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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EST

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markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy is because reports of. seventy six hours of intense fighting. six thousand dead at a beach front battlefields several kilometers long. and now there is only one person who cares. to see we are surrounded by garbage everywhere but also there are . on this beach which of course is very most appropriate signification a symbol of everything that's wrong with our goddamn government allowing not only garbage but to a cheery way where so many guys died. a new battle is going on. will the history be protected. return to terrible julian
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cooper story on our t.v. . time to make friends nato hopes for better russian ties seeks moscow's help on self-defense and the. president that it said join to this one sided. dishing out democracy at the throats of the u.s. taxpayers sending out tens of billions of dollars to foreign influence. and even in the air a hundred years off the world cost when it's greatest think we visit to tolstoy a state. that says to me that it's.
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thank. you you're watching r t well live from moscow well our top story now nato seems to be sending a clear message once russia has an ally the block is meeting in this been right now and is courting moscow to sign up to a joint missile defense shield and it's hoped that president medvedev attendance could signal an historic turning relations between the two sides tees are in the store explains the common interests the former rivals now have. today here in lisbon portugal where the nato summit is taking place russia nato relations are expected to be key on the agenda russian president dmitri medvedev is expected to be here in talks with nato as the alliance continues trying to improve nato russian relations we've seen u.s. president barack obama call for nato to reset relations with russia similar to the reset that the u.s. called for that was an editorial in the international herald tribune and he also
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called for this summit to be the place that nato establishes that it sees russia as a partner and not as an adversary now he on the agenda will be afghanistan this is an area where we've seen increased coordination between nato and russia and russia has really been looked to for help in fighting the drug trade and increasing routes for supplies getting in and out now also works here russia and nato talk about other joint global challenges including nuclear proliferation for example now also nato is pushing russia to get on board and their missile defense plans now this is been a sticking point between nato and russia over the years now nato is trying to get russia on board saying that these this missile defense against a common threat a common threat missiles facing both nato members as well as russia now political analysts that we've talked to do say they believe that there is the political will from russia to get together on this issue however
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a lot of details remain to be heard and in addition there's going to be a need for nato to meet halfway as what we're hearing now aside from those improvements in relations which many would characterize that there are still some and many that say nato is simply outdated the situation of course with the big question marks are also put not only behind made. but also behind the next. two three years we have a lot of differences for its current. the relationship to russia the u.s. nuclear weapons in central europe and i'm not sure that this summit can solve these problems so i have the problem with this is that i do not think the approach is correct there are too many strategic differences and they're not really discussed now it's not just the analysts who believe nato is outdated it's also average that if in fact right here in this square in the portuguese capital
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a protest against nato is expected to take place later this afternoon in fact right behind me you can see signs advertising that protests now organizers expect thousands here thousands who are opposed to nato whether or not there is a new strategy now they are issues that are key to them include nuclear weapons they want them out of europe and also troops out of afghanistan this highlights the discontent not only among average that event but that we see trickle up to all levels where we see country members who are increasingly weariness over that mission in afghanistan that are reevaluating the resources that they're sending there that are even pulling troops out so people are looking to nato summit to put a new face forward and to really change direction because not only are they dealing with needing to partner such an increased era of cooperation but they also need to down discontent among member nations among their governments and their citizens and that's what people are looking for this summit to do we will continue to follow any
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developments to bring you the latest but for now right here from the capital of portugal in lisbon i'm lauren lyster r.t. . what is nato sets out its plans for the decade to come moscow's also looking ahead russia's nato representative says the country wants more joined up thinking in the alliance to ensure security is threatened. now after we have lived through the conflict in south ossetia on a sharp decline in relations it turns out we might have needed such a test on the one hand these events have shown that old nato policies were provoking such an adequate regimes like the suckers really want to bloody actions on the other hand nato did not get involved in this conflict because europeans did not support the most aggressive part of the bush administration for us nato was a big headache it used to be an enemy now an unpredictable partner the left hand of which doesn't know what the right hand is doing we are tired of this we want more
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stability and security on our western borders and in the long run maybe even certainty that there will be no trouble at the whole i think the americans are finally her interests today for them restoring relations with russia is not just very important to foreign relations but also key toward bamma success on the domestic front he is saying to his electorate by improving relations with russia we have made americans more secure even if this is part of the domestic agenda that obama has set for his team then god we are ok with our two most important to worse is to have fewer headaches and even more we don't want someone else to have troubles too which are really the best pepe escobar told r.t. that the current nato summit is about promoting pentagon doctrine around the world in effect making the alliance the united nations. they are discussing the so-called strategic concept in lisbon this means we keep our nuclear weapons between two
