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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that the evil israeli regime will be punished for its deadly air strike on the iranian embassy in syria. dozens of palestinians are killed in fresh israel strikes on the basis of gaza strip. the overall death toll of the aggression is approaching 33, and the un agency for palestinan refugees (onawa) says that 176 of the staff members have been killed since the beginning of the onslot on gaza. several in line of duty.
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live from tehran, you're watching press tv, world news, i'm your host behr najafi, it's good to have you with us. now top story leader of iran's islamic revolution is vowed that iran will make the occupation regime regret its deadly air rate on the iran embassy in the syrian capital iita. comeny made the comments in the message of condolence a moderadom of a group of iranian militant advisors in the monday israel rate on syria, the leader described israel as hated occupation regime and vowed that the evil entity will be punished. khamani also saluted the marters of the attack including two senior irgc commanders, major general muhammad zahari and general mohammed hadi. in of a blatant violation of international laws and
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human norms, the israeli regime committed a heinous crime by attacking the counselor services department of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack destroyed a four story building, killing several people. iran's ambassador to damascus said that the crime will not go and answered. you can see how all the glass and windows of my room were shattered as a result of the attack while i was present in my room at that time. some journalists were... in the upper floor and witnessed it with their own eyes. we were speaking with the minister and they documented what happened in my room. the zianist entity does not respect anything at all, and iran will respond decisively. the attack was met with strong condemnations from several countries at the global and regional levels. the syrian people and their leadership insisted that such attacks must be confronted with more resilience and support for the palestinian people and resistance movements. the... that these barbaric attacks
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would further strengthen the bond between the syrian and iranian people, we expressed our condolences for the loss of life and our... sorrow over these unjustifiable attacks targeting diplomatic institutions. we emphasized the necessity of maintaining syrian iranian relations, because they are built on ethics and values, unlike western countries that support israel in committing such crimes. observers believe that the attack is violation of international law and humanitarian principles and is a result of the regime's military defeat in its genocidal war on gaza. they say such crimes increases. the determination of the region's peoples to achieve victory and expel this cancerous entity, even the peoples of the world have come to realize the criminality and brutality of israel, this is really entity which by western standards is regarded as the oasis of
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democracy in west asia, only knows the democracy of killing, crimes, destruction, targeting children, women, residential buildings and violating international law. this was evident in the targeting of the diplomatic consulat building iran's islamic revolution guard corps says seven of its officers, two of whom were brigadier generals were killed in the attack. today's aggression is further evidence of the savagery and disrespect for international law exhibited by this criminal entity. this regime's behavior underscores the need for a firm response by the international community. damascus. you wan antonio gutieres has condemned israel's deadly strike on the iranian embassy in syria. guutiris says that according to international law, the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases. the israel strike resulted in the death of at least 13 people. several countries, including
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iraq, pakistan, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china and russia, have denounced the israely aggression as unacceptable. hamas resistant movement and the islamic jihad have condemn the attack as well. now iranian security forces have arrested two techfit terrorists linked to the so-called k terrorist group. according to irani media, the individuals were planning to enter holy shrine in the iranian city of. the daesh kharasan is a branch of the isis or daesh terrorist group that's active in afghanistan and pakistan. it's responsible for numerous deadly operations targeting civilians in including women and children,
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you're watching press tv, time now for the news review, stick around, israel deliberately terrorizing aid workers and disrupting humanitarian. missions in gaza. the un agency for palestine refugees, ananua says that nearly 180 of the staff members have been killed in these really onslot underwatered in territory, several of them in the line of duty. the un body added that the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid workers that's ever recorded in any conflict emphasizing that humanitarian personnel must be protected at all times. now this as an is already raid in the central city of darabella has claimed the lives of seven international aid workers associated with a us-based charity. now is really premier benjamin netanyahu has admitted the attack was carried out by regime forces, but
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claimed that raid was unintentional. the head the world central kitchen halver has called the instant a targeted attack saying that it indeed targeted humanitarian organizations showing up and diars of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. international condemnations meantime pouring in following the attack with the us, the regime's assous ally expressing deep concerns over the strike. australia has also slamed the attack as utterly unacceptable. the uk meanwile has urged israel to provide an explanation. the w ck team was travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairal balah warehouse where the team had
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unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime route. right now allow me to invite a couple of guests to shed light on this and get some insight, so our correspondent in daera is joining me live from gaza, we also have with us professor of political science with bersage university in occupied ramala, good to see you boat, let's uh go to moti first uh who is there on the ground forest live in darabella in the in the midst of all what's going on there, bring us an update, yes actually let me sorry let me begin with the latest air strike that targeted a residental building in anosir camp whereas residental about was hit by the israeli war planes leaving at least six palestinan civilians dead, including women and it children. it's
