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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:03pm IRST

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the headlines of ceremony is held at the iranian embassy in syria to commemorate the military advisors killed monday's israeli. attack on the consular section of the mission, the death told from nearly six of months of the us israeli genocide in gaza, now surpasses 32,970, mostly women and children, and also uh the un chief says a of attacks aid workers in gaza are unconstionable after an israeli air strike killed seven of them.
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hello and welcome everybody watching press tv's world news coming at you live from our headquarters here in the iranian capital. tehrana to top story for this half hour, the iranian embassy in syria has held a ceremony to pay homage to the military advisors who were killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section. the diplomatic mission, we were joined by our correspondent from damascus who said that several syrian officials visited the iranian mission to pay tribute to the marters. we are here at the uh embassy, the iranian embassy in damascus where the iranian embassy just began to receive condolences for the marters who were assassinated by an israeli air strike on monday evening, the uh late yesterday uh at
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the ceremonies of funer funeral ceremonies were held and at say shrine in damascus old city in the heart of the damascus bay respect to the marters today we are seeing senior officials coming to bake the respect to the martters and to offer condolescence to the iranian. to the islamic republic of iran and its people for the martidom of these irgc senior leaders uh as so far uh we have received a religious delegation uh representative of the imam imam ali khaminai office also some palestinian figures palestinian lead faction leaders uh there's the the charge uh the charge of the fair of the the venezuelan embacy, we have also the
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representative now next to me, the representative of say office in syria, also we have the representative of the islamic of islamic resistance in iraq in syria, sayed ali musa, just arrive, we are expecting also some governmental figures from the... syrian government, as we know yesterday, the head of the government, prime minister sayid hussein arnos came to the embassy, he met with the ambassador, he checked the place, he was of heading governmental a senior governmental delegation with the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy, the minister of media along with other ministers, they check the the site, they baid their condolances and offered their full support uh
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from syria to the islamic republic of iran. the united nations security council has held emergency meeting on the... latest israeli attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria addressing the event, iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to veemly denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regretably, the absence of accountability and the council's in action has only encouraged and even embolddened this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility. and address the real threat to international peace and security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance. urgent and enforceable measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations. that he said
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israel is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms. he said the arab country holds israel and the us fully accountable. the syrian official added the israeli regime would not have dared to attack other nations diplomatic premises if it wasn't for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador whose country had called the meeting slam the air strike as a flagrant violation of syria's sovereignty. he said israel seeks to further fuel the regional conflicts. china's envoy also condemned israel's attack. is a grave violation of the un charter and international law and a breach the sovereignty of both syria and iran. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed tehran will make the israeli regime regret it's deadly air strike on the iranian embassy
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in damascus. said ali khamenei made the remark in a message of condolence on the martterdom of a group of iranian military advisors in the monday attack. the leader described israel as hated. occupying regime, he vowed that the evil regime will be punished. also saluted the marters of the attack, including two senior irgc commanders, major general mohammad zahiri and general mohammad hadi haj rahemi. let's take a look at the profile of brigadier general muhammad azazahidi who was killed in israeli attack in damascus. brigadier general muhammad reza zahedi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores kots force, was killed in an unprecedented israeli attack targeting the five-story consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus. born in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan.