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hundred three hundred american owned plus two hundred from france presse two hundred twenty five from britain we built this huge dome missile dome which might protect us because it hasn't been tested yet against nonexistent iranian missiles and existant north korean missiles that that will go to and we prayed to expand our operations all over the world which is that they actually doing they are right in central asia they are in north africa coupled with a free com you know the african command from the pentagon they plan to expand to the south pacific they plan to sponsor the south atlantic even here in south america so nato now is the new un it's a global operation it's full spectrum dominance doctrine which is the official pentagon doctrine the proven in two thousand and four and the agenda is global domination so i would say be afraid be very afraid which is nato is mission in afghanistan they don't know because they want more or less force to be there
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according to the article five of the nato charter so they are there to basically just to support the americans and try to find osama bin laden mullah omar and i'm and also when you which are not in afghanistan by the way there in baluchistan or he was serious then so what is nato doing over there not saying now they're trying to make an arrangement with the russians so they can extract their through through tragic is that it is because then and russian territory and the russians say ok direct a few million dollars extra for us not a big deal. well still ahead a vicious ideology that refuses to die. it was just a few people even to be punished but on entire audiology of mass killing sixty five years after your own trials or leaving the nazis to the crimes against humanity we ask why some europeans are now glorifying that process. while selling democracy abroad it doesn't come cheap as hard up american taxpayers
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are finding out to their cost the us is spending billions of dollars to finance foreign politicians and parties which fall on that side of the fence office expects a. great party but who's picking up the tab apparently you are the american taxpayer nine billion dollars spent by the united states agency for international development on promoting washington's democracy initiatives. a new model for influencing a target country's internal politics and favor of u.s. interests to financing training support and guidance to pro u.s. forces in foreign countries another democracy promoter the national endowment for democracy received one hundred thirty two million dollars during two thousand and nine nearly all of it from us government agencies but these are just the tip of the iceberg there is an entire network of organizations involved in the democracy
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promotion business now in its third decade of health the life of democracy and freedom and the people without all across the world. the international republican institute stands although all organizations insist there is no political affiliation the board of directors for both n.d.i. in iraq i suggest otherwise former secretaries of state national security advisers members of congress and even clinton bush and reagan administration officials they all have a history in washington one deeply rooted in sustaining the current foreign policy priorities to understand us foreign policy one must first understand a very basic fact the us government wants to dominate the world. this is what democracy promotion brought the people of one door us. while usa id requests eight hundred thousand dollars for strengthening governance and
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democracy in hundred us journalists and activists are being brutalized and killed under the u.s. backed government. in egypt a revolt against the us backed policies of the hosni mubarak regime has mobilized these agencies to co-opt opposition groups and sharing the results of the upcoming elections will be beneficial to washington. is a member of an egyptian opposition party that received funding or support from many . people with the very first vote with the project. middle east democracy. for democracy what with me or many who study these agencies believe the soft money working behind the scenes is directly linked to the cia they had to have this a new organization with a nice sounding name a democracy in it and i sounding name which would be free of the taint of the cia
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and that's when there was a reason the energy was created usa id has implemented democracy promotion initiatives in over one hundred countries in the past twenty five years this year's budget one billion dollars according to usa ideas website spending ten million dollars in a target country increases that amount to democratic change five fuld how much of your tax money would you like to go to promoting democracy in venezuela. no not that much which would be ok if foreign governments were giving our politicians money for the election campaign no that would bother me and here in lies the hypocrisy we have a very clear law on the books prohibiting foreign governments from interfering in our elections or supporting any candidates with money so we do exactly what we prohibit at home encouraging transparency is a stated core element of the u.s. government's democracy promotion efforts in foreign countries however here at home
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the agencies themselves are far from transparent detailed budget programs are unavailable to the public and contact with the media is limited over the last six weeks r.t. repeatedly requested interviews with usa id and the d i r i n n d i all of our requests were either tonight or an answer to have office r.t. washington d.c. . with more thoughts and analysis on that story on our website right now let's look at what else well on. the german boxer who knows how to take the blows as well as giving them musically at least read about the softer side of one of sports tough guys. plus one of russian nurses turning more men's heads than the headline grabbing sexy spy on a chapman details from ati dot com. russian
