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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:03pm IRST

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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the void, the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that the evil israeli regime will be punished for its deadly air strike and... an embassy in syria. dozens of palestinians are killed in the fresh israel strikes on the basige gaza's trip. the overall death tool of the aggression approaching 3300. also in that lines, seven foreign aid workers are killed in an israeli air strike in gaza as dead told from the regime genocide. uh, it's close to 3300.
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hi there everybody, you're watching press tv world news is a live broadcast from our tehran atquarters, i'm behruz najafi, welcome. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that tehran will make the occupation regime regret its deadly air rate on the iranian embassy and the syrian capital. made the comment in a message of condolence on the moderidom of a group of irani military advisors in the monday israel aerial rate on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime vowing that the evil entity will be punished. i also saluted the marters of the attack, including two senior rgc commanders, major general muhammad riza zahiri and general mohammad hadi haji rahimi. now 13 people have been
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confirmed that in the israeli monday aeristrand the iran embassy and damascus, according to irgc, the dead include two senior iranian military personnel who were on an advisor of mission to syria and five of their accompaning officers. meantime, iran's supreme national security council has solved emergency meeting after these ready attack on the counselor section of the iran embassy. the council said decisions uh were made over what are called a netter israely war crime against people enjoying diplomatic immunity. terran also call for a un security council meeting on the israeli aggression. according to russia's un envoy, the security council will hold emergency meeting later on tuesday to discuss e really attack on the iranian embassy. the attack has violated international law and the 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations. the
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israely terrorist attack on the iranian consulat in syria is an act of aggression that has resulted in the death of senior iranian militant commanders and officers. iran has already warned about israel about having the right to retaliate, now this puts into focus why israel would commit this terrorist act, knowing how it would further exacer pay tensions in the region. now here's a look at what some of these reasons may be. it was a terrorist act that was. condem around the world, israel's targeting of the iranian consulate and capital damascus, unprecedented, not only for the casualties of senior run and military commanders, but for the violation of international law in more ways than one by the israeli regime. now
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iran's president has said that this is new terrorist crime, one that it would not go unanswered, considering it violation of international resolution such as 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations now one of the motos of this is really terroris act is brigidier general martter mohammed riza zahidi. he was a high ranking irgc official, the leader of the irgc scoats force in syria and lebanon, and in all he served the irgc for 44 years. his main mission, assisting the liberation movements across the region comprised of the axis of resistance. now what would drive israel to make such decision? now first, it's losing the us israely genocidal war on the gaza strip, defeated by the resistance fighters on the grounder. now along with the loss of the regime forces, its economy is also being battered, it's standing
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in the world has diminished to almost none with countries cutting off diplomatic relations with the regime. now additionally, the... regime is finding itself fighting on multiple fronts against the access of resistance from the resistance fighters in the ground on the gaza strip to hezballah resistance group in southern lebanon and then being the target of islamic resistance in iraq and also yemen all supported by the islamic republic. now the support of the islamic republic does not mean direct involvement rather supports of their ideology like advancing the palestinian cause. freeing the region from the american presence and fighting against us or germany. the israel regime used an f-35 fighter jet made in the usa and used bombs that were made in the usa to assassinate senior iranian military
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commanders and officers. isn't the same thing that it is doing in the gaza strip when it murders palestinians, which poses a question, doesn't this make the us as guilty? as a sionist regime in these targeted killings. okay, now let's move on with the rest of this news cast, un secretary general antonio guteresh has condemned israel's deadly strike. on the iran embassy in syria. gutiere says that, according to international law, the inviolability of diplomatic counselor premises and personnel must be respected in all cases. the israeli strike resulted in the death of at least 13 people. several countries, including iraq, pakistan, among,
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qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china and russia have already denounced these really aggression as unacceptable. the hamamas movement and the islamic jihad. also condemn the attack. iranian security forces have arrested two techfit terrorists linked to the so-called daesh gurasan terrorist group. according to iranian media, the individuals were planning to enter holy shrine in the city of con. the daesh k is a branch of a daesh terrorist group that's active in afghanistan and pakistan. it's responsible for numerous deadly attacks targeting civilians including women and children. for muslims across the world, aid al-fitr, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan, is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for
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their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. welcome back in is really air rate is left at seven. national aid workers associated with a us-space chair to world central kitchen in the gazestra. the wck team was travelling in
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a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairalbala warehouse. the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime route. the head of the charity says she's heartbroken and apple over a loss of her team a targeted attack in gaza. ering war called the air strike unforgivable saying the attack was not only on world central kitchen, but on humanitarian bodies shown up in the diarios of situations where food is used. as a weapon of war, your organization also announced it's halting all operations in the region.
