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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST

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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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iraq, pakistan, aman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, cuba, venezuela, china and russia have all slammed. ready air strike on iran's embassy in damascus syria, yet the so-called flight batters of international law and conventions in the west have kept mum about israel's blatant violation of international law. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that tehran will make the occupation regime regret it's deadly air strike on the iran emascy in damascus. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host barrus najafi. let's get it started. these are my guests in this episode of the spotlight. independent journalist is joining
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me out of damascus, also with us is richard mest, he's a journalist. and commentator in vienna, now welcome to the show, now beginning uh with the vanessa, let's first talk about the what the motive could be behind this operation, some of the the majority actually of the experts and analysts that we've spoken to, speaking of provoking iran, israel trying to provoke iran into engaging in war so that israel could have spread further. instability and insecurity across the region? your thought on this? well, i think uh, just before christmas last year, yof gallans made it quite clear that they needed a victory in this war in order to survive, so in the middle east, so this is an existential war for israel, it's been evident
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since october the 7th that they are desperately losing the war in gaza against the relatively ill equipped palestinian resistance, they... have had to evacuate from uh the northern occupied territories more than 100 thousand settlers as far as we know in the contained war against heizbollah in southern lebanon and so now they deem it necessary to expand the war particularly into syria because we have to remember that this is the fourth in a series of attacks in the last seven days um and all of these attacks have been carried out in conjunction with an upsurge in attacks by the terrorist groups across all the axes, particularly in the northwest and in central syria, so you know the masks have fallen, people can now see exactly who is the real access of evil in the
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region, the real access of terrorism, those that are silent about this appalling attack, people in damascus are still in shock that this has actually happened. i mean this is escalation beyond expectations, so israel wants to expand the war, um, the resistance access has been trying to restrict that expansion, but it remains to be seen, if if that remains the status quard. all right, now let me turn to vienna, richard, the uk just a couple of hours ago summoned the israeli ambassador and that because three british aid workers got killed in gaza, now when it comes to proportionality. you tell me what is then iran entitled to do now that it's lost several of its senior nuclear scientists and also military commanders at the hands of the israely regime. well the israelis uh want the iranians to uh turn this into a full-blown
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war because it would suit them, but i think uh you know the the access of resistance, not just iran but all of the resistance have proven over time that they are not... ones to to be tricked or or to fall into traps, although it's understandable that iran's response should be just disproportionate, i think that as as iran have said, and they always respond and they will do it at the right time, regarding the the british summoning over the the killing of three aid workers, what's what's interesting is that we have a chorus, we have we have all of these western officials talking about the world central kitchen issue in... which is important, but they're doing that to avoid talking about this unprecedented attack on the embassy. i mean, uh, speaking of proportionality, we we have to talk about this more, because we've never seen a so-called state attacking the embassy of
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another state in a third state. i mean, this is violation of the un charter, it's a violation of the vienna convention, the geneva convention, it's so agregious, it's unprecedented, um, and "the the fact that the british government don't even care enough to summon the israelies over that alone uh or any other ambassadors uh that are in in europe or the west to be summoned over this issue is scandalous and it really shows you uh where their priorities like right now venessa uh some observers uh citing uh the reason for israel uh to do this as an act of desperation and that's mostly uh thanks to the failures it's facing in gaza it's not been" able to defeat one single resistance group in palestinian occupied territories and also maybe these anti-netanjahu protests on the home turf you know host of issues the israeli economy and all that do you share the same view yeah absolutely as i mentioned you
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know uh israel is not only losing the strategic and military war it's losing desperately the propaganda war its entire edifice. propaganda that is propped it up for since its creation as a as a illegal um settler colonial estate by the british and then of course it was adopted by the states. "the entire anti-semitism trope has has has been destroyed, particularly of course by the case of professor david miller uh that has now uh stated very clearly that being anti-zionism is acceptable uh and and you know their entire um defense uh for this genocide that they're committing not only in gaza but in the west bank which is based upon an entire series of lies that they produce from october the 7th onwards. that have now gradually been completely debunked, the world is seeing them as they are, and their economy
