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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2010 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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in this week's headlines before it partnership on no go moscow tells nato it conditions for taking part in a missile defense plans for europe of the alliance set top to oppose soviet meissen analyses closer ties with russia as kito new post cold borders of direction. and the letter. i made my letter here and now they're running me. off the news crew has been arrested in the us while filming protests against a military training school for latin american special services dubbed an assassin's camp by opponents. and russian businessman victim but it's denies charges of violence trafficking and terrorism at a point in the two hours after his swift extradition from thailand on tuesday. to israeli soldiers accused of using a palestinian child as a human shield received eighty nine sentenced much to the anger of human rights
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groups and the international community. hello and welcome to the program this is all cs weekly review the timing story russia is open to talks about taking part in a european missile defense system but only as an equal partner president dmitry medvedev was speaking at a nato summit in this been hailed as historic for ending the alliance is a once hostile relationship with moscow but has also has a lower in this to reports differences still remaining. nato rolled out the red carpet for the country once considered its bow and russian president dmitri medvedev arrived at the summit of the former cold war military alliance to leaders welcoming him with open arms and a plea. cooperate with us. let us do this
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together leaders on both sides seem to indicate they plan to do just that after nato russia talks they hailed as historic missile defense plans under the bush white house provoked the most serious rift between russia and nato since the cold war now the alliance wants russia to join in its plans but russia wants more than just sweet words with a good body nice you have agreed with our nato partners that we will pursue donnegan the european a.b.m. a main guide his should be that our participation equal and i will stress this it can only be as partners no other form of participation for the sake of the parents is acceptable only by the we participate fully we exchange information take part in this is in making we do not participate at all should the u.s. reset of relations with russia has brought nato to moscow once the great enemy but now courted as a key potential ally together we've worked hard to reset the relations between the
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united states and russia which has led to concrete benefits for both our nations now we're also resetting the nato russia relationship we see russia as a partner not an adversary russia and nato have reiterated common challenges to be fought from the spread of weapons of mass destruction to terrorism russia has pledged more help to nato in afghanistan with transport access and more resources to fight narcotics there and for the first time in pakistan despite all the warm words there are still differences notably over the south as such in conflict over two years ago nato back in georgia which russian forces were forced to fight after the civilian population came under attack and while nato seeks new purpose and allies others say the alliance belongs in the past everywhere that nato intervene from the balkans to iraq to afghanistan it's an absolute mess. because you
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cannot every anyone who's been to brussels know that you cannot you know even to agree on the sauce you're going to have with your stick can't imagine when a foreign military and economic was right there's no greater example of the discontent with nato it's called the good we think here on the street that led to what they believe those thousands of i mean by protesting the alliance and it i mean i. was. going to we don't think it's necessary it's ok for example for us to sew a country in crisis is spending so much money on something it's cold war what we have is a very powerful military alliance with no democratic accountability the leaders announcing this statement no parliament is going to get a chance to vote on it and as a result everyone's military expenditure is going to go up the message is entirely wrong nato is out of date now out of time we need
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a world of peace and justice not one of preparing for yet more wars and after introducing a new strategic concept to high hopes at the summit that nato is challenge now is to turn concept into reality or top on the list is forging a lasting partnership with russia for the next laura lister r.t. lisbon portugal. the summit also focused on the delayed ratification of the start nuclear arms reduction treaty signed by the russian the us presidents in april is currently held up by american lawmakers nato secretary-general anders fogh rasmussen told them as the summit that any fated to ratify would damage the security of europe and the entire a euro atlantic region president obama says there's no good reason why the deal can be passed by the u.s. congress the treaty would see the two countries nuclear arsenals slashed by a third but is being stalled in washington as new me elected republicans not outweigh obama's democrats nuclear security expert paul ingram told all say that
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although president obama faces an uphill. it's more a question of when rather any ratification will happen. this this treaty is good for european for american and for russian security it's the logical extension from the original start treaty that lapsed last december and there is now no official very clear verification treaty between the two countries so this this this treaty maintains takes on arms control for one foot and and takes the first step in a very long road to that is around obama's vision so he's certainly not about trying to score political points here he's exposed himself to some extent to two opponents who do seem to be trying to use this treaty themselves to score political points against him very very difficult political situation but i have to say if that treaty comes up for ratification on the floor of the senate it will pass the debate
