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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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first of the headlines this hour, iran and hamas call for an international investigation, as scores of bodies are found in gaza's alsshiffa hospital after the israely militaries withdraw from the facility. israely forces kill a palestinian man over stabbing. attack that left three septters seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories. also in the headlines, the islamic resistance in iraq says it is carried out fresh attacks on israeli targets in the port city of ilat, response to the regime's on going genocide in gaza.
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2:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. it is almost six months now since israel launched this genocidal war on gaza. the regime's warplanes and artillery keep pounding the besieg strip, causing more deaths and destruction in the last 24 hours. four civilians, including journalists were killed and 16 other people injured after israely war planes and struck the vicinity of alaksa marters hospital in the central gaza city of daryl vala. several. areas of gaza city were also shelled and bombed, leaving two people dead and injured. meanwhile, four palestinians, including two children, died due to starvation in camala john hospital in the northern streb. the number of deaths related to famin and malnutrition has gone up to 34, including 31 children. nearly 32,800 palestinians have lost their lives and some 75,00 injured and there is a war on gaza that began early october. gaza's health ministry
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says israely forces are retreated from the shafa hospital after weeks of siege and the medical complex. ministry says dozens of bodies were found at the medical complex after the israely pullout. according to the ministry, the facility is completely out of service after the regime burnt it down. the gaza governor it says more than 400 people have been killed in the area since israel began its attacks on the health facility on march 18. crime committed by israel at this hospital reveal the true nature of the quote fascist regime of israel. the resistance group also added that it holds us governments responsible over the israeli crimes. meanwile ministry spokesman says media reports on the scale of destruction at the al-shifa hospital and also the torture and the killings of palestinians by the israely forces is appalling and shocking. nas kanani also called for an international investigation.
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reported on this hours ago in terms of the scale of this massive killing that's taking of place and he joins us now almost at this point the world is realizing the massacer that has taken place which is unprecedented. in the scale and the depth of it, maybe you can tell us more about uh the findings that you have on what has happened at the alsha hospital. yes, cov, actually more tragic uh details of the catastrophic conditions that were befalling at the palestinian people who were beseged inside the ashifa medical complex and the people in the vicinity of the... shif medical complex as you know the
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israeli aggression that targeted that area lasted for two consecutive weeks that included continuous and seasless strikes and attacks inside the buildings and the yards of the the ashifa medical complex and even the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex sorry according to gaza's government media office that roughly 400 balistinas civilians got unalived over those attacks that reached the the the entire buildings of the shifa medical complex and the surrounding areas of the the shif square that area, the vast majority of those people were uh unalived by the israeli incubation forces while they were uh handcaffed and blindfolded, they were executed in the field intentionally by the israel incubation forces, many dead bodies were found eviserated. by the stray dogs and cats. um,
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in addition to that, we are talking about the children, elderlies, women, they were found also executed in the yards of the shifa medical complex. what is going on there and what was taking place there uh was was horrific uh by all means because uh whether it was about the verocity and the devastation that targeted the entire buildings of the complex we are talking about the entire buildings that were set on fire by the israel incubation forces they were destroyed and devastated partially or completely by the israeli occubation forces uh at that moment uh which means that "this hospital uh is no longer available to function once again uh because we are talking about deep and severe damage and devastation that reached all aspects and all components of the ashifa medical complex we can say that it will take
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uh it will take years and years and years for that uh complex to be rehabilitated and to function and to operate once again because the israeli incubation forces uh were..." uh were uh attempting to make sure that uh the the palestinian people would never be able to uh to to rehabilitate the the shif shif medical complex once again so uh we are talking about horrific details and folding by the palestinian people by by the palestinian journalists and by the palestinian civilians and evacuees who were taking shelter inside the buildings of the ashifa medical complex needless to mention that even the surrounding the ashifa medical complex were completely destroyed and they were turned into mouns of rubbles uh over the seasless attacks that lasted for two consecutive weeks, all residental buildings were destroyed, they were leveled to the ground, the entire area became unlivable area, unlivable place over
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those continuous attacks. are we to assume uh that some of the bodies that you say were recovered uh were uh patients that were the... or people that were taken refuge, but yet they were handcuffed or they were blindfolded, if you can tell us a little bit about that as to um, what scenarios may have unfolded there? yes, actually the people and the medical sources uh say that uh for the 50 palestinian civilians including the paramedics, the doctors, the palestinian journalists, the palestinan evacuees who were taking shelter. inside the hospital when the israeli incubation forces attacked the hospital and carry carried out their swift attack on the hospital, they were kidnapped and they were executed in the field, they as as they were found blindfolded and they were found handcuffed uh, this means that they were executed intentionally by the israeli
