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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:03pm IRST

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is black and white, thank you. of of
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the headlines: ceremony is held at the iranian embassy in syria to commemorate the military advisers killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section of the mission. the death thow from nearly six months of the us-israeli genocide in gaza now surpasses 32,970, mostly women and children. and the un chief says attacks aid workers in gaza are unconstionable after an really of airstrike killed seven of them, more welcome to our studios in the capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. the one embassy in syria has held a ceremony to pay homage to the seven military advisors who were killed in monday's israely attack. on the consular section of
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the diplomatic mission, we were joined by our correspondent from damascus who said that several syrian officials visited the iranian in mission to pay tribute to the marters. we are here at the uh embassy, the iranian embassy in damascus where the iranian embassy just began to receive condolences for the marters who were assassinated by an israeli air strike on monday evening, the yesterday at n' the ceremonies of funeral ceremonies were held in at sayya shrine in damascus old city in the heart of the damascus respect to the marters today we are seeing senior officials coming to make the respect to the martters and to offer condolence to the iranian to the islamic republic of iran and
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its people for the marturdom of these irgc senior leaders. as so far we have received a religious delegation, representative of the imam imam ali khaminai office, also some palestinian figures, palestinian lead faction leaders, there's the the charge, the charge of the fair of the venezuelan embassy, we have also the representative now next to me, the representative of say office in syria, also we have the representative of the islamic islamic resistance in iraq in syria, sayed ali musa, just arrived, we are expecting also some governmental figures from the... syrian government as we know yesterday
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the head of the government prime minister hussein arnos came to the embassy, he met with the ambassador, he checked the place, he was heading governmental a senior governmental delegation with the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy, the minister of media along with other ministers, they check the the site, they baid their condolences and offered their full support uh from syria to the islamic republic of iran. we're going to listen to uh one of the leaders of one of the resistance groups coming out of iraq from the islamic resistance of iraq harikat. let's take listen to what he's saying. and in the world has proven the righteousness of the stance of may god preserve him regarding the. end of the
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american hegemony and the end of the zianist entity soon, god willing, what we're witnessing now, the capabilities and the set fasters of resistance in the world is an extension of what imam. be upon his souls said 45 years ago, whereby, and when he announced an international day for al-quds at the end, or the final friday of the holy month of ramadan, he chose three sanctities for muslims, the month of fasting and friday and al-quds in order to revive the ideology and to take action with their islam, with the islamic identity, for the righteousness of the palestinian cause, however it's unfortunate that this era has revealed to people that most of the islamic countries have committed to standing and watching as the massicers take place in gaza, the arab countries that have normalized for their part, they don't think except in the interest the zinus entity and supporting the occupying invaders against their people, and the
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landbridge which they are talking about for the zionist entity is a clear evidence of this, when we hear what the prophet may. upon him said that those who don't care for the muslims are not muslims, this means that we are regretful when we see around two billion muslims, muslims who fast in the month of ramadan and don't pay attention to an islamic umma, innocent ummah whose territories are being confiscated and who are being killed with criminality and in contradiction with all international religious laws and their fasting does not even remind him, remind them the hunger. the children of gaza and the fear which the zionist entity is spreading amongst them hour by hour, the zionist entity has revealed to us new definition of human beings and humanity and also revealed how much the brutality could reach, and in this war we
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find that america and the allied countries have sent to the entity more than 30,000 tons of explosives and weapons and and it was accomplice along with this ugly entity in its crimes and it revealed its ugly face to the whole world, and this face which is trying to hide by practicing double standards and sending some aid from the air to gaza which is under a siege via their weapons and their support, this aid which does not have any big impact after the crimes, the igral crimes of dinous entity and gazza with clear support. from america and the western countries that are allied with it, it has been revealed to all parties, how their allegations about human rights and about women's rights and child's rights, they are really only human beasts which violate all norms and all
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ethical standards and we say to design entity and its supporter america that the resistance using weapons has pos a challenge to your hegemony, whereby you were using everything you had against women and children, the unarmed people of ghazza, and after six months of war have passed, you have not succeeded in forcing ghazah into submission, gaza, which was subject to a siege or has been subject to a siege for two decades, today the entity is in a state of great weakness which makes it even face serious problems in confronting one palestinian resistance fighter in... or the west bank or bethlehem having a weapon and attacking the criminal or the terrorist israels and the flee of the israeli settlers to going back or going back to the original countries and their conviction that security in palestinian
