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tv   A Window To Palestine Israel weaponising hunger  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 11:02pm-11:25pm IRST

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resolution 27-28, a cease fire in gaza with ease tensions across the region. secondly, all un member states have an obligation to respect and act in accordance with the principles of the un charter, and especially its article 2 on settling international disputes by peaceful means and on refraining from use of force. there is no room for arbitrary interpretations. the same standards apply to all member states of the united nations. so we call on all to show restraint in the use of proxies which could further fuel or provoke regional tensions. we are concerned over the escalation, escalatory rhetoric by different countries and actors and we caution that any miscalculation could lead to unimaginable consequences. thirdly, we call on all parties to respect international law. we remind that all military activities should be carried out in accordance with international law, including international human. monitarian law, we
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underline that all the parties concerned need to fully comply with international law governing diplomatic and consular relations. mr. president, it should be in no one's interest to have further dangerous escalation in the middle east. any of the geographically separated, but ultimately intertwined crisis could take a life of their own. people of the region have suffered enough, and this includes people in palestine, israel, yemen, syria. lebanon, iran and elsewhere. we should all place their interests first, and this is why it is crucial for this council to send a clear call for restrained by all, starting with compliance with resolution 27/28, demanding sease fire. slovenia stands ready to engage in a comprehensive response to the crisis. we underline the need for unity of of the council to maintain international law, peace and security. thank you. thank the
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representative of slovenia and pass the floor to the representative of switzerland. thank you, madam president. as this is the first public month meeting of this month, i assure you of switzerland's full support throughout your presidency and i think japan for its excellent management of our affairs during the month of march. madam president, we thank assistant secretary general for the middle east khalid kiari for his briefing deal detailing yesterday's events in damascus. switzerland condemns the era strike against the iranian consulate in damascus, which of killed and injured several people. this strike considerably increases the risk of major escalation in the region. the spiral of escalation must stop immediately. this includes putting an end to militia attacks in the region and the implementation of resolution 27-28, demanding immediate cease fire in gaza. switzerland also recalls that resolution 22. 254 calls for national
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ceasefire in syria. we call on all parties and those with influence over them to exercise the utmost restraint. all channels of communication must be used to avoid any misunderstandings. a single miscalculation can have disastrous consequences. a further deterioration in the situation must be avoided, and we.
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this council and all states must play their full part in facilitating deescalation. switzerland is ready to make its contribution. i thank you. thank the representative of switzerland and pass the floor to the representative of the republic of korea. thank you, madam president. korea also joins in other delegations expressing full support to the assumptions of presidency by malta and also commence japanese excellent. leadership of presence last month. i also thank asg khalid kerry for the very useful briefings. yesterday we witnessed another escalatory incident that resulted in casualties in damascus. last week to respond to the situation in gaza where over a 3200 people have been killed. 70% of whom whom are reported to be children and women. this
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council finally succeeded in adopting resolution 27/28 to realize immediate sifire, release release all hostages and ensure him humanitarian access, nevertheless and in the absence of implementation of resolution 27/28, seeing another incident in a neighboring country yesterday is very concerning amits the high tensions. during the course of our discussions regarding the region since october 7th, the security council members have shared an understanding that the gaza situation should not... over the neighboring areas, therefore, the incidence in damascus yesterday is all the more concerning in the context of the larger development in the region related to gaza, yet we also noted concern that incidents such
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as this have the potential to spill over into lebanon too. it is also deeply appalling that attack took place on diplomatic. and consular premises, i would like to reiterate that such attacks are contrary to international law and global norms and that it is imperative for all members to respect diplomatic and consul missions in times of both war and peace. madam president, history tells us that an unexpected event could expand into irrecoverable tragedies. we are increasingly concerned that additional violent flash points could escalate into new tragedies in the region, and it is civilians who suffer the most in such tragedies as we bear witness to in the gaza strip. reflecting on history,
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my delegation shares the position of other council members calling for restraint from all concerned parties and expressing our h. concerned about any possible escalations calamities in the future can be prevented if the consen the parties are show restraint in the present. i thank you. i thank the representative of the republic of korea and pass the floor to the representative of. madam president, thank you for convening the meeting and let me join colleagues in congratulating malta. assuming the presidency the security council for this month of april. we also thank and comment japan on the successful presidency in the month of march. we welcome the presence and participation of the representative of iran and syria in this meeting. we also thank asj khalid kiari for
