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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2010 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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download the official. to i phone or i pod touch from the i.q. napster. one life on the. video on demand our teens live broadcasts and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. it's .
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discover the treasures of russia with interest see its most valued and amazing gems . moscow parts of russia palaces and romantic channels of st petersburg golden jewels and sacred spires the fairy tale of a russian winter every moment of your trip the thrill of being good visitors to russia for over eighty years interest will ensure your visit to russia is what you will never forget. this is our time for the main international headlines for you now bolstering world security and stemming the afghan drugs for the sec to dominate discussions
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president has chiefs of small scale it to strengthen the abilities of the ship and russia it will lay the groundwork for that joint summit in lisbon next month. barack obama's democrats keep the senate but republicans take the house off of this path and u.s. midterm elections make it harder for obama to get legislation through congress and analysts say it could hamper efforts to revive the troubled economy. and shifting allegiances iraq it's clear that groups trained by the u.s. to stop insurgency helping created its own communities going back to terrorism locals claim they've been abandoned saying america left without ensuring protection . next all special reports on the fate of the so-called russian titanic. always thirty first nine hundred eighty six to ten pm the joint passenger liner
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admiral now he says sail from the soviet portal and over the seas on a cruise of the black sea. there are more than a thousand passengers and crew members aboard. the large boat carry appeal to fully laden with canadian wheat is set to enter a port the two will converge fourteen minutes before midnight the freighter will ram into the storm side of the lord at full speed the ship will sink in a record eight minutes taking more than four hundred people thousands will treat grave it was the greatest disaster in the history of the soviet fleet. always the thirty first of each year a ship sets off from the pier of no what i see it leaves the same as bay to embark on an unusual mission once she's at sea she stops for an hour over the site where
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the crews are. the souls of those who perished only ask the foyer mers she'll log on mercy. most of the passengers on this memorial trip a survivors of the disaster and relatives of people who died aboard the net he most of alexander goose of his among those who attend this yearly event but he was not on the night he moved that day none of his relatives died in the disaster in one thousand nine hundred six he was in command of a patrolling motor boat the captain has vivid memories of the luxury of a ship entering port he had no idea that that twelve hours later he would be saving the lives of those who were on board. with those in a female came in around nine with the tree of to right here. and it's attracted our attention especially because we haven't seen her in such a long time it was your beautiful ship indeed two finals and the ship is riveted
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all for your. people came in droves to take a look at the night he moved as she sat more just outside the marine passenger terminal the lawyer was generally acclaimed as one of the most impressive and comfortable ships cruising on the black sea yes i used to share a small flat with my parents and it was a cheerless drab existence when i was a child i got to the name of ship for many times and life became magical. it was an enormous and beautiful line it with many restaurants and going to start off. all the interior of the ship was made out of a very expensive karelian board even the grand piano. these people never met although they lived in the same city but they might have met a quarter of a century ago igor tellus and a friend decided to go on
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a cruise of the black sea during the nine hundred eighty six summer holidays their ambition was to sail aboard the net humor of the most prestigious law of the day the tickets were hard to get back then boys getting it ticket was like a miracle for the lucky ones. my mother got hold of some tickets she was working at a regional administration for tourism. a friend of mine who wants to go with me. but she couldn't because she had to study for you so i had to come alone. the excitement of passengers looking at the snow white line i was short lived it evaporated as soon as they boarded the ship and looked around what the movie i found out for all our external glamour it was a rotten place inside. the future passengers clamoring for
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a ticket on the moon that he moved had no idea that the ship would be scrapped after that run she was already more than sixty years old the ship was originally constructed in germany in one nine hundred twenty five and was formerly known as the berlin for some time the line up operated transatlantic routes later she was converted into a cruiser during the second world war the nazis used her as a military hospital ship. the berlin sign can one hundred forty five ultra torpedo attack and she hit a mine. into the soviet military a great deal of effort to raise the berlin. she was sent to the u.s.s.r. where she was refit it and renamed the admiral next email although the line was already in a state of great decayed nine hundred eighty six the crew was still trying their best to maintain her status as the most comfortable cruiser. solo in opposed to the
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cinema to swimming pools a restaurant and several bottles each annoyed the ship band played for the passengers. but if. the weather was just fine the rest of the tourists were strolling along the streets of never cease. joining should you feel that there were no telltale signs that the ship might be in trouble later on. you. remember we sailed from. ten pm. as soon as. he radioed to port traffic supervisor. to report the situation. he was told that only one. was about to enter the port. in accordance with the rules the night he was to stick clear of the free but they made an exception for the. ship and so the freighter was ordered to give way to the.
