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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:03pm IRST

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project and its allies number three to the resistance forces in our um this blessed battle has united the forces of the people of the um and we've seen the greatest reflection of this unity via the unity of fronts and arenas from palestine to lebanon yemen iraq by the support. also from the islamic republic in iran the resistance forces have made their voices heard, we are an ummah which will not be silent, we will not accept oppression, we will not accept our rights being taken from us and we will also not accept for the enemy to attack gazza freely and from here i salute all of those brains.
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and muscles in the resistance forces who participated in direct fighting alongside the palestinian resistance, and i pray for the mathes who have fallen in these arab and islamic fronts, in these beloved fronts over the past months, those who participated in the confrontation with the enemy, in support of gaza against this war, against this criminal war. and here i denounce the blatant crime which was committed by the enemy on the syrian territories recently and which led to them of the leaders of number of leaders from al quds brigades in the islamic revolutionary gods in the islamic republic alongside number of others falling. as mart is in this
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aggression, number four, to the free people of the world, al-oxsa storm has revived palestine in the hearts of millions of free people throughout the world, so the actions you have taken, you free people, this has proven our presence, and also ease the pain of abandonment and aggression on our people, you have given hope that the human. and here we extend our appreciation to what the nation of south africa has done, the leading role it has played in filing the complaint to the international court in the hag and beginning the trial of the leaders of this entity as a result of their fascism, fascism, and the
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crimes they're committing in gazza and the achieving justice against those killers, whose practices and massacres and atrocities have always been covered throughout history, the time has come for the conscience of the world to reject any cover or any protection for these people, and for them to be under the sword of international justice. of accountability and international humanitarian law, and here we appreciate the stance of every country which stood indeed in support of the rights of our people and against the aggression against gazzah in the security council and all the international institutions, and i congratulate the honorable insistence we see to continue with the action and solidarity with our people in gazah. i call on you to further escalate the
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action and to put pressure on the governments of your country so that they can stand on the side of palestinian rights. the injustice against palestinians has continued for too long and the time has gone has come to give the palestinian people their rights and territories and freedom and finally regarding the talks to bring an end. and is not of responding to our just demands in order to bring an end to the aggression and the war, because the occupation government insists on continuing with this aggression, and what concerns netanyahu and those with him is to stay in power as long as possible, and he...
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we underscore clearly that we remain committed to our demands which are a permanent cease fire. and a complete withdraw from the gaz strip and a complete return for the displaced to the places where they live to their homes and to allow all aid required to enter to enter and rich the people in gazza and to end the siege and an honorable prisoner swap deal, all of this on the path to retrieving the rights of our palestinian people, the right? to their territory and nation and sanctities, and in conclusion, i salute and express my appreciation to the palestinian people in gaza and al quds and the west bank and the occupied palestinian territories of 1948 and all those refugees,
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and all those in the occupation prisons and i salute the heroes of the palestinian resistance, those who have rubbed the nose of the... the access of resistance which is active on all of the fronts of confrontation with the enemy, i salute the people of our arab and islamic um, those who have mobilized and who are continuing with their efforts, those are standing standing united with palestine and with gazah. so salute the free people of the world, everywhere, jihad will either lead to victory or maridom, and may peace be upon you all.
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praise be on our prophet muhammad and his cleansed family and his companions and may peace be upon all of the prophets and peace be upon you all. first of all to all the honorable participants in all the capitals in all locations on the occasion of this gathering this annual gathering, i salute
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them, i extend my appreciation to them and i thank them for their contribution and their participation and their turnout and the taking up the responsibility as well in this difficult time regarding the most dangerous and important cause, the most dangerous in our modern history, at least day this year, differs differs greatly from al-quds days in previous days in previous years, sorry, and this is due to the blessings of alxastorm, this is one of its results, this operation which took place on october 7 last year, and the repercussions and results and the events which took place later on and which
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continued, our storm, one of the results of it was the wave of free people. a storm of free people, as it had been said before, it is a true slogan. today, what is taking place in palestine, in the region and the world, is a storm of the free people, indeed, a storm of free people. we hope that this storm will further expand and will strengthen as time goes by. first of all, we have to salute and express our respect and appreciation to what the resistance in gaz has done all its factions and all its resistance formations and jihady formations and also we must extend
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our appreciation regarding its courage and its performance and its success as well and over all these months against one of the strongest armies in the region, on the other hand, we must look with greatness and admiration at the steadfastness of the people of gazza, it's men, women, children, it's elderly, it's young, and their steadfastness and their perseverance and their putting up with the hardships and sincere approach w be they are being subject to indiscriminate killing the six months, massacres,
