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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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first of headlines iran and hamas call for an international investigation of crimes committed in gaza's al sha hospital that was under iof attack for two weeks. israel forces kill a palestinian man over stabbing attack that left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories. also in the headlines, the islamic resistance in iraq says it has carried out fresh attacks on israeli targets in the port city of ilat, response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza.
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of 4:30 pm in iras capital, tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. it is almost six months now since israel launched this genocidal war on gaza. the regime's war planes and artillery keep pounding the bessieg strip, causing more deaths and destruction in 24 hours. four civilians including journalists were killed and 16 other people injured after. the number of deaths related to famon and malnutrition has gone up to 34, including 31 children. over 32,800. palestinians have lost
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their lives and some 7500 injured in the israel war in gaza that began early october. gaza's health ministry says israeli forces were treated from the shifa hospital after weeks of a siege on the medical complex. the ministry said dozens of bodies were found at the medical complex after the israeli pull out. according to the ministry, the facility is completely out of service after the regime burned it down. the gaza governor it says more than 400 people have been killed in the area since israel began its attacks on the hell facility on march 18. hamas says s crimes committed by israel at this hospital revealed the true nature of the quote fascist regime of israel. the resistance group also added that it holds the us government responsible for the israely atrocities. meanwile irans for ministry spokesman says that media reports on the scale of the destruction hospital and also the torture and the killings of
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genocidal war began on the gaza strip, it became increasingly clear that this was not like the previous israels and aggression, the depth of the destruction with us military assistance was so vast that israel was not just after eradicating hamas or freeing the captives, which it has failed to do. let's review some of the structural damage on the enclave and what israel's ulterior motives can be. the us israelly onslot on the gaza's trip is one of the most destructive genocidal air campaigns ever, raising entire neighborhoods to the ground, killing tens of thousand. and
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causing damage that could take decades to repair, well the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one from the eu foreign policy chief joseph barall, who said this destruction is one of the most intense in history, comparable, if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities during the second world war, the source of the damage is due to the u.s. bomb. that have been dropped in the gaza strip, in total, 70,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip, this number is surely to rise since the israeli regime will be receiving new batch of us 50 and 20 pound bombs, well the destruction of buildings damaged or destroyed is mapped out here in this map, the largest destruction has occurred in northern gaza, 81% of the total buildings there. uh in
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terms of the number 37,100, the grand total amounts to 177,00, it's kind of hard to see of here, but that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza. trip, this is what has been fact checked, other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings damaged or destroyed, that's very important, these figures show that some of the notable ones, the press headquarters at 165, schools including universities coming in at 405, and then you have mosks 227, and here's the one that hurts the most, 244 medical facilities and... hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed, then comes the infrastructure destruction, 250 kilometers of roads, that's 78% of the total roads, 130 wells (56.2%) and 130 kilometers of water networks (84%) and then
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the soul gaza power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel, this is fighting for their lives, well israel erasing palestine's heritage in the gaza strip, some the examples of that that we picked, monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archaeological hills and historic uh houses, you can see the figures there, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great amari mosque, it's uh built in the 12th century and one of the most important and largest historical mosques in palestine, gone, naturally some are asking, what is israel after? well, this is what many media organizations have said, quote, israel wants to make the gaza strip unfit for human habitation, in the hopes that there will be large scale immigration for the ethnic cleansing of gaza's palestinian population. this is what many organizations believe is
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israel's intense. moving to the other news that we have here on uh press tv. let's uh see what has happened in the occupied west bank. israely forces there have shots and killed a palestinin man over an alleged stabbing attack a settlement near the town of ashtad. the israeli sources have said that at least three settlers have been seriously injured in this attack which occurred in a shopping mall. according to reports regime for. fatally shot the attacker who was later identified as a man from al khalil. the incident came hours after them brigades, the military wing of the hamas resistance movements republished a message from his commander, calling on palestinians to use all their resources to fight against the regime. hamas later held the attack as a
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natural response to the occupations massacres in gaza and the west bank. the group added the operation was also shows palestinians conviction toward resistance as the path to liberate. palestine earlier we're joined by our correspond for more details about the recent anti-israely operation in ashtad. let's take a listen to what mondale had to tell us. well, what happened that speak about the anti-israeli operation? 19 year old from the town of dura in, he works in that area near astuod. when he arrived at the shopping mall, he stapped israeli settlers, according to the israeli police, the opened fire, shot him and killed him, later the israeli forces stormed the town of dura, they raided the house of masalmi and they ordered family
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members, his father and siblings to come to the intelligence department there in alkhale, of course this means after interrogation they would be arrested. other family members had been detained, the israel is cause severe damage inside the house, and we have to mention that this with the killing of masalmi, the number of palestinians who had been killed by the israeli forces since the 7th of october is over 455 palestinians. in rare admission since the beginning of the gaza onslot on october 7, israel confirms an attack its positions by iraqi resistance groups. the statement the israely military set of flying objects struck building in the port city of ilat. israel air defenses failed to
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intercept it, comes after the islamic resistance in iraq said it hit a vital target in israel. the resistance group added that the attack was in response of the ongoing israeli genocide against palestine. the regime ends its crimes in gaza. from the environment to business and economy to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts, we bring you the overlooked aspects. of world events and news from the far-flunged corners of the globe, 10 minutes only on pressed tv.
