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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2010 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cobalt has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day. wealthy british soil it's time to practice on. target. markets and. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to name two cars
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a report on our to. discover the treasures of russia with interest see its most valued and amazing gems . parts of russia palaces and romantic channels of st petersburg golden jones and sacred spires the fairy tale of the russian winter every moment of your trip really coming through visitors to russia for over eighty years interest will ensure your visit to russia is what you will never get. here with r t live from moscow our top stories a joint missile defense shield and developing
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a stronger partnership dominate talks as nato chief visits moscow the discussions will lay the groundwork for their upcoming summit in lisbon later this month. barack obama's democrats keep the senate but republicans take the house after a fierce battle in the u.s. midterm elections it will make it harder for obama to get legislation through congress and analysts say it could hamper efforts to revive the troubled economy. and shifting allegiance to iraq his fear that groups trained by the u.s. to stop insurgency are now helping to create it as army units go back to terrorism locals claim they've been abandoned saying america laughter. about ensuring protection of course iraq has seen a surge in violence and it's raised questions over the ability of the country's forces to handle the escalating security situation on the way for you our teammates general mohammad all us kaare a spokesman from iraq's ministry of defense to find out about the military's readiness for the challenge ahead that's coming up after
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a short break. which was that same of you are going to go for you if you are. taliban bad guys we teach journalism or no pay corgis station we can understand the feeling of just what is the difference between.
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but now i have general mohamed i'll ask every an advisor and spokesperson with the iraqi ministry of defense so thank you very much for joining us here are not forthcoming with american soldiers have left by and large the majority do feel confident that the actual soldiers and the iraqi security force is able to keep the situation so calm and how do you feel. it is a good question it's worth talking about the readiness or not of the iraqi security forces because the number of american troops left in this country is forty nine thousand seven hundred something it's important the americans are gone what's also important is the timing and the timing of implementing this phase of the agreement
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was put forward by the minister of defense why did he choose this time each time he has a meaning there are steps that need to be taken so that the iraqi forces will be ready december the thirty first two thousand and eleven we believe that we will be ready enough to have full security control at that stage and for all the american forces to leave iraq as they are now you say that the time frame was given by the racoons and not motivated from the american side. whether there can be so what if that's true if the recent departure of american troops was because washington wanted to improve obama's picture so what. if it was because of american pressure or desire it doesn't matter to me as an iraqi as an iraqi i welcome the american withdrawal and i wish that we will be ready by the thirty first of december two thousand and eleven to say good bye to the americans for good because we will be fully ready to take over that as a rocky's we cannot accept that the americans will stay in iraq for good i don't
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care for the reason but we will not let anyone stay in iraq for a long time before the timing issue is very important having timetables is critical because they serve as a pressuring factor. us we have to meet each deadline we have to improve the levels of the iraqi security forces the difference between iraq and afghanistan is that we have put timetables for everything we are doing rocky they're not doing that they are relying on the americans and nato to do things for them. do you think that the withdraw or of the american army from iraq will have effect and if so what kind of effect on the situation in afghanistan because. they want to withdrawal from iraq will of course affect to a great deal the situation in afghanistan it has a direct impact because it's too hard now for anyone to have two wars at the same time and it's too hard for anyone to have a big war the americans are now having two big wars in iraq and afghanistan so it
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made sense for the americans when they felt there was a desire from iraqis and an improvement in the security situation here to withdraw and concentrate on their own war in afghanistan their big war is now in afghanistan and they are moving out of iraq because they think the situation here is improved they're not arctic at the end of the of honesty in the american army so if those troops that were made in iraq are involved in training is the screw over an element of combat well some of us old to still be involved in fighting units but. the americans have three main jobs training advice and support or especially airborne support we don't have fighter jets we only have helicopters the main thing we need from them is airborne support for jet fighters and for intelligence for iraqis are used to us and weaponry why now is to brace american weapons that have
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been. doing what russia actually didn't cooperate in this field with us we are very serious about getting russian weaponry not only because the weapons are good and effective but also because the iraqi army has been training on their weapons for forty. fifty years we have been buying russian weapons since the fifty's i was working on rehabilitation and reforming ties with russia and we took some iraqi pilots to russia to be trained we got some promises from the russians to resume selling weapons to us but they thought this would rely on an american decision they're wrong because we have make contacts with serbia to buy some weapons and we bought some weapons from them we rejected some american weapons so it's all up to us that we decide which weapons we want and from whom we will buy them we still want to have the american weapons and we are still waiting for their approval to sell us their weapons we have the m.i. seventeen these are helicopters and we wish that the russians will maintain the make fighters that we have and we wish that they will approve selling us the mit
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five so far we are still waiting for the reply that even the current minister of defense he studied military sciences in russia that i was trained in russia almost all of the iraqi army was trained in russia we want the russian weaponry but that doesn't mean at the same time that we can't be open to other countries we buy from italy from the u.s. we want to be open to other countries. that they do that eventually i will try and have the soldiers five americans. if that and it ended up with the current iraqi soldier is different to the soldiers we had before two thousand and three days iraqi soldiers were young during the two thousand and three war where they were also trained on the russian weaponry like for instance on the russian tank when iraqi soldiers were trained on american weapons they understood what they were trained on in them and yet we still have the russian influence especially the iraqi pilots who were trained on russian planes and have done a great many flying hours we wish that the russians would help us in this regard to keep training our pilots and giving us new planes the americans are training our