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incubation forces, we are talking about all the classes of the palestinian people, we are talking about the children, we are talking about paramedics doctors and the last uh the last name was of doctor, she was working for roughly 30 consecutive years in the shifa medical complex and she refused to abandon the palestinian injuries and the palestinian patients when the israeli incubation forces attacked the hospital, as a result the israeli incubation forces executed her alongside with her son who was also a doctor working and operating inside the shifa medical complex, so this is the situation whoever, i mean that among those palestinian paramedics and doctors whoever refused. leave and to abandon his work and his duty inside the shif medical complex, the israel incubation forces uh directly attacked them and executed them in cold blood, so this is the worst scenario that the people were witnessing there, they uh have been subjected to unbelievable magnitude of ferocity,
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brutality, and uh we are talking about field executions, we are talking about uh dead bodies that were left to be eaten and ripped out by the stray dogs and cats and let me say that all these attacks were taking place before the eyes of the israeli officers and everything the israeli incubation forces were doing against the palestinian people was doing under the permission the full permission of the israeli officers it was a systematic attack against the ashifa medical complex in order to collectively uh punish the palestinian people there and to make sure as i have mentioned that the shifa medical complex will no uh longer be able to be rehabilitated or to function once again, so we are witnessing a real genocide taking place in the ashifa medical complex, and this is highly expected to reiterated and to re to be uh repeated in elsewhere or against any health facility in in gaza's trip, especially
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as we are still witnessing the israel aggression against the nasa medical complex, and as you know that the nast medical complex is the the most prominent medical complex in the south and and it has been subjected to face attacks since the very beginning of the ground offensive against khan city, so it's highly expected for the israel incubation forces to reiterate and to repeat that attack again. against it, knowing that the same scenario took place in the nas medical complex, we are talking about hundreds of the palestinian civilians who are taking shelter in the hospital, in addition to the paramedics and the palestinan doctors and the practitioners who are still who were stranded there and they were demanded by the israel incubation forces to surrender to the israel incubation forces, so it's the same policy of the israel incubation forces, it's all about targeting and destroying the health facilities in gaza strip. and destroying gaza's health sector uh to make sure that gaza is no longer a liveable place for the
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palestinian people. thank you very much for that. we saw it there uh from daraballa very hard to hear some of the things that he had to say about uh the way that these palestinians were murdered there, but we appreciate that from darabala. now to the occupied west bank where israely forces have shot and killed a palestinin man over an alleged stabbing attack. had settlements near the town of ashly sources say that at least three settlers have been seriously injured in this attack, which occurred in a shopping mall. according to reports, regime forces fatally shot the attacker who was later identified as a man from al-khalil. the incident came hours after the algasan brigades, the military wing of the hamas resistance movement, republished a message from its commander calling on palestinians to use all of their resources to fight against the regime. hamas later hailed the attack as a natural response to the occupation's massacres and
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sal me 19 year old from the town of dura in al khalil, he works in that area near astud when when he arrived at the shopping mall he stabed israeli settlers, according to the israeli police, they opened fire, shot him and killed him, later the israeli forces stormed the town of dura, they raided the house of masalm and they ordered family members, his father and siblings, to uh come to the intelligence department there in alkhale, of course this means after
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interrogation they would be arrested, other family members had been detained, the israel is cause severe damage inside the house and we have to mention that this with the killing of masalmi, the number of palestinians who had been killed by the israeli forces since the 7th of october is over 400 and 55 palestinians. it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live. "fasting basically heightens your
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awareness of your surroundings and everything and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran, when the sun sets uh, it's a fantastic feeling of achievement. welcome back to the news on press tv. lebanon's buil of resistance movements and israeli forces continue to exchange fire as tensions remain high over the war in gaza. on monday israel war planes launched air strikes on two villages of hibaria and rashaya al fahar in southern lebanon. the lebanese resistance has carried out retaliatory operations against israely positions in the area over the past months. mariam salah correspondent joins us now from southern lebanon with more details. mariam, over to you. yes, concerning uh, despite the fact
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that we did have lot of escalation in the last couple of weeks, today is considered somewhat of a calm day. uh, with with that said, uh, we do have, like you mentioned, two very heavy air strikes on the woods of rashayat. rashaya al fuhar is considered to have vast amounts of forests and reserves. and so there was been uh directly systematic attacks by the israelis against lebanon's agriculture and what is left of its forests and its trees and so we saw those uh two heavy air strikes against uh those addition to another air strike, also on the outskirts of itashab and also the outskirts of villages usually have also amounts of green and woods and trees and so on, so that is one part of the israeli aggression against lebanon. hezbulah had also later on sunday targeted two israeli units using artillery fire, one