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lawmakers say the lessons learned from the nazi war crimes hearings after the second world war are as valid now as they were back then it's sixty five years since the new trials. reports parts of europe are seeing a wiring fascist revival. this red army veteran was close to the trial which changed his story his best friend. acted as a prosecutor on behalf of the u.s.s.r. in the new hearing sixty five years ago could have says if it wasn't for them then the outcome could have been very different. he understood that the trial was not only about here. it was not just a few people who had to be punished but. mass killing his speech impress the judges
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so the number of those in the rose dramatically in a trial which lasted for almost a year twelve high ranking nazis were sentenced to death ten lengthy prison terms it was a milestone in history the nuremberg trial laid the foundations of international law as we know it in particular it created a precedent of judging people for starting a war against other nations so nowadays we all know what a crime against humanity is nowadays the most the free europe acknowledges the positive effect of the nuremberg tribunal but some nations have a complex relationship with the past look there's a monument to the soviet army liberators and here just meters away is the monument to soldiers who fought alongside u.b.s.'s troops. is still only an anti-fascist activist andrei says this historic paradox is reflected in the current state of
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affairs in this baltic country. even looking at the crumbling state of this monument it's clear that iraq government doesn't see the red army as saviors instead to be glorified those who fought in the side of fascists that's despite the fact a large part of our country would never support such ideas in april two thousand and seven this clash of opinions spilled on to the streets they study in government ordered their relocation over soviet soldiers from central to the outskirts of the city thousands of dissenters. and clashed with the police monuments to free estonia was put several hundred meters from the square where the soviet bronze soldier statue used to stand it resembles a cross and in the very heart of it is an emblem which was used by the a stoney an s.s. legions back in one nine hundred forty s. . from swastika marches to mass as veteran gatherings sixty five years ago prosecutors in newton there could not have expected
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a legacy like this the trial was meant to make sure fascist ideology stayed in the bloody cross but the rise of new nazis middle eastern europe is a sign that these ideas still live on looks erosive ski r.t. reporting from thailand is. former hunger and you peter says nazi ideology is becoming popular because the european governments aren't taking a strong stance for i party's became popular in eastern europe because of the public in these countries doesn't know enough about its own past i'm teaching university students and i realized that they have very limited knowledge about what happened under the second world war what happened with the how given jewish population what happened under hitler in germany they have some ideas but not enough knowledge how did these. grew up and that's why especially young people who are not satisfied with their lives they are very
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sensitive for new ideas and they don't have immune system against these ideas so i think that the lack of knowledge is one of the largest reason and the lack of proper politic will stand against this side and i this is the second well. let's take a look around the world at some other international stories right now germany remains on high alert ordering this week's warning about an imminent militant attack on police have been posted around the country train stations airports and tourist attractions going to turn to terror threat has led to a rise in reported formula so false alarms officials also confirmed that suspicious package found in the libyan border down from munich was a security terrorist uncontained new experiences. of a second law started laying rescue attempts at a new zealand coal mine where twenty nine workers remain missing they became
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trapped after a gas explosion in one of the country's biggest coal works. made it to the surface with minor injuries but it's not known what happened to their colleagues a power outage as that in mind ventilation sparking fears that toxic gases could be building up in some of the tunnels. now it's one hundred is since the world lost one of its most influential writers and thinkers leo tolstoy is historic legacy with work such as war and peace still resonates today visited the family estate south of moscow to a tribute to the legendary philosopher. leo tolstoy like his family stayed because it was as far from the madding crowd as you could get a place where he could feed docks and get lost among birch trees without anyone disturbing him. a century after his death it's an easy thing bought solitary group after group falling into his house not to minute for contemplation
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we. just had to learn has never been short of visitors in fact during the hi susan some are spring and autumn we have trouble handling the flow of tourists it's pretty hard to get it you have to call it a certain time to book a visit on a particular day otherwise you just won't get there. it's. a great great grandson of the writer my dear tolstoy can we sighed many of his famous ancestors novels by heart and he says few of the museum's visitors could do the same russians are proud of tolstoy but more is the brand than a favorite author according to polls only eleven percent returns to his books after finishing high school. unfortunately most people never go back to question call it torture or to been forced to read it it's called instead they prefer it it was trendy and popular these days there's nothing bad about that is just a pity that those people miss out on religion which are. just
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a few hundred metres from tolstoy's history this philosophy still serves as a pillar of strength for bass family all fred and elaine put their vinnie called long to do how borst a christian drove that with the help of toll floyd moved to canada in the late nineteenth century fleeing from persecution in russia twenty years ago their descendants came back settling in the village told stories abound most of his life what happened is that void that was in me in canada disappeared and its spiritual void i found myself here a boy like tolstoy who despised exploitation all for then elena building their new home all by themselves even though it's already taken them a decade like tolstoy they strongly believe in pacifism and a unity with nature and above all they see told stories ideas as timeless i think his ideas haven't been reached. and there are just starting to be tapped into and
