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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EST

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at long last nato looks eastward for closer cooperation with russia after russian president dmitry medvedev takes part in the nato summit that is taking place in lisbon. to understand us foreign policy first understand a very basic premise u.s. government wants to dominate the world ensuring influence abroad on the plugs of mcchrystal ization looks at how the money from the u.s. timescales kids and funding american politicians overseas.
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one hundred years to the death of one of the world's greatest drawing says tolstoy's works and philosophical ideas are as alive and popular as. a very warm welcome to you this is all to you live from moscow with me alice habits nato wants to see russia as a part of that message was made clear at a summit county taking place in lisbon where the alliance a don't did a new strategy or there's any of them advantages attending a naysaying council session where he'll consider a proposal for moscow to sign up to a european missile defense shield. as out of a joins us live now but he got that he knows i'm late so it seems to be. very.
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there is so wise it's. held off the years of. alice many experts have been long saying that nato is an organization that is pretty much a stain that it became extinct when its main rival its main fall and the very exists in the very reason for its existence the soviet union and the cold war situation. ended and so basically nato lost its very purpose and of course this has been very difficult for it to it has been somewhat difficult for it to readjust because of its large number of members twenty eight member states all of them with their different i joined a different agenda different policies different politics they're all basically pulling and pushing and different directions therefore has been difficult for nato to come up with a joint strategy joint vector for development and critics are saying that this is what it is trying to do right now and it is realizing that in order to survive in
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the twenty first century global political arena to become a strong and respected unified organization it does need the help of russia specifically in matters where security is concerned now operation between russia and the north the treaty organization is already evident in areas specifically concerning of. many. operations between moscow and of the alliance have already proved successful for example of recent drug bust made by a joint forces that destroyed a number of laborde labs and a huge dose of heroin that is a very important step hailed by both russian and nato officials and of course various other aspects of cooperation and afghanistan have been crucial for developing a stronger ties between russia and the alliance and of course that's not the only aspect where the alliance wants russia's backing on. specifically russia
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has been offered to participate in the european anti-missile defense system something that moscow has long been wary of but might be prepared to consider when takes part in the russian nato council that will take place later on in the day here in lisbon and of course the start treaty that. in the with the start treaty that was underlined not only by the nato secretary general by u.s. president barack obama by the french leader. all of them have. urged the u.s. congress to ratify the treaty saying that it is a crucial piece of security not only. in promoting nuclear nonproliferation but also in promoting global nuclear security not only in europe but also in the united states in the world so a very important piece of legislation that needs to be ratified by the united states and hopefully that is something that will take place later on as all of the
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leaders here in lisbon have urged congress to do just that. same line the alliance house. does and. of course have long been saying that nato is an organization that doesn't really fulfill any purpose ever since the cold war ended a large number of members prevented it from having a unified policy and a unified vector of development and it is right now trying to change that with a new strategy for development that they've adopted here in lisbon of course critics are saying that so far it's just words and it remains to be seen whether the alliance will be actually able to move from words to actions but it is clear that nato is trying to rethink its concept rethink its very strategy and attempt to secure a place for itself in the twenty first century global arena with the help of russia which does seem very inclined to secure as
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a new. strategic partner right happening as out of our many thanks for out they live from lisbon let's get more on this summit now i'm joined in the studio behind me chris is long a political analyst a member of the council for foreign policy and defense but as the joining us here we were hearing there from our correspondent about some of the changes that nato is going through especially in its relationship with russia and nato does seem to be experiencing some intel disagreements at the moment with some critics saying that is suffering from a form of ideological and crisis if you think that's why it's turning to russia well first of all it is turning to russia because they're well with wants it to do so supplementing its research with russia with another important dimension namely not needs russia relations and also trying to overcome two major contradictions that the u.s. still have with russia first of all on european security and secondly on missile
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defense there are also some nato born reasons why nato is turning to russia you know the real threats to nato security are so that they can be overcome. just by nato independently they need to really does cooperation with russia on the fields on the on the issues like nonproliferation like afghanistan like counterterrorism count on or cortex and counterpoint and the results of the third reason. in order to stay as the foundation of european security nato has just two options one is confronting russia and coming back to the cold war which is impossible nowadays because of the new threats and because of the position of the western european countries that even the bomb on the street you know there are the corporate thing with russia building new potter said that's what nato is trying to do. ferdinand as you say be drawn away for closer relations with russia is coming