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has taken a massive hit, um, military moral is its lowest, settlers are leaving the the the the zionist entity itself, um, and the zionist entity is can only survive with settler support, so if settlers are starting to decide that it's no longer offering them security they will leave and then what is left and also you know which country in its right mind now um is going to be looking at investment in the future in a country that is clearly responsible for genocide um of palestinians across the territories now richard uh uh why shouldn't they learn a lesson from their past mistakes like when they uh assassinated iran general money, what did they gain? the resistance front even got a stronger and got, a boost in the arm, now
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they are again killing iranian uh commanders a lower level compared to general, the icon the anti uh terror and anti das actually uh in this part of the world, mean without question they they gained nothing, the resistance got stronger, we can we can see the same pattern with. for example, when the israelis thought okay, if they assassinate sheikh ahmed yasan that this will destroy hamas, look at hamas today, i mean they they've launched a full-blown war and they can't even defeat them, so imagine with iran how much stronger that is, it's you know the access of resistance has shown over time that uh no matter what actions the israelis and americans take, they are losing on the chessboard, they they simply cannot get around um uh the the failures that they are you know experience. at home so to speak and on the battlefield and this is actually why they assassinate, they they lash out like
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like a cat, clowing someone, um, because they are terrorists, deep down, this is who they really are, and it it's not just the the assassination of the high ranking officials here, it's really we have to understand this is attack on iran itself, because that's really what it is, uh, the the israelis have done this these attacks on iran and its sovereignty before, and the same... in syria, but this is on an unprecedented level, and you, you, you look at the terror at elshifa hospital, this is something in my opinion that they were trying to hide um and and distract from, but again we we, it's it's a deeper level here, the israelis are trying to find some kind of victory, uh, they think that they can overcome their failures by assassinating people, and it's not going to happen, and and i should point something out that they are doing this on multiple levels, we had a terrorist back in in january in iran uh, which you know isis supposedly claimed
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responsibility for it, we had another isis attack in russia, we had a recent terrorist attack in china, do you do we really think this is a coincidence that there are all these assassinations, general musavi is another one, salih and all these terrorist attacks by isis and al-kaido are known to have links to america and israel, it's not a coincidence, right now... richard mentioned something and the what the israel regime did is actually violation of iran, it's it means an attack on iran bause sovereign countries diplomatic premises was targeted and hit, it was also the host countries, so it's a violation of international law and conventions because it was diplomatic premises, both you now the host country was violated and also iran, so who should hold uh this regime accountable for such action? well, mean, at at the end of the day, mean
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the iranian forem minister was quite clear that he holds washington responsible, washington, the uk and the eu and the allies of israel have continued supplying weapons to israel to conduct and carry out the genocidal campaign in palestine, but they're also supplying the weapons to carry out these kind of assassinations, and it, as you've mentioned, it's... not the first, particularly on syrian territory, and this was what made it even more heinous for me and why everybody here is still in shock. this was around five o'clock in the afternoon. so two hours before ifta, the breaking of first during ramadan, it was pack full of people, the equivalent to oxford circus in london, and as you said, it targets what is effectively a diplomatic uh zone, it was the consular section, which is actually the residence if i understand it of the ambassador, um, general zahi was there under
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diplomatic immunity, so this is... actually a terrorist act, i mean, i consider israel to be a terrorist state anyway for for all of its other actions, but this was a clear under international law, a terrorist act, and yet there has been the only country calling for emergency session at the un security council is russia, uh, the the west is is saying absolutely nothing, in in response, for example, the us state department spokes person mumbled his way through his usual excuses for israel, and this is appoling because this is plunging us into abys of global insecurity. the last time that this kind of act took place was bombing by the us the chinese embassy in belgrade which killed three chinese diplomats for which the us apologized and said it was a mistake, whether we believe that or not is is by the by, but
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but this is unbelievable, israel is pushing the the bound of all conventions, human rights conventions, geneva conventions, viena conventions, and yet the response, imagine if for example, russia had bombed a us embassy on another country's territory, what would the response be, we would be at war now, exactly. now richard venessa mentioned the role of the us, so to what extent to could washington be blamed for such acts that would further actually embolden the telaviv regime to perpetrate. more such crimes, also let's bear in mind that it was us made fighter jets, it was a 35 jet performing the strikes against the iran an embassy. the us are absolutely responsible, it's as if an american pilot uh dropped it himself, the us air force dropped it themselves, there is absolutely no distinction here, and we really need to be clear on this, the united states
