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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  April 5, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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while they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast and our social media platforms are persistent always perseveres and it makes you wonder what is it we're saying that they don't want you to hear? we are the shadow band, we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless. we are press tv. the sovereignty and territorial integrity of member states. must be respected in
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accordance with international law, so says the un's assistant secretary general khalid kiari speaking a special security council meeting when condemning the israeli attack on an iranian embassy building in damascus. this is gaza under attack, with me, amina taylor, broadcasting from the british capital. now let's get caught up with some fresh developments relating to the ongoing genocide on gaza. tel aviv stands accused. of stoking an all-out regional war, move that's been condemned at the highest quarters after its attack a tehran linked counsular premises in the syrian capital. the islamic republic of iran says perpetrators and supporters of the terrorist act will be punished. the international outcry and calls for an urgent investigation continue after an israeli strike killed seven aid workers delivering food in gaza, one palestinian and six foreign nationals from australia. poland and three
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from the united kingdom and elsewhere died after their marked convoy was attacked by israeli drones. london summoned israel's ambassador and demanded immediate investigation into the deadly attack with british prime minister richi sunak calling the killings of pouling. the man-made famon is now taking a firm hold inside gaza. fewer agencies are on the ground with a growing number of charities pausing their work after the latest attack by tel aviv siting. concerns, the death toll since october last year now tops 33,000 souls with tens of thousands still unaccounted for, under the rubble or injured. with us for this edition of the program, in studio with me, alex akaman, the political analyst, and dr. zakaria abbas, doctor and international health campaigner, who joins us via skype from bangalore in india. gentlemen, so good of you to be here with us, even under these circumstances. "i start with you, dr. abas,
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or reflections on the facts, seizfire or pause was called for by the un security council, but we've seen an escalation by israel, if nothing else. why is tel aviv not being made to comply at this juncture? well, five months down the lane, and we continue to witness an unbearable human tragedy. from the very own words of the un chief, it is beyond catastrophic. "what we heard last few weeks is us trying to come towards a cease fire a solution, but that was a complete lie, he stress on the importance of ramazan where you know so many billions of muslims, they fast and it is a month of peace, but it's three weeks down the lane and we have seen hundreds of people being killed a daily basis and the the massacre at al shiffa hospital and this is the same hospital which was attacked first and israel denied" its involvement and we've
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heard reports of sexual harassment and rape which again israel started this entire campaign based on lies right, and we have so many people, 1.2 million people stuck in rafa and today israel shamelessly still speaks about attacking rafa. today we have men, women and children dying with the pain of hunger, we have parents watching their children die helplessly before they being killed and and deplorable attack on the world central kitchen where bravehearts, the seven international brave hearts were killed in cold blood, and today israel is exposed to the world and the hypocritical stands of united kingdom, australia, and other countries, today they feel the pain because their citizens are being killed, and let me tell you this was an unprovoked attack where these individuals had just delivered hundreds of tons of aid and they were heading back to the b and three cars were unprovokedly um
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struck by missile and you know this is just an example when we talk about hundreds of people dying this is just an example again let us repeat that there are over 33000 killed and over 400 alone invest bank and and when we say killed we also need to stress on the thousands of people injured because these critically injured people have no place to be you know receive the life saving treatment because the entire health care system has been and as a clinician i can only imagine the additional pain that you must feel knowing this and i i turn to you alex because we talk there at the beginning in my introduction about this attack on an iranian consulate building in damascus, why would israel risk in all-out regional assault? what is the end game here? i think um this is uh we're going to probably move into another
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chapter in this world in gaza and um the the president of china said um just few days ago that the world of israel in gaza... and the world inability to stop it is a tragedy for human for humankind and also disgrace for our civilization, mean the un is the highest institution in this in the in the world we called for sess fire and till now the cice fire is not implemented what should be the implementation or what should be the the the body we should made. israel comply with his um injunction, so the attacks a different countries like buse have in lebanon, but they've been trying to, but they didn't attack them in lebanon, they attack them in syria, yeah, but you so there have been some attacks have been um launched into south
