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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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in the headlines the um israel presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and shelling of the besieged gaza strip as the death tool from the genocidal war approaches 33, iran's leader ayatollah. says international woods day this year will be held even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also be participating in the event and russia says un security council's failure to condemn an attack on iran's embassy in syria serves as a clear illustration of the double standards employed by the west.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 10:30 am here in the iranian capital. tehran you're watching press tv's world news. the israeli regime presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and artillery shelling of the besieged gaza strip nearly six months into its genocidal war. the regime's latest boming of house in the southern city of rafa killed of four people, including two infants. elsewhere in rafa, several palestinians were killed. and wounded after israeli jets targeted another residential building, series of israeli raids left at least two palestinians dead and over dozen wounded in almagozi refugee camp in central gaza. in day albala, several people were killed and dozens injured, as a result of the regime's raids. nearly 32,980 people have so far been killed, and over 75,500 injured since israel began its gaza genocide early last october. for
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nearly uh the past six months, israel has been using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinians for two million hungary gazans, most days bring a difficult search for something eat. thousands of them are also forced to make treacherous journey to get flower from aid trucks amit israel's relendous bombing and shelling campaign. let's take a listen to some of the gauzen to explain their sufferings and how they struggle to get flour for daily bread. "we wait all night for this flower, we sleep on the streets, in the cold, on the sand, enduring hardship to secure food for our families, especially our young children. i don't know what else to do or how our lives have come to this, we implore the world empathize with our polite. i spend the night on kuwait roundabout to secure this bag of flower. it was lot of hardship, but i thank god and everyone. we were going to get flour
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and we have been at this checkpoint for two days now, we were facing delays in flower delivery and there's a shortage, it's not just flour, there's also a scarcity of vegetables, meats and other essentials like legumes, lentiles and cheekpeas. the founder of the us space charity world central kitchen has criticized israel over the killing of his staff and gaza saying the regime's forces system. adically targeted a convoy carrying aid workers, jose andre said that cars were hit purposefully, one after the other, in a civilian area under the control of the israeli army. he held israel responsible for the killing, which he said was not the outcome of a bad luck situation, he added the a israeli forces were well informed about the convoy's movement and that the cars were clearly marked with the charity's logo, the strike killed six foreign aid workers and their palestinian translate. 60% of
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non-governmental aid getting into the basic strip is from the world central kitchen. the charity has suspended its operations in gaza following the attack. the world health organization has reacted to monday's israeli killing of seven international aid workers associated with the us-based charity in the gaza strip. in a joint presser top who officials condemn the attack and express concerns about the safety. of relief workers on the ground in gaza. who is horrified by the killing of seven humanitarian workers from world central kitchen in gaza on monday. the work they were doing was saving lives, providing food to thousands of starving of people. their cars were clearly marked and should never have been attacked. "we need
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more entry points, including in northern gaza, cleared roads and predictable and expedited passage through checkpoints, but it is the responsibility of..." all competence a military conflict to abide by the international humanitarian law, which is to allow access for humanitarians to the population who are at risk, and to ensure that the access for those humanitarians is planned, guaranteed and supported. that's international humanitarian law, that is the expectation, and deconfliction works when both parties, the humanitarians and the military observe and are obsessed with that same objective, to ensure that the civilian population. receive the receive the care that they need. in november, who was clearly stating that the deconfliction system wasn't working, we were telling the world that it wasn't working. it's clearly not working, and our staff and our partners are in danger because of it, and something needs to be done to ensure. we would like, as tedras said, the
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conflict must end, hostages must be released. we need peace. in the absence of that peace, we need deconfliction, and we need humanitarian access, and we need humanitarian corridor. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says this year's international woods day will be a global uproar against the zinest regime in which people in non-muslim countries will also participate. in a meeting with heads of the three branches of the government said the israeli regime will continue to be the losing party in the gaza strip. he added the regime's recent crime against iranian military advisors in syria will not save it from defeat in the palestinian territory. stress that the israeli regime will be punished for the aggression, international condemnation followed the israeli air strike against the counselor section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. the european union was the latest to join calls to condemn the attack after multiple countries, including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi
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arabia, china and russia denounce the israeli aggression as unacceptable. and syrians have paid homage to the seven military advisers were killed in monday's israeli attack on the consul section of iran's diplomatic mission in damascus. let's take a listen to some of those who attended the funeral ceremony on wednesday. the blood that was shed represents the blood of all the free people. let thesign enemy know that victory is certain and the revenge of the resistant fighters is coming. left behind thousands of fighters, how abumahi left behind hundreds of thousands of fighters and precision missiles that will eradicate the occuping usurping entity, we will surely prevail with the help of allah almighty. there is nothing better than path