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welcome back to the news on press tv, lebanons has built of resistance movements and israely forces. continue to exchange fire as tensions remain high over the war in gaza. now any warplanes have launched air strikes in two villages in southern lebanon. the lebanese resistance is also carried out retaliatory operations against israely positions in the area. we were joined by our curse ones my amsala earlier for details. despite the fact that we did have lot of escalation in the last couple of weeks. today is considered somewhat of a calm day uh with with that said. we do have, like you mentioned, two very heavy air strikes on the woods of rashaya al fakhhar. rashaya al fuhar
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is considered to have vast amounts of forests and reserves and so there was been directly systematic attacks by the israelis against lebanon's agriculture and what is left of its forests and its trees, and so we saw those uh two heavy air strikes against uh those woods in rashaya alfokar in addition to another air strike also in the outskirts of uh job and also the outskirts of villages usually have also amounts of green and woods and trees and so on, so that is one part of the israeli aggression against lebanon. hezbulah had also later on sunday targeted two israeli units using artillery fire, one in mutele, another one in almanara post and of course had earlier used drone attacks against several of the areas, including one recent post in the... farms area, and now like i said, it seems to be somewhat calm, you have lot of
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talk within the israelis and among them about the the warnings that a future war with hazballah would not be something to be taken lightly, despite the threats from the leaders, you have lot of experts within the israeli regime that are calling on the leaders to postpone any war or not to uh basically go to a war with heizballah since they are saying that any war with the resistance group in leban... could be detrimental to the israeli economy. the turkish president has acknowledged his party's poor performance in sunday's local elections, calling the outcome a turning point for the justice and development party, also known as the act party. we will open-heartedly analyze the results of the march 31st elections within our party and make our self criticism boldly, although not. finalized yet the election results show us that we are experiencing a loss of ground in local administrations across the country, of
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course we will discuss the reasons for this decline we see on the local basis. redon issued the statement after the early results squashed his party's hopes of winning municipality and mayoral seats in istanbul and ancora and some other traditional strongholds. the opposition republican people's party has already declared victory. for ekram, the incumbint mayor of istanbul, after 96% of the ballot boxes were counted. partial official tallies also showed the chb was leading in other big cities. sunday's local elections appeared to represent a fresh blow to the president, what set is sites on retaking control of urban areas. over the easter weekend, irish republicans marked the anniversary of the easter rising against british colonialism and the proclamation of the... independent irish republican 1916. well, this your speech is focused on solidarity with palestinians and warto on
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gaza and the continued struggle against imperialism in ireland. correspondent reports from belfast. easter weekend is the most important date in the irish republican calendar as people mark the armed uprising against british colonial rule at easterweek 1916. the main commemorations are held in belfast in the northern irish city. the people assembled at the republican graves and monuments at milton cemetry, where volunteers the ira, as the irish resistance fighters are called, are buried. among the republican dead is the grave of 1980. one hunger striker bobby sans. we got here today to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the 1916 east horizon. we're in milltown cemetry we're at our own national plot here for republican network for unity. we not only remember the fallen dead and patrs of 1916 we also remember our own fallen dead her commemorated on this monument behind me here. at the republican party shin fein's commemoration the party aimed to convince its supporters
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that the referendum on irish reunification would be held within the next few years. however, the decision to call for a unity. referendum still lies in the hands of the former colonial power britain and its government. more and more people are seriously engaged in the debate about constitutional change and have been one over to the social and economic case for irish unity. the referendum to achieve that should be held before the end of this decate. different messages were heard at commemorations of revolutionary publicans critical of shinfine. when we say it is time for change, we are not simply asking you to think about the united ireland. instead we are. asking you to envisage a different future, republican network for unity is the political wing of the armed republican organization ogly iron, at their commemoration, message from the dflp, the national resistance brigades, marcher oma al-kasim forces and the resistance in gaza was read. palestinian people are suffering from a policy of starvation, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the imposition of a project of
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forced displacement of the from their land. all of this is linked to the thought presented by bobby sans and his comerades as there is a deep. connection in the revolution against colonialism and the policy of starvation. support for the palestinian people was wide spread at all commemorations. speakers at the commemorations of rnu and the irish republican socialist party stressed the need to continue the entilist fight in ireland. reas related the former political prisons and the families of the dead marchers to remember all those who died in the fight for freedom. since february, northern island has a republican first minister with michelleel of shin fein for the first time in his 100 years history. however, it has been visible at this year's easter commemorations in belfast, the revolutionary republicans are not satisfied with the ongoing imperialist imposed partition of ireland. revolutionary republicans such as arinu and oglin fow to continue the struggle against imperialism in ireland. dita reinish reporting for brest tv from belfast. pakistan has stepped up efforts