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and israel are one and they attacked iran together, the the the ammunition. the payloads, the ordinances, every nut and bolt in that fighter jet and the six missiles that were fired uh were manufactured by american companies, the american, the us government manufactured this and gave an export license and permission to give this to the zionists and then said nothing and continues to say nothing after, we have we have diplomats killed, i mean even if nobody was killed, the the symbolic act of an... and attacking an embassy uh is is outrageous, it is beyond it is uncomtional, it is truly beyond words, i still can't digest it, even after 24 hours, it is so outrageous and as vanessa pointed out the israelis, i mean is there a law that they haven't broken in in any jurisdiction in under any convention, i i don't know at this point, but the americans have to be held
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responsible, and and a proper government, a real government, a one that cares about international law, a civilized. government would have immediately cut ties with the israelis uh a long time ago by the way, but after this act let's say uh cut ties and cut exports and uh you know held emergency session, called for emergency session at the un security council and apologized for for providing these weapons. right now vanessa, there there were multiple countries uh that and international bodies including united nations, for instance, they've all condemned this israeli act of terrorism ex except the west, so what is this indicative of? well, i mean, as i said earlier, you know, the masks are off, the fact that these us back zionist attacks on syrian territory against iranian, military, against hezbulah, against the islamic resistance, against syrian, arab army
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forces and national defense forces, because as i said, we shouldn't... forget israel carried out the attack in the northeast, israel violated syrian airspace and targeted east and west of aleppo, enabling a terrorist attack on on the western uh aleppo access, it carried out attack on the research and development center in jamraya on the morning of this assassination, there the fires were burning for for more than six hours and then finally uh this assassination, so in one week, you know, israel has violated, it it's effectively declared war multiple times, and it's only because of the restraint of the... resistance access that we are not right now a full-blown global war and the thing is that that israel keeps pushing, it keeps provoking
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um and even though the response from the resistance has been very much deterrant response which is understandable um to you know where do we go next? are they going to bomb the presidential palace? are they going to uh bomb central tehran? mean the... this is the thing, to what extent are israel going to push this, to what extent do they want to expand this war? yeah, i don't think they dare to do that in any way. now richard, tel aviv, what is it doing exactly, is it playing global bully, an outlaw or rogue regime, what is that israel is exactly doing given all the crimes has been committing in gaza, this recent terrorist iran embassy, is there anything on the planet that is not violable for this regime, and then they depict about, they depict iran as a minus to regional security. now there is nothing that the zianists will not do, what's funny to me is that today you can be arrested on the streets
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of london for saying you support hamas or you support the uh palestinian resistance and the the police who arrest you for this would have been killed by the israelis uh few decades ago because this is the nature of the israelis and they have done this so you know whether we look at the attacks on iran the attacks on on on britain, there's a history since the very beginning, going back a century of the israelis behaving in this, they have effectively invented modern terrorism, and i and i really mean that in the literal uh full sense of of the term, the israels invented modern terrorism, they they started mailing parcel bombs, letter bombs, planting bombs around london, why wouldn't they bomb their neighbors, so this is how they stole the land, is it not, and so because iran is the only one helping everyone. to stand up for themselves and defend themselves, they try and go after iran. it's that simple, other explanation. so uh, richard, we have just one minute, so vanessa, what do you see on the horizon for
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the west asia region given all this war mongering by the us and israel? i think, um, escalation is almost unavoidable, i mean as i said inside syria now we have um increase in the terrorist attack across all axes. really everybody is waiting to see what iran's response will be and then of course how the zionist will respond to that um so i think we're in abeyance but i think we're we're preparing for um further escalation okay uh that's all the time we have for this episode thank you so much vanessa billy and damascus richard matterst in vienna and thank you for watching this edition of the spotlight i've been.
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لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها. we're ready to marsh, let's start slowly, but
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strongly and solidarity with the palestine and israel is one of the worst things that has happened, or zionism is one of the worst things that has happened to the jewish people. the my experience, it really, really wasn't until the 80s that i was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israelism had done and was doing and continued to do. i did not grow up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today, stuck as a zionist in a very zionist family that identified judaism with zionism. when palestinian journalist shirin
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abule was killed by an israeli sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades all occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. wasn't the first time is really sought to put gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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