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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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press of headlines this hour hamas officials say bodies of scores of palestinians have been found in gaza's alshafa hospital after israely forces withdrew from the barricaded medical complex is forces killed a palestinian man over stabbing attack that left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories. also the headlines turkeys president erdogan conceeds local elections setback, calls poll results a turning point for his ruling justice and development party.
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10:30 am in awal's capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. it is almost six months since israel launched his genocidal war in gaza. the regime's warplanes on artillery keep pounding the besieg strip, causing more deaths and destruction in the last 24 hours. four civilians, including journalists were killed and 16 other people injured. after israely war planes destruck the vicinity of the alaska martas. hospital in central gaza city of daryl balla. several of areas of gaza city were also shelled and bombed, leaving two people dead and 10 injured. meanwile, four palestinians including two children have died due to starvation in kamal at one hospital in the northern strip. the number of deaths related to famon and malnutrition has gone up to 34, including 31 children. nearly 32,800 palestinians have lost their lives and some 75000 injured in the israely war on gaza that began early october.
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of it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. gaza's health ministry says israely forces have retreated from the alshafa hospital after weeks of siege on the medical complex. the ministry says dozens of bodies were found at the medical complex after the israely pull out. according to the ministry, the facility is completely out of service after. regime burned it down. the gaza governor, it says more than 400 people have been killed in the area since israel began its attacks on the health facility on march 18. israel imposed the siege on the medical facility under the pretext that hamas operated there, but the resistance movements has dismissed the allegation. corresponded joining us from bala to give us the latest on
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the genocide that's occurring and also mc napier will break it down for us, he's the co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign who joined us from edinburgh. okay, welcome to you both, good morning to you muti uh, tell us what you have for us uh today, of course we know of the massacer that is taking place and that that is now unfolded uh with all the diff uh, i guess bodies that have been retrieved, the dead bodies, tell us about that if you can also baby. yes, good morning, actually uh, this is the most important news that we have today, which is about the withdrawal and the retreat of the israel incubation forces from the ashifa medical complex and the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex, massive and unbelievable destruction and folded after the israeli tanks uh withdrew from those areas. we are talking about truffly to consecutive weeks of the brutal aggression that uh touched and reached. everything there according to the
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eyewitnesses and according to the people there and the medical staff and the civil defense crews that the entire buildings inside the ashifa medical complex were completely or partially destroyed uh in addition to uh those buildings that were set on fire by the israeli occupation forces uh the entire complex were reduced to a mass grave. that included hundreds of the palestian dead bodies according to the medical staff and the civil defense crews of that at least a 300 palestinian dead bodies uh were found ubiquous in those areas inside the buildings uh inside the complex and outside the complex they found a plathora of the basina dead bodies uh handcaffed and blindfolded they were executed in cold the blood by the israeli incubation forces what
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the people found this morning is the real meaning of the barbarism and the brutality of the israeli occupation forces, they are talking about unbelievable scenes of the massive destruction. that reached everything, including the infrastructure and the residential buildings and the roads and the bibel lines, everything was destroyed by the israelicubation forces, the people were the main target of the israeli incubation forces, those dead bodies actually include uh the children, the elderlies and the women, the the the whole people part particularly who were stranded and who were beseged inside the ashifa medical complex, they were tort. they were uh found stripped down by the israel incubation forces, as i've mentioned, they were uh blindfolded and had coffed and they were uh executioned by the israeli incubation forces, needless to mention that even the surrounding areas of the shif medical complex, the entire squares, the horizontal
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squares there were completely destroyed by the israeli cubation forces, entire squares were wiped out by the israeli relentless and continuous. that that lasted for roughly two consecutive weeks of seasless attacks and the chronic gunfiring and the air strikes that destroyed all all residental buildings there, the uh the people there can barely identify their residental apartments and houses because as i've mentioned they were completely destroyed and the israel incubation forces render that area to be an unlivable place uh it is the many... station the vengace of the israeli incubation forces towards the palestinian people there, however when it comes to the other areas of gaz strip, the israeli occubation forces continue their strikes and attacks against several areas of gaza strip here in the central area of gaza strip the israeli artillery maintained its shelling particularly towards
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the northern part of the city of the central area including alamal town which is located in the northern part of the central area of gaz strip the entire dental buildings were completely destroyed by the continuous israeli air strikes and according to multiple eye witnesses that the israeli incubation forces are transporing that rubble of those destroyed residental towers and they are using uh that rubble to construct and to build the seaport initiated by the us administration in the central area of gaza strip. in addition to that when it comes to khanuni city the israeli aggression is still continued and persistent particularly against the western part of hunyuma city as the surrounding areas of the nasar medical complex and the alamal hospital are still under heavy bombardments and attacks uh we are talking about massive destruction also