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displacement, starvation, and as a result of this perseverance and said fastness, they have displayed a legendary epic which has really been seen in history, we must also extend our appreciation to the sacrifices of the people of the west bank and occupieds and the territories of 1948 and especially in the west bank where its people and its youth are being subject today, more than 700 people are in prison, have been subject to arrests and killing and imprisonment and raids, and there are battles which are taking place in the cities of the west bank, every day and every night arrests the raids, we must also express our admiration. appreciation to the fronts, the fighting fronts, the direct fighting fronts in lebanon, yemen and iraq, these
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fronts which today are making sacrifices and are also making achievements, but at the same time they are also confronting threats and are subject to pressures, but what is most important is that they are continuing with action and are not empting the battlefield, i also extend my appreciation and respect to the arenas of support and solidarity, the islamic republic of iran, which is also confronting many threats and pressures and we see this openly and also behind closed doors, and it is being held responsible for what the resistance is doing, whether it be in gaza or the west bank or in lebanon or in yemen or in iraq, and despite that the islamic republic, thank god its leadership with imam khamenei and all its officials, they are sticking to their stance in support, the clear decisive
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stance in support of the palestinian cause and the resistance movements in the region, also the stance in syria, which is subject not only to threats and pressures, but rather to aggressions, daily or near daily aggressions, bombardment and killing and destruction, and it is sacrificing marties and wounded. whether it be generals and soldiers in the syrian army or the friendly allied forces which are present there, which includes the individuals and from the islamic republic in lebanon, and the brothers, the iranian advisors and other comrades who are also present there, and for six months all of this bombardment, all of these threats, all these promises and pressures has not, changed, syria stands in support and standing
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with all of resistance movements in the region, now we must also mention the popular movements in many countries throughout the world, even in america and britain and the west, and this is something which must be taken advantage of and must be appreciated. i must salute specifically here, the people of yemen. to turn out in the millions, in the hundreds of thousands, they did not tired, they did not bore from the participation from raising their voices high, anyway, it's been almost six months since the war began and this continuing, the israeli enemy is not listening, whether it be to resolutions calling for a ceasefire issued from the security council, nor to the cause of all countries of the world or the high majority the countries of the world. nor does it care for international public opinion, nor for laws, nor for international community, nor
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for values, it is rather continuing with its criminality and brutality and narcism. what we need, what we need to underscore or some points which we need to underscore on this day in this brief speech is the following: first of all, they need for standing firm, as we seeing now, but of course standing firm, steadfastness and continuing the efforts and to be certain that victory comes from god almighty, that this victory from god almighty is coming, god willing, and this is linked to... to gazza, first and foremost, the gaza strip, and also to all of the other battlefields and fronts that are participating and supporting. number two, the necessity of taking action to providing all elements of strength which would enable al storm to achieve its goals, and this is our responsibility, all of us. number three, and this is very important point, and i believe
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that it is one of the important challenges which is linked directly. the commemoration of day and the commemoration of this occasion, and it is the strategic, the important strategic results achieved by alorm on the major battlefield in palestine, in gaza and in the fronts of the resistance, and especially that which is related to the strategic losses of the zionist entity and the american project in the region and the future of the presence of this entity in the region, something which is very important, why? because some of the normalizers in our region and islamic world, and because some of the hypocrites focus on the scale of the sacrifices and ignore the scale of the achievements, or they simplify or underestimate them to serve the resistance,
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and to also strike the moral of the people and those who support and believe in the... this path of resistance must explain and must make clear and clarify with all available means this issue otherwise they are striving and attempting to transform the image of strategic achievements of resistance to transform them into an image of defeat. for the resistance and victory for the enemy by falsifying and tarnishing and also by turning the facts upside down the in a storm and after that the free people storm, there have been great sacrifices, yes, but there are also great results and great blessings. our responsibility, all of us is first of all to
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discover these results and these great achievements and especially the strategic ones. and to identify them, to count them and then to reveal them to people. to reveal them to people by all means and on all occasions. the brief remarks today, don't allow me to go into the details of this important issue, we must strive on al-quds day, and on all different occasions to explain this, me, my colleagues. all of you, however, allow me in this brief time available to summarize in a simple sentence and say the following, if we said before, and we did say before, that the liberation of south lebanon in the year 2000, except for the shiba farms and after that the
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liberation of gaz strip from occupation, if we said that this put an end, the project of the great israel, it eliminated the project of great israel from, because this entity which cannot stay in south lebanon, which is part of a weak arab country called lebanon, and which cannot stay in the gaz strip, won't be able to expand its presence once again, to be from the nile to the eufrit, this has come to an end, the greater israel project, and also if we said and... did say that after 2000, after the project of great israel, there was the project of the great, so before it was a great israel, then it was a great israel, the project of the new middle east which the americans were working on, they wanted the central point, the focal point of it to be israel, design entity, for it to be the superpower in the region, the july 2006.