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is when it comes up for votes and the objections are largely about not having enough time to properly scrutinize the treaty senators have had eight or nine months to do this it's plenty of time compared to previous treaties so it really is quite baffling as to whether there really any concrete objections to this treaty coming from the senate. this is our c.e.o. and coming up later this hour the sixty fifth anniversary of the nuremberg trials i remember the lessons of horror forgotten by its. if you will need a deviation should it be a big. we need to. made fears of a rise in profile sentiment across europe calls for greater sympathy towards convicted nazis or evoking that outrage. on the mystery of what hidden underneath the concrete structures ceiling the radioactive poor turnover always do for replacement we hear experts fears about and covering french nuclear danger
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lurking inside. an r.c. crew has been arrested in the you are says they filmed a rally near a military training academy dubbed by critics the school of assassins a cameraman john called by the correspondent. have been taken into custody in the state of georgia along with a number of activists he's going to take on has the latest from washington. we had the chance to talk to kayleen one of our correspondents she and one of our cameraman john conway are now we jailed in columbus georgia they were covering an annual demonstration outside fort benning which holds a training center for latin american soldiers and policemen air every year thousands of people gather at the gates of that institution with demands to shut it down among its graduates are many of the continent's most and poorest torturers mass murderers dictators and state terrorists some call for banning america's terrorist training camps kayleen our correspondent said there was no disobedience
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to the police on their part they stayed away from the gate as they were asked to but what followed by all standards nonviolent and rally were dozens of arrests even one ninety year old priest was arrested r t america crew were arrested as they were doing their job trying to capture on camera the whole event including the arrest they are now we jail for that is not quite clear right now they could be charged with disobedience to the police or federal trespassing has been covering this who are going public outrage with what's going on at fort benning and it's training camp for america and military and law enforcement officers they train around sixty thousand of that many of them of return to their countries and committed human rights abuses poor kerry actually due to their szell execution and massacres in nine hundred ninety three for example the united nations truth commission on el salvador named the army officers who had committed the worst atrocities of the
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civil war there are two thirds of them had been trained at the school of the americas. for banning and in chile the schools graduate and both. secret police and some of these prisons which are often referred to as concentration camps and also the generals who led the military coup in honduras were trained at the school of the americas which is now called the western hemisphere institute for security cooperation. the name change but the practice is there remained kaley forward our reporter was covering all bases and the rally outside fort benning where the training center is located i'll keep you posted on the cruise on our crew situation there as we get more information from them hopefully they will let them go and caylee will have the chance to tell us the story behind this rally. russian businessman victimhood has painted not guilty to charges of terrorism and supplying arms to leftist colombian fog rebels the police
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came off to have a security whisked out of bangkok on tuesday in an extradition moscow seto's in may go marina takes up the story. q. and a half year campaign to get one russian citizen accused arm dealer victor boot begins to face american justice victor boot came into u.s. custody on tuesday set to stand trial on arms smuggling and terrorism charges one conspiring to kill united states nationals to conspiring to kill united states officers and employees three conspiring to use an acquire anti-aircraft missiles and for conspiring to provide material support to the fark meantime the u.s. to stands accused of breaking was to grab the russian businessman organizing a swift extradition from thailand involving some fifty federal agents and u.s. marshals keeping the operation a secret from boots lawyer family and russian officials.
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despite two rulings in thailand's criminal court saying victor boots killed was not proven the thai government has still decided to hand him over to the united states i consider this unprecedented political pressure on the legal process and on thailand's government moscow has dubbed the extradition of their citizen are striking in justice boot a former army officer was arrested in bangkok in march two thousand and eight in a sting operation involving american law enforcement officials all aboot who didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her husband in thailand accuses the u.s. of kidnapping as a political force. in this operation was illegal it was done after lobbying from the u.s. this russian citizen was shipped to the united states as if he was just not chipped without his documents and without the russian embassy being informed and during his transfer to new york who claims that u.s. officials attempted to force a confession from him as part of
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a possible plea bargain. according to victor boot during the extradition there were attempts to convince him to make a confession of the crimes he had never committed promising some privileges in return but mr boot rejected these offers in new york federal court on wednesday the forty three year old cargo dealer denied all charges but is being held in solitary confinement at a federal prison in lower manhattan with legal assistance from the russian consul a top kremlin official stressed that moscow is demanding fair treatment for its citizens while not getting involved in the allegations it faces like your picture which i want to stress to the u.s. authorities of course some very serious and profound challenges against this russian citizen we have nothing to conceal we don't consider this case a state secret or anything of the kind that we want to see this investigation finalists has to answer all the questions raised by the u.s.