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in mutili, another one in almanara post and of course had earlier used. chron talks uh against several of the areas, including one recent post in the shabab farms area, and now like i said, it seems to be somewhat calm, you have lot of talk within the israelis and among them about the the warnings that a future war with hezballah would not be something to be taken lightly, despite the threats from the leaders, you have lot of experts within the israeli regime that are calling on the leaders to postpone any war or not to basically go to a war with heizballah since they are saying that any war with the resistance group in lebanon could be detrimental to the israeli economy. it would not just lead to what we're looking at right now, although we see paralysis, there's still some sort of economy, but a war with hazbolah would actually paralyze the entire active economy of the israeli regime. you also have
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lot of warnings from hazballah's leaders that are calling on the israelis and telling them that if they do launch a war, this will be something that they will... not win, this will not be a war that they will win. hezbulah will definitely know where the weak points are for the israeli regime and they will definitely defeat the israelis um despite that there are perhaps differences in the capabilities, so hazbolah seems to be working very wisely when it comes to how they deal with the israeli capabilities. now it seems that what is really taking the israelies attention today is the drone attack against the naval military base in ilad, which is originally the palestinian city of ur rashash, and they are saying that this came from the east, so basically... "this could have come from the resistance in iraq, and this proves that all this talk of downsizing, downplaying, all the the resistance operations that are coming out from iraq and from yemen, is actually just deception from the israelis, and this proves that now we are looking more and more as a unified and and stronger unit among the palestinian resistance factions, and this is
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coming just before international kuds day, which was declared by imam khumaini, and this is of course..." 'i think we're going to see an up step up, stepping up of the resistance operations of the israelis of course continue their aggressions, especially after the many massacers that we are hearing about in the al shifa' building and shifa medical center, i think that will lead also to lot of retaliation from the resistance factions, not only from the resistance inside palestine, but also in lebanon, hazbullah has said that once the israelies do decide escalate, whether in lebanon, even in palestine, hazbolah will take..." up notch and will definitely increase their operations against the israelis. thank you for that. mari there from southern lebanon. in aware admission since the beginning of the gaza onslot on october 7, israel confirms an attack its positions by iraqi resistance groups and a statement the israeli military said a flying object struck building in the port city of ilat. the attacks set off sirens even as
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israeli air defenses failed to intercept any targets. this comes after the islamic resistance in iraq said it hit a vital. in israel, the resistance group added that the attack was in response to the ongoing israeli genocide against palestinians. the group has carried numerous such operations against israel in the past six months, but the regime has denied almost all of them. the iraki resistance group, however, has vowed to continue hitting israel until the regime ends his crimes in gaza. the us has in recent days quietly authorized to transfer billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to israel. last week, the state department also authorized the transfer of 25 f-35 fighter jets and engines to israel. in our explainer segment, we have taken a closer look at the issue. the us government has approved new batch of military equipment to the israeli regime. the most recent aid will include
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bombs and fighter jets. the immediate question, what happened to the rhetoric of concern? for civilian casualties, for example, the us secretary of defense lloyd austin has said that the civilian death tool in the gaza strip is far too high, the too many palestinian civilians continue to die, adding that the gaza strip continues to suffer humanitarian catastrophe, one and which can be avoided, and that the situation is getting even worse, echoing the same view as other us officials, including the us president joe biden, now it was within one week that the white house authorized transfer of work. planes and bombs, the sale amount $2.5 billion. here's a shot list: more than $1,800, mk84 200 lb bombs and 500 mk 82 500 pound bombs. this sale also included 25 f-35 fighter jets. now, what can these two
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thousand pound bombs do? for starters, the immense fire power can inflict damage to people over a long distance up to a, feet or 300 away. this can create civilian casualties a massive scale, something israel has done on more than one occasion. well, here's a map which shows. created by these heavy us bombs, more than 500 craters, which are consistent with 200 pound bombs. note that the average destruction is 39.3 ft or 12 me in diameter. two flashbacks are in order here: first, from october the 7th to november the 1st, euromed monitor reported that israel struck at least 1200 targets, that it had dropped more than 25, of explosives on the gaza strip and it said this was equivalent to two nuclear bombs like the ones dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki. the second flashback, massive us
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arms deliveries, 244 transport planes from october the 7th to december the 25th, more than 10 th00 tons of bombs and munitions delivered to occupied palestine, and that's over the month period only. we're now in the... sixth month of the genocide. let's not forget, the us has virtually removed all the meaningful restrictions on the stock pile and the transfer of its arms to israel. this includes surplus weapons limitations, annual spending cap on replenishing the stock pile and curtailing congressional oversight. and to add insult to injury, the us says that israel is using weapons in line with international and humanitarian law, and that israel is not blocked. gaza 8 saying israel's use of american weapons meets requirements of new national security memorandum despite overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise.