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what mentioning that the israel incubation forces intensify their attacks against the central area of gaza strip over the last couple of hours and uh even as we speak right now we can hear the bombardments of the israeli artillery that are still hitting the central area of gas strip particularly the eastern bots of their balah city amid fearsy clashes erupted between the palestinian resistance and the israeli ecubition. forces in that area. in the meantime, when it comes to khanunis, the israel incubation forces continued blowing up more residental buildings and more residental squares in the western parts of kani city, particularly the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex and hospital. we are talking about douzens of the palestine horizontal buildings were blasted using the explosive devices by the israeli occubation forces, while the eastern parts of the kanyuni city were subjected to heavy bombardments and attacks of the israeli artillery shining. as well when it comes to rafa, as you now the israeli incubation forces committed a panic massacre over the
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last night by targeting a recental house uh in that area in a brazil neighborhood, the number of the palestinan civilians who were killed over that attack climbed to 10 palestina civilians including women and children as well uh these air strikes and these attacks actually are extended to reach gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip uh where whereas a zeitoon neighborhood subjected to heavy attacks of the israeli artillery and several israeli strikes hit more central buildings in that area, while the western bs of of gaza city were also hit and were subjected to continuous gunfire of the israeli attacks and the israeli and the israeli tanks on the ground, so we are talking about continuous and fierce israeli air strikes that are still hitting several areas of gaz strip amid fear clashes uh between the palestinian resistance and the israeli. forces on the ground in the meantime as as you can as as you know that the echos
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the porent and the flagrant crime the israel incubation forces committed against uh the aid workers in their balah city here over the last over the last night whereas seven uh aid workers were unallived and killed by the israeli incubation forces after destroying and targeting two cars those cars were marked by the slogans of those of that organization. and they were coordinating with the israeli incubation forces on the ground uh regarding their movement, however the israeli incubation forces deliberately attacked those those cars and claim the claim the lives of seven aid workers in a continuous crime in a flagrant crime targeting the humanitarian aid and supplies in gaza strip uh here we are talking about continuous systematic attacks that are still reaching and hitting the humanitarian supplies at the very beginning of this onslot as you know the israeleli incubation forces maintained targeting the distribution centers belong to the yonrua uh agency in gaza strip then they uh turn to to
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attack the police members and the people who are responsible for securing this humanitarian aids inside gaza city including the popular committees where that were formed by the palestinan families in gaza now they are attacking and the they are hitting uh the the humanitarian international humanitarian bodies and organizations in order to deter them. to prevent them from uh providing the humanitarian aid and supplies to the people in gaza, it's another step taken by the israelicubation forces on the ground in order to deepen the suffering of the palestinian people here in gaza step, over to you. yeah, okay, better yet, let's say not a step, another crime actually being committed there. professor nam, all kinds of core crimes have been committed there, genocide ethnic cleansing, and and and you know better than me, so is there any other crime left for the iof troops that they have not committed? starving the palestinians dead, killing doctors, nurses, medical staff, journalists
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and not aid workers. uh, good evening to you and all your viewers, yes, exactly, that's what's going on, the israel would never stop their crimes and are going on, and this is i think a very clear message to the world community that no one is safe in gaza, including these workers, and i think that it was deliberate, you know, attack, it was not just by mistake as netanyahu said, and they are going to investigate, no, they know that, and there was a coordination with the israeli army, and yet they were killed. so it was you know they were sending kind of message because you know the israeli are very very sensitive towards the issue of bringing in the aid to gaza, food and water and supplies and they don't want that, so they talked also the aid workers in in this case, they don't
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care, they don't care because they always feel that oops sorry and we will investigate and that's it, but that doesn't mean that these ad workers are more important than the palestinians and i'm really really ashamed of the international community reaction now these countries started to talk about this crime and why this crime happened what about all the crimes committed by israel what about as you mentioned a minute ago 180. okay, sorry for the distraction, let's see if we can go uh back to hear the rest of professor comments. professor, are you there? i'm sorry for the interruption. i i can hear you. okay, go ahead, i'm sorry for the interruption. go ahead, so i would suggest then to the united kingdom, and especially united kingdom, because they lost three of their citizens in
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this attack, to send more weapon to israel, send more more bombs to israel and let them. continue this this rain, it's unbelievable, so and they dealt with those because they are international personals more important than the palestinians, we are talking about nearly 300, 3300 palestinian were killed, most of them are children and women, and yet no one is doing anything in reality. i think that israel, as you mentioned, didn't leave one single crime they didn't commit against everyone, against... doctors, against journalists, against aid workers, against civilians, against against students against you, even schools and universities, mosks, so we are talking about many crimes and i don't think any country around the world had committed not only half or even one fraction of what the israeli would do, the the
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international community would deal with them differently, but this is israel protected by the united states. and the whole world are really coweds and they don't do something in reality, the people of these countries are going into demonstrations every day, but their governments are still you know helping, number one is united states which providing israel with almost 70% of its annual military aid, and second country come in in term is the german, germany, germany is providing with around 30% of the weapon and then we talk about other countries like third comes united kingdom and other countries and i think that they should now stop this war. absolutely, thank you so much for that. our correspond and professor of political science with university in occupied ramala. and thank