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he will be given protection in the consular assistance however that doesn't mean we are claiming that he's innocent as it will be you know. while many have speculated as to why washington wants but so badly opinions had there. been a pretty this is a question of principle they've spent ten years of spending money taxpayer money on trying to root out gun runners so they have to have someone to show for it and they chose victory over to the camera because i understand that there was significant amount of political pressure by the us to put on the tar government but i assure you that will be nothing. compared to the put sure that the united states is going to. distribute it cooperate with the us or already it's against others the chances of a fair trial for victor boot are already in question with us media and the prosecutor portraying him as a villain the so-called merchant of death is now
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a federal inmate there are all those seeking to provide some cold comfort victor boot is of course presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty the fate of victor boots future will be sealed in this new york federal courthouse his next hearing is scheduled to take place in january if convicted the russian citizen faces twenty five years to life behind bars burning up or not artsy new york. to israeli soldiers convicted of using a palestinian boy as a human shill have walked free from a military court they've had made a nine year old boy open bags they suspected held explosives during the israeli onslaught in gaza almost two years ago also has put us in a hospital from time of it. this is a military court that essentially sentenced these two soldiers to three months probation and the most of them from the rank of staff sergeant to sergeant now the case involves the operation cast lead the war back in two thousand and eight two
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thousand and nine when the two soldiers approached a young nine year old palestinian child and forced him to look inside a number of bags that the soldiers were fearful had some kind of explosives in them as it turned out there was nothing inside the bags and no one was hurt but the soldiers were charged with using this child as a human shield which was ruled by the israeli supreme court to be illegal the military prosecutors wanted to see some kind of jail time they were essentially calling on me fact that the soldiers violated human minds and also what is known as these radio defense forces code of purity of arms such as the intern's carries up to three months in prison but as we see the soldiers got off with a relatively conservative and light interns just as a surprise to many people here in israel particularly human rights groups and left wing organizations i just got off the phone with the public committee against torture in israel and they used the word ridiculous and i think we're going to see more of that kind of reaction throughout the course of the day as the sentencing
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becomes more public you put it sholay is a former israeli soldier and he says that risk particular case of a nine year old palestinian boy being used as a human shield is not unusual the only unusual thing in this instance is that it made it to court in the first place. i think to ask a combat soldier and serve in the occupied territories where your pals for you as human shields like to ask you to drink coffee in the morning so what we did is we just bumped into a house nearby house we grabbed one of the kids we took him with us put him in front of the patrol you just walk your patrol in the village with your kid and then no one for us towards this is not the first time that there has been recorded instances of israeli soldiers carrying out some kind of violations against palestinians it was a case not so long ago when the israelis. soldier uploaded to facebook pictures of soldiers harming and mocking and humiliating palestinians there was a lot of emotion in the courtroom in addition to this morning the soldiers themselves have not spoken on camera but their lawyer did say that they were
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satisfied with the finding they did feel that the soldiers were being used as a scapegoat by the military superiors who ordered the carrying out and that they are the ones who should be faulted book there's also a city in this world that this is a case that is meant to be a levy eight international pressures that the international community can see the i.d.f. doing some kind of internal tracking and internal assessing to make sure that this kind of thing does not happen again but it's unlikely that with such a conservative sentence many people in the international community will be satisfied today. now a quick preview of what's coming your way next hour shunned across the continent. this pile of rubble is all that's left of the housing estate what all for it is called a public health hazard in first. quote roaches and flu well the robot will go home. their report on the roma community is abandoned by you. it was sixty five years ago when the foundation of modern international law was
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laid with the trial of top know it is a nuremberg hoping to ensure that hitler's horror would never be forgotten but it seems that some in europe have but the rise in fascism highlighted by russia's foreign minister the opening of the museum to mark the nuremberg anniversary maria for notion reports from near him. speaking at the opening of the nuremberg trials memorial here in germany in that very room it's called room number six hundred in the palace of justice in nuremberg exactly where more than four hundred court hearings over more than twenty nazi leaders took place exactly sixty five years ago following which they were following to go to russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has a thought first of all emphasize that that was a. toward combatants a milestone event for the history of mankind as for the first time ever the actions by nazi dictatorship were classified as crimes against humanity and crimes against peace of the world and their usage of responsible for that scrutiny for the it's
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a trust cities were condemned and punished by official international court but mr love for old has also stressed that this is something we have to remember it's it cannot be forgotten but he has said that he died out a lot that the lessons of the nuremberg trials have to be learned to do because when you see these because as everyone learned the lessons of the nuremberg trials apparently not because how can we then explain recent attempts to justify the actions of the nazis and their collaborators to make their crimes look like something a bit justified how should we understand annual march is a former s.s. soldiers in some european capitals are going to record trials against anti nazi veterans in the introduction of the swastika to the cultural heritage of the baltic people who are going to duty of the international community is to fight neo nazi ism racial hatred xenophobia and extremism a slight step back to the demons of the past forgetting history or trying to