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captain went to his cabin leaving his assistant in charge. see it when they tell you don't ship the way from the pier me and my female friends looked at the bubbling wanton she said if we're seeing the women i will never be able to survive and i looked and said but i will. meanwhile he began to feel nervous that the free to was headed directly for the law but made no change of speed or course. the captain of the pier. came with the freight it was going to give way to the. captain to the chink of the people to reassure his opposite number by saying that two ships would pass clear of each other however to. change speed course we should
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be sore the distance between the two ships was shrinking. to the left at first he changed the ship's course by five degrees five degrees and finally ten degrees. you know what if there was as i turned my hand in i saw there friday is the combat zone right in front of me and i realized then that twas about to ram into us during the race the captain of the offensive was looking at the radar display according to it his vessel in the passenger why no apparent pulse clear of each other and fifteen minutes past eleven one of his crew shouted to him that he saw an enormous ship heading for the fray took. immediate lee commanded full speed. but by then it was too late for the heavy boat kariya was not responding to the wheel and was still heading for the net he moved at full speed. the fringes barreled through the
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starboard side of the passenger leaving a deep pool schools of metres wide. it was that's when the collision occurred everybody was sent crashing to the floor all the dancers to feel. as a turn of the clinician hundreds of passengers were watching a movie in the ship's cinema. you know this pull from the projectionists room when the collision occurred everybody watched the movie i loved him more than life the. early remember the scene where a tank runs down a soldier who sees a kid appeal a trick runs over it fast it's had in a fountain of blood a shoots out of his mouth that's exactly what i felt an impact on the kind that you get in a tram when the merchants are breaking schooled. the situation was made even worse by the fact that the bulkhead doors and cabin windows were open because of the heat
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and cold ventilation the deluge of water quickly flooded the ships. aircraft that time i was on the promo not to care for my fellow sailors and to make sure you know i would draw. when the deck suddenly swelled up. debris shot into the air and people started falling off. in one thousand nine hundred eighty six. was only eighteen years old and he was the youngest crew member on board it was his maiden voyage on the net he just as the ship was about to finish her service. i was at a loss i said for goodness sake dimitri what do we need to do now and then dimitris ordered to go to the cabin and batten down the windows quick but it was only a few metres away from the stern so i did just that with the lights had already gone out. instantly sense
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that the ship was doomed. well we had just enough time to dump the sixteen life rafts not that we tried to do same on the port side but we only managed to drop one raft. to starboard almost too much each raft weighs one hundred eighty kilos. as seawater filled the next. the ship listed heavily. three minutes later it was. the tilt of the boat had forced those on board into one large mass with a few people could stay in place by clinging onto something that both of. you put me at the. pileup of passengers came under attack from falling objects like their rolls of paint benches and the like. the people who takes during
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the collision had no the angle of the boat made it impossible for them to scramble out of the guts of the cruiser. the ship's design made it hard even for sailors to get about as they were newcomers to say nothing of the passengers on top of that the ship the ship had been plugged into darkness that they in fact also displaced bulkheads endorse. several hundred passengers crowded into the pool right six minutes after the collision it was clear that the water was the only salvation. to climbing onto the deck i heard a cracking sound or something to shift i've read somewhere that the signals that the bulkheads are caving in under pressure. and that means the end of the story. yeah to fulfill the law i decided that there was no more time to tarry i resolved
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to jump overboard but it was received well then i saw that the list had already revealed the ship's underside slow anyway i crouched down and began sliding towards the other side of the still wearing the white shoes that i had on during a performance because got the wood is really still sliding down when i saw people setting as they shot past the window and i saw it with my own ice needle. but even if you abandon a sinking ship in good time this doesn't mean you are out of harm's way the sixteen lifer off stump by the sail is under the direction of the boat some. only one out of three passengers have managed to put on the life jacket. the struggle for survival began around the sinking of one without rules or moral to booze. question is that so much i can tell you that it was one of the factors in the modern taliban bad guys we can only bring in journalism or not pake organization
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with an unmistakable political agenda what is the difference between. millions died here. and minimums looked forward to be held down say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well has the joy of not been racial. here a spring of nineteen forty five on our team. every year on the last day of august alexander goose of former commander of a patrol motor boat visits the nevada cska pier. alexander has vivid memories of how hoffa now before midnight he received an order urging him to get into his patrol boat and head to the site of the night he moved accident as quickly as
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possible. when i arrived at the scene i saw a shiny little lights of the kind you see in a town as you look at it from a distance those lights were from their live jackets their. captain goose of the motor boat was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the disaster. of the stopping its engines the sailors immediately began to pull survivors on board. but when almost the entire crew gathered on this tora bora each side their risky boat to to get some wood so on i went over the railing and i started taking people on the board of like this. the first rescue was arrived at the design of the scene twenty minutes after the next team of saying mean. well the struggle for survival in the water continued. when i found myself in the water
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i swam a short distance away from the ship and suddenly i felt a weight pulling me down. i turned around and saw a girl and i said to her look here if you want to stay alive all you need to do is hold on to me you would be dealing not side by side with the ship's doctor but when i saw he was about to drown a doctor he told me he couldn't swim and i don't and that was a big surprise there after all he was a grown man and i took my life jacket off and put it on him. many of the passengers couldn't swim they tried to reach the rafts but the ones who go to the. pushed away and the others trying to hold on to them. and i guess i approached another girl and offered my help i thought on for michael not that she was clean to a log or i'll call but. i pushed the log forward many times before i saw a raft with a crowd of people claim to have
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a bunch of airports and i said to the girl i'm going to push this log until we reach the raaf tomorrow we couldn't even approach it more here but they keep us away. get that you showed some one and a half hours later and you're only they were pleasure boats but sporting green and red lights. they immediately set about taking people on board. everyone wishing to admire the town from the sea and take pictures as well under board the steamer. to the face has been in the business of taking tourists for a short ride around. the best part of his life and. another life saving equipment can be found under the seats. of two hundred rubles seven.
