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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:02pm IRST

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the headlines iran strongly condemns israel's attack its diplomatic premises in syria saying the regime seeks. escalate conflict in the region while evading accountability. president rice says a terrorist attack on iran's embassy in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation, the last struggle of falling regime. and the world bank says israel's onslot on gaza has inflicted about $18.5 billion dollars in damage to the of critical infrastructure there.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's half pastnoon here in the iranian capital, tehran, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour. the united nations security council has held emergency meeting on the latest israeli attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria addressing the event iran's deputy representative to the un. called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regrettably, the absence of accountability and the councils in action has only encouraged and even emboldened this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security. the
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security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance, urgent and enforceable of measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations. he said israel is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations. serious ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms, he said, the arab country holds israel and the us fully accountable, the syrian official added the israely regime would not have dared to attack other nations diplomatic premises if it wasn't for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador whose country had called the meeting slammed the year strike as a in flagrant violation of serious sovereignty. he said israel seeks to further fuel the regional conflicts. china's envoy also.
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condemned israel's attack as a grave violation of the un charter and international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran. well a ceremony is underway at the iranian embassy and the syrian capital damascus commemorating the iranian military advisors that were killed in the monday israeli attack on the consulor section of the embassy or correspondent abraham wati uh is joining us now from the venue of the embassy with more details on what's going today. ibrahim, over to you. good morning, we are here at the uh embassy, the iranian embassy in damascus where the iranian embassy just uh began to receive condolences uh for the marters who were assassinated by an israeli air strike on monday evening. the uh yesterday uh at night. the ceremonies of
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funeral funeral ceremonies were held in at saya shrine in damascus old city in the heart of the damascus to pay respect to the marters today we are seeing senior officials coming to make the respect to the martters and to uh offer condolescence to the iranian uh to the islamic republic of iran and its people for the marturdom of these irgc senior leaders, as so far we have received a religious delegation, representative of the imam imam ali khaminai office, also some palestinian figures, palestinian lead faction leaders, there's the the charge, the charge of the fair of the venezuelan embassy, we have also
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the uh representative now uh next to me the representative of uh office in syria. also we have the representative of the islamic islamic resistance in iraq in syria, sayed ali musa just arrived. we are expecting also some governmental figures from the syrian government, as we know yesterday, the head of the government, prime minister syd hussein arnous came to the embassy, he met with the ambassador, he checked the place, he was ' heading a governmental a senior governmental delegation with the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy, the minister of media along with other ministers, they checked the the site, they baid their condolences and offered their full support uh
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from syria to the islamic republic of iran. we've seen a wider array of condemnations. uh for this uh this illegal israeli attack uh talk to us more about the reactions uh that have poured in uh since monday's uh attack and the killing of uh the um iranians uh as a result of the illegal israeli bombing yeah uh as we know uh on monday uh 5 pm the uh israelis launched attack that uh uh resulted the martur them of uh uh seven uh iranian uh senior uh leaders of the iranian islamic revolution guards. now since then few hours only few hours later uh condamnations began
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to uh we started to hear condominations from different countries local condamnations from the uh syrian from syrian parties from the syrian government uh from uh also palestinian factions here in syria also uh several condemnation statements strongly condemn this attack, also several condemnations from arab countries, regional countries and also international condemnations, for example qatar, egypt, jordan, uae, also the latin american countries like venezuela, cuba, all these countries condemn these attacks and you see it's while. worldwide condemnation because of this hinous crime that was committed by the israeli regime, everyone consider this violation, play it in violation, not only for international law and human norms, also more importantly, it's a violation of the syrian sovereignty and the
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iranian sovereignty as well, along with the being unprecedent crime to... attack directly uh an embassy, a diplomatic mission uh which violates viennah treaty as well. yesterday also we heard that the the russian uh condemnation came along with a warning from the uh ministry uh the russian ministry of defense where they want that such aggression such moves would take the whole region. into an open war which a dangerous which is considered a dangerous escalation uh in this time uh especially in with what's going on in gaza uh with all this condemnation we already know that the israel is no limits they have morals they have uh they don't care about any