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from the head from president up. has south and he's used this summit taking place and is the now once again two words that then it's a ratify this start treaty the strategic arms reduction treaty with russia saying that good relations with moscow are vital for many of washington's initiative all of these ties it really is vital as all that you know it is the founding principle of reset. nato needs the u.s. need programmatic cooperation with russia in order to achieve its vital interests it is in because of the obama administration policies and these vital interests are iran afghanistan and nonproliferation so without russia none of these are possible and this is why the bomb administration decided to improve relations with russia to reduce the importance of some contradictions like on georgia and so on and so forth and it is a little bit more over russia nowadays is the only foreign policy success of obama
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administration apart from the major powers because if we look at the relations between the america and china they are very problematic no days with europe there are also problems with other asian countries there are problems but with russia we have this profound improvement if there'd collapses then a bomb or administration would have been a success is talking it's clear what the positive sides in a warming relationship are for washington birds what's it. getting closer to nato bearing in mind all of those years start to see and i've already that they've got to have a calm there are two major reasons first is russia is no less than the united states and nato interested in stability in afghanistan is not interested in coming back to power and spillover of instability and second thing and by the way russia is also challenged by all the other new real threats like terrorism proliferation and so on and so forth and secondly russia understands that nato exists as one of
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the major europe. security organizations in order to play a. more room in the field of european security a major european security russia needs to cooperate with nato that's what russia is also trying to do with it we're interested to see what realign action comes out of this meeting taking place in lisbon whether we really do see a strengthening of ties between russia and nato whether it's just or talk to me he says love many thanks for joining us here thank you. and now moving on to other news at this hour. buying influence abroad doesn't come cheap as help american taxpayers are finding out to their cost the u.s. is spending billions of dollars to finance opposition politicians and policies over things that fit in with washington's foreign policy plans when the second part of our special report on t.v. how this explains how it's being done a. great party but who's
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picking up the tab apparently the american taxpayer nine billion dollars spent by the united states agency for international development and promoting washington's democracy initiatives. a new model for influencing a target country's internal politics in favor of u.s. interests to financing training support and guidance to pro u.s. forces in foreign countries another democracy promoter the national endowment for democracy received one hundred thirty two million dollars during two thousand and nine nearly all of it from u.s. government agencies but these are just the tip of the iceberg there is an entire network of organizations involved in the democracy promotion business although all organizations insist there is no political affiliation the board of directors for both n.d.i. in iraq i suggest otherwise former secretaries of state national security advisers
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members of congress and even. inten bush and reagan administration officials they all have a history in washington one deeply rooted in sustaining the current foreign policy priorities to understand u.s. foreign policy one must first understand a very basic fact the us government wants to dominate the world. this is what democracy promotion brought the people of one door us. while us the ideal requests eight hundred thousand dollars for strengthening governance and democracy in hundred us journalists and activists are being brutalized and killed under the u.s. backed government. in egypt a revolt against the us backed policies of the hosni mubarak regime has mobilized these agencies to co-opt opposition groups and sharing the results of the upcoming elections will be beneficial to washington many who study these agencies believe the soft money working behind the scenes is directly linked to the cia they had to
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have this new organization with a nice sounding name a democracy and it and i sounding name which would be free of the taint of the cia and that's been that was a reason an idea was created usa id has implemented democracy promotion initiatives in over one hundred countries in the past twenty five years this year's budget one billion dollars according to usa ideas website spending ten million dollars in a target country increases its amount of democratic change five fold how much of your tax money would you like to go to promoting democracy and a solid. not that much would you be ok if foreign governments were giving our politicians money for the election campaign no that would bother me and here in lies the hypocrisy we have a very clear law on the books prohibiting foreign governments from interfering in
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our elections. supporting and the candidates with money so we do exactly what we were going to home encouraging transparency is a stated core element of the u.s. government's democracy promotion efforts in foreign countries however here at home the agencies themselves are far from transparent detailed budget programs are unavailable to the public and contact with the media is limited over the last six weeks r.t. repeatedly requested interviews with usa id and the d i r i n n d i all of our requests were either tonight or on and certs hospice r t washington d.c. . or later today we bring you a special report about one of america's most controversial political find this norman a physical funding the film gives a balanced trade of a man called a self hating jews by some and a street fighting revolutionary by elvis his a quick. my grandmother did not like with her because.