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meantime, hamas movement is a slimed the attack saying that a regime is pursuing a policy of systematic killings to terrorize aid workers and disrupt humanitarian operations. since the onset of the war in gaza, more than 32,900 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. now price of you correspond. that joined us earlier from derabella in gaza city with an update on the situation in the water avage district. the israeli forces committed at least seven opponing massacers claiming the lives of 71 palestinian civilians in addition to injuring roughly 130 others. these numbers actually uh talk the whole number of the palestinian uh civilians who have been killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza. strip to roughly 32,920 palestinian civilians. over the last couple of hours, the
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israeli war blains destroyed a orisonal building in the eastern part of their balah city, particularly in abul ajin town which is located in the eastern part of their balah city. while when it comes to khanuni city, the western parts of kanuni city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasal medical complex witnessed more destruction as more residental buildings. were blown up by the israeli occubition forces in that area, while the eastern b of canonis witnessed also another israeli air strikes and attacks against the residental buildings there uh when it comes to wafa city, the number of the palestinan civilians who uh were uh killed over the last attack that tokky plays and during the last night amounted to 10 palestinian civilians including five five palestin and children after they were attacked while they were slaving inside their house, the israel incubation forces destroy their house over their heads. now meantime, palestinans in the
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west bank have endured intensified raids by iof since the beginning of the regime's war and gaza. occupation forces carried out fresh raids in towns, villages and refugee camps across the occupied territories. mona candial has the details. the israeli. troops stored several villages east kalulya as well as south kalqelia like jayus, azzon and habley as well as asli village, during the incurgence to these villages, the israely troops stormed the palestinians homes confiscated belongings, caused damage within the the houses and arrested number of palestinians, the israeli. trips had also stormed several areas around alqs like the
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refugee camp of colandia for several hours exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, martur muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti-israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed to day again the israeli forces stormed his home during this operation and during the exchange of fire a number of palestinians had been wounded by the israeli forces at least seven ians were arrested from colundia refugee camp, the israelit troops in southern the occupied west bank rided several towns in al khalil area raded the town of bet umar and arrested at least one palestinian, according to reports coming from bet umar, 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces. during the military rate to
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colandia refugee camp, the israeli forces stormed palestinians homes. and gathered dozens of palestinian uh youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them. the islamic resistance in iraq has a stage fresh attacks on israeli positions in response to regime's genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group says the detects reaffirm it determination to go on with a striking israely strongholds. muslim salem has a report from baghdad. the islamic resistance in iraq has been standing in solidarity with palestinians in gaza by carrying out retaliatory operations in the region. resistance forces in iraq have started their operations by striking number of us military bases in iraq and syria in response to washington's support for israel.
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the operations have now entered new phase as israeli positions have been directly targeted in various locations such as high. "we have always been firm in our stance to support the people of palestine. the palestinian cause is central to the access of resistance that has supported the people of gaza by striking israeli positions. the regime's positions, whether it's sports in the mediterranean or elsewhere, are targeted using ballistic missiles, drones and all other weapons by our brothers in yemen, lebanon, and here in iraq. the operations are'. evidence that the axis of resistance works in harmony and has the strategic potential and the means to pressure israel and those states to support the systematic killing of innocent civilians. the intensification of the attacks on israeli positions shows that the massacers being committed by the regime in gaza will not remain unanswered. the second phase of the
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operations which directly targeted israeli positions proves that regional. resistance groups are able to inflict serious damage to israel's maritime and airspace interests. resistance groups in iraq and across the region have approved their ability to respond to the israeli crimes against innocent civilians. they vowed that their operations will intensify even more as long as the genocidal war on gaza continues. muslim salim press tv, baghdad. now this friday marks international gootsday. during which muslims worldwide hold rallies to express support for palestinians and to denounce this occupation. our corresponding back that has stock the people there regarding that event and it's significant in the muslim world. today as we witnessed the israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim world to
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stand up for palestine and show their support. the whole world is witnessing the systematic. killing of innocent people in gaza, even after the un security council ordered to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes. international guds day is a chance for all muslims to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic countries are standing still without taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the palestinian people and to... remind the world of this humanitarian case which represents the will and struggle of the free people against colonialism. the great imam initiated the quotes day after many countries left palestine behind. we commemorate these stay annually to expose those who attempt to normalize their relationship with designist regime. international cots day, which was
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initiated by imam khamaini is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue. to the four, it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable regional force, and it highlighted the rights of the palestinians. the genocide against palestinians makes it imperative for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together this friday during international quds day, to show their solidarity with the people of palestine. and with that, we come to an end of this news. guest, thank you for watching.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. israel, iran embassy attack: we're ready to marsh, let's start slowly, but strongly, and solidarity with the palestine and leban. israel is one of the worst things that has happened, or zionism is one of the worst things that has happened. to the jewish people, the my experience, it really, really
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wasn't until the 80s that i was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israel and zionism had done and was doing and continued to do. "i did not grow up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today. i grew up as a zionist in a very zionist family that identified judaism with zionism. the second sub international media festival in the fields of television. radio, new media and a special section for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th, 2024. for
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more information, visit it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with
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me the sound of the rain from the battle and victory. oh palestine, i free you, i realize you, oh palestine. i free you, oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i free you, my every
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breath is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my... my heart will burn you, i cry out, and the thunder in my voice will defen you, i cry out, and the tornado within my soul, will rul you away, my bleeding wound once felt those on forgot. but
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the aching sorrow in me never gone, raise it will my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, raise it with. my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wonderd in love my hands,
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turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drenchi in blood, as long as you have the thor crown of evil force, i'm the flame and thunder and tornado. and i cried out, i cried out i pray you, oh my son, i pray you.
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soil, sun and water, these are the symbols of life and creation, best understood by arid and dried out lands. in south of horison razabi province, there is an old city known for its quick sands and aquaducts hidden at the heart of the soil. gonabad, an arid land that's stranger to snowfall and rain, a land where water can only be access. through aquaducts, the city is home to a muslim community who has inherited aquaducts from ancient iran.