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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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the headlines, surban consulate building in syria's capital, damascus comes under attack. several people have been confirmed dead, including the commander of iran's irgc corps of in syria. iran and hamas call for an international investigation of crimes committed in gaza's al-shifah hospital that was under iof attack for two weeks and the islamic resistance in iraq says it has staged fresh attacks on israeli targets and the port city of aliat in response to the regime's genocide in gaza.
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv. coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran. thank you for joining us. my name is kisum shah madi and these are top stories this hour. several people have been killed in an israeli air strike targeting the consular section of iran's embassy in damascus, syria. three iran. including the commander of the irgc gots force in syria and his deputy are among those killed. the attack targeted the building next to the embassy, that is also the residence of the iranian ambassador at the mazda neighborhood in central damascus. the ambassador and his family are not harmed. hussein akbadi, iran's ambassador to syria, of has vowed tehran will give decisive response to the israeli atrocity. now this is the second israeli attack target. the syrian
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capital in one day, on sunday, israeli forces of targeted the vicinity of the capital damascus with rockets launched from the occupied golen heights. hussein akbadi, iran's ambassador to syria, has vowed that the islamic republic will give decisive response to israel's attack on the consulate in damascus. of
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of says israel's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus is a breach of all international conventions, in a phone call with his syrian counterpart amir abdullah han said iran holds israel responsible for the consequences of this attack. he also stressed the need for serious response from the international community in the face of such crimes. syria's foreign minister faisal makdad has also condemned the terrorist attack in the strongest terms, adding that israel will not be able to dent the relation. between iran
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and syria. has visited the attack site and offered condolences to the families of the victims. now to discuss that further, we have with us our correspondent fatima massumi who's joining us live from our studios in tehran. thank you very much for joining us, so we heard the iranian ambassador to damascus mention that this attack is not something that iranians will be afraid of. iranians are in his words, not afraid of israeli atrocities. what exactly did he mean by that? well, um, i should tell you that martterdom. is a culture within our country, it's within our nation, and we are proud of this culture, actually, and as iranians, we support martur them and what is happening, of course, we are wearing black today, and today is the uh anniversary of the martterdom of
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the first shimam imam ali, peace be upon him, so um, again as i said, it is something that we are definitely proud of and we will support the palestinian people, um um with um this uh culture uh of course i could give you many more instances um um that has happened during the past few years, three years ago uh with the martydom of general haj qasim sulaymani and few months past um with uh when general razi musavi was assassinated and many more and all these uh marters have made iran stronger so none of these acts of terror weaken iran um or support um um the or weaken the support of the iranian people for the palestinians or the resistance movement actually. okay, so fatima, you did mention supporting uh the resistance and of course the palestinian people. um, what do you mean by the islamic republic of iran supporting
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palestinians? iran uh is a trustworthy friend for palestinians and has always been um on their side and this has been since the 19th. '79 um islamic revolution, the establishment the islamic revolution, iranians has have always supported palestinians and this attitude will not change no matter what the israeli regime does um and actually um few days later um friday the last friday of the month of ramadan the holy month of ramadan will be the international is the international gots day and this day was designated um by the late founder of the islamic republic of'. iran imam komaini and um so you will see that people um in iran um and muslim countries all around the world will come out um and show their deep support for the palestinian people uh you're absolutely right so we're looking forward to that friday is international goodsday as our
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correspondent just mentioned and we will see people coming out not just in iran but also in countries from all over the world in support of palestinians and of course that is fatima uh i'm sure you agree. uh maybe the main reason why it's even more important this year is the genocidal war on gaza and the atrocities that the zionist regime is committing in the gaza strip uh so do you think that this has anything to do with the attack, the timing of the attack? well um, i can tell you one thing isu that um israel, the israeli regime is weak, it's in its weak point now and carrying out um its genocidal war on gaza has not made the palestinians... nor the resistance movement uh weaker and this is showing that this um these acts of terror are actually uh making them weaker proving them to be weaker and not even stronger than before. um so i could again mention uh or point out um um to the the past