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he was afraid. and she was very good. she felt. our lives frankenstein's monster. we do have the problem but every. effort is made. by the palestinian or the european side to negotiate an end to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war calling. so long as you have no fear calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we are supposed to be seriously examining history but you mention
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a few words about jewish culture labyrinth and people get so upset this is i'm sorry to say it's a form of emotional blackmail. now it's been offend strings since the death of well we're now nd russian writing me its whole story the author of celebrated novels war and peace and on a cabin and a is being remembered throughout the country not just a reisa so a story with a much contest a philosopher excommunicated by the russian orthodox church see visited his family estate found of all scared to find out the feelings that modern russians have. leo tolstoy like his family stayed because it was as far from the madding crowd as you could get. a place where he could feed darks and get lost among birch trees without
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anyone disturbing him. a century after his death it's an easy thing bought solitary group after group falling into his house not to minute for contemplation we. just had to learn has never been short of visitors and start during the hi susan some are spring and autumn we have trouble handling the flow of tourists it's pretty hard to get it you have to call it a certain time to book a visit on a particular day otherwise you just won't get there. it's. a great great grandson of the writer my dear tolstoy can we side many of his famous ancestors novels by heart but he says few of the museums visitors could do the same russians are proud of tolstoy but more is the brand than a favorite author according to polls only eleven percent returns to his books after finishing high school. unfortunately most people never go back to question call it
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torture or to being forced to read it as call ins to prefer it it was trendy and popular these days there's nothing bad about that it's just a pity that those people miss out on religion which are. just a few hundred metres from tolstoy is a speed this film also face still serves as a pillar of strength for bass family alfred and elaine but the vinnie called belong to do what bores a christian group that with the help of toll floyd moved to canada in the late nineteenth century fleeing from persecution in russia twenty years ago their descendants came back settling in the village told stories abound most of his life what happened is the void that was in me in canada disappeared and its spiritual void i found myself here the boy like tolstoy who despised exploitation all for it in a lane of building their new home all by themselves even though it's already taken them a decade like tolstoy they strongly believe in pacifism and a unity big nature and above all they see told stories ideas as timeless i think
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his ideas haven't had been reached. and there are just starting to be tapped into and that's why i think russia has agreed. and i thought form is throughout his life just to begin renowned for you find all sorts of conventions and turning his own. to one side the dark is terrible because it means the end of everything but this doesn't apply to his own legacy during his lifetime his readership was indifferent than a century after his death the count goes in millions last year war and peace was named the greatest book of all times by music magazine bringing an ultimate moment of peace to this bleachery warrior. ok now some other major world news this hour and a german magazine or develop later under so you see to the school it's
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a place to get a terror attack on all of their spiegel says its plans for thirty three or more next year with two militants having already arrived in berlin several weeks ago the information comes from a tip off by the hardest of the german interior ministry with other parts of the country also reportedly targeted in the second post around the country at train stations airports and tourist attractions. rescue efforts to miners trapped on the ground the new zealand coal mine are on hold due to fears of a second explosion twenty nine miners are missing more than twenty four hours a promising blast tore through the tunnel as two men others to escape the size injuries it's still not known whether the other miners have survived rescue organizers have said the level of toxic gases is still too high to send the crew below ground it's. time now for business update with the media.