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zahidi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986 took command of an important brigade of irgc ground forces that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later he was promoted to commander of the irgc's 14th imam hussein division, a position he held until 1991, several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in more senior positions, including commanding the ir. gc's air force and also ground force. during his tenor as the irgc's ground force commander, he also spent year at the helm of the thara law headquarters, which is responsible for protecting security in the capital, tehran. zahi joined the quods force in 2008, there he
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led operations in syria and lebanon and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019. the brigadier general returned to tehran to serve as the irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc's gots force in 2019 and served the force until his martterdom. a joined report by the world bank and the un shows the israeli war on gaza's caused damages of around 18.5 billion dollars to gaza's critical infrastructure. the report says the structural damage caused by the israeli carpet bombing of gaza has affected every sector of the palestinian territory's economy. the damages are equivalent to 97% of the combined gdp of the west bank in gaza in 2022. the report covers only the first four
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months of the israeli genocide in gaza and embodies some aspects of the besieg strips humanitarian crisis as well. it's found that more than half of the territory's population. is on the brink of famin, at least 32,975 palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed since israel began it's mil, it's uh war early october. we're watching press tv's news review we look to print to some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, the un secretary general is denounced as uncontionable the israeli killing of several international aid workers on duty in the gaza strip. "the devastating israeli air strikes that killed all central kitchen personnel
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yesterday bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of our own un stuff. this is unconstionable. it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for immediate humanitarian sease fire, the unconditional release of all hostages and the expansion of humanitarian in to gaza, as the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delay. meanwhile, the un agency for palestinian refugees onrow says, the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid worker deaths ever recorded in any conflict, and israel strike left 7-8 workers associated with the us space charity world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday, the
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head of the charity called the incident a targeted attack saying the strike needed, the strike rather indeed targeted humanitarian organization showing up in dire situations when food is being used as a weapon of war. the israeli killing of the world central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions, western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. joining us on this edition of the news review we have uh academic broadcaster and investigative researcher david miller joining us from bristol also we have director of center for muslim affairs mr. jahangair mohammad who's joining us from manchester. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off uh with david miller. the israelis have reportedly killed around 200 aid workers sinceless. genocidal massacre started, that is no accident is it? well, no, of course,
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it's not an accident, but that doesn't stop the zionists and their apologists from pretending that it might have been an accident or it's a terrible mistake or any of the various things that have been said by them on social media since then, but it's a very curious set of affairs, mean the first thing to say is: that look, they are deliberately targeting people who are trying to help palestinians, uh, journalists, health workers, aid workers, anyone who might provide food to the palestinis is a target for the israelis and that's of course part of their genocidal strategy to uh make it impossible to protect palestinian lives, they want to eliminate the palestinians as a people all together, and if they can't do that, they want to expel whoever is left, but this is very curious incident itself, i mean the three british people who were killed in
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this incident uh all appear to have been former british military, including special forces personnel, to one of them has been described simply as a former member of the army, whatever that might mean, no particular regiment etc. ones in from the special boat service, which of course is a is an elite special forces regiment, and "the question is what they were doing there, they were working for a british security firm as well as for uh world central kitchen or providing security or something like that, so the question i would have about this is what what they were doing, were were they just security personnel who were volunteeriering out of the goodness their own hearts, so was was there some kind of cover british mission uh in this particular case, and if that is the case, and even if it's not the case, the fact that the israelies have um..." what appears to be deliberately killed uh british citizens uh
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british ex-military citizens is an indication of just how little they care about the views the british state and indeed of their other allies so they they they are they are simply and i would say it this way they are laughing at us they do they do not care what we think and that's because they have reasonable confidence that nothing we do will change that will be no effect of action will be taken by the british government to interfere with arms sales, to interfere with the military intelligence support which has been given directly to the israel by the british government, the trading which occupation forces members are getting in britain as we speak, and it's an indication really of the utter arrogance of the israelis and which we have only come to expect with them in this genocide. jahangir mohammad, the head of the world central kitchen said that this was indeed a targeted attack which strengthens
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the discussion that israel are purposefully targeting humanitarian organization. and aid workers break that down for us and what are the israels achieving by carrying out this type of of murderous behavior? well, i think we know that they've been targeting aid workers before, about 160 to 170 been killed, so it's not a new strategy, whether they target to them directly, well i think can see from what happens in syria and in lebanon, they're able to precisely hit the targets that they want, whereas in gaza uh, they claim, well it was accident or we didn't know what we were targeting, so i think the chances of them not knowing what they were targeting are very slim, they knew what they were doing, and of course the goal is that
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this this is not a new strategy, even before uh the the war on gaza um uh you know for the last 16 years, israel and its supporters worldwide have been trying to get uh charities that work in gaza close down, the aim is to starve the palestinians, before it was slow starvation and and genocide, now it's a fast one uh and they they want to either force the palestinians to leave. by starvation, by massacring them, or they want to, you know, um, have slow death. i think people don't actually realize what they've done here, they have destroyed all means of livelihood for the people of gaza, from their industry to their agriculture, to their
