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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 9:30am-10:02am IRST

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rest of the headlines: the islamic revolution guards core says israel's attack on iran's of consult of building in damascus is a result of the irreparable. defeats it has suffered in gaza. iran urges the un security council to strongly condemn israel's attack its consular building in syria, calling for an urgent meeting of the regime's violation. an israel's indiscriminated strikes kill several foreign aid workers in gaza as the deathful from the regime's genocide nears 32,850.
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9:30 am and iran's capital tehran, this is of press tv news, thanks for joining us. several of people have been killed in an israeli air strike targeting the consular section of iran's embassy in damascus, syria. iran's islamic revolution guard score confirmed that seven iranian military advisors, including two senior commanders, were killed in their strikes. the attack targeted. the building next to the embassy that is also the residence of the iranian ambassador at the maz neighborhood in central damascus. the ambassador and his family are unharmed. on sunday forces also targeted the vicinity of the capital damascus with rockets launched from the occupied colon heights. tim anderson is the director of the center for counter-hegemonic studies who joins us. welcome to the program, tim anderson uh we're
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looking at um some major attacks that israel has executed in the past days uh looking at major attack that happened in uh syria uh that claimed the lives of over 30 and then uh with this particular attack which is unprecedented in uh not only the fact that it's attacked the consular services uh or the embassy really uh but that it's iran that it has uh attacked because that is really part of the it's not part of us syria, this is iranian territory, what do you make of this attack by israel? um, it's not unique, there are a number of iranian advisers who have been targeted and assassinated by the israelis in recent months, and i think it's part of a concerted plan by the netanyahu regime to try and provoke iran, and it poses a dilemma, because of course what the israelis are looking for is escalation which may help draw the us into a war, um, because of course... the the israelies can't take on
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iran by themselves, um, but on the other hand, it's very difficult, it's a dilemma really for iran because these sort of crimes can't be left unpunished, so there's a dilemma there in terms of timing, in terms of how iran is going to respond, because this is not the first provocation, there's a number of murders that have been carried out by the israelis and really, i think the anger amongst people around the world is really seeing at the the number of palestinians are killing, but also um... syrians, iranians, um, willy nearly, the aid workers, journalists, so i think this is particular provocation aimed at iran to try and get escalation, really the israelis are unique in the region of wanting escalation because they're feeling more and more isolated. iran has summoned the us representation to the swiss charged affairs and has relayed a message to the us. it does hold the us somewhat responsible for this. um, do you?
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think that the us at prior knowledge of what israel did? um, not necessarily, not necessarily, but in a general sense, yes, because as i said, they uh, the israelis have been targeting iranian advisers for quite some time in syria, the they're obsessed with the idea that there's going to be a strong iranian presence in syria permanently, and therefore on the borders of occupied palestine, so it's not the first time it's happened, i don't know that the us would have been told in advance of this, but really aimed at trying to put pressure on the us through some iranian retaliation and up until now iran has been very restrained really, incredibly restrained really considering the the crimes have been committed against the iranian people, iranian visors in syria in particular. hasn't israel risked escalation in the region um, which then in part poses of the question whether it does want a distraction? the genocidal war is conducting
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in the gaza strip where you have all the countries like the uae and others who have condemned this act, but yet israel wants to risk somewhat of... increase in tensions in this case by targeting the islamic republic. yes, i think it's almost unique to the israelis really, because most other sides have been very cautious, the lebanese resistance has been very targeted, us itself has not directly involved except of course to back up the israelis with all the weapons that they've got. the iranians have been very cautious, so the israel see it in their interests or at least the netanyahu faction sees it in his. interest as you say for a distraction, but also to try and draw in um the us in a more direct role in the region, which i don't think the, i don't think the bidon administration wants to do that, particularly an election year, they're happy to hide behind the israelis and give support to the israeli genocide, well they not entirely happy with that, they're not happy with the image that's coming across, but i
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think the israelis are unique in wanting this escalation to take the heat off themselves and try and get the us directly involved against who whom they see as their their major enemies that is... to say iran is really the major support for the palestinian resistance, but also for the resistance in lebanon and and in iraq and and other parts the region. all right, we'll leave it that. thank you very much. tim anderson, director the center for counter hegemonic studies. thank you. will the islamic revolution guard score says that israel attacked iran's consular mission in damascus out of desperation caused by their reparable defeats that it has recently suffered. the irgc says palestinians in gaza and the resistance in the region. have dealt heavy blows to israel, regional resistance groups also condemned the attack. hamas called it a dangerous escalation and a blatant violation of both iran and syria's sovereignty. the palestinian islamic jihad described it as a cowardly act and an attempt to distract from the regime's failures in gaza. lebanonsbullah vowed that
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israeli crimes will not go unpunished. the popular front for the liberation of palestine also stressed that the attack could not have happened without a green light from the us. several countries, including iraq, pakistan, oman, qatar, and the uae, and saudi arabia, including russia, also denounced the israely aggression as unacceptable. iran's ambassador to syria has vowed that the islamic republic will give decisive response to israel's attack its consulate in damascus. police دولت.