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six month the attacks of the the israeli regime um carrying out on our muslim brothers and sisters and uh the innocent children in gaza the genocide. that's happening in palestine, the world is concerned and they are uh holding demonstrations in different countries showing um this concern and there they are heartbroken really um because of um all these attacks and um the things that are happening you're absolutely right for him israel has definitely lost face it has definitely become more isolated than before we even had the un resolution passed just few days ago uh with the us for the first time abstaining from the vote, the us, which had vetoed three other resolutions against israel. thank you very much, that was our correspondent, fatima massumi joining us live in our studios in tehran. and it is almost six months since israel launched its
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genocidal war on gaza. the regime's war planes and artillery keep pounding the besege strip, causing more deaths and destructions in 24 hours. four civilians including journalists were killed and 16 other people injured after israeli war plane struck the vicinity of alaksa marters hospital and central gaza city deral bala. several areas of gaza city were also shelled and bombed, leaving two people dead and 10 people injured. meanwhile, four palestinians including two children died due to starvation in kamal adwana hospital in northern strip. a number of deaths related to femon and malnutrition have gone up to 34, including 31 children, over 32,800 palestinians have lost their lives and some 75,00 have been injured in the israeli war on gaza that began in. early october. gaza's health ministry says
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israel's forces have retreated from al shafa hospital after weeks of siege on the medical complex. the ministry says dozens of bodies were found at the medical complex after the israeli pullout. the facility has been completely out of service since the regime burned it down. the gaza government said more than 400 people have been killed. the area since israel began its attacks on the health facility on march 18th. hamas says enus crimes committed by israel at this hospital reveal the true nature of this fascist regime. the resistance groups hold the us government responsible for the israeli atrocities. meanwhile iran's foreign ministry spokesman says media reports on the scale of destruction at al shafa hospital and the torture and killing of palestinians there are appalling. nasar khanani. called on the international investigations of this incident, and now to the occupied west bank
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where israeli forces have shot and killed a palestinian man over an alleged stabbing attack a settlement near the town of ashtod. israeli sources say at least three settlers have been seriously injured in this attack, which occurred in a shopping mall. according to reports, regime forces fatally shot the... hacker who was later identified as a man from al khalil. the incident came hours after the al-qasam brigades, the military wing of the amas resistance movement republished a message from its commander calling on palestinians to use all their resources to fight against the regime. hamas later hailed the attack as a natural response to the occupations massacres in gaza and the west bank. the group added that the operation also shows palestinians conviction towards. resistance as the path to liberate palestine
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and earlier we were joined by our correspondent in ramalah for more details about the recent anti-israeli operation in ashrad. let's take a listen to what mona candal had to tell us. well, what happened the speak about the anti-israeli operation? 19 year old from the town of dura in al khalil, he works in that area near astud when when he arrived at the shopping mall, he stapped israeli settlers, according to the israeli police, they opened fire, shot him and killed him, later the israeli forces stormed the town of dura, they raided the house of masalme and they ordered the family members, his father and siblings to come to the... intelligence department there in al khalil, of course this means after interrogation they would be arrested, other
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family members had been detained, the israel is cause severe damage inside the house, and we have to mention that this with the killing of masalmi, the number of palestinians had been killed by the israeli forces since the 7th of october is over 455 palestinians. one type of energy that plays a key role in human life is electrical energy or
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electricity. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. lebanon's hasball resistance movement. and israeli forces continue to exchange fire, intentions remain high over the war in gaza, now israeli war planes have launched air strikes on two villages in southern lebanon. the lebanese resistance has also carried carried out retaliatory operations against israeli positions in the area. we were joined by our correspondent earlier for some details. despite the fact that we did have lot of escalation in the last couple of weeks, today is considered somewhat of a calm day. with with that said, we do have, like you mentioned, two very heavy air strikes on the
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woods of rashaya alfarhar. rushhar is considered to have vast amount. of forests and reserves and so there was been directly systematic attacks by the israelis against lebanon's agriculture and what is left of its forests and its trees, and so we saw those two heavy air strikes against those woods in addition to another air strike, also on the outskirts of itashab and also the outskirts of villages usually have also amounts of green and woods and trees and so on, so that is one part of the israeli aggression again. lebanon uh hezbollah had also later on sunday targeted two israeli units uh using artillery fire, one in mutele, another one in almanara post uh and of course had earlier used drone attacks uh against several of the areas, including one recent post in the shabab farms area uh and now like i said it seems to be