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hello and a very welcome to the business news like many other governments around the world russia has taken steps to reduce this budget deficit but with parliamentary and presidential elections approaching its steering clear of unpopular austerity measures instead texas ought to be raised particularly on business and make poor reports. taxes in russia are going up from the beginning of two thousand and eleven the increase would be the equivalent of two percent of g.d.p. to reduce the budget deficit which is expected to be a little below five percent but these will not be temporary measures. there is a difficult period ahead and there will be a new trend for taxes which will not be temporary taxes are going to increase you know many countries have accepted such measures but priority should be first given to ending tax breaks and creating neutrality in the tax system which applies
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equally to all companies the measure which is cause most concern among lawmakers is the decision to increase insurance payments for companies to thirty four percent from fourteen percent although this will have little impact on nonresident companies operating in russia the increased insurance premiums on payroll funds will apply to the first four hundred fifty thousand troubles ever sellers of foreign companies pay a higher than this traditional small businesses right for that will be exactly fifty four percent which is a dramatic increase compared to what's happening today for nonresidents i for the companies that trade is a russian rather than operate in a country it's completely irrelevant there are fears the cancellation of tax breaks could be a deterrent to those wishing to invest in russia but the head of ernst and young's tax and legal practice and c.i.s. treatment of says that's unlikely we as a country will not be able to attract investors by simply reducing taxes even by evolution completely you really need to create the stimulus. bill.
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incentivising. the finance ministry is trying to have its cake and eat it by reducing the budget deficit scaring business and for the most part the experts believe this will be possible as even off to the tanks when it's the government will be taking a small series that in almost any other developed country. business or. a look at the markets now play russian equity markets close to positive on friday for a six two hundred point benchmark finishing just a tenth of a percent in my six had an up and down session and ended just. looking back up the last week the russian markets were pulled in both directions with virtually no fools upbeat economic data from the us encouraged the bulls won inflation wars in china fueled the best. the markets and that of the week slightly down but largely unchanged the past week has seen. the continuation of the tug of
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war between the blues and the bear is you know there are people who are seeing a lot of our beat economic data coming out of the u.s. coming out of asia a lot of quality a.p. always a big general motors which is very well received there are a lot of good news in the market and good developments but the biggest fear now is inflation is special in china where the central bank had to act to stop the rapid increases in prices there is also told that china and hong kong can take measures to arrest the rapid growth in real estate prices to prevent the bubble and so all of between these two kind of big positive over improving global economics and certain positive corporate developments and the fear of rising inflation in china and therefore maybe elsewhere in the world these two opposing factors have resulted in the share prices and in the weak slightly down but essentially flat
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russia is creating a special zone to boost into astral innovation the so-called titanic valley it will be set up in central russia by the end of the here. is expected to attract national and foreign investors in the hope of a shift from producing raw materials to a more advanced output archies timothy reports. the russian government is an enthusiast for special economic zones gambling ports and high tech i've either got one or it's under development so why not do the same for titanium the best wasn't as it will give enterprises the opportunity to develop into gees value added products and also bring out partners here with new technology including production of titanium valley wants to attract shipbuilding power plants engineering pecial chemistry medicine and nuclear engineering will be located in the euro mountains next to the world's biggest titanium producer this imperial of the smart canoeist
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first of all we are inviting other partners and our buyers these are the companies like boeing air bus a good tree and rolls royce is fully corresponds with their games to cut costs so we are ready to invest up to one hundred fifty million dollars into the team valley even though the decree to set up the economic zone will not be sorry for another couple of weeks companies are already showing an interest of the acim feel of this more to spend seven hundred million dollars in preparation and it's not the only one its neighbor russia is leading pipe producer chel pipe is also actively modernizing for such a thirty million dollars. let's listen to. this. part. of. this. however the creation of the titanium value will not be swift but to four years could be needed to create the infrastructure to figure a super business r.t. girls that's all we have time for now but you can always get more store
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a small website r.t. dot com slash that's us.
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