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that's why i think russia has a great future. and i thought form as throughout his life was to begin renowned for defining all sorts of conventions and having his own. leo tolstoy once sad the dark is terrible because it means the end of everything at least doesn't apply to his own legacy during his lifetime his readership was indifferent louder than a century after his doubt it can cause a million for last here war and peace was named the greatest book of all times by music magazine bringing an ultimate moment of peace to this literary warrior in the wake of. tolstoy biographer andrew wilson says the writers and boyle following is not just a result of his novels but also because it is for the sort of passion for the truth this man who was driving did with a passion for the truth and he alone stood up against this extremely powerful
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regime. and told the truth in a world of lies and this was a fantastic example for russia because in all the terrible years which followed his death he died in one thousand in the civil wars the first of all the civil war the revolutions and so forth the tradition of tolstoy lived on and it enabled the dissidents when their courageously began to emerge in sternness times to look at his example and see that it's only one voice telling the truth the fergusons of people who were following his coffin when he died and will no doubt get on to this . they weren't following him because he was a great novelist they were following him because he had thought not only russia or the world how it ought to live. update here in our main headlines in just a few minutes first you know as a businessman it. i. hello and welcome to the business news trade between former soviet states has
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accelerated shelter this year at a meeting of c.i.s. prime ministers and st peter's question of the facts of percent increase evidence of improved corporation the customs union of russia belarus and kazakhstan forms the new regional trade and has nothing to hold reports although some thorny issues remain progress is being made. of stone are gearing towards full scale integration and speeding up the next phase of the customs union the single economic space with a free trade area and a common external trade policy the meeting of the prime ministers of the three countries is taking place within the framework of the u. region economic community which also includes kyrgyzstan to do is because to moldova or of india and ukraine some of these countries are also showing interest in joining the customs union now the key document is a final agreement on the single economic space of russia belarus and kazakhstan
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which is due to start functioning next year and to provide more mutually beneficial opportunities for its members in a free trade area now i'd like to remind you that the customs union of the trilateral union of russia belarus and council which came into effect this year has been designed to simplify the movement of capital between the member countries under a unified tariff and customs territory now the creation of the customs union has stirred up the long lost in negotiations on russia's accession to the world trade organization after russia said it would see the accession in a joint bid and. now according to russia's president. there are few questions remaining in the negotiations with the european union on the matter and they should be solved quickly at the same time the first year of the customs union. has revealed some serious discrepancies currently existing export duties on russian oil for bella ruse almost brought the countries to an oil war well it's annually wise
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about twenty million tons of russian oil at domestic prices for two years is only a fraction of it at home most of it is being refined and put into europe at much higher prices feeding the belorussian budget that today's meeting may finally put an end to the conflict as the russian prime minister vladimir putin has promised to lift all the duties for belarus on russian soil once all the documents on the single economic space are signed. up for her reporting there and the customs union doesn't come without course finance minister alex it could really believes that russian oil companies may have to pay an extra fifteen billion dollars in charities to tex harmonization whether national companies will be compensated for these costs by either subsidies or it increase in extraction taxes. there's no point in privatizing russian to clean waters for the time being that's according to the head
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of the state corporation which controls several hundred center prices in russia is a show with him a bit of a. reason to be privatized russian technologies for the time being i would even say could be home for privatization would hinder the development of the enterprise under control we first have to transform the enterprises into joint companies create holdings and distribute companies between them and help them develop financially. a look at the markets now the russian equity markets close flat positive on friday the r.g.s. broke the six hundred point benchmark finishing just a tenth of a cent the mites it's had an up and down session and just. looking back at the last week the russian markets were pulled in both directions with virtually equal force upbeat economic the. from the us encourage the bulls while inflation war isn't china feel the bets the markets ended up this week. down
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but largely unchanged the past week has seen. the continuation of the tug of war between the bulls in the bear is you know there are people who are seeing a lot of economic data coming out of the u.s. coming out of asia a lot of quality is a big general motors which was very well received a lot of good news in the market and good developments but the biggest fear now is inflation is special in china where the central bank had to act to stop the rapid increases in prices there's also told that both china and hong kong can take measures to arrest the rep of the growth in real estate prices to prevent the bubble and the soul but between these two kind of big positive over improving global economics and certain positive corporate developments. are all of rising inflation in china and therefore maybe elsewhere in the world these two opposing factors have.


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