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amir abdullah han made the call in a phone conversation with the oic secretary general. the onening for minister said the attack violated all international laws. for his part, hussain brahim taha pointed to israel's criminal history and strongly condemned the air strikes. ivan has also called on the un security council to condemn the israel attack
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in the strongest possible terms and to hold an urgent meeting to address the violation. iran's foreign ministry also summoned the swiss ambassador, which represents us interest in tehran. scores more palestinians are killed in gaza as the west israelly genocide in the beseest strip approaches the grim six-month milestone. in the central city of derabala, israeli forces targeted vehicle owned by food aid agency world central kitchen. seven foreign aid workers and their palestinian driver were killed. the hamas resistance movement strongly condemned the attack as part of israel's policy of systematically killing unarmed civilians and international relief teams. elsewhere in derobala, the regime bombed the mosk which claimed the life of a child and injured 20 other people. to the
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south of the strip, israely bombardment and shelling of rafa and khanis claimed more than dozen civilian lives. since the beginning of the us-israely genocide in gaza on october 7, more than 32,800 people have been killed and some 75,400 injured. القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلداتi businessman who recounts saddam hussain's oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي امر لله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه او التوجه الى اهل
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البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن موسى علي بن موسى الرضا's story together welcome. to the news here on press tv. israel's campaign in the gaza strip has been among the deadliest and most destructive campaigns, besides thousands of human losses. the air rates have also damaged or totally destroyed all types of structures including homes, mosks, schools and medical centers. we have taken a closer look at the issue in our explainer program. the us is really on slot on the cause. trip is one of the most destructive genocidal air campaigns ever, raising entire neighborhoods to the ground,
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killing tens of thousands and causing damage that could take decades to repair. well, the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one, from the eu foreign policy chief joseph barall, who said this destruction is one of the most intense in history, comparable, if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities during the second world war. the source of the damage is due to the us bombs that have been dropped in the gaza strip. in total, 70,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip. this number is surely to rise since the israeli regime will be receiving new batch of us 502 pound bombs. well, the destruction of buildings, damaged or destroyed, is mapped out here in this. map uh the largest destruction has occurred in uh northern gaza, 81% of the
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total buildings there, terms of the number, 37,100, the grand total amounts to 177, it's kind of hard to see here, but that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza strip. this is what has been fact checked, other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings, damaged or... destroyed, that's very important, these figures show that some of the notable ones, the press headquarters at 165, schools including universities coming in at 405, and then you have mosks 227, and here's the one that hurts the most, 244 medical facilities and hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed, then comes the infrastructure destruction, 250 km roads, that's 78% of the total roads, 130 wells, 56.2%, and 130 kilometers of water networks,
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84%, and then the soul gaza, power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel. this is why gazins are fighting for their lives, actually. well, israel is also after erasing palestine's heritage in the gaza strip, some the examples of that that we picked, monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archaeological. hills and historic uh houses, you can see the figures there, uh, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great amari mosk, it's uh built in the 12th. century and one of the most important and largest historical mosks in palestine, gone. naturally some are asking, what is israel after? well, this is what many media organizations have said, quote, israel wants to make the gaza strip unfit for human habitation in the hopes that there will be large scale immigration for the ethnic cleansing of gaza's palestinian population.