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lebanon, and now in syria we have attacked iranian consulate leading to death of some... um diplomats, maybe israel is trying to wage a wider war against all its enemy, but that will lead to a wider conflict a wider conflict in this world. we've already going through different worlds and different conflicts around the globe, and after six months of these onslots and killings in gaza, the talks between america and the west and israel. um should have, we should have reached something suitable for the people of gaza, and so far unfortunately things are not going this direction, maybe well, to say the least, we'll come back to some of your sentiments there, but um, just from a british
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perspective here, as i mentioned, uh, british foreign secretary david cameron has echoed the sentiments of his australian, american and canadian counterparts by demanding an urgent program. into the israeli strike that kill seven aid workers, as you heard there in gaza before, volunteers with the world central kitchen were struck by israeli drones when leaving the charity's warehouse in their albala on monday. turning to the situation in israel and gaza, the dreadful events of the last two days are moment when we should mourn the loss of these brave humanitarian workers, including the three. citizens that tragically uh were killed. we should also send our condolences to their families and our thoughts should be with them. uh, i welcome what the israeli foreign minister said yesterday to me about a full, urgent and transparent inquiry into how this dreadful
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event was allowed to happen, and we want to see that happen very, very quickly. i also welcome the fact that he spoke about much more aid getting into gaza, up to 500 trucks a day. that is essential, we've been promised these things before, and this really needs to happen, including longer opening times at the vital crossing points, but of course the extra aid won't work unless there is proper deconfliction, unless aid can be taken around gaza, and we avoid the dreadful incidents like we see we've seen in the last couple of days, that is vital, and britain will be watching very closely to make sure that that happens. david cameron, there, the british foreign secretary, uh, dr. abbass israel first deflected blame, then it said what happened was a grave mistake, but how could that have been when the convoy, as you mentioned earlier, was clearly marked and the coordinates were already shared with the israeli occupation forces. the place where
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these convoy was struck, it was not a conflict zone as everyone knows about it, see today israel is clearly losing the media war, you know all these decades they thought if they had control over the media. "you know, if they had stuges doing what they say, you the people are dumb to believe them, but today the power of citizen voice has taken over the entire information war, and today every citizen, me sitting back in. india, i know the facts, i know the truth, because come on, we are educated people. i do not believe any of these investigations, because there are thousands of crimes committed by israel just in the last five months, let alone the last few decades, and when they say that let's we going to investigate, we going to do a high level investigation, but what comes out, nothing but propaganda, when israel says it was unintentional, why are they not apologizing, and i am so ashamed, i am so you know so ashamed about about the united states. stand that today john kirby, the white house national communication and security advisor says that there is no
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evidence that israel has violated international humanitarian law, well do they think we are dumb, deaf and blind? this is absolutely deplorable, and very recently today america is losing the support of the muslims, like just yesterday the annual iftar was cancelled because none of the muslims wanted to accept the invitation, this is just the beginning because israel is clearly los saying they they ground in this ongoing genocide, we have to term this as genocide, where is international court of justice, where is united nation security council, is israel so powerful that they can you know insult the security council vote immediate cease fire? i don't understand, if it was another country like yemen or libya, they would have been invaded by now, absolutely nothing happens and i saw alex akaman there shaking his head, now we've seen the knock-on effect of what happened to these seven aid workers. "and we've had 196 other recognized aid workers, especially and primarily
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palestinians be killed before, but this has touched a chord, it's it's really raised the public consciousness, the way in which it happened, for example, but we're seeing here that it's had knockon effect where other charities are saying, listen, we cannot, cannot guarantee the safety of our staff, so unfortunately we have to pause activities at..." at the moment, wasn't this the aim in the first place if you were a cynical man, alex? mean it's really difficult to see what is really happening now in in in this police, the first of all the convoy a lot of convoys have been stuck to get get into gaza, and i think many politicians have criticized the fact that israely government basically doesn't allow the conv to get in as quick as possible to. have food to get to the people and the medicine to get to people injured, hospitals are completely um run out of