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rewrite it could lead to new tragedies getting more foreign minister lavrov has pointed out here in nuremberg that of course is a good thing to open such a museum to set up such a memorial here in the city but of course the more important thing is not to forget the results of face trials of the principles the principles of trost mutual trust and respect it has established. president dmitry medvedev has met with his iranian counterpart mahmoud ahmadinejad for the first time since backing un sanctions against iran they were a big caspian sea power summit in as a version this week well five nations discuss the region's rich and the g. deposits and maritime border disagreements moscow and tehran sought to repair their relationship by discussing the peaceful use of atomic energy with iran's russian built nuclear plant due to go online soon president of more than a shotgun firm think use asians with russia over his country's controversial nuclear program would resume in december the two countries fall out one last could support of the un sanctions led to the cancellation of
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a delivery of missiles to the islamic republic and peace ivan eland says relations between iran russia and the united states now look more like a good call bad cop routine. i think iran lives in a rough neighborhood with countries around that like israel and saudi arabia that don't really care for it much so they have some legitimate security concerns but iran is probably not going to give up its nuclear weapons even if the regime became democratic tomorrow the conservatives in the united states said well gee if we just made iran democratic this would all change but really the nuclear program has society wide support in iran not only for the prestige but because it's regarded as being a deterrent in a rough neighborhood i think russia has a good role to play in this because russia has better relations with iran than the u.s. so if nothing else they two countries are going to be good cop bad cop us can be
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the bad cop pressuring iran and the russians can be the good cop saying well you know you really need to do something because otherwise the united states is going to try to press you more so i think that since the russians have a better relationship with the iranians they can be more frank with them and the iranians will listen and i think. from what was diplomatically said at the meeting they had a pretty frank discussion about the iranian nuclear program and that sort of thing at least that's what the president of russia mentioned. and that's now have a look at some other news from around the world americas north korea cheaply flying urgent talks with pyongyang his neighbors neighbors following its announcement of a new highly sophisticated uranium enrichment facility stephen bosworth will visit south korea japan and china to discuss the reclusive state's nuclear capability plane's pilot satellite images showing new construction at the country's atomic complex experts say the facility could be a ploy for concessions in nuclear negotiations all for domestic political
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consumption in north korea. roman catholics gathered in western poland on sunday for the consecration of what local officials say is the largest statue of christ in the world the massive monument took over four years to build with local businesses hoping it will boost the economy is through terrorism but some polls are accusing the priest who oversaw their project of a power trip saying the vast scale contradicts christ's message of military this touches turns at thirty three meters one for every year jesus lived. scientists so war and water radioactive dangers still lurk at the chernobyl site nearly a quarter of a century after the nuclear plant exploded in a catastrophic accident the concrete structures sealing the contaminated area is nearing the end of its life but it's not clear all lies underneath your ships can best. almost quarter of a century since the chernobyl fallout
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a special confinement structure called the circle is still preventing more radioactive emissions into atmosphere this structure the circus was built in one thousand eight hundred six just months after the disaster that you know will nuclear power plant back then experts predicted that this would last for only twenty years until two thousand and six that is but as you can see from here it was strengthened and improved extending its lifetime for five more years the biggest question is how much nuclear fuel remains under the surface some experts believe that there is none as most of it did very polarizing to the atmosphere and was spread around the chernobyl exclusion zone but many experts believe that there are ninety five percent of nuclear fuel still remaining under the surface and that could be tons and tons of nuclear material. we believe that the nuclear fuel under the sea configures is no longer a solid mass like it's almost twenty four years ago that now is more of three
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layers of dispersed dust so should the presence or go for good scraps we could see a very powerful explosion or facilities as powerful as a nuclear one. in order to avoid another catastrophe europe invested in the building of a new confinement in two thousand and seven french company was allowed to start the construction of an arch like steel structure to cover the facility three years later the project is underway with more than five hundred engineers building the new circle for next to the contaminated land it won't be just the frame yeah it will be a technological complex as multi-functional crane system will be installed inside the new structure eight. finals up the new safe confinement should provide the safety environment for the works far in the project's initial cost was thought to be half a billion euro now sources in chernobyl reap. that figure has almost doubled but in
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the fight for the continent's safety no sum is too much the new confinement is expected to be completed by the year twenty thirteen and is expected to last for another hundred years the only question is what is the fate of the nuclear power plant in church some say that it may be dismantled under this new dome but that is only a speculation for now we only heard that this is a process which may take another seventy years and there are no technologies to this day which would allow this to happen. see reporting from the churn noble exclusion zone in ukraine. you know. well more headlines for you in just a moment.
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wealthy british style. that's not. accurate. hi fred.
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markets why not us canada. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on our.


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