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territory is does not exist, this which world zionism has promised them to bring them to territory which is not their territory to occupy it and to displace their people or... this is considered or are considered to be clear indicators of the collapse of a zinus entity and indicates well that gazel will achieve victory and will seal it wounds to be back stronger than it was before anduds and palestine will be returned to their people and our final prayers be will be praised to god the lord of the worlds and may peace be upon you all al speaking there live this is uh called the glitz podium ceremony as uh it has been called and uh he is uh speaking on that occasion, we do anticipate other speakers to also come in and uh speak and uh some of the things that he said obviously had to deal with the palestinians, the massacker taking place, this regime to be its weakest
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point and also international day of alts. now we're going to uh switch on over to z who's speaking listen, wherever you may be, may peace speak. peace be on the souls of the marties in palestine and everywhere and we also extend - the great people whilst they are waging today a battle which is one of the most honorable and noble battles that has ever been waged by our ummah throughout its long history for the sake of al-quds is the battle ofone. which is taking place within the broader framework of the jihad of our palestinian people to reflect, to truly
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reflect and sincerely reflect the confrontation of the ongoing aggression, this aggression which never stopped for one day against our people and against our sanctities since the establishment of the criminal zionist entity until this very... and whereby our palestinian people stand in gazza, the men, the women and the children, as they stand and confront all of the forces of evils throughout the world, represented by the zionist entity, and its supporters and those who stand with it, first and for first and foremost america. "and all of those around america's orbit, and for more than half year
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of killing and brutal destruction against gazza and its great people, have shocked the world as a result of their steadfastness and pride and the heroism of its heroic fighters who are confronting on the ground. america, the weapons and the tools of killing, and every day and every hour, they reveal the face of or they target these zinus killers on the battlefield, despite the difficult siege, the bitter siege. which is killing our people and our children as a result of starvation
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and is denying them the most basic necessities of life, we discover during this war that our arab brothers, muslims, muslim brothers cannot provide even a drink of water to those suffering of thirst, except if israel approves. and allows for it and at the same time israel is being provided with everything it needs from these same countries which are prevented from providing some water and some food to gazza and his children. for this reason we said and we continue to say that we call on our arab brothers. treat us just like they treat israel, because
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everything israel needs, it receives from these same countries that are denying us everything. we are not criticizing here, however, we looked around us and we found that the enemy with its allies. and first and foremost america and all those standing with them, and they are thousands of miles away, they stand with the killer zionist entity, and they provide it with all forms of weapons and all means of killing, and for this reason we said that here in lies the importance and the necessity. the unity, of the strength of the resistance and the unity of its arenas
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and fronts in confronting, the projects of dividing the region for the sake of the zionist project, which has been manifested with the resistance in lebanon, standing and also intervening in the storm battle, standing shoulder by shoulder with the... fighters of palestine and also our brothers in yemen, have performed greatly in their support of palestine. and its people and its resistance, and the same applies to the brothers in iraq and syria. brothers and sisters, to the arab and islamic masses to the free people of the world, the challenges which we are confronting today. storm has
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distinguished between the countries and we are still right in the midst of the confrontation and all of us are required to pursue our efforts to the maximum for the sake of supporting palestine and the palestinian people in all areas and it is my duty here to mention the islam public in iran its historic role in supporting the resistance in palestine and it's ongoing providing of this support at all levels and its role and its influence in enhancing the unity of the forces of resistance and supporting it. on the blessed al-quds day, i
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salute, and all the great fighters from amongst our people, those who have humiliated the forces of the zionist enemy and have broken its all and it huborous and continue to do so. i also bow down to our people in gazza and to their sacrifices exceded and have overcome anything we've seen from all peoples anywhere in the world, whereby they set an example for mankind, an example which history has never witnessed, an example of honor and dignity, and they have not abandoned al-quds, nor have they abandoned
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their nation or their dignity, and they have dedicated. everything, their souls, so that palestine will remain for us and will remain ours, and within this framework, i salute our people in the heroic west bank, the men, the women, and the youth, and the courageous fighters, the heroic fighters, are confronting with the strong solid will and the... fighter brigades and their marties are confronting the forces of the enemy, all the time and are attacking them in every position and at every location, and they are a real extension and a complementary extension of our people in gazza with the heroic fighters,
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to our people glory, and i pray for the victory. for our fighters, and let's make al-quds day an occasion whereby we'll enhance the unity of our people, and the unity of our fighters and the unity of our goals, and we underscore on this day, on this blessed day that gaza will remain with its people and its heroic resistance fighters and it will continue to be... a unique player in the journey of our people towards, and it will stand with steadfastness, it will resist, and god willing it will achieve victory, and may peace be upon you all.