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the us provides israel with nearly $4 billion a year in military assistance. if it wanted to stop the israeli genocide it could do so by using that as leverage to condition us aid for israel, but it continues to provide israel with bombs with maybe why joe biden has new nickname, genocide joe. over the easter weekend, irish republicans marked the anniversary of the easter rising against british colonialism and the proclamation of the independent irish republic in 1916. this year's speech is focused on solidarity with palestinians and warton gaza and the continued struggle against imperialism in ireland. our correspondent deeter ganish reports from belfast. weekend is the most important date in the irish republican calendar as people mark the armed up rising against british colonial rule at easterweek 1916. the main commemorations are held in
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belfast in the northern irish city the people assembled at the republican graves and monuments at milton cemetry where volunteers the iray as their resistance fighters are called are buried. among the republican dead is the grave of 1981 hunger striker bobby sans. we got here today to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the 19. 16 east horizon where in milltown cemetary, we're our own national plot here for republican network for unity, we not only remember the fallen dead and patrs of 1916, we also remember our own fallen dead her commemorated on this monument behind me here. at the republican party commemoration, the party aimed to convince its supporters that the referendum on irish reunification would be held within the next few years, however the decision to call for a unity referendum still lies in the hands of the former colonial power britain and its government. more and more people are seriously engaged in the debate about constitutional change and are being one over to the social and economic case for arishing. the referendum to achieve that should be held
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before the end of this decade. different messages were heard at commemorations of revolutionary publicans critical of shin fein. when we say it is time for change, we are not simply asking you to think about the united ireland. instead we're asking you to envisage a different future. republican network for unity is the political wing of the arm. republican organization ogly neiron, at their commemoration, message from the dflp, the national resistance brigade, marjor al-qassim forces, and the resistance in gaza was read. palestinian people are suffering from a policy of starvation, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the imposition of a project of forced displacement of the from their land. all of this is linked to the thought presented by bobby sans and his comrades as there is a deep connection in the revolution against colonialism and the policy of starvation. support for a policy. people was wide spread at all commemorations, speakers at the commemorations of rnu and the irish republican socialist party stressed the need to continue the anti imperolist fight in ireland, reas related by former political
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prisons and families of the dead marches to remember all those who died in the fight for freedom. since february, northern ireland has a republican first minister with michelle o'neal of shin fein for the first time in his 100 years history. however, it has been visible at this year's easter commemorations in belfast, the revolutionary republicans are not satisfied with the ongoing imperialist imposed partition of ireland. revolutionary republicans such as arinu and oglinaron fow to continue to struggle against imperialism in ireland. dita reinish reporting for breastv from belfast and that does the for world news, let's bye-bye for now.
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air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short term and long term effects on human health. حالا کارشناس های کشور ما همینطور به این نتیجه رسیدن که تا اونجا که امکان داره از سوخت فوسیلی کمتر مصرف کنن. one type of energy that plays a key role in human life is electrical energy. or electricity. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free.
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a country that shares borders with serbia and
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croatia and has survived. the years of genocide, this country has managed to keep islam alive by itself in europe. mjesec ramazan aktivira ovdašnjeg čovjeka na poseban način. ovdašnji čovjek od od davnih vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. commemorating ramadan and holding ceremonies to markal petra has had an important impact on. preserving the religious and cultural identity of bosniak muslims over the years.
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my name is. joshua and uh i converted to islam in 2005 when i chose the name mahdi for my islamic name. i was very interested in different cultures and religions and new things that you cannot find in the country like germany. i had a friend who was from. stan who owned a shop. one day in uh the month of ramadan, the fasting, the month of fasting, uh, was invited by him to his mask.