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meaning in this current confrontation which is taking place, i can say that the issue goes beyond the greater israel and great israel project and it now is about the very existence of this entity. i can say that storm has placed the zionist entity on the abys towards elimination and this, the
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indicators of this will be revealed as time passes by. i'm not saying that it will take place in a few days or few months, however in the next few years these indicators. security, political, social, economic and military and psychological and moral level, would it achieve that these levels is that it shook, it shook the pillars of this entity and this project, in the greater israel,
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will have catastrophic and dangerous important repercussions and the government of the enemy or the political parties within this entity will be able to repair. what is important my dear colleagues is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle to come out victorious with our heads high, successful and for defeat. to be dt to the enemy and to all those who stand behind this enemy, and number two, to take advantage of what took place in order to achieve the final goal god
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willing, as a storm took advantage of the achievements of the resistance over the past decades and of all the efforts which were exerted by the resistance movements and resistance leaders in the resistance access and especially the leading gamati. also now what was achieved strategically must be taken advantage of and built upon in order to continue with this achievement towards the final goalling we pray to god upcoming days of al-quds will be the days that bring us all together in al-quds, god willilling, and may peace be upon you all.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. حيث يقف اليوم نساؤهم ورجالهم واطفالهم وشيوخهم وشبانهم جميعا في خط الاول للجهاد والمقاومه كما احيي الشبان الغياره الطوق قلوبهم لقضيه
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القدس والذين يحملون اعباء المسؤوليه من ابناء الامه الاسلاميه وجميع الرجال والنساء اصحاب الضمائر الحيه في انحاء العالم كافه ومن كل دين ومذهب وقوميه والذين وصلت قلوبهم الى الحناجر بحكم فطرتهم الانسانيه وواجبهم ان المبادره التاريخيه لسماحه الامام الخميني الراحل رحمه الله عليه بتسميه اخر جمعه من شهر رمضان المبارك يوما عالميا للقدس كانت مبادره ملهمه للاجيال موحده للصفوف في الدفاع عن ابقاء قضيه الشعب. uh, what you're witnessing here is actually quite event, but it happens every
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year the last. of ramadan and that's when the resistance leaders give speeches, it's a tradition, the iranian president rice uh giving one there a long list of speakers that spoke, leaders of different resistance groups such as from the palestine palestinian islamic jihad, hassan the secretary generallah the yemini also leader there and is we heard from him former prime minister of palestine in gaza and hadi alameri member of the council of representatives of iraq. these uh were directed on two causes, one uh how to counter the israel regime and the genocide that's committing inside the gaza strip along with the us military support and also uh the way that uh the genocide is taking place and the different ways uh that uh that should be countered based on some of the statements made there uh such as this smallenia which was pretty uh provoking in the fact that it said that the israel regime is acting very
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wildly an animal that it doesn't listen to any international rules or laws or regulations that is doing what it wants to do and uh it appears that he's uh that that regime is just on the loosed uh but um there were different statements made there uh slamming the us slamming uh the israel regime for what it is doing uh when it comes to the palestinians uh for example uh we heard from uh said the okay now we can uh listen to the continuation of iranian president of the promise from god, the historic operation of the palestinian people led to the end of this entity, and today the isianist entity committing such acts striking the palestinian causes and the palestinian people, and this strategic strike of the palestinian people within this framework, what is taking place
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today? in gaza is that the zionist entity is not committing to any of the humanitarian and illegal and international principles and it commits brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for its weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gaza separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness to... was humanitarian principles, it's become a way to measure islamic and humanitarian ethicals, unfortunately, the hypocrites in the west to speak about human rights, they are silent shamelessly, they are not pursuing any efforts to end the killing, they are rather participating with america in committing crimes openly or discretly, america is no doubt an accomplice in the crimes of the
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rinous entity and... "the great steadfasters and the examples set in the perseverance of the palestinians and this resistance of the past six months stemming from the faith, this prevented the zionist enemy from achieving any of the strategic goals in the war on gaza. a people who rely on the strength of faith will succeed in overcoming the material forces. and will no doubt taste the taste of victory, this is god's promise, and no one can prevent god's promise from being fulfilled, and as long as the occupation of al-quds continues, every day al-quds will be in the hearts of this place and this renewed revolution, and today the reposinal
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resistance have proven. the most important element is faith, as a result of this blood, today the whole world will not return to the previous status quo, and what is taking place in all the zionist areas will not succeed in polishing the image of this entity which was defeated in alaxa storm, the user. entity today is confronting various problems, politically and militarily, militarily, the victory of the palestinian will against the defensive system, this has brought an end to the full saying of the invincible army, and is also revealed the fragility of this entity and its weakness, politically, the zionists
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are closer than any time before, to internal political collapse and the continuation of the shameful settlement deals like the normalization process. "as a result of the blood of the maties and the jihadists, this is like bitting on the losing horse. what this storm has revealed is that it has awakened the international public opinion and the conscience, and it won't be tricked by trying to show the zirous entity as it has been subject to injustice. it's even reached the level whereby the peoples of the countries that support this entity are condemming it and are condemning the entity and this..." nation continues, the various protests and marches in the countries of the region or throughout the world, this have all caused a media loss, it caused this entity to lose, and the people of the world now realize the importance of standing against this devil
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and this immoral entity, the harsh attacks, the strong attacks and opposite to what the leaders of this - had hoped for, this has not succeeded in intimidating the palestinian people bead in the gaza strip or the western back bank, this made them more determined to continue with resistance, the plans of settlements and the humiliating new projects, they have all become of the past, there are no suggestions and there is no project for future of palestine that can be implemented now or in the future without taking into consideration the demands. and the perspective of the rightful owners of the territories on the rights, the islamic republic, as it said before, it's supposed to resistance that underscores the rights of the palestinian people to defend themselves against the enemy and against the zianist entity.