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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 9:30pm-10:03pm IRST

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precisive headlines: israel presses ahead with this relendous air strikes and shelling in the besieg gaza strip as the deaththoll from the genocidal war surpasses 33, hamas resistance movement once again says that any ceasefire must end the onslot on the gaza strip and lead to the pull out of israeli forces and the kramland has warned that relations between russia and nato have reached the level of direct confrontation.
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9:30 p.m. in iran's capital tehran, this is pres tv news, thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israely genocidal war in gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with his sonslot across the beseest strip. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israeli air strikes and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their aerial raise in the city of han union. southern gaza. it say that the majority of these attacks were focused on the alamal neighborhood, leaving number of people dead. meanwile palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they have attacked israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortars in the eastern and the southern parts of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the deaththoll from the israely war has now topped 33, over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded, while thousands more remain of unaccounted for. the head of the charity
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organization, doctors without borders has slamed the israeli regime for the quotes deliberate attack aid workers. christopher of locker was referring to an israeli strike on monday that killed seven international aid workers associated with the us-based charity world central kitchen in the gaza strip. humanitarian workers are protected, iffs, no butts. we do not accept the narrative of regrettable incidents. we do not accept it because what has happened to world central kitchen and msf's convoys and shelters is part of the same pattern of deliberate attacks on humanitarians, health workers, journalists, un personnel, schools and homes. this is not just about implementing effective deconflection mechanism. our movements and locations are shared, coordinated and identified already. this is about impunity.
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total disregard for the laws of war, and now it must become about accountability. it not only shows the failure of deconfliction measures. it shows the futility of these measures in a war fought with no rules. that these attacks on humanitarian workers are allowed to happen is a political choice. israel faces no political cost. instead, its allies enable this brutality with impunity and provide even more. weapons that mame and kill civilians indiscriminately. the senior hammaus representative in lebanon has slammed is really atrocities in the gaza strip, of calling on palestinians escalate acts of resistance against the regime. a proof of the unity and cohesion of our people around the option of resistance as a only legitimate means for liberation and return. and call for
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this to continue and to further escalate this resistance against the enemy and against the settlers, the blatant crime committed by the zionist enemy against the al-shifah medical compound and the medical teams and the unarmed civilians and ill and those who were with them and the displaced in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital, over a period of two weeks will continue to witness the brutality. and savagy of this enemy which we have tried for more thandan said in a press conference that all plans of the enemy against gaza will be destroyed in the face of palestinian resistance. he also mentioned the israeli attack on charity workers in gaza saying that the strike shows the depth of israel's brutality as a regime keeps violating all international norms and laws. the senior hamas official condemn the continued us support for israel, saying that washington is responsible for tel aviv's crimes against palestinians. on the notion of
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talks for possible cease fire, he stressed that any deal must lead to an end to the onslot on gaza and the withdraw of israely forces from the territory, speaking of the eve of international goods. day, hamdan called for worldwide rallies and solidarity with the palestinian people. author and journalist robert fintina believes that israel does not want to cease fire in the gaza strip. let's take a listen. israel government doesn't want to see fire agreement of any kind, because that would prevent them from slaughtering the rest of the population of gaza and being able to annex gaza strip, which is what they want to do, they will continue to uh to to annihilate the people there, to destroy the infrastructure all under the myth of protecting themselves from what they refer to as existential threat. it is palestine, not israel that is facing an existential threat, but that's exactly why the israeli government will not uh will not
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move towards a ceasefire, because they want to uh end palestine, and major step in doing that is annexing gaza, and in order to do... that they have to destroy the people of gaza or drive them out into egypt into refugee camps as was done uh 75 years ago and many of those people have been unable, most of those people have been unable to return despite the uh international guarantee that that they can, but israel is not has never been a a reasonable partner for in so-called negotiations which are ridiculous and it's not a reasonable partner now in looking for a cease fire because as a cease fire is not its goal. israel knows that whatever it wants to do, the united states will back it financially and diplomatically and militarily. this is a policy of the united states that has been ongoing for decades that makes no sense. the united states is coming down again on the wrong side of history and
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will be associated with genocide for decades and decades to come. meanwile the spokesman the brigades, the military wing of the islamic jihad move. says that the resistance is determined to continue the loss of flood operation until final victory. the resistance operations on the ground reflects full rejection of the israeli plan to occupy the gaza strip. he added the access of resistance is now repelling the israel regimes attacks in gaza, the west bank and in lebanon. in a statement released on thursday, that's brigades said that it had targeted two israel contingents in the southern city of hannunis. some israeli military equipment and vehicles including a tank and a drone were also hit in the same city, the israely military has already confirmed the death of nearly 260 of its troops since the regime's ground invasion of gaza. palestiny groups however say that the regime is hiding the actual numbers of his casualties to avoid public anger. or the
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us is really genocidal war has been met with a counter reaction from resistance groups in the west asia region. these groups are all backing hamas. fighters and palestinians in the gaza strip, but not just in words, they've actually targeted the israeli regime, stretching the regime even further. let's see how that is impacting the zionist regime. ever since the u.s. israel war began against palestinians in the gaza strip. regional resistance groups in west asia have stepped in in solidarity with palestinians. prevent the continuation of the israeli regime attacks, even though it's been almost six months of us israeli genocidal attacks, don't forget it has also been almost six months of attacks by the axis of resistance groups. one such group is the islamic resistance of iraq.