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you for watching this episode of the news review on press tv. this is sarayevo, a country that shares borders with serbia and croatia and has survived years of genocide. this country. ovdašnji čovjek od od davnih vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. commemorating ramadan and holding ceremonies to has had an important impact on preserving
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the religious and cultural identity of bosniak muslims over the years. now let's move on with the rest of this news cast: palestinians in the west bank have been enduring intensified rates by the iof since the beginning of the war on gaza. occupation forces have carried out fresh raids towns, villages and refugee camps all across the occupied territories. our correspondent there, amona candill has the details. the israeli troops storm several villages eastqilya as well as south qidia like jayuszon and habley as well. as ali village, during the incurgence to these villages, the israeli troops stormed the palestinians homes, confiscated belongings, caused damage
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within the the houses and arrested number of palestinians. the israeli troops had also stormed several areas around al-quds like the refugee camp of colandia for several hours exchange. of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, martur muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti-israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed today again the israeli forces stormed his home during this operation and during the exchange of fire a number of palestinians had been. by the israeli forces, at least seven palestinians were arrested from colondia refugee camp. the israeli troops in southern the occupied bay raided several towns in al
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khalil area, raided the town of bet umr and arrested at least one palestinian. according to reports coming from bet umar, 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces, during the military to colundia refugee camp. the israeli forces stormed palestinians homes and gathered dozens of palestinian youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them. a controversial republican easter commemoration has been held in northern ireland, city of dairy, mask man, with a police link with the paramilitary organization new ira, marched to the city to mark the easter rising against british rule in 1916. has a report from there: easter monday is traditionally the day of a controversial and tense parade commemorating the armed uprising against
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british colonial rule in ireland. on this day, the dairy 1960 committee holds its parade. the organization is linked to the republican party siriu, which means liberation, and the paramilitary organization, new ira. the gregan estate is a disadvantage working class area with strong republican support during the northern irish war from 1968 to 1998, parts of derry were nogo area for occupying british army. until today, support for revolutionary republicanism has been strong and visible on the streets. on monday a marsh took place in the center of gregon. carefully observed by police, drones and helicopters, youuf mas lavavas, carried fireworks and petrol bombs. last year, there were violent clashes between protesters and the police security forces blocked the march. no police presence was visible on the ground this year after mar through the estate, the parade guver at the republic. republican monument in the cementry where many republican army members are buried, the proclamation of the ice republic was read. we declare the right of the people of ireland to the ownership of ireland and to
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the unfair control of the iris destinies to be sovereign and indefesable. the long you surption of that right by foreign people and government has not extinguished the right nor can that ever be extinguished is set by the destruction of the irish people. the main speaker stress the continued commitment to armed struggle against imperialism. as long as arm free, "the only honorable attitude for irish men and women is to help the attitude of rebellion. we are here to stay. he also stressed the solidarity of irish republicans with the palestinian resistance in gaza. we stand shoulder to shoulder of the palestinian people and the right to defend themselves and could the right to challenge their occupier and anyway it's the necessary from the river to the sea palestine will be free. an unnotified republican easter parade was held in the republican cragon estate of darry. in past years rights and interrupted when the northern irish police attempted to stop the parade. this year's march concluded peacefully, but the presence of several dozen mask men on the streets was a stark reminder
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that resistance to british rule and imperialism is still ongoing in ireland. dita reinish reporting for press tv from derry. and with that we come to the end of this newscast. thank you for being with us. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy: israel, iran ambassy attack.
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thepressed coverage of this assassination of passammani now entering its uh uh fourth day we're looking at uh air pollution can have short-term and long-term effects on human health. قاعدتاً همه دنیا و حالا کارشناس های کشور ما همینطور
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به این نتیجه رسیدن که تا اونجا که life is electrical energy or electricity. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. ich bin 28 jahre alt und lebe in nordenham, es war auch schwer für mich da auszubrechen, das hat lange gedauert, also das ist eigentlich erst passiert, nachdem ich ramazan kennengelernt habe, für mich war, ich möchte ein eine muslimische frau sein mit einem muslimischen mann, wir wollen beide ein bodenständiges leben und dass ich den, wie
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ich gehen möchte. ja, heute werde ich in der moschee des glaubensbekenntnis des islams aufsagen vor einem gelehren und damit offiziell zum islam konvertieren.
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after six months of genocidal war on the gaza strip and it targeting thousands of civilians whether by bombing homes over their heads or by siege and preventing the entry of food and medical aid, or by direct targeting, zionist israel has so far claimed the lives of more than 37,000 palestinian marters, nearly half them children. the palestinian statistical center announced that the number of children killed as result of the israeli entity genocidal war on gaza has reached 14,000 children whose lives and dreams will never be fulfilled. meanwhile, zianist israel continues to wipe out entire generations in gaza with its soldiers.