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universities, to their healthcare system, to the aid infrastructure, everything has been targeted. so even if there was a cease fire tomorrow, this genocide will continue, people will continue to survive because they have no means of livelihood, so sorry, to continue to die because they have no means of livelihood, and that will carry on for years, so this is the typical strategy of european colonial settlers and their allies uh, you know, in states and armies that accompany them, uh to basically uh expel, kill or limit their population uh so they can dominate them and stick them in small pockets of land or reservations and say yes here's here's our native indians you know once proud uh people with their own culture and civilization uh whilst they dominate them and take all their
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resources and and loot them and have reduced them to uh to them and the their generations to life cycle of of poverty and humiliation, so israel wants the palestinian people to surrender, they want them to become what other colonial settlers have done to africans, to native americans or in latin america, and the palestinians are showing through their resolve that they won't do that, and this is not... an israeli strategy, as you rightly pointed out in your news, it's a us israeli strategy backed by the uk, and it's you know, they're all in this together, the only reason these aid workers have got a mention is because they happen to be uh have european passports, otherwise if they were
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palestinians or muslims from elsewhere uh or you know journalists from from muslim countries, they they wouldn't even be considered significant. david miller, number of western countries, they've called on israel to offer an explanation, what kind of backlash are you expecting to see from these countries in this case, or is it just going to be more of the same and just some platitudes and condemnations? well, we do see increasing. backlash in the sense that um people who have kept quiet or have um been supportive of the genocide are slowly moving away. from that position, so even mainstream journalists in the uk for example, have started to make comments about the fact that in circumstances like this, that deliberate
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targeting is apparent, for example the bbc's john simpson, a giant of mainstream media has stated that he's aware that that's what the israel is do, because he lost three of his friends to direct, really targeting uh and he was asked on x formally twitter how he knew that and he said oh i asked the soldiers from the occupation forces and they told me that they had deliberately targeted these journalists and similarly krishnan guru murthy from the channel four television news program has made similar comments on uh on television news interviewing uh an occupation forces spokes person talking in fact about murder, and that's um, that's a turning point, i would say, and more this goes on, the more people will search their consciences
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and eventually recognize that they need to speak out on this and that they need to call this for what it is, and as a result that action needs to be taken, it's very difficult for the government at present to maintain its position, because it's been revealed that there is legal advice inside the foreign office, the foreign commonwealth and develop. in office, which has been seen by the foreign secretary, david cameron, the former prime minister, and it appears that this advise has said that the israelies are breaking international human humanitarian law, and as result of that, it will be clear that the internal advice inside the government is that the british government is itself culpable uh for its complicity in these breaches of law, and as a result the government should be taking action to stop, complicity and that that is a bit of a turning point too, because this will have a way of unraveling itself as the international court of justice process proceeds and you might see uh unthinkables it
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might seem now uh members of the british government being arrained before the hague on war crimes charges and breaches of international humanitarian law, that of course is what should happen uh forth with, but we are not quite at the place where that's happening. 'jahangir mohammad, what does this say about uh the sense of impunity that the israelis have? so they basically they can kill whoever they want, they can attack wherever they want without any fear of accountability, and is this behavior slap in the face of the international community? well, i think, as i've said many times, israel is rogue state, it's above all international law'. and it's able to do that because it's backed by the the world superpower, the united states, the military superpower, and they know this, and they know
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that western governments won't won't utter a word of criticism, it's quite revealing that when you see western politicians, even a mild criticism of israel, they can't utter that from their lips. 'uh you know it's it's all it's all almost as if you know when it comes to israel and mentioning the word they they you know their language or their words get stuck in their mouth and they can't they can't go beyond a certain point uh so we see uh what's happening and uh uh this is the state of the world order i'm afraid i don't have much uh you know um ' hope that the international order will bring any of these people to justice, whether it's politicians in the west or any of these uh israeli key
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officials for genocide. i think what will have to happen is that the muslim world will one day uh, like the armenians did, they will have to have their own trials and courts to judge these people and and bring them to justice themselves. i don't... the the current international order will uh will actually hold anybody to to to justice. all right, thanks lot, gentlemen, academic, broadcaster and investigative researcher david miller joining us from bristol, and thanks to director of center of muslim affairs, mr. jahang muhammad joining us from manchester, with that, it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. see you later. القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين. الى قصه كامله
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يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات. oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي امر بالله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه اتوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن موسى علي بن موسى الرضا.
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الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون صدق الله مشکل تعبیه توی همه کارخونهزات تولیدی بود از جمله خود ما به این فکر افتادیم که یه کار اساسی اینجا انجام بدیم برای تعویه سالن با خیز شدن آجورای سفالی و عبور هوا از دیوارهای مشبك
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آجوری. یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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وای حسین وای حسین از جای خودشون قرآن به سر می خوان بشن شب احیاشونه به خون پاک شهدام فرج امام زمان رو برسان.
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"the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shrine the eighth shiah imam"