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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EST

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it's time for the country to stand on its own two feet. afghan foreign minister so let us all thank you very much for being with us today our pleasure mr foreign minister when soviet forces withdrew from afghanistan you have been publishing a resistance journal for eighteen years what did you and your compatriots expect for your country's future back then was usually afghanistan wanted to be free independent and sovereign country to be friendly with its neighbors region and have his own destinies their own her and get something that you wanted and something that the afghans all rule it how would you describe the state of your nation as of today afghan people have been at war for the last of took two years since nine
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eleven two cards and one when international community came to afghanistan to liberate afghanistan from different of the taliban. afghanistan is fierce internment is trying just to rebuild that. because for thirty years the war the country which solidly was a poor country has been completely destroyed so the challenge is hard rebuilding the country giving the normal life toward people are our children go to school to have a health care i tried to educate. doctors what you're trying to do now would or prince british defense chief general sir david richards said that nato should prepare for another thirty forty years to stay in afghanistan which makes a mockery of that plan to transition in two thousand and fourteen why do you think need to change that strategy and do you think that strategy defeating the tribal opposition was right in the first place number one it's not a tribal position it is
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a fight against terrorism and extremism and to try. chief in this tribal people are the first victim of the terrorism which are being killed every day. date of two thousand and fourteen afghan proposal president karzai as the first inaugural speech in the second term said that afghanistan should take the responsibility of its own security starting by two thousand and eleven and if an issue by two thousand and fourteen that's been proposed and i dropped it in london and kabul conference by international community and i to be in conflict and had that summit in lisbon that's a real things. afghanistan should be in the hands of afghans and the security of afghanistan is the responsibility of the afghans so starting by two thousand and eleven and finishing by two thousand and fourteen the afghan national security forces will be in charge of security of afghanistan and the remaining force of international community need to another's will be supporting force not
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a fighting force how is the russian effort to help their russian effort to what they help the war effort perceived in kabul i think russia is a great country a great power in the world is a great partner of afghanistan in the region and we seek the support and cooperation of russia for peace and security in afghanistan because the security in afghanistan the stability of afghanistan is not only for afghanistan it took effect disability and security of the region including russia so wonderful are a product of our foreign policy to fight against terrorism and extremism and stability of afghanistan in the region is regional cooperation because the fight against terrorism and extremism is not only individual afghanistan it is a regional issue so if you cannot find a solution the additional solution for it will be in deep trouble because that will continue until the longest time is nato presence threatening your internal security
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in relations to your immediate neighbors we have. being working through day one to ensure sure our neighbors that the presence of new to a life force in afghanistan for security and stability in afghanistan for the fight against terrorism and extremism is not directed against any other country and so far you have kept that reassuring god we need to have a regional competition as i mentioned to to defeat terrorism extremism kabul has very good relations with washington and with tehran just like russia is your government in a position to mediate between obama and ahmadinejad's perspective administrations and maybe are you afraid of the repeat of iraq a scenario when a war is waged just to satisfy a american demands iran is a great country of kindness done with whom we have a long historical dilution and we are seeking and having good dilution reviewed on united states software like afghanistan which are fighting terrorism and helping
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afghanistan a lot we see that relation between you danny the united states into benefit offer afghanistan and the benefit of the region but in the same time we don't want to pay the price of the problem but you don't do it sir you told the un general assembly and i quote you to complement our efforts towards eliminating poppy production who wish to see greater action to counter smuggling of precursors into our country and to reduce demand and consumption of drugs in other countries as of today over two and a half million russians are addicted to afghan heroin this is where mr why has your administration and your allies failed to tackle the poppy production first of all the poppy production in afghanistan have to result of thirty years of war and lawlessness and despair of the afghan people who do new tomorrow he's going to be a life or not you know security for their future. can be when he came to our back to afghanistan in two thousand and eleven to go two thousand and one two thousand
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and two don't have any institution. to fight it no police no judicial system no army and in that will take time forty can put. in place but the fight that is not quite dick is also one of the priority of afghanistan because afghanistan will pay first for that suffer first before they are there will suffer from it and you're not taking the benefit of that because the many produced by the traffickers will go outside afghanistan and not stay in afghanistan so definitely it is there it is a major fight that we are in a good conduct this fight cannot be done by afghanistan alone we need support of international community and we need the support of the regions by enforcement of law by us mentioned a precursor which are not produced in afghanistan has proved outside afghanistan in came inside afghanistan we will do our things already job to deduce and eliminate poppy cultivation in afghanistan but also the wall in the region should do did it