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violations we can say as mr president bashar assad yesterday talked to uh mr president ibrahim easy uh paid respect and condemned the attack, but he has he said also these attacks, such attack isn't, it's not unusual, we are familiar with this enemy, we've been fighting this enemy for years now, and we know this enemy uh very well, we know like we don't need so much to explain, we just need to see what's going on in gaza, the destruction, the killing, the murder, the mass murder uh it's going on there, the genocide that uh happening um, as we as we know the israel is destroyed al-shifa hospital, the madadani hospital, several hospitals killing thousands of innocent civilians, women, children, so far no one is
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able to stop the israelis because of the uh american support, as we can see, as we know the americans whenever you come close to israel to tell... is tr to stop, the us will appear to as as its legal guardian to protect it, which is also expected, because we i'm citing here biden. saying that if there's no israel, i would have created israel. biden said that laterally, something else is important to mention, with all these attacks, syrian government usually says that these attack come in coincide with the terrorist attacks as well, these attacks used to be always a vital assistance for terrorists because... uh, for example, the few days before this attack on monday, the israel is
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attacked alipo, that was a massive attack, the israel wars infiltrated the syrian space over the jordanian space, from the jordanian air space, over altanaf, they get closer to, they get close to etheria area and the heart the desert, the syrian desert, and launched several missiles, two waves of missiles, while the syrian air defenses were intercepting, these... missiles trying to protect the sovereignty of the syrian land and the same time in the same time the terrorist groups uh hts uh-qaida of shoot in syria launched a massive wave of drones uh socidal drones targeting the uh civilian areas in alipo uh that wasn't a coincidence that was obviously not a coincidence okay didn't it's not the first time it happened before uh so we see that this terrorist
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regime uh is the is working in coordination with other terrorists which were created by the cia by the the us regime. thanks lot everin prestige uh joining us uh from the syrian capital damascus. the leader of iran's islamic revolution is out tehan will make the occupying zonist regime regretted steadly. air strike on the iranian embassy in the syrian capital damascus. aytollah say khamenei made the remarks in a message of condolance on the martidom of a group of iranian military advisors in monday's israeli ariel raid on syria, the leader described israel as hated occupying regime. he vowed that the evil regime will be punished. also saluted the marters of the attack including two senior irgc commanders, major general muhammad and general muhammad hodi. haj rahim. now it's take a look at the profile of
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bread general. who was killed in the israeli attack in damascus. brigadier general muhammad reza zahedi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores force, was killed in an unprecedented israeli attack targeting the five-story consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus. born in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan, zahidi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986 took command of an important brigade of irgc ground forces that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later he was promoted to commander of irgc's 14th imam hussein division, a position he held until 1991,
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several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in more senior positions, including commanding the irgc's air force and also grand force. during his tenor as the irgc's ground force commander, he also spent year at the helm of the thara law headquarters, which is responsible for protecting security. in the capital, tehran. zahidi joined the qutz force in 2008. there he led operations in syria and lebanon and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019, the brigadier general returned to tehran to serve as the irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc's quods force in 2019 and served the force until his martterdom. iran's president says a terrorist and criminal
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attack on the iranian embassy in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation and helplessness. ibrahim rice was speaking with his syrian counterpart basar al-assad on the phone. ricei added that the passivity and weak position of some arab countries has prevented the islamic world from adopting a united stance against israel and made the regime more brazen in committing crimes. he described israel's insane actions as the last struggles of this falling regime. he also slamed the us and its western allies for providing financial weaponry and media support to israel, assad for his part condemned israel's attack. as violation of international law and a sign of moral degeneration of the regime. he also expressed his condolences to the government and nation of iran and the families of those killed in the israeli attack. a joint report by the world bank and the un shows the israeli war on gas has caused damages of around 18.5
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billion dollars to gaza's critical infrastructure. the report says a structural damage. caused by the israeli carpet bombing of gaza has affected every sector of the palestinian territory's economy, the damages are equivalent to 97% of the combined gdp of the west bank and gaza in 2022. the report covers only the first four months of the israeli genocide in gaza and embodies some aspects of the beceage strips humanitarian crisis as well. it is found that more than half of the territory's population is on the brink of... at least 32,975 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed since israel began its war early october. the un secretary general is denounced as uncontionable the israeli killing of several