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that are uh that that unfolded in that area uh while the israel aggression is still continued as i've mentioned even the even the eastern barts of khan city are still subjected to continuous attacks of the israeli occupation forces, we are talking about continuous and persistent attacks that are still claiming more lives of the palestinian people and inflicting more damage and destruction in the infrastructure. thank you for that, do appreciate it, we make nap here, i'm kind of a lost for words here because when i heard what our correspondent there said uh it is uh quite shocking um and we continue to get shocked by this genocide that's unfolding, mean this is happening in real time uh he mentioned how there were 300 but that were recovered, there were uh many that were blindfolded, amongst them were women and children, and these are people that were trying to uh take refuge inside the hospital, so this is just really, it obviously defines the word genocide that's taking place, what are your thoughts on what
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you just heard from a correspondent in terms of what has happened at the al-shifa hospital? well, my thoughts are very similar to yours, that the horror building upon horror and deeper horror every day, and one finds it difficult to find words and your reporter who does fantastic job, is to be congratulated for finding the words to describe and bring to us the the horror of what's happening. i mean, given what, given what's going on, and given that america has decided to continue to send more bombs to israel to drop on gaza. it's clear that is... "the price we paid for decades and decades of crime against the people of palestine, slow motion genocide over very long time, this was an open veiin uh in the surface of the world and it was bleeding horribly, but given that this has taken such a long time to to come to
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this horrible climax, it seems to me that the price we're paying for allowing this to happen for decades is that israel is dragging the world into a new..." era of barbarism a new darkness. now the world since 1945 has seen terrible wars, millions dead, killed by america uh and you know all around the world. but this is new, this is something where the israelis dare to do this on live tv, to live stream their terrible killings, and it seems very much that they want the world to know that this is what they are capable of, and i think there is a there is horrible logic to this, because israel is really tiny, it's seven six million probably zionist jews, killing arabs because they're arabs and surrounded by arab countries and other middle eastern countries. 'who know what's happening and i think the ferocity of the of the killings, the the genocidal violence is
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caused by two reasons, one that they know that they don't have a long-term future, that ultimately 250, 300, 400 million people in the area can prevail against seven despite their their modern technology, and there's a sense of this at the back of the israeli mind, but also they got such a fright after during october the 7th when the palest'. in resistance they thought was was defeated, was broken, could easily be contained by their huge military superiority and and an air bridge of bombs from washington and also some from from britain and brussels, they thought that they could uh that they could manage the situation and it it's clear that they can't, this has become a worldwide phenomenon and israel is fantastically isolated and despised, even its allies hold their noses and and "and even the british government has has now started to talk about about stopping
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armed sales to israel, and it's entirely because of huge demonstrations, shutting down arms factories by activists, escalating activity because of the horror, so the price to be paid by british british and other governments in terms of public opinion is very high, but i just share your watch when you ask me the question, how can you find the..." day after day to describe dogs eating the bodies of palestinian children, surgeons operating, amputating their own children's limbs without anesthetic, horror piled upon horror, and israel continues to do this, but the price that israel pays is is forever. i mean, i think israel's, israel has sealed its own doom, i don't know when it'll come, but you cannot survive as a country like this, which could easily, it could officially change its name. from from the state of israel to the genocidal state of israel and put that on the plaque at the un, because
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that's how everybody now sees israel. so what can we say the palestinian resistance is not defeated yet, uh, netanyahu went in for a quick victory, that quick victory has eluded him, and it's producing a political crisis inside israel itself, so i think to some up, i think the the the palestinian resistance, the israeli genocidal violence is eating away at. support from not just arab regimes, but for regimes around the world which are complicit in this genocide. all right, before i let you go, moty, i need to get a little bit more information from you uh briefly if you can uh about what you uh had uh relate to us and that regards the 300 dead bodies that you said many of them were women and children and also the fact that they were blindfolded, if i heard you correctly that is the correct number, i want to make sure that that is, and if you have any other information regarding uh the the what what you what you uh received as information about these dead bodies that have been uncovered and as to why they were
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killed, what was the reason for them to be from what you said executed even? yes, absolutely uh, according to the civil defense system here in gaza strip that they estimate the number of the palestine and did buddies who were found after the israel incubation forces withdrew from the ashifa square. uh by roughly 400 palestinian dead bodies, including 50 or out of them, 50 out of them were inside the buildings and inside the yards of the shifa medical complex, the vast majority of them were found, as i have mentioned, blindfolded and handcaffed, they were executed by the israeli incubation forces and they found lot of dead bodies decomposed and they were evicerated by the uh dogs in that area uh... all these uh all these attacks, all this kind of unbelievable
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uh terrorism and this brutality actually uh were was underway under the supervision and it was uh executed by the israeli incubation forces uh they crossed all red lines when it comes to how they kill the palestinian people how they treat the palestinian people in inside the shifa medical complex knowing that the... bodies included the palestinian children, women, elderlies and men, the young men, they they found lot of families that were executed in in a wholesale killing, let me say, and so the current situation is catastrophic, it is needful uh, particularly when it comes to the way they killed the palestinian people uh there, and actually this is not bizarre for the israel incubation forces, i mean that all this kind of maskilling and the indiscamic killing of the palestinian people is not a new for the israelicubition forces before even uh at the very beginning of this unslot particularly