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soldiers but whenever we get another expertise from or example france or russia we go to these countries and we get that help that we ask for that they will say that us they will the policy or. the ministry of defense change when a new government is formed in iraq when the her over the head of. the ministries policy will not change especially with regards to training and contractors i want to emphasize again we really want to involve the russians on one of our money at the moment the iraqi security forces volunteer there has been a law that's been put forward to reintroduce conscription do you think that this law will be implemented. that i feel a little better and about as though this compulsory service has not been approved yet it's still a draft only the retirement law was approved for now we don't need compulsory recruitment because when we ask for example for ten thousand volunteers we have at least one hundred thousand young people coming to volunteer so we don't need it
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countries need compulsory recruitment when they need soldiers and they don't have them besides we don't have the facilities and equipment to train all these personnel when we have them in the compulsory recruitment we have a new soldiers for now in the future when iraq is stable enough and investment will start coming in the young men will go towards civilian projects but our time will be having a lack of personnel and by that time we will need the compulsory service that this . there have been tied to this that the security forces on the well trained enough just two hours ago there was a bomb not far from. do you think that you are the incumbents back a safe and secure place for. them whether that be or not untrained but the training they receive is not enough when the americans came in the borders were open to terrorists and violence spread the americans dismissed the iraqi government to did not think to form an iraqi army before two thousand and four and it was too late because the terrorists were already in we got volunteers we gave them brief
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training and sent them to the field they were combat soldiers with not enough training the bombs that are going off in iraq today are not a measurement of how well the soldiers were trained but what the bombs were going off even when the united states was in the country we need better intelligence who's behind these bombs and how they managed to still carry them out but the. general thank you very much for joining us here on our back of it was. the. a passenger liner sailing in the black sea. august thirty first nineteen eighty six. twenty three twenty. four kilometers off shore. crashes into another vessel.
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four hundred twenty three people died. russian titanic. the close up team. first free elections were held a thousand years ago if not part of the area that used to be a place of exile since the seventeenth century. businesses take advantage of the wild growing products. economic life gives birth to. come to the tom screech crusher close up. millions died. minimums looked forward to be held down say. the pain and suffering will never be
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forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation. spring the nineteen forty five on our. morning news today violence is once again fled the fighting these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. china's hope for asians are on today. how would i be sure to tell if you had to go tell what you know his the groom's return the show would hotel. hotel. hotel resort.
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hotel telly peak. oil springs resort to hotel. most of the town. to be closer to. the. point. i would. rule the future a good how would. i join. a stronger partnership dominate talks. the discussions will lay the groundwork for their upcoming summit in lisbon later this month. obama democrats. republicans take the house
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after a fierce battle in the u.s. midterm elections that will make it harder for obama to get legislation through congress and analysts say it could hamper efforts to revive the troubled economy. allegiances iraq. to stop insurgency helping to create it go back to terrorism. america left without and. more details on all those stories at the top of the hour up next here with the latest. hello and welcome to the source of news and archie and here is a brief look at how have lines. hopes of reaching the knockout stages of the champions league are down to delta being held to build his joy at home to panic and
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i guess. meanwhile russia's second club in the champions league spartak moscow travel to london to take on carlo chelsea later on wednesday. and also ferrari look to maintain their lead as the top of the driver's standings as formula one goes to the second from last race of the season. start with champions league football where being dozens of road to the knockout stages much tougher now off to a goal destroyed home to badmouth nyc us on tuesday night neil neil was how it ended two weeks ago in greece sound the same result and meaning both sides still when they so far in group. elsewhere in group a told him as bench the last set sound ciro with a three one win over those into the log. go with the third goalie scheme the game their dutch league leaders and. the victory of the brim and then feed told the group really does the old fool three at home but still remain two wins and two
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losses and of a nail played out by hope will tell of the bench shall no more hopes will tell your side or south of there in the small soul the campaign at old trafford with united now as the top of group c. standings while van and sandy probe arranges for second place in that group three three male has to have a victory and finally the most unexpected result of the night absent from hagon holding barcelona. and on wednesday spartak moscow have a mountain to climb in their group after game against chelsea at stamford bridge the english premier league leaders are on a high after the big suniel just two weeks ago here in moscow will be followed that all will. a couple of domestic weigh ins and outs of boosted by the return of style strike a d.j. a job off from suspension and the injury so a big trip home to spartacus marching dissipated in that camp adding
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a strange way it would also secure the blues a bit in the knockout stages. when you have a possibilities like a. tennis player or any other possibility to close their game you are still you have to do we have to try to win this game too and i think the top of that they are . going to do to play with the pleasure of. the last games of the groups. a similar story for real madrid who traveled to a similar one holding a record of three wins from as many games however the hosts still have average thing to play for despite losing to kneel at the bernabeu a fortnight ago we've all got second degree of g. though level on points with that placed so if victory would be a big boost stand some insider knowledge could come in handy which striker is lovely but i have a bitch my pose this. morning you. learn to look for marine you from the first day to the last one when i was a. he's a great coach with great bissonnette it's
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a strong character who knows what to do in order to win he has his own way some may not like it but it works because what matters in the end that he wins. as another perfect side. also in all of will tried to top sixteen paul's at second save that shot out of the skin group h. the gun was one five one back to. them care was trying to downplay the expectations i had a wednesday's question. we had which would be to. sort of. try to get all the best go forward before we have a chance to be. even in the first game i feel the game or try to be in the school. but. i think. you should be very good because the two teams are technically very good.