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now the islamic resistance of iraq is umbrella group, it represents roughly 62 resistance groups and they operate out of iraq. now they all share a common goal to drive the us forces out of iraq and syria, which they view as source of instability. now add to that, israel, the main target recently, in solidarity with palestinians. although the islamic resistance of iraq has targeted us interest in the west asia region, our focus here is how it has targeted israely military sites, some of which you see over here. the targets that you see here actually occurred during span of one week only, which shows an accelerated pace of targeting military sights. in occupied palestine, it includes air bases to military outposts, as evident in some of the sites that have been hit here, also towards the end there, you will see that alat, the port was also targeted. what is noteworthy is the targeting of hyfa. now when it comes to hifa, these are
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the types of targets that have been hit, you're looking at for example the hafa airport, you're looking at the chemical factory that has... been hit in am even the port itself has been targeted, this obviously shows the ability for the drones or munitions to travel this long distance. hit these targets, which is roughly 700 kilometers away from iraq, showing the danger that opposes israel as it continues its genocidal aggression. well, yemen has also taken on the task of targeting israely linked vessels in the red sea and also the gulf of aiden. the us organized task force which it called operation prosperity garden, of which you can see with their logo some of the vessels uh that is comprised of over 20 countries, including the uk to counter yemen. yemen's reason. stop the genocidal war, lift the siege, and to allow aid into the bessieg trip. it has carried out over 80 attacks,
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about 85 of them so far on these vessels. the daily skirmishes between hisballah in israel and southern lebanon, they've escalated since october 7 of operation, it is used advanced weapons, types of weapons includes drones, it includes falk dawn one and also the burcan missiles and also. catusha rockets would have been used to target israeli military bases. you see over there the this long list, there were too many to actually put on this map, but those were the ones that were targeted, and some of the targets included army and air bases, not to mention also israeli settlements. well, israel better be careful. one of the resistance groups, kataib hisbollah has said that it is ready to send military supplies to fellow resistance fighters over in jordan to help the... palestinians against israeli crimes. it is uh prepared supplies for over 12,00 fighters
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over in jordan to uh fight against the israeli regime which includes light weapons, anti-armor, launchers, tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. israel's top military intelligence official resigns after taking full responsibility for the failure of the regime's intelligence apparatus encountering alafsa flood operation on october 7. amidsar was head of the aman's research division. he cited illness as the reason for his early resignation, however israely authorities have pushed the majority the blame for the failure to intercept the events of october 7, 2023 on intelligence officials. sar had previously expressed his readiness to relinquish his duties once the israely war on gaza was over. at least two other officials have also left their positions vacant in the israeli military intelligence system since the palestinian resistance. the flood operation abu taher,
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iraqه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلداt an iraqi businessman who recounts. welcome back to the news here on press tv.
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international good's day is annual pro-palestinian event held on the last friday the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran, imam khamaini in 1979 in solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide would mark this year's good stay on the coming friday. our correspondent in nigeria, danjuma abdullahi has asked some citizens about the event and its importance to the muslim world. let's take: listen, i think we should appreciate ayatulah for that bold step in reminding the world of the atrocities are being committed on these people. forget about the religion which they are, we are first and foremost human being, humanity comes first. islam is peaceful, islam is justice and islam. believes in equality, so there is need for the entire world to come to the ed of palestinian so
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that this war on gaza should stopped intotally. the significance is to highlight the whole world, to tell the whole world or to lay of a foundation on how to approte this illegal entity, this uh appartized state called israel, there is... need for the world to come together and look into the issue of gaza so that it will not escalate. uh to level of beyond control, children are dying, sick people in the hospitals are becoming victims, humanitarian uh activities um be
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becoming impossible, it's antihuman for you to see children. women die and being killed and all the big structures being destroyed and we are just part of humanity. i think uh all perpetrators, all stakeholders should take this so seriously that we should do something about the the the light of the palestinians by bringing soccer to that to that environment. on the eve of international goods day, once again calls for a referendum in the occupied palestinian territories to resolve the century old issue of the region. in a statement published online, iran's foreign minister said tehran believes that the palestinian question should be resolved through a referendum among all original inhabitants of palestine, which includes christians, muslims and jews. said lasting peace in the region can only be achieved by
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addressing the root causes of the problem. he noted that allahs of flood operation was in response to israel's 75 years of occupation and continuous crimes against palestinians. iran's top diplomat urged the international community and muslim states to take practical steps to end israely crimes. he also blamed the us for the continuation of the war on gaza and the obstruction of efforts to end it. pakistan's authorities have detained dozens of individuals in the aftermath of a protest where demonstrators chanting anti-israeli slogan. set fire to a kfc restaurant in pakistan's administrated kashmir region. reports from islamabad. tempers are running high in pakistan over israel's onslot in gaza. in dramatic incident a kfc restaurant in pakistan administrated kashmir was set a blaz during an anti-us
