treaty organization spotlight will be back shortly we will continue this interview in less than a minute so stay with us down. it was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain.
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welcome back to spotlight time al gore not just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is. the general of the collective security treaty organization. that's been there at the mission. in two thousand and five and two thousand and six which was the period of colored revolutionists. kurdistan criticize the always see. below sea but in the past to criticize it harshly moscow did not like the way the o.s.c. morning to hold elections we didn't like their observers and in fact we question their conclusions their analysis and their about elections. we strongly advocated a reform of the o.c.d. i remember much talk about the need to reform the o.e.c.d. yet the reform did not take place. needs to be reformed it's just my opinion it's well this is still member states think in fact before they believe the o.e.c.d. needs more than just a reform first it is necessary to establish the o.s.c.
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as a full blown international structure because it even doesn't have a charter or take the bureau for democratic institutions and human rights which monitors elections what are the founding documents approved by all the always see members that its activities are bay's done or does it operate simply based on what its officials want to do what the representatives of the sea is steel state suggest is that we should prepare some bylaws for the always seen generals and for some of the structures two years ago the c.s.t. all member states released a special statement calling on other participants to reform the organization. in the newspaper article that i quote. the idea is to create a security community in the states and the euro plan taken your asian regions this chance is three quel outlines in the context of the overseas summit in. december
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the first and second quote. considering the defects you mentioned nevertheless given mr laws understanding has become a new foundation for the new security system that the president spoke about. yes it can but only the international security organizations support its activities the president of russia incidentally spoke about that too. we need a legally binding treaty establishing a new security system in the euro atlantic area. but the treaty should include not only nations located in that region but also security organizations they deal with security issues in that region. it would bring some specific decisions on afghanistan but i'd like to discuss that in more detail. many believe it is high time something like
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a marshall plan for afghanistan was approved that which would not only put an end to the war but also provide aid and investments which is a basis for a new life can anything all that sort be at least agreed or even decided. i don't think so. who isn't ready i think what we can have is an in-depth discussion of security problems including those in central asia. and we'll of course discuss of. them when we can come to terms on starting this work but i don't think us to now will approve any specific decisions i believe will have a concern discussion and outline some approaches and plans for the joint activities over those problems including afghanistan's problems then today's the weak link that defines the state of security in the central asian region and not only there.
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we know i think you know. that. georgia is going to request that the reset and its mission to south. and that issue russian with possibly one find itself in the minority or even in isolation why can't russia find a compromise on that issue with the o c and why is it a scenario that. might go back to. this picking it's not appropriate for me to speak on behalf of russia because after all i represent an international organization. what do you think of the mission and asserting the parties are looking for a compromise but it's a crucial issue we say that south a set up because here are independent states while georgia says that they are georgian territory is. accordingly we say there should be three separate missions for south. enjoy georgia says no no no you mean you're not against the mission
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or you know. if they send separate missions to. they will actually recognize them as independent states which is something they can . sure the dispute is about the positions of states no more than that i think a compromise is possible and the parties are looking for it but right now i can't give you the details of the. those talks. there's another interesting question of. internal ministers meeting. russia's security council secretary said this threats from transnational crime are emerging as the most ones for the entire civilization to. actions by the whole international community are necessary. pacifically to fight the transnational crime we know about u.
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joint operation together with afghan and nato forces in afghanistan what else do you know what we do today in these so-called challenges like drugs terrorism illegal immigration and cetera is precisely working to can short transnational crime from all that single out two things first drug trafficking understandably there are transnational international criminal groups operating in the field and moreover their activities are well coordinated and we saw that particularly during the operation you mentioned and after it as we analyzed its results and received expert assessments and estimates and second extremist groups we are observing some very serious processes in progress in central asia for example we have specific information indicating that some of gamester and based
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extremist groups were implicated in the mass scale rioting in southern kurdistan there examples where those extremist groups attempted to destabilize the situation in certain areas of the ten i mean they're becoming more active not long ago the taliban whose flag those groups light turned up on the north in northern afghanistan they are able to extend their influence to northern afghanistan and across the pounds revert to the territory of member states. this is why we agreed at the c.s.t. zero interior ministers meeting that we should counter extremist activities in central asia. but everything i mentioned including criminal groups specializing in human trafficking is transnational crime that has to be dealt with their activities. we think these problems are more real than the threat of an armed conflict.
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as well as i have visited many times i was told the history of the conflicts by both sides. can only be forced into looking for compromises. that does not. see or no one else have the mechanisms to force the two states to look for compromise. i don't think a compromise can be found through coercion. and if they will never come to terms on their own. this is cheating of agreement is bayes done good will mutually acceptable agreement coercion or we can have peace and meant by force. if you cannot enforce a compromise seeking. why has this process lasted for so long ten years because a compromise has to mature not only. be ready for it but the public opinion as
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well the nation should be ready for a compromise helping to resolve the deadlock and i don't think this can happen overnight at any rate i know one thing better than any war yes i agree so it makes no sense to ask you whether they. will bring any decisions on. you know you can be all right and the answer will be no i don't think any decisions will be passed by the some. it is likely to come up in discussion you say the situation is somewhat better now but on the other hand there are many a defense minister said the other day that in case of any contingency he was ready for a peace enforcement operation in relation to. in other words they're ready to go from all. sides the same thing they don't seem to be willing for a compromise on you should what makes you think so they are looking for a compromise they don't want to be forced into that compromise but generally he
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said nothing out of the ordinary the armies are created to be ready for war this is why the minister said exactly what he should be saying but in reality only a compromise no combat operations no confrontation a compromise and a long wait perhaps for years and generations yes perhaps a new generation of politicians should come that will finally settle the conflict yes this is how i see things it is my personal view but i think the parties should be looking for a compromise. thank you very much for this and just to remind that my guest in the studio today was. that the general the collective security treaty. and that's it for the hour from all of us here if you want to have your self talk live or maybe have someone think i should tell me next time. are you let's keep the show interactive we'll be back with more first and comment on the what's going on outside russia today on r.t.
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