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the information provided. so at the outset underscores the importance emphasize the sucross and nature of the united nations charter and principles, including the principle and shrine, in article 2 paragraph 4, which provides that, and i quote, all members shall refrain in their international relation from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the united nations, end of court. accordingly, simon takes note of the identical letters from iran and media report of missile air striks attack at an iranian diplomatic premises in damascus which as reported resulted in fatalities. this missile attack a diplomatic premises implicate breaches of the un charter on respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
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member states as well as in 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations and in 1963 a convention on constitutional relations condemns the use of forced in violation of the un. relevant international law, including the development and conduct of friend relations, diplomatic and consular protections. we also decry conduct in the region that may lead to escalation or exacbate tensions in the already volatile situation. the right to life, the protection of civilians and civilian objects and the protection of diplomatic missions are sacrosant principles and shined in international law, and any violation of these principles must be condemned. "the targeting of diplomatic missions underminds global peace and security, fundamental protections including the inviability of diplomatic and consular premises must we appell to ensure the safety of all diplomats and consular agent and promote peaceful and friendly
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relations among states. madam president, in turning to the ongoing hostilities in the conflict in gaza, in spite of the adoption of resolution 27-28 by the..." security council, which demands an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan in gaza leading to a lasting sustainable cease fire. so expresses deep regrets that the resolution is not being respected by the party. to the conflict, it is what repeating that the parties to the conflict are under obligation to respect the clear demands of the security council and an orge to fully implement resolutions 27/12, 27/20 and 27/28 adopted by this council since the start of the gaza conflict. state with influence are once again or to apply the necessary pressure on the parties implement this resolutions. we also wish to recall the international court of justice indication of provisional a 26th january 2024 order in the application of the convention on the
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prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip south africa versus israel and the order of 28 march 2024 on the request for the modification of the order of 26th january 2024 indicating provisional measures the orders of the international court of justice relitate speak to the imparity for immediate fire expected by all parties the ' and unconditional release of all hostages, the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to and reinforce the protection of civilians in the entire gaza strip, with lack of due compliance by the parties and full implementation of the security council resolution, particularly 27-28. we regret to learn of the reports of an israeli air strike that kill seven eight walkers from the wall central kitchen leading to the charity to s spend delivery on tuesday of vital full aid in gaza and of court. regretably, the tragedy
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in gaza seems to have no end or no limits. civilians, humanitarian workers, journalists have all been tragic victims of the conflict. without the implementation of the resolutions the security council, we are now at the precipis of putting at risk the credibility and legitimacy of this council. in closing, madam president, salon urges for restraint and deescalation to avoid a further deterioration of the situation in gaza and the middle east region. we emphasize the importance of implementing all relevant security council resolutions, as well as the importance of to pursue diplomatic means to address all threats to peace and security in the region. i thank you. i thank the representative of siareral and pass the floor to the representative of japan. thank you, madam president. as today is the first open briefing this month, let me take this
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opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all council members for their kind support during japan's presidency. we wish ambassador vanessa frazia and her able team of malta, the best of luck for the month of april. let assure our sincere support as we have received from you. i also like to thankyadi for his briefing. although we have yet to confirm the facts on the ground, japan is monitoring with deep concern the situation following the reported air strikes against iranian diplomatic premises in damascus that allegedly killed at least 13 people, including iranian officials. madam president, we are seriously worried about the current volatile situation in the middle east in which any additional conflicts. lead to a wider escalation and confrontation. therefore, japan calls upon all relevant
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parties to exercise maximum restraint and not to engage in any further destabilizing actions. what is now desperately needed is stability. japan remains committed to making every effort in close cooperation with fellow council members and other key stakeholders to prevent a further deterioration of the situation to restore security and stability and to find sustainable solution to end the crisis in the region. i thank you. i thank the representative of japan and pass fl to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you president. let me congratulate malta assuming the presidency for the month of april and thank japan for their successful presidency during the month of march. i also thank. asj kiari for his briefing on monday strike in damascus. we underline the