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for the completion of a long waited iran-pakistan gas pipeline project to meet the countries. energy needs, in order to request the waver for the key energy project, islamabad has decided to contact washington. kasme has more details in this report. pakistan's government appears determined to finish a multi billion dollar gas transmission project from iran despite stiff opposition from the us. pakistan's petroleum minister musaddiq malik stated that islamabad urgently needs the gas trans. project with iran and intents to pursue exemptions from the us sanctions by presenting both technical and political justifications for the project's completion. during a congressional hearing in washington last week, the us assistant secretary of state for south and central asia explicitly said washington opposes the iran pakistan gas pipeline
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project and is making concerted efforts to throw out its construction. experts believe that islam. abad stands on the gas transfer project with tehran is not merely matter of preference, but rather necessity in the current circumstances. we have to look into into things little deeply, the turkia, iraq, there they are purchasing iranian gas already and they are not in in us under us sanctions, so we have to see what mechanism they are using, the iran, the turkia, the iraq and other governments and we can't adopt same mechanism to avoid any sanctions from us, because we have to provide energy to our people, they need cheap energy. iran has granted pakistan an extension of the 180 day deadline until september 2024. if islamabad fails to provide favorable response by then, tehran will initiate arbitration proceedings
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at paris based international court, seeking damages, totaling 18 billion us dollars. iran has already invested two billion us dollars in the pipeline, known as peace pipeline its side of the border. iran has completed 95 to 96% of the work on the gas pipeline. the ministers from both countries are engaged in talks for the completion of this vital project. we have been waiting for pakistan's response since 2009. we hope that the ministries from both sides will show their seriousness and will complete it without any. further delay whatsoever. tehran has assured islamabad of its cooperation not only in the field of energy, but also in fostering barter trade and enhancing economic relation. with pakistan. despite the significant potential benefits, the pak iran gas pipeline project has encountered for medidable challenges due to us opposition and threats of sanctions.
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pakistan stresses that the project represents a strategic economic partnership with iran and that it will press ahead to complete the much needed project regardless of the challenges. nasik azmi, press tv, islamabad. the national botanical garden of iran holds a group of local plants and trees of iran as well as exotic ones which makes its collection quite valuable. this year nature lovers are attending the festivals there on the day of nature. fatima messomi has the details. the national botanical garden of iran holds a group of local plants and trees of iran as well as exotic ones, which makes its collection quite valuable. one of the objectives of this science. ific and entertaining complex, which has very profound role in different research fields including botany and gardening, is educating people and introducing them the science of botany, the
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importance of the plants and the necessity of protecting them. the botanical garden of iran is 150 hectares in area and it has 25 plant sections which hold distinctive climate features of iran and the world. this gardens. also an educational complex for students of herbal medicine and science. many students visit here to learn about the rare species and their applications in modern science. also, places such as the forests of northern iran or the albors region, china and japan, the mediterranean region, the rock garden or american habitats based on vegetation in the national botanical garden of iran have been simulated many. plant species in the north of the country such as oak, beach and you trees have grown adapted in the national botanical garden of iran and have enriched the charm
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and beauty of this collection. hello, i came to the flower garden with my mom and there's a one waterfall here actually, and the waterfall has lots of water, and there's one pawn here with so many flowers, hi, so no more. happy new year everyone, we decided to come to the botanical garden with the family because it is very entertaining, natural and clean, parts of the garden remind us of the nature of the north of iran. the complex is very beautiful and safe place for family members and friends to visit. the national botanical garden is a special place we come to every year. the weather is very beautiful and clean today. the fact that families are not allowed to picnic here is actually. advantages because it helps keep the environment clean, it is also a great place for photography. among the design spaces in
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the national botanical garden of iran are seven habitats of iran and six global habitats. iranian habitats are hirkani, zagros, southern albors, irani and turani, south iran greenhouse, persian onion gardens and local fruit gardens. there are over 4,000 plant species in the national botanical garden of iran. the garden is also used as a genetic storage facility for the plants that are in danger of going extinct. if you are in tehran during spring, you shouldn't miss visiting it. masumi, reporting for press tv, tehran. and with that we come to an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live. "fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything, and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran, when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of achievement.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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in the last episode we talked about how we can use proton beams to analyze ancient artifacts and gather data about uh where or when this ancient artifact was made uh based on cross-referencing the data that we have gathered from it to historical data that is available to us uh and we're following up on the same concept of ancient artifact analysis and preservation in this episode but this time using gamma rays and instead of using uh historical data using math, so so that's why we've come here to dr. sohrapur building, was one of the original founders of the irradiation application uh research school uh to find out how we can take advantage of gamma race together, more data about the age of an artifact and how we can preserve it for future generation, so that's what we're going to be covering in this episode of irantech with me, your host aliza, stay tuned.