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in the name of god, the merciful, the compassionate, we will tell you what happened to them rightfully. they believed in their god, and we provided them with more guidance. praise be to god. lord of the worlds, praise we on our prophet muhammad and his family, and may peace be upon his companions. on this blessed occasion, al-quds day, international al quds day, which is the day of yearly declaration to renew the pledge with god and
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his messenger and also mosk and the palestinian people, the people of sacrifice and loyalty, we stand today, all of us stand bowing down and directing. our attention towards responding to the call, we salute the maries of palestine and the mart is of gazza, and we salute the leaders and the men of the palestinian resistance, which is creating this epic in a storm, the one which is sending the message and has inherited the role of the fighters. and the revolution and
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its heroic epic, and on this day they are coming out as human wave, human see throughout the world in anger reject. the brutality, and they have proven by taking approach of genocide and killing and this stance that the world is still capable of tasting the taste of mercy and adopting the higher standards and values and also justice and dealing fairly with the oppressed brothers and sisters. the battle of the storm is a fight from god which took place under god's care by worshippers and the heroes from
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amongst the resistance fighters who have hearts of courage to achieve their victory which represented a real turning. in the palestinian cause and has restored the cause as the major cause after the countries of international arrogance and those who supported it, after they wanted to ignore and marginalize this issue, and this transformation was made clear in the path of resistance. it was made clear whereby the mujahidin were the ones who took the initiative. were the ones who were leading the historic course and path of this sanctified issue, and they are performing the
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heroics in the past and in the future, they are achieving victories and are imposing new equations on the palestinian cause and the cause of the ummah, the faital cause or the cause of destiny, and they are pushing these the lies of the enemy to be exposed and their fatal existential challenges and for all of false propaganda, like the saying of the
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invincible army, and the saying of the iron dome and the saying of normalization and expansion, it has become clear that all of these slogans are only empty. only aimed to address the humiliation suffered from this racist entity which has been humiliated, al storm has revealed the false nature of these slogans and therefore has exposed one of the illusions of normalization and the hegemony of vizinus lobby throughout the world and protests have gone ahead in all parts of the globe to express the rejection of the free people of the world, the ejection of the presence of this entity, which has become a symbol of criminality. the illusions and the
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legends which the enemy used as a cover for its aggression over the past decades, our storm has placed all the arrogant powers that support and stand with the zionist entity, it has placed them or has exposed them to criticism and condemnation given that they are accomplices in the criminal. behavior and it has become very clear that america and the west are the ones who stand behind the crimes the zionist entity and provided with funds and weapons and fighters and also manage the conflict and they also obstruct every security council resolution aiming to put an end to this criminality. the international vigilance today. is taking the path of
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holding the entity and its symbols accountable and holding accountable or trying all the evil countries that supported it by providing money and weapons and political support and media support. it is a stance, it is a civilizational expression or reflection that proves that there is new international movement which is striving to bring about an international community whereby there is no place for tyrants or for occupation or for manipulation or fabricating the facts, and there must be a reconsideration in the international unjust system which currently rules the world, and there must be focus on this occasion, on the lesson of the steadfastness of the islamic resistance in palestine. which has been ongoing for more
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than six months against the zinast tyrony which is supported by america and the west, despite this, the resistance is still standing with steadfastness and is still managing the battle with wisdom and strength, whereby the americans admit today that eliminating hamas is fantasy as a result of the... legendary steadfastness which we have really seen in the world and as a result of the firm ideology and the strong will and the determination which never weakens and the support of the palestinian people for their heroic resistance. brothers and sisters, the will of the resistance and liberating from the submission, liberating ourselves from
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submission and towards this entity, this has expanded to all the islamic countries in their doctrine and their affiliation, and the resistance front has begun to expand and is now taking action, and the men, the fighters in all countries access has have refused to leave palestine by itself, so the stands of iraq and lebanon and yemen and the big. and the most powerful forces in the world cannot prevent the fighters, those with vision, they cannot prevent them from taking up their honorable role in supporting gazza and in responding to its call whilst it is confronting the machine of genocide and destruction and starvation and and the
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resistance in iraq had it stands in principle which was expected and it is participating, participating in the revolution of righteousness to save the oppressed in gaza and to deter the enemy and prevented from carrying out the comprehensive slaughter and the action taken by the irakis against the zionist enemy is nothing new. is nothing new in the history, but rather it is an extension for a jihadist ongoing approach whereby the people of arafidin have made their food, had placed their fingerprints ever since the first confrontations against this entity, at the end of the fourth decade of the last century, and the marties of the iraqi army...
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are still there in the in the palestinian territories, brothers and sisters, the palestinian cause was always in the conscience. every iraqi, whether it be religious clerics or government or the iraqi people or government, the religious cleric in iraq took an honorable stance and the courageous stance throughout history, more than 70 years ago, and the religious decrees issued by the clerics in iraq all called for jihad for the sake of liberating palestine. the criminal plan, this has revealed the real nature of america and the west, and they are
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the real supporters of the zionist entity and its crimes, the stands of the dignified iraqi people and the courageous iraqi people towards the... occupation is a firm stance, a stance based on principle whereby the iraqi people reject all forms of occupation and their firm principal stance rejected occupation in the revolution of the 20th, and also the stance rejecting the american occupation of iraq after year 2003, whereby the iraqi, the heroic iraqi resistance fighters fought against this... occupation until a complete withdraw of the foreign forces from iraq was achieved on the 21st of december year 2011 and full sovereignty, full national sovereignty.