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israel protest. following the incident, police detained over 50 individuals who were accused. of attacking the restaurant in the mirpur district. we do not support the burning of kfc, but we want to bicot it as it is in support of genocide. we stand with boyot and we do bycott. we do not want them, we just want them not to fund israel and have them in their genocide. the arson comes as us israeli genocide in gaza shows no signs of abating. the regimes attacks on all areas of the besieg territory, including hospitals, schools and convoys continue, we are already seeing the impact on the economy, on the financial decline of mcdonald's and bacon, it's huge, even in some countries, in arab countries, those outlets are being closed because nobody is buying it, free free, the ongoing genocide in gaza has fueled anger and frustration among people worldwide, prompting
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calls for boyots against entities believe to support israel financially or pol critically work is something that we are, you know what, this is what we feel from our heart from inside that we don't want to support their economy, we don't want to support the companies that are supporting the israeli soldiers, so for that we need to boycott, i know this is not a permanent solution, but we have to boycott. authorities are now faced with the challenge of managing the fall out from the incident and preventing further escalation of tensions. as temples run high in pakistan due to the call for bycotting. pro us and pro israeli brands, the targeted destruction of a kfc restaurant represents the symbolic reaction of the people, both locally and globally against usraeli genocide in gaza, nasik azmi, press tv. cramland spokesman says nato continues to expand his
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military presence towards the russian borders. criticism comes as the us-let alliance is considering more military aid for ukraine. earlier we discussed the topic in our news review program. let's listen to what our guests had to say. smokesman says the relations between russia and the nato military alliance has reached a level of quote direct confrontation. dimitri peskov said the members of the us led alliance are already in continuous movement towards russia's borders through their finland and sweden in the past year, nato has been helping ukraine with advanced weapons, training and intelligence. the military blocks members are now discussing plans for
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more than $100 million of further military aid for kiev. ukraine has also been seeking to join nato in recent years, which could escalate the tensions between russia and the west to even higher level. don dabar is radio host and journalist at cpr news, joining us from assaning new york. we also have. simmons an independent researcher and author joining us from upsala, sweden. welcome to you both. um, i'll start with you first, don debar. 100 million dollars. i don't know if that's a lot or maybe it's not a lot, but it does sound like lot for a commitment to perhaps be pondering there by nato to give to ukraine. what are your thoughts on that? depends on what you're measuring it against the start with what was russia's annual military budget, this big threat to world. prior to this war that began in earnest in february of 2022, $65 billion a year, that there's
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actually no country in the world that has a budget of more than $100 billion a year for their military except the us and china. china is about 250 billion for its entire military to protect one and a half billion people, so from that measure a billion $100 billion as an awful lot of money. um, let's look at it, however, from the cost to the people that are paying it in the united states and presumably in the eu, with $100 billion dollars, you could solve the homeless problem in the united states entirely, there'd be no more homelessness in the united states rather than tens of thousands of people living in the streets in every major city, you could solve the hunger problem in the entire world for five years with $100 billion dollars, 9 million people a year. die of starvation in the world every year, you could solve that problem, so it's a lot of money, indeed uh, it's quite, i shouldn't say surprising greg
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simmons, but it's somewhat, i don't know, what to call it, to say that nato has done this before trump comes comes on board, i mean we're looking at eight months now, if that were to happen, and between now and e months from now, including april, lot of things could happen when it comes to nato and russia, given this... aid were to happen or not, we're still looking at the tensions there that keep ratcheting up, what type of confrontations do you for see or where do you see this going in terms of the military aspect of it? well, i think the main problem is the level of unpredictability, and the unpredictability comes from the collective west, because what you have here is a bunch of med. politicians at best who have bruised egos, they predicted that russia would be defeated, that ukraine would win, they've done everything to try and do that, yet this
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is not the case, so there, it seems their egos are worth more than a major military confrontation that nato initiates with russia, so this level of emotional... investment in it from them makes it very unpredictable, the predictability comes from russia, which has been uh to date, i'd say rather restrained uh and very cautious about these constant provocations uh which have been used to try and irritate russia. all right, thank you very much. let me thank our guest don davar, radio host and journalist at cpr news and also greg simmonster independent researcher. researcher and author. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. crisis devastating wars,
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terrorism. the israeli lobby. crackdown. diplomacy, unseasing genocide against palestine.
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evvel allah. dik duracağız, dikleşmeyeceğiz. 31 mart bizim için bir bitiş değil, aslında bir dönüm noktasıdır.
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"ama hiçbir surette milletimizin kararına hürmetsizlik etmeyeceğiz, milletle inatlaşmaktan, milli iradeye rağmen hareket etmekten, milletin takdirini sorgulamaktan bugüne kadar olduğu gibi yine uzak duracağız.
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how did zinis come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how do they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister. goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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the israel regime has shown that it is not interested in reaching a ceasefire deal as in