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forced to reduce the demand because because because the demand the production of poppies there so it's a common effort kamani afford of reducing the cultivation giving too far out of afghanistan the alternative which they will accept to grow something poppy defiler said cultivate puppy have any viable alternatives in the region of afghanistan which are under control of the afghan government which have been able we have been able to give a tentative yes that has not has been very positive seen that in two important problems of afghanistan which has been traditionally poppy grower and anger hard in this out in the east and by the action in the north when some project has been delivered irrigation project alternative. culture the production of culture of poppy because we need to significantly why are there area which did as insecurity in your not in full control of course the production has been increased
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. so more and more the security will come. in more and more the afghan government will become in control listen this going to be popular according to experience that we have and other part of afghanistan which is where mr the outside world gets an impression then you and your government colleagues are only save within a couple compounds and unable to travel across your own country isn't this send a signal to taliban that there may be a winning. i don't know what's the impression of the outside world i'm inside afghanistan i traveled practically all programs this myself and we are appointing all the governors saucer district chief or self small pockets of course afghanistan are still not under the control of the afghan government but the majority of afghanistan is rude and controlled by the central government of afghanistan i think that's a perception which we do not share with them sorry us forces have been accused of building black prisons in your countries where your citizens have been illegally
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detained and tortured. her the web document it military excesses against your countrymen and again you sure president has been an issue an issue that has created tension between united states and afghanistan there are two or three issues that has created tension there was the issue of detainees big issue of civilian casualties. of the night raids in the house this issue's has been discussed very frank and friendly manner i think we are in the right part to sort of soon in the beginning of two thousand and twelve afghanistan will be charge of detainees all about afghanistan at the beginning of this of this. taking charge of pretty nice and we are working with our allies to reduce the minimum of any need decision card with you but also issues of ninety eight that should be done by afghan national security forces more and more afghan forces will
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be in charge of the. but less than this would be described the problems elections have also been a lot in nice lately two elections have taken place since demitra led invasion both sat fraudulent with the rigging with results published only two months after the poll what do you say to those who claim when you and your allies are planning an unsustainable political system afghanistan a democratic system afghanistan after thirty years of war and lawlessness and no government practically were different kind of government has now system to democratic process is taking root cause you know you cannot make democracy in one day in your country especially in a country did you know war for fifty years so i think that there are probably going to be problems and i think the problem on election is not only in a specific in afghanistan a lot of countries even more developed countries have a hard problem in the election but the process is going on and people
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are. leaving a democracy that's the reason people are complaining millions of people in a very difficult condition of security when to vote a lot of women for the first time in afghanistan or will know in the election to be men a lot of priests it's a deal of good news with afghanistan where the afghanistan cannot be switzerland or sweden in nine years mr foreign minister thank you very much for this interview and i wish you and your people every success in achieving peace and democracy in your country. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from around russia.
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now run. when we stop stories the arrest of an art teacher covering a peaceful protest in the u.s. and the silence from american news outlets leads to questions over media freedom. harshest era new measures in ireland sparked massive protests trigger fears of even greater financial troubles around europe. and russia's democracy is far from perfect but is improving that's what the country's president said in his latest video also called for greater political competition in russia do some sense of stagnation. top stories of the week up next we'll bring you a sports highlights with natalia. hello and welcome this is the sports news and that's have a look at the headlines this hour. who did get
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a much needed domestic win but in the long run things are not looking good for the red and blue. dimitar berbatov nets five that's right five goals as much to united to make to the top of the english premier league. and in golf marking climbers looking to and a great season on the highest notes the jam is making so rival graeme mcdowell in the money race with a win that to be decided the dubai world championship in the final round on sunday . so we could get off with the english premier league night at all three points clear of chelsea at the top and dimitar berbatov became only the fourth player in league history to score five in a single game a dominating display at home to wigan seven one was the final score at old trafford with ninety and park also chipping in and meanwhile arsenal moved up to second in the table the guns want to get really a park and are now
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a point i had of chelsea at least until the blues play on sunday in manchester city i'll be back in the top full but they have the winslet pried out of their hands last year average them coming through stoppage time to salvage a point at home and also wolverhampton landed a four game losing skid with a three two victory over there in form sunderland sylvan adams blake though with a went up two minutes from time there. so the pressure is now on chelsea to come up with a win on sunday the blues will be aiming to put a three game losing skid behind them away to newcastle and ease the pressure somewhat. in the process the other game of the day will see told them i live a pogo had to had separated by three points in the standings. but i. also because i way that is a. fantastic show. there are fines you have to be on the raft to be you have to pay attention and i think that is doing a fantastic job you did a fantastic job you won the championship. for that we go from there so