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to have a good game i don't think. we can read the world because you don't need to do would you have one never would. moving stateside into the n.b.a. now where the portland trail blazers improved to four and won all of the series and with a confident way that came the box opened up for an early lead andrew bogut so working on the offensive gloss off st john's sounds mystical the whole globe up by seven or eight by the blazers and this thing around in the seconds really for now and those with three points for a four point lead late in his own sound. and it only got worse for the boxes in the second home for nanda straining all agreeable this time and beating down to four in slam and later in the final frame another highlight from the back up big man reverse al you the boys are still strong for the boks ninety seven to six the final score were. also on tuesday night in the n.b.a. atlanta one of three remaining undefeated teams taking down cleveland novolog draft
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big giong wall having near triple double with twenty nine points thirteen assists and nine steals in washington's overtime we know what a six or. miami loop more and more like they could actually told the town when mark this season boston and the lakers also breezing through their upon the ass while the game at madison square garden between the knicks and the magic was postponed due to safety she is. meanwhile the giants are back to san francisco after securing a town's game five win to say the world series four one overall the giants lost warn the crowd in one thousand nine hundred fifty four four years before they moved west from new york victory finally to him and years of disappointment despite having giants of the game on their roster such as willie mays sabera bonds and. now as h.s.b.c. champions on the golf calendar this weekend full well the golfer tiger woods has
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once again cross woods with the man who added to his reign at the top that silly westwood of course the two squared off in a ceremony old battle ahead of the shanghai season and are with world number three and four martin kaymer and phil mickelson respectively also taking up weapons westwood has been paired with the young while tiger is playing partners will be any else and u.s. open champion grandmother dowel each of the top four has a chance to go first in the rankings with success this weekend after woods lost his number one position on monday westwood however sounds of being top of the world is not the only thing that matters to him. he said was he not lie when a challenge other people's careers are defined by marriage chairmanships but it's certainly. confirmation that i'm doing everything right you know the stuff i'm working on and it's come from. you know a lot of consistency and i'm playing some solid gold regularly. meanwhile scuderi if there are a maybe the spores most decorated team bob there are still gunning for more glory
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as the formula one season stops in brazil this week for the penultimate race on the calendar the tell and see i'm still in contention for a seventieth constructive style. and also hopefully from asa will once again shine in front of the home crowd on sunday the brazil and won twice before at the inter labile circuits while his team mates fernando alonso enjoys an eleven point question at the top of the drive a standings after winning the korean grand prix in their latest outing. i think the new will change the post of the had the last couple races the used to be stronger to be perfect and you need to score points for short walk to we can't afford them only things we look to add up at the end of the race for the reason. and this is the main with i would say i saw him now in the cage shell where on guard have missed the chance to bridge the gap on the lead as the almost
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glob finding themselves on the wrong side of a six four scoreline at bari. the guard came from behind four time spots conceded two more goals in the final period and lost the third spot in the table to see be back in the other games else once call st petersburg won all three at home to middle level was in the outs to stay sack and from bottom to scum also edged in our ego on home ice to win for three on final chance and also struggling for one or two and seven. and to russian football finally whereas in the south to deprive double champions or being of their title however both work out the ball when it's over the weekend which also sold say a sky held to a draw by south toward here is our as a male premier league's week twenty six in the gills galore.
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live. live. live. live
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. live. live . live.
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live. now that was the latest in the wild weather stay with us. this.


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