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medicine, that's if they're standing, now top of that what is a bit cynical as well, you see that the western countries like the us just allow more equipment, more arms to be sell to israel, um we also have three british citizen were killed and ' i think today they lied them leader was asking the government to stop selling arms to israel, so you can see that for the last six months these killings have been going on and despite the talk between americans home um foreign secretary and israelis going down there mediating things are not getting better, it's even getting worse and america is from feeding israel with more arms and more equipment, as result, israel, even despite the un call for
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cease fire, nothing is being happening at all, and have that cease fire come into um operation, alex, so many lives would have been saved already, even though it's already gone as bad as it is, we'll be getting back to that discussion after this, because many of us are aware that on the last fra friday of ramadan, the annual kudsday commemorations take place across the globe, calling for solidarity with the people of palestine, something that's needed more than ever. we spoke to razza barak ali, pro-palestinian activist who reminded us that it was not soly an iranian event. last friday of ramzan i believe, so yeah i think it's it's an opportunity for people to show support you on on this this this day um you for. what's going on with the people of palestine? opinion is changing, not just - in the
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islamic world, i think opinion is changing globally where people are seeing you know what's going on in in palestine and israel as not being oh it's just one side being they're recognizing that yeah what what's going on by the f the idf is corrupts and i think you are people who are sort of middle the road 'you probably seeing things, well not probably they are seeing things differently, where in the past you wouldn't have an opinion either way um, but yeah now the seeing yeah so they probably start seeing that you know it's it's not an' thing, it's not, again, my view is it's not an iranian thing, perhaps it's started by the iranians, but it's it's a palestinian thing, it's it's a human thing now, there've been the protests every every saturday, every sunday, there's always something going on, um, so regards to you, our goods day, if people are able to, yeah,
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it's not a, not a uh, again, it's not a political movement, it's a human movement, we're showing support. for the palestinian people against what you what is being done done to them by uh the i'm going to say the the zionists and israelies so now i think absolutely if you're free on friday and there's something local to you in your city then go show support. demonstrations continued across the uk with tens of thousands taken to the streets of the british capital over the past weekend to demand the government do more to stop the bloodshed in gaza. our cameras were of course on hand to get a selection and views on why they've attended the march and what was it stake? well, i just think what's happening in palestine is is really, really ridiculous and the world is just standing and watching them kill so many thousands, so many, i don't know, children, men, women, it's just not
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right, it's the injustices in this world is just ridiculous and we need to show this, we need to show. for the world that this is what it is like uh yeah you can't you can't win a war like this like the idea that uh you you you know the argument from israel that you're going to destroy hamas hamas is an organization but it's an ideology and and there are reasons why it it was formed in the first place uh and even if you destroy hamas you've destroyed millions of lives we're still protesting as you can tell against the ongoing genocide taking place in. "we're not going to let up until it comes to an end, listen to the ordinary people who are against this, this this this inhumane and cruel war and and genocide. people shouldn't vote for leaders who have failed us, like they haven't you know fought for justice or for peace, and why should we vote for them if they didn't
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come to help innocent people around the world who are dying? it's all about people power, it's all about people power." "we need to carry on protesting, we need to carry on marching, i think it will have an impact, it's having an impact. i think we've seen that with the galaway making it to the parliament that palestine became stable in in uk politics now, and um, i think the labor knowing that they're going into election soon, they should take note of that and definitely change their position in from palestine and cease fire, thank you." well let's get some thoughts on those developments within the moments we have left on this edition of gaza under attack. alex akaman and dr. zakaria abbas are still with us and i wanted to bring you back in here dr. abbas because you've seen the demonstrations taking place um demanding respective governments do more to put pressure on televive where you
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are are they also coods demonstrations. expected at this time, like to get that global perspective? we are a land of india, as you know mahatma gandhiji who fought against the british invaders, we are the ones who gain freedom through resistance, so we are the people who can relate to what's happening, but unfortunately the global politics, the stand of india has been very neutral and it is also not very satisfactory because of their multilateral connections, but yes we do have people protesting, we have indoor... events and on social media as you know indian citizens are very much active and very happy to let you know that india being a multicultural society, we have hindus, christians, muslims and different religions. a lot of our friends, not necessarily being muslims, they have no, they've got to know the truth about palestine, and that is what has happened this time, you last few decades like you said iran has been doing alkhud's day, i have been participating as a child,