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written with the blood of murders and no revelation greater than the souls of our marders and those who came before them, they have left indullable legacy for this nation that never be forgotten and those who following their footsteps will never be misguided. as president hafez al assad said about them, the murders are the most honorable in this world and the nobles of human beings. the lighter mather's blood has always been the guiding path for humanity towards its salvation. these marties who came from different corners of the earth, from iran, iraq and lebanon, sacrificed themselves. defense of islam anda pe upon her, they aspired for matterdom to attain this high status with allah almighty, and we will continue their path until the liberation al-aqsa. russia says if failure by the us, britain and france to condemn the recent
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israeli attack on the counselor section of the iranian embassy in damascus is a clear illustration of their double standards and social media post russia's deputy ambassador to said the stance of these countries exposes their approach to legality and order in the international context. dimitri panyanskiad at washington and london even refused to discuss a draft statement which is a traditional norm in such cases. on tuesday, most security council members accept the us, britain, france condemn the israely regime for its air strike on the iranian embassy. a day later, the european union also deplored the attack arguing that the inviolable. ability of diplomatic and consult premises and personnel must be respected in all circumstances. monday's attack on the embassy in damascus killed two senior iranian military commanders and five accompanying officers were on an advisory mission to syria. secretary general
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the palestine foundation, pakistan. the west, as usual is keeping its criminals. violence on israeli atrocities. united states, france, uk and these kinds of western governments, those are the so-called champion of human rights, so callalled the champion of world politics, foreign policy, they are keeping criminal silent, not only keeping criminal silence, even they are supporting military aid to the zinanis regime against the oppressed people against the helpless people of palestine, those don't have weapon, the people, they don't have weapon, but they us and uk supporting and providing the weapon to the zianist regime again. the innocent civilian to israel, so the other side they
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are keeping criminal silence over the condemnation against the zionist regime, and this is the very biasness, what we say, i always emphasize that, we always say that these are the double standards of the western governments, but now i personally i do believe these kind of governments in in france they don't have a standards, they are not like human being, they are against the humanity, they are against the peace and stability of the world, they are criminal, they are enemies of humanity, they are enemies of peace and they are the they are actually responsible for these kind of henous crime. after the arrival of tagfury terrorists in aleppo syria, people's daily
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lives were disrupted and they saw explosions and suicide operations every day. the problem of diffusing minds and detinating trap bombs. during this time, the resistance fighters and the ordinary people, including women and children, got hurt. martter ibrahim khalili was one of the most efficient people in mind sweeping team who lost his life along this journey. join us on press tv. iranian security forces have foiled two simultaneous terrorist attacks. in the southeastern provinces seestan and baluchestan, local security officials said the attacks at two police and military posts
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in the cities of rosk and chal bahar. according to local officials, 15 terrors affiliated with the pakistan-based jsal add the terror outfit have been killed in the attacks. they said five iranian security forces have also lost their lives and 11 others were injured. sporadic clashes continue in the two cities with security forces totally surrounding the terrors. the jshl terror group has conducted number of similar attacks in the past month, some of them deadly. the group claim responsibility for attack in december a police station in the city of rosk that killed at least 11 police officers on january the 10th, another attack by the group a police station in the same city, killed a policeman days after that attack, iran launched simultaneous drone and missile strikes on twoj shall app bases in pakistan killing or injuring number of terrorists. former us army psychological warfare officer scott bennett joined us
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certainly with his take on the two deadly terror attacks in iran's southeastern province of seestan and baluchistan or like a clock ticking and what is happening at different numbers on the clock what's happening at 8 o'clock and what's happening at two o'clock 8 o'clock is gaza is palestine is the israeli slaughter and the... attack upon the iranian consulate in syria and various genocidal maniacal tactics of murder, and it's not, it's not war, it's murder, murdering americans, canadians, british, aid workers intentionally, murdering, people on the beach, walking innocently, women and children, and then this attack occurs against the iranian border with this jaid aldesh group, referring to, and it just seems their aproxy of the real zionist enemy, the real uh
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death to the world that needs to be extinguished like fire, and that's what nazralla and the others are talking about is slowly rising in the in the muslim character, personality and devotion to god uh, and uh snuffing out this fire uh with prayers and with uh gentleness but effectiveness and absolute victory, and i think that day is coming, but this is a distraction to, i think deter or or bring iranian intelligence and forces looking in a different direction, so it's always a misdirection, what is masad? uh statement through deception make war, so we always have to keep that in mind. international woods day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the day was designated by founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komeini in 1979 and solidarity with palestinians, people worldwide, will mark this year's lootsday on
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the coming friday, correspondent muslim has asked people in baghedad about the event and its importance in the muslim world. today, as we witnessed the israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim world to stand up for palestine and show their support. the whole world is witnessing the systematic killing of innocent people in gaza, even after the un security council ordered to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes, international day. for all muslims to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic countries are standing still without taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the palestinian people and to remind the world of this humanitarian case, which represents the will and struggle the free people against colonialism. the