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don't know that in the early hours of september the first this ship captain. was taking passengers rescued from the net to safety. everybody was silent they were in a state of shock no cries no moans no bus nothing of that kind. this pleasure was the last trying to spot ship. at four am it became obvious to them there was no hope of finding any more people. i spent sixteen days caring so-called packages. lifted to the surface by divers it was such a horrible sight that i couldn't eat for the first three days but later became a matter of routine. the scale of the catastrophe became evident on the
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morning of september the first an inventory of who had been rescued should more than four hundred people have died in the tragedy. of. the same day their job was to retrieve dead bodies from the sunken ship. we're told that we were to work around the clock because without breaks. and by divers from other fleets like the pacific fleet the baltic fleet and the aura to. them but there was also a group from the special forces. in one thousand nine hundred six purple dave was in command of a rescue ship used as a platform for diving it was around the. as soon as two dives emerged on the surface and.
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this is the equipment similar was used by the diver a circular one of them did a job the other was a standby just in case any shoddy bodies were put on this platform three to five bodies at a time aboard then they were taken on board without the. wolf look this is a boat and sign a rescue ship twenty one. question was one of the few journalists allowed to cover the operation he spent several days with the divers and sailors retrieving dead bodies and saw how tough the work was. to begin with the night team of was lying on its side everything inside the ship was upside down. in the wall of a corridor known as the floor what used to be in the left hand wall no it was the ceiling and divers had to descend into that unimaginable hell.
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physical exertion was not the only problem it was psychologically difficult for divers to cope with the job of retrieving dead bodies. the ship had a glassed in promenade deck and looks h.-a caution entered it he saw eighteen dead bodies standing erect with their heads out against the glass. and so alex a evacuated all of the eighteen law. by taking each by the hand to lead them out and. move all of us myself included who had never seen such a mass of dead bodies before. there would be a pile of twenty five to thirty five bodies on the deck at the time or. pressing effect especially during the first week because leader such emotions became. we had only one task to job done as fast as we could.
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the screw deal resulted in two more deaths on top of those that had been claimed by the next. one of the divers had stayed underwater for too long eventually running out of oxygen the other became trapped inside the ship each time divers had to make their way through piles of furniture and broken partitions. were broken. the diver by the name of shouted a call got bogged down after furniture paneling or something blocked the passage. the smoke got stuck in it. when he asked for help it was told to hold on until another diver came to his rescue when we were dealing. with and when the diver reached him forty minutes later he was unconscious he didn't respond to questions all we heard through the microphone was his breath. you could be a diver was hauling about the to the ladder and out into the open he stopped
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breathing. it was obvious that he was dead. as the rescue operation came to an end we don't swap the living for the dead was the verdict of the fleet. sixty four bodies was still inside tonight he will meanwhile an investigation got on the way into the road of the two captains. arrested one of the captains on september the first in the other on september the second the charges against him were formulated in accordance with the law. of the new they were to be announced on september tenth and eleventh. second mate should move ski who is at the controls at the time of the collision though it there and then captain mark over the lawyer and captain took a chunk of the free to win now the main defendant's. guilt was overwhelming he
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didn't want to give right of way to a passenger ship and refused to change course he also tried to cover up incriminating evidence of to the collision by removing pages from his log book. usually when the scale of the disaster was unclear and behavior was brazen he didn't admit his guilt. the crash occurred because he had suddenly changed course shouldn't have done it. after reading newspaper reports detailing the number of deaths including loss of life among children. completely. in the actions of both captains with criminal negligence and. sentence to fifteen years in prison.
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i was so happy to see the cheap when i was child. head of the team of its foundation is a frequent visitor to this cemetery most of the crew members were born in this city . on the ship for more than twenty years she died together with the vessel. i want you to know. that. my mother devoted ten years of her life to the foundation she created it from scratch i found in it with what little money she earned by doing on chumps. just before the twentieth anniversary she was to have surgery when she felt she wasn't dying which was the day before her death she said to me. the foundation must leave all the people should come here and there should be in the human museum in
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the symbols and i promise to fulfill her wishes. if it's been in vain all this thirty first each year surviving passengers crew members of those who helped rescue people during that dreadful noise get together around this monument in stands on keep overseeing the sword with the next team of saying to close friends stand still always sharing eleven twenty those who come to the memorial observe the minutes sort of at exactly the torrent. i was cellphones would be useless without this mineral. the tiny theses needed to
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make them work but every piece of culture and is extracted at a cost to life.


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