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importance of respect for the inviolability of diplomatic premises and protection of diplomatic and consular staff for the proper conduct of diplomatic relations. the safety and security of diplomatic premicies and staff is a fundamental principle guiding diplomatic relations. president, we are clear that iran's role in destabilizing the region. through its military, financial and political support to groups which have been conducting and threatening attacks is unacceptable. amongst the groups which iran continue to support a hamas, palestinian islamic jihad, hisbullah, militias in syria and iraq, and the houties. as well as attacking israel, these groups have been responsible for the attacks against international shipping, including the deaths of innocent mariners and attacks against international forces in iraq and syria. our foreign secretary has raised
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repeatedly with his iranian counterpart the need for this support to cease. and for iran to use its influence over the groups to prevent their attacks. president, the united kingdom is deeply concerned about the potential for escalation in the region and calls on all parties to reduce tensions. we are committed to de-escalation in the middle east. we've long been calling for immediate humanitarian pause in gaza, leading to sustainable cease fire without a return. to destruction, fighting and loss of life as the fastest way to get hostages out and aid in. this council sent a clear signal on this just last week when it passed resolution 27-28. we stand ready to work with all members of this council and the international community to promote and protect international peace and
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security in the region and throughout the world. i thank you. i thank the representative. kingdom and pass the floor to the representative of giana. thank you, madam president, and allow me to firstly congratulate malta on the assumption of the presidency of the council and also to thank japan for the excellent stewardship of the council last month. gayana thanks the presidency for convening today's meeting following reports of incident involving an air strike against an iranian diplomatic facility in damascus, syria. yesterday. we thank assistant secretary general mr. khalid kiari for the update provided and acknowledged the participation of the permanent representatives of iran and syria in the meeting. ghana strongly condemns this attack. we maintain that any attack against the diplomatic facility is unacceptable and contravens the fundamental safeguards
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established in international law, including the convention on the prevention and punishment of crimes. against internationally protected persons, including diplomatic agents. gayana joins other council members in also reaffirming the principles of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, including the prohibition on the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state as enshrigd in the united nations charter, and calls upon all states to fully comply with these obligations. we further call for a thorough and investigation to determine the circumstances of this incident, we also urge due caution and restraint by all parties and impress upon those involved to avoid any further escalation of tensions in the region that could result in even more tragic consequences. i thank you. i thank the representative of can and pass the floor to
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the representative of the united states. thank president, and before i begin, let me congratulate you assuming the president and assure you of my government's full support uh as you carry out your duties. i also like to congratulate japan for its very successful presency in march. assistant secretary general kiari, thank you for your briefing. colleagues, as the white house has stated, the united states had no involvement in the reported strike yesterday in syria, neither did we know about it ahead of time. we have communicated this directly to iran. we cannot confirm any. information about this event, as we gather details, one thing is clear, iran and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the region. indeed, since the october 7. iran not to take advantage of the situation. arm groups, some
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back by the syrian regime and iran, have used syrian territory to plot and launch attacks on israel and us facilities and personnel. along the blue line, the iranian backed and armed hisbollah attacks israel regularly. in the red sea, iranian bakhuuties have violated international law and repeatedly attacked commercial and merchant vessels. iranian back groups also have attacked us diplomatic facilities. in iraq and attacked us military personnel engaged in the fight against isol daesh. iran's hand is evident in the actions of all of these terrorists and proxy. and partner groups. we have repeatedly warned the syrian regime to curb iran's destabilizing actions its territory. we also have long
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standing concerns regarding the use of syrian territory to launch attacks on neighboring countries. for example, on march 31, an israeli fighterjet reportedly intercepted a suspicious aerial target making its way toward israel from the direction of syria. and on numerous. occasion since october 7, we have seen rockets, armed drones and other weaponry being launched from syrian territory toward israeli positions in and around the golan heights. we have taken steps in self-defense to respond to attacks on us military personnel conducting operations against daeshh in syria and iraq. we will not hesitate to defend our personnel and repeat our prior warnings to iran and its proxies not to take advantage of the situation. again an attack in which we had no involvement or advanced knowledge to resume their attacks on us personnel. even as we continue to learn
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more about this incident, it seems clear that every member of this council should reiterate that all states, including iran and syria have a responsibility to avoid the path of escalation, to stop arming and advising terrorist groups and to rain in the actions of proxies who threaten regional peace and security. madam president, two final points: i want to be clear, we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property that was in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. diplomatic missions and their property, as well as official diplomatic residences must be protected, even and especially in times of armed conflict. as i noted earlier. we are also concerned by reports that terrorist leaders and elements were allegedly present at this facility and condems continue.