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this is what many organizations believe is israel's intense. palestinians in the west bank have been enduring intensified israeli raids since the onset of the regime's genocidal war on gaza. israeli occupation forces have carried out fresh raids on several towns across the occupied territories. let's find out more from our coresmonail who joins us from occupied romala for an update on the repeated israeli incursions into the occupied west bank. good morning mona, what do you have for us? good morning, this time the israeli forces have stormed several areas across the occupied west bank we can say that the israeli forces stormed towns, villages and cities from the north to the south of the occupied west bank. the israeli troops is stored several villages east kalqilia as well as south kalqilya like jayus, hazun and habley as well as asli
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village during the incurgence to these villages, the israeli troops, stormed the palestinians homes, confiscated belongings, caused damage within the the houses and arrested number of palestinians, the israeli troops had also stormed several areas around alqs like the refugee camp of colandia for several hours, exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, murter muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti-israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed today again the israeli forces stormed his home during this operation and during the exchange of
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fire a number of palestinians had been wounded by the israeli forces, at least seven palestinians were arrested from colindia. refugee camp, the israeli troops in southern the occupied west bay raided several towns in al khalil area raded the town of bet omar and arrested at least one palestinian, according to reports coming from 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces and we have to mention that at almost every day the israeli troops are storming about umar and suffocating the palestinians making daily. life of palestinians there is intolerable and at the end of the day the israels had even let's say handed over leaflets for the palestinians claiming that anyone would be standing against and in the face of the israeli trops would be arrested or even would be shot and killed because
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number of number of incidents had taken place there when palestinians opened fire at the uh a checkpoint at the entrance of the village of bet ummar and also some palestinians had thrown stones at the nearby israeli settlement, this is what the israeli military is claiming. a recent report by the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs that issued on monday, they said that the israeli troops detained only on monday 22 palestinians and this brings the number, the total number of the palestinians who had been detained since the seven. of october to over 7,920 uh, those who were detained by the israels early on tuesday is over 15, but the exact number had not been revealed by the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs. we also have news about the what we understand are some massive numbers of
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arrests that have been made uh around the colindia uh refugee camp. do you have any information? that during the military to colundia refugee camp, the israeli forces stormed palestinians homes and gathered d dozens of palestinian youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them, but at the end of the day at least seven palestinians had been detained, this means that the douzens of the people were only interrogated and then they were they... were allowed to return to their homes, so according to our sources from colindia refugee camp, only seven palestinians had been arrested this morning during the military to the... camp there okay, thank you very much, we appreciate it, mona khandel from occupied bramala, thank you, mona. the islamic resistance in iraq
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says that has carried out fresh attacks on israeli positions in response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group said its fighters used drones to target the telnof airbase in central israeli occupied territories. groups the attack reaffirms is determination to continue striking israeli strongholds. it added. the operations are in response to the israely massacer of palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely positions. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, in retaliation for washington's complicity in the israeli genocide in gaza. innovaki anti-terror group says it is ready to send military supplies to fellow resistance fighters in jordan. to help defend palestinians against israeli crimes. says that is prepared supplies for over 12,00 fighters. it said the provisions include light weapons, anti-armored launchers,
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tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. the resistance group said it seeks to form a united front against israel. khatib hisballah also voiced readingness to block the land routs leading to israeli occupied territories if it receives the go ahead from palestinan resistance movements. khatib hisbullah has carried out multiple military operations against israel and the us since beginning of the onslot on gaza. back in january, at least three us forces were killed in one such attack a military base in jordan. housing prices across the west have gotten so high that many people have given up on the idea of ever owning a home in europe, protests are being held to demand more government intervention on the issue of building more affordable housing. a statistic which may amaze and anger those in their 20s and 30s,
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in 1973 the average french person dedicated just 10% of their income to housing. in places like lisbon, that figure is now 63%, as the housing situation across europe is being called the worst it has been in 70 years. with winter prohibitions a convictions ending with the arrival of spring, protests are being held across europe against the lack of affordable housing. houses are made for living in and not for financial speculation. this is a fundamental truth which has been forgotten by successive french governments. they have turned their back on the many victims of our long-running housing crisis and across europe it's the same. what's worse is that they'll have many people evicted by landlords looking to cash out tourist money for the summer olympics. one out of four french people suffer from serious housing problem, so it's no surprise that better housing has been a top issue for voters in election after election. there's a real lack
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of decent, new and safe housing in france and europe, as much of our stock dates from after world war ii, the laws requiring that 20% of lodgings be made available to lower income citizens is not inforced, and we just don't see that the government cares about the... incredible difficulty of finding affordable housing here in france. in paris, housing prices are up backbreaking 70% since 2009, the start of the great financial crisis and the failed response of far right economic austerity. the hiking of interest rates in 2022 caused some housing markets in europe to decline slightly, but others continue to rise, that also caused building cost to sore, reducing private. housing groups insist that lodging issues could be fixed nationwide in just 5 to 10 years, if the government's laws favored renters and regular citizens instead
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of land owners and real estate speculators. the primary culporate seems to lie in the refusal of right-wing economics to allow governments to invest tax revenue in building more affordable real estate and also in the vast sell-offs to private corporations. of government housing since the 1980s ramin masahari press tv paris and that does it for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. ذو العرش يلقي الروح
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من امره على من يشاء من عباده لينذر يوم التلاق يوم هم بارزون لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء. لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم للواحد القهار صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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why the atomic bomb? why all the power? you scientists, i blame for the weapons to be used. killing innocent people to get what?
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انا يا حسين قد على الخافقه وصوت كل الملافائل ننادي من المغاديه.
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the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shrine of the eighth.