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let me focus. if we could beat liverpool. meanwhile the russian prime a league season reaches its conclusion this weekend they need have already been crowned champions but there is still a lot of action of both sounds of the table to be decided on sunday here on the banks is all but one european qualification spot have been secured like i might see if i can grab that europa league place by earning a point at home to third say that ruby and spot an alter ego can snatch it too with victory over but only if local lose a crucial day the other round with five teams in all facing the chop alongside already relegated terry a lot of the creative side of the car this was hoping to remain in the top division . basketball now where a number fired says skull side got a much needed victory in the vid to be laid over the finish side home come the fast
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win on the interim coach admit that he shot colin but as richard bump of lead reports now there are a few signs that the european giants are about to turn the corner after a very disappointing opening to this season. serious car a club in turmoil may have reached eight straight final holds over muscovites face a struggle to even make the next round of your early after a disastrous start of a new season which is culminated in the sacking of head coach to stover to give each think of the. new system for their new circle for me. just off. the board. system. he's a good coach. i wish the best government had hoped to get their season back on track with victory over the finish side from the playboy in the united league first period sources car side littered with vera's
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struggle to get their game together and finish opponents who aren't exactly one of europe's possible powerhouses their women were making far too many basic errors i had it not been for the presence of dimitri sokolowski the paines the home side would have ended the first trailing rather than having a slender free point lead but having pretty much the same squad that made it all the way to last his final four in paris this is a shadow of a team that proved to be one of europe's very best last season says cover a team of very low on confidence a male lead to a big game very quickly they want to be challenging holders come the end of the season but most of us slowly began to get their act together in the second quarter but that munster kahlo once again proving to be too hot to handle from inside he was getting ample support from trajan langdon who are still too many players having an off day and the less said about the armament shooting from a free point line the better says car finally started to show something approaching a game in the second home as hong kong having fewer opportunities on often ends side we're going to a final quarter with
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a fourteen point advantage so has come into the fourth of the game but in the bag but even with a twenty point cushion their play was far too scrappy of both ends of accords and is plenty of work for interim head coach dmitri struggling to do to get one of europe. possible powers firing again first came a new coach and so did a pretty good job struggled at times but that's you know change systems and back some things that we did before. trying to figure that out hopefully we can get it get it going before. we have fuel to get our confidence back and you were in the most money thing is your you know you have for your names for probably the most important games and no one can you know these are troubling times serious camos go just by today's picture above twenty points it doesn't hide the fact that it was against very ordinary opponents of a still plenty of problems a short time. before this side starts being a force to be reckoned with again which we don't. over to go through now whether
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she has european tour money or race when it is decided to add this season ending dubai world championship with martin climber and graeme mcdowell battling for top spot as so far except to win it the p.g.a. champion said song six on the par toodle want to go around of seventy three that leaves him six shots off the laid while climbers so rival mcdowell is tied for thirtieth place only operate close talking to him and the irish man slightly improved his chances of catching up with climber with a sixty nine on saturday but he is still down strokes behind me that pulled her shoulder holding a two shop advantage and is looking sad to claim his second title in as many wakes up to winning the hong kong open just listening to this a go. rugby now of england's newfound optimism was dented by ruthless south african performance as the autumn international campaign and in the defeat at twickenham
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the hosts were fortunate to be tied at half time as south africa dominee to but managed only two more in steyn penalty case steyn extended the laid before tries from william alberts and was even born before the world champions when he want to say it's. in front. in the final minutes ben foden went over to making an interception before but one was england's first strike against south africa in four matches a lot of group just a consolation as the springboks extended their winning run against england to seven successive matches. and on to the cage shall find leads time now to take a look at the pick of the latest league action in our weekly goals goal or section . live live
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live was limiting go.
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live. live.
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with us this fall for the moment coming up short the weather stay with us.
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our roundup of the week's top stories the arrest of an artsy crew covering a peaceful protest in the u.s. and the silence from american news outlets leads to questions over media freedom. prizes of multiculturalism any of your past which alone holding a referendum on controversial plans for the for foreign criminals with a proposal already being branded brace's by manning. plus the future of russia's democracy in his latest video blog retributive says the sees signs of improvement but warns about the dangers of the lack of political opposition. and r.t. travels to the iraq study in central asia to see how an economic lifeline us turn into an illogical past her feet and looking out what is being done to reverse the damage.


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