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international aid workers on duty in the gaza strip. "the devastating israeli air strikes that killed all central kitchen personnel yesterday bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of our own un staff. this is unconstionable. it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for immediate humanitarian sease fire, the unconditional release of all usages and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza. as the security council demanded in its resolution last week, the resolution must be implemented without delay. meanwile the un agency for palestinian refugees honor says the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid worker deaths ever recorded in any conflict, an israeli air strike left seven aid workers
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associated with the us space charity world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday, the head of the charity called the incident a targeted attack saying the strike indeed targeted humanitarian organization showing up in the most dire situations when food is being used as a weapon of war. the israeli killing of the world central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions, western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. for is... soldiers have been injured in a car ramming attack a military checkpoint in the occupied west bank, israely sources alleged that the operation was conducted by a palestinian man. we now cross over to our courceman and monacandil in ramala, for more details. mon, what can you share with us regarding this incident? well, according to israeli
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military, after midnight, a palestinian man in his vehicle arrived a chick. point near the city of iri in the lands occupied in 1948 central israel known as central israel, he ramed his vehicle into israeli policemen or officers and wonded at least four of those one of them was in serious condition, then he left the area after a chase, he succeeded to reach a military checkpoint known as eliaho near the city of natanya, also inside the lands that were occupied in 1948, there he exited his vehicle and tried to stab israeli officers there as they are saying, and then the israeli soldiers opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, so the israeli military are saying that this man is 26 year old from
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the city of atiri that was occupied in 1948 and his from the occupied west bank, the israeled that palestinians still are still living in the in historical palestine let's say are had been carrying out anti israeli operations in the last few months and number of palestinians there has been killed whether for stabbing israeli soldiers and officers or for carrying out ramming attacks and and sometimes palestinians had used guns to shoot and kill israeli forces. at the end of the day the israel troops had killed let's say since the 7th of october. palestinians from all the occupied territories, whether the west bank, the occupied al fots or even in the lands occupied in 1948 had killed over
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457 palestinians, of course we are saying that the majority of those were shot and killed here in the occupied west bank during military incurgence at military checkpoints and others were members of the resistance groups in addition to the... that children and women had also been killed by the israeli forces in cold blood here in the occupied west bank. all right, thanks lot. mona press tv's mona candial joining us from romalo in the occupied west bank. tensions remain high between lebanon's hezbal resistance movement in israel since the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks on lebanese civilians in recent weeks. we were joined earlier by a beirot correspondent. mariamsala to know more about the latest israeli strikes on civilian areas in southern lebanon and the potential uh retaliate retaliatory attacks from hizbillah.
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we know that the israelis have heavily bombarded the natural reserves of the towns of ramya and the outskirts of aitashab, well at least 60 phosphorus bombs uh were fired uh on. the natural reserves of aramia, which is considered one of the biggest, one of the largest in the country. we also had some 20 artillery missiles that were targeted also on these two towns and addition to another 20 missiles that were targeted, that were launched from the tanks, from the israeli tanks on that side. now we know also from israeli reports that that could be a sign that there was a hizbillah operation in. in that side, which is considered the eastern part of the border, since there were sirens that were sounding in the eastern side of the the gilil region and those settlements there,
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and usually when you have that type of rage from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hazbullah was able to inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the destruction of the post. and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses uh within the israeli military personnel, perhaps soldiers, which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it is clear and evident from their reports that there are usually many uh israeli soldiers that are taken to hospital, addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um... on the northern side, which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galile region, so that means although they have not, they are not admitting to it, officially they are losing soldiers on the ground in that
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area. that's a wrap for now, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press, see you soon. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this
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for muslims across the world, eid al-fitr, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan, is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse.
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iraq, pakistan, among, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, cuba, venezuela, china and russia have all slammed these israely airs. on iran's embassy in damascus syria, yet the so-called flag batters of international law and conventions in the west have kept mum about israel's blatant violation of international law. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that iran will make