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great imam initiated the quotes day after many countries. is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue to the four, it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable regional force and it highlighted the rights of the palestinians, the genocide against palestinians makes it... imperative for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together this friday during international quts day to show their solidarity with the people of palestine corresponnant in ramala in the occupied west bank has asked some people there about the event and its importance in the muslim world
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let's take a listen on the last friday of the holy months the people will try to reach up quds people come from here and there and try to climb over the separation walls just to go to al-quds and pray at the alaqsa mask, all people sacrifice their souls for the sake of aqsa mask. the international quds day and their protest rallies in the islamic world came to expose the occupation and that alts will always be the priority for palestinians and muslims. today the occupation's mask has fallen and the real face of israel. has appeared, the issue of palestine has been somehow set aside for years. today, after what happened in gaza, it came back to the forefront. we are starting new era that will be fairer and leading to the end of occupation. people's movements have always been influential, especially in the situation of gaza, which we see in people's movements
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all over the world. friday protests must be held not only in the muslim world, but all over. world and even here in the west bank protests must be held and we the palestinians who are banned from reachings and al-aqsa must go to the streets. the last large protest here in romalah was on the 8th of march, such huge protests must be held in support of gaza and for defense of the al quds and for palestine. the quds day is very important to the islamic world and to us as palestinians. we must all be united and stand. the real stance in the face of the israeli brutality and the violations against the alaqsa mosk. we have to do our outmost to travel to the alaxar mosque even if we are banned. we must protest in the centers of the cities. we have to keep calling for ending the genocidal war on gaza, and we have to defend the alaksa mosk with all means possible. turkey refuted allegations made by
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the israeli press claiming that it is attempting to... said ties with israel, this comes as a ruling party is already facing criticism over its double standards on the gaz issue as it continues trade with israel while condemning its attacks on gaza, anchor stance has contributed to one's loss in local elections on sunday. israeli newspaper marif published an article saying turkey is seeking to enhance relations with israel. turkish agency for combatting this information denied the claims in a statement. the agency said the claim in the israeli media that senior turkish officials sent message saying we want to improve relations with israel is not true. turkey said it's temporary charged affair of turkish. embassy to tel aviv was summoned on the 25th of march and that claims by israeli media that ankara proposed that the two country's ambassadors return mutually is not correct. the thing that forced amer chelik,
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ak party spokesperson to point out israeli crimes in a statement to assure that his government stands against what israel is doing. the dead human bodies and corpses found around the shifa hospital in gaza once again clearly showed the genocide committed by israel. it is necessary. implement the cease-fire decision in the gaza's trip. this subject has been considered sensitive for turkey, especially after the ruling party lost the local election. many analysts suggested one of the reasons was the akp government not fully cutting ties with israel. many voters left notes on electoral papers such as, "you sold gaza, we will sell you as well," and we will not vote for a government that does not cut a trade with israel. i am studying in the uk, but i came back here to cast. my vote because i strongly opposed trading with israel and wanted to stop. i actively participate rallies in the uk and personally boycott companies and products that support israel. i believe that
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every penny spent on these entities translates into bullets that target palestinians and i am committed to taking action to support their cause. overall, trading with other countries is generally acceptable. however, considering the recent aggression on gaza, israel. has demonstrated a disregard for international laws. therefore, i believe that trade should be temporary halted and all ports closed to convey to israel the gravity of its actions. israel persistent aggression, disregard for united nations resolutions and human rights and obstructions of aid delivery necessate a strong response. turkey provides essential materials to israel such as copper, cement, iron and food. therefore, if turkey were to haltrade, israel might rail. state in kind. turkish citizens have been taking to the streets since the beginning of the aggression on gaza, demanding immediate cease fire in gaza. they have also called on the government
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to severe all ties with israel. analys say the public want to send messages to the president through rallies and social media campaigns. however, it seems erdogan is turning deaf ear to their calls for action. erdogan who tried to contain his people with the pro-palestinians rallies and the slogans now finds himself not only. criticized for double standards, but also grappled with losses in local elections. rahshan saglam, press tv, istanbul. we bring this to an end here on this edition of the world news, but stay tuned. uh, we've got playing more programs coming up. see you soon.
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هیچ عوامل و آثار پایهداری در این نظام دیده
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نمی شود. اعمال است اعمالی که رژیم صهیونیستی انجام می دهد این اعمال بیانگر ناپایداری است این نظام هست نه آثار پایداری نظام رژیم صهیونیستی ما این آثار رو می بینیم ما این حال را حس می کنیم ما این وحشت به دست پا زدن ها را به این دیوانه وار عملیات های غیر ناجه را می بینیم این ها آثار. تلاش های مضبوحانه آخرین است. به این دلیل عرض می کنم این نظام نظام پایداری نخواهد بود. همه این جنگ بر سر مسجد الاقصاست. همه این توتاعه های حول عالم اسلامی هم بر سر همین مسجده.
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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless, press tv.
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tonight on expos a joe biden and benjamin netanyahu turn up. heat in their staged public feud over zionist israel's genicidal war in gaza as netanyahu vows to defy any call for cancelling the rafah invasion. now leftest politicians and media figures go into a complete social media meld down after former president donald trump said there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november. and finally, a politico ipsos new poll shows that half of the country in the united states of america believes trump is guilty man and should go. to trial before the 2024 presidential election. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.