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somewhat calm, you have lot of talk within the israelis and among them about the... warnings that a future war with hazballah would not be something to be taken lightly, despite the threats from the leaders, you have lot of experts within the israeli regime that are calling on the leaders to postpone any war or not to basically go to a war with hezballa since they are saying that any war with the resistance group in lebanon could be detrimental to the israeli economy. now back to our story of the day, the... attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, our correspondent ibrahim wahti is with us to give us more details, ibrahim, tell us exactly where you're located if you have any updates, yes gitu, we are here standing in front of the iranian councilate building in
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damascus city at the the highway exactly ' the uh at 5 pm the at 5 pm today the israeli enemy uh launched attack that targeted the iranian counselate in a blatant violation of international laws and human norms uh the aggression resulted in the destruction of the four stories building uh right behind me uh completely uh ambulances uh firef fighting team civil defense team all rushed to the place uh they start. digging for survivors, unfortunately there were there has uh there were seven marters, two of the embassy guards and five employees, also there uh there has been reports that the uh brigadier general sayid mohammed riza zahidi was martered which is a senior uh irgc uh commander uh in
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al-quds force the we have ' heard lately that there has been condamnation uh by several countries. first the iranian forem minister condemned this attack and consider netanyahu a maniac, a mad man who wants war uh through this provocation. the the the syrian for ministry also condemned this attack and the syrian for minister dr. faisal makqdad came to the location and checked on the... ambassador and his family, which was fine, he was at his office doing his work, doing his job, when the attack happened, but thankfully he was fine, the dr. faisal makqdad said that syria is standing firmly with iran and this attack will never intimidate us, we condemn
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this attack and consider it violation of the the sovereignty of syria. also as well iran, the islamic republic of iran. it's interesting also that uh the ministry of the russian ministry of defense also condemned this attack and consider it a dangerous escalation that would lead to that may lead to uh an open war in the region um the they condem the attack as well palestinian factions, the palestinian front uh... for struggle uh several palestinian leaders as well uh we have seen several officials, syrian officials visiting the place, the uh governor the... governor of damascus, the head of police department of damascus uh as well as minister faisal maghdad. so far, as you can see the uh civil defense teams, we
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just met the met the head of civil defense teams and he said that they're continuing to dig for and looking for survivors under under the uh rubbles, because the embassy as you can see uh is directly next to the building the counsulate, the iranian counsulate which... provides cancelate service for citizens, iranian citizens, also uh syrian citizens who wants to travel to iran, there are syrian employees along with iranian employees there, so we're still hoping to find survivors among the injured. so how long do you think these operations will continue ibrahim? it's really hard to tell at the moment, first... we don't have an initial uh death thow sorry we don't have final death tool the initial death death as i said seven uh seven uh murders and uh uh the uh brigador
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general uh muhammad as for the uh the rubble removing uh work i think it might take till morning at least uh as you said as you can see they brought lights uh generators, many vehicles are working now and it's really hard because the full 40, the full four stories building was collapsed completely. thank you very much, that was our correspondent abraham joining us live from damascus from the site the attack, giving us more updates and of course we will be in touch with him for more. moving on, israel confirmed attack its positions by iraki resistance groups. in
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a statement, the israeli military said a flying object struck building in the port city of alat. israeli air defenses failed to intercept it. this comes after the islamic. resistance in iraq said it hit a vital target in israel, the resistance group added that the attack was in response to the ongoing israeli genocide against palestinians, the group has carried out numerous such operations against israel in the past six months, but the regime has not confirmed most the attacks. the iraqi resistance group, however, has vowed to continue hitting israel until the regime ends its crimes in gaza. and in turkey, the main opposition party has won local elections in the two key cities of
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istanbul and ankara. this is the biggest defeat in more than two decades on president rejape bardogan and his justice and development party. with more than 96% of the ballot boxes counted, the opposition republican people's party, the chp has declared victory for akram imamoklu. the incumbent mayor of istanbul, speaking to his supporters, imam muklu said, the 16 million istanbul citizens have sent a clear message to the president. the chp is also ahead in izmir, turkey's third biggest city, artogan has acknowledged his party's poor performance in sunday's elections, saying that he would self-reflect and rectify any mistakes. local elections appear to represent a fresh blow to the president who had. his sights on retaking control of urban areas. that brings us to the
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end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching, don't go away though, i'll be right back with the spotlight. the second sob international media festival in the fields of television, radio, new media and a special section for palestine. the deadline for sending your work. is april 8th, 2024. for more information, visit sob
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