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but the world thought it was just a political movement, but today every country is coming out on road, so iran has proved it. stand that what they started decades back today every country is following its footsteps and the voices are uniting, it's no more about a muslim issue, it is a global issue and that is something very you know welcoming and india's stand is neutral, it can be better, but definitely we are with the people of palestine. indeed, alex, and and we see that the individuals who have been mobilizing here are making a difference, what do you make of this no cease fire, no vote? movement in terms of what it could do for politics with an election expected this year? mean, what is interesting as well is that this year we have we will have election in the uk as well as in the us and um with six months going down the line and the evidence of what is happening, all the negotiations with no tangible
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results, people are still destroyed in gaza, and even now the aid workers they prevented the loweris to come into gaza, but now even the aid worker will venture to try to help seek, people who are depressed. of everything, the israeli army still targeting them because obviously they knew that this convoy is going for food to distribute food to the um populations who are obviously um hungry and deprived and everything, but now i think with the elections coming up maybe things will change because um from experience if you look at in america when... we have democrats in in power, we tend to have more crisis across the across the globe, worse across the globe, and america being the
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protector of israel for the last six months, if it can really if they are allies, but what have they done to make sure that things can change on the ground in gaza, and nothing has really moved on, so hopefully the elections will be maybe what will bring the results and very ' the changes and the changes which will be coming from the people after the elections will hopefully bring this world to an end and also move to palestinian having their own state to ensure that buse it's not just now exactly it's not just now you're looking at for longer term issue because i mean palestine allow the territory to be divided into two to have two states but how on earth for the last four 60 70 years palestinian don't. still have a on state indeed, think i think we can both agree that that's been quite deliberate. uh, dr. abbas, i touched on the fact er that you know, as as a man of
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medicine, where your first oath is do no harm, to be watching what's gone down in real time, and recognizing that it's either munitions or malnutrition that may well kill you in gaza. what are your reflections about where we are here? about a minute and a half or so sir, you know, our spirits are shattered, our hearts are broken, as doctor when we see so many doctors being killed, we have hundreds of humanitarian workers, doctors killed in service, and you know when a hospital has capacity of taking care of 100 patients, they taking care of thousand patients in a day, you know, first of all my heart goes out to all the marters, the doctors have lost their lives and immense respect for them and their families and like i said from a medical perspective, there are nearly 500 thousand people who were at risk of famin by me and today if you say that israel invaded gaza because of hamas that's the biggest lie, if that was the reason why
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why are they cutting the humanitarian aid? there are thousands of trucks which are stuck at the border and there are thousands of you know there are a lot of organization want to reach out to gaza but it's just not happening. today israel wants to kill the population exactly like how adolph hitler did. it's just ironical where when when you feel the pain you need to feel the pain of... but it's completely the opposite and as doctor i stand here helpless and all i can say is i'm praying for them and we still have hopes, this war against gaza has united hearts, this is an era where we need to unite hearts to save mankind, and that's the only message i want to give on this platform. indeed, um, some meaningful words there, um, of course or guest, always knowing that this is such very difficult conversation for us to have, but yet here. where we are and unfortunately that does it for us for today, alex akaman and dr. zakaria abbas were very special guest and our thanks to them and to you for being with us, catch our earlier
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episodes by visiting, until next time, continue to keep palestine in your hearts.
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enough is enough, this is for palestine, ramala, west bank, gaza, it's about time, globalize the interfather, listen close, i've got six words for obama, long live palestine, long live gaza, palestine, ramala, west bank, gaza, it's about time, globalize the interfather. listen close i've got six words for obama long live palestine long live godist.
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your headlines on press tv, israel press is ahead with this relentless air strikes and shelling of the besieg gaza strip has death toll from the genocidal war surpasses 33,000. the hamas resistance movement once again says that any cease fire must end the enslot on the gaza strip and lead to the pull out of the israeli forces and the kremlin has warned that relations between russia and nato have reached the level level of direct confrontation.