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when it comes to those areas that were subjected to uh brutal ground offensives against all areas the israel incubation forces were deliberately attacking and killing those palestinian people uh indiscriminately without any without any limits without any boundaries uh in a flagrant violation of the international laws and legislations. thank you, we to appreciate it, thank you for that, that's talking to us there from darabala, we appreciate it and also like to thank mc napier from the solidarity campaign in edinburgh, thank you, and with that we come to an end for this news review. from the gaza strip to the occupied west bank where israely forces have shot and killed the palestinin man over a lesh stabbing attack a settlement near the town of ashdad. israely sources say that at least three settlers have been
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seriously injured in this attack which occurred in a shopping mall. according to the reports, regime forces fatally shot the attacker. who was later identified as the man from al khalil. the incident came hours after the algason brigades, the military wing of the hamas resistance movements republished a message from his commander, calling on palestinians to use all of their resources to fight against the regime. hamas later hailed the attack as a natural response to the occupations of massacers in gaza and the west bank. the group added that the operation also shows palestinians conviction toward resistance as the path to liberate palestine. from occupied ramalan deel joined just now to tell us about this incident we want to tell us uh about uh what has occurred and uh also if you can uh in a separate issue tell us about this uh formation of the palestinian authority government that it was that was announced and how that's being received uh we know the the way that hamas used that but uh
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perhaps you can also elaborate on that a little bit for us well what what happened to speak about the anti-israeli operation 19 year old from the town of dura in alkhalel, he works in that area near astud when he arrived at the shopping mall, he stabed israeli sittlers, according to the israeli police, they opened fire, shot him and killed him, later the israeli forces stormed the town of dura. okay, mona, i have to come in. for some reason we don't have your audio, we do have your picture, but we don't have your uh, we don't have your voice, uh, can you, can you just repeat what you said, see if we have your connection, go ahead, mona, no, we
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don't uh, do you have my voice, mona? unfortunately mona just can't hear me uh we have a bad connection unfortunately we'll try to get okay here here you go we have your voice now mona go ahead okay maybe maybe not all right let's continue with the news uh we'll hopefully get her back in this bulletin uh lebanon's bullah resistance movement and israely forces continue to exchange fire as tensions remain high over the war in gaza. in the latest of such tensions, the lebanese resistances carried out several retaliatory operations against israely positions in southern lebanon. this after assassination drone assault targeted vehicle in lebanon's southern t of conan. our corresponent mariam saleh has the details. the most dangerous uh
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aggression today from the israeli side was that an israeli drone targeted vehicle in the southern town of. and we're talking about an assassination, it seems uh they we know from reports that there was one person in that vehicle and that has become part of the israeli uh policy of targeting individuals which could be members of either the hamas uh as you know hamas is active in lebanon, it does have a branch here in lebanon and they are active in south lebanon, we also see that they israelies are targeting when they do have intelligence they're targeting some vehicles that include members of hazballah but times, there's also uh targeting of civilians in their vehicles as well, hazbullah has made it of course clear that they will continue to retaliate for the continuous israeli aggressions, and there were several operations today, the israeli's target. excuse me hasbullah targeted uh the the post of jordah, they targeted specifically, they said the espionage devices uh in that post, they also targeted theeseim
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post and which has become a routine operation for hizball targeting the occupied lebanese shab farms. we also saw today targeting of a recent post which is called the bta launching site where the israelies keep their tanks and their artillery and they launch their aggressions from that area and hasballah mentioned their statement that this is a recent post and this show shows that has that uh the israelis uh are attempting to move away from their original post, perhaps trying to stave off any hizballah operations, but hazbillah seems to have the intelligence to be able to know about these recent posts and target them as well, has back with us from occupied bramala, mona, welcome back, go ahead, well as we were... saying, the israeli forces stormed dura, they raided the house of masalmi and they ordered the family members, his father and siblings to uh come to the
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intelligence department there in al khalil. of course, this means after interrogation they would be arrested, other family members had been detained, the israel is cause severe damage inside the house, and we have to mention that this with the killing of masalmi, the number of palestinians had been killed by the israeli forces since the 7th of october is over 455 palestinians. speaking now about the new palestinian government, last night, the palestinian prime minister muhammad mustafa and the 23 of the new ministers and this 19th government is warning before palestinian president mahmoud abbas. muhammad mustafa is not a member of fat movement, however he is a let's say he is one the palestinian president mahmoud abbas senior let's say and and and highly and well
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known palestinian official and of course the palestinian prime minister muhammad mustafa appointed technocratic ministers, five of those 23 ministers are originally from the goz. all the faces are no, however, except for the palestinian minister of the palestinian interior minister, ziad haber, he is a senior let's say official movement, he was the minister of interior as well in the government of muhammad shayi that was formed and headed by shi in march 2019, not only hamas movement but also several palestinian factions. were against this government, against this government because the palestinians including hamas, the palestinian national initiative, we're hoping that abbas
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would be forming a government that includes all the palestinian factions that represents palestinians in both the gaza strip and the west bank and the main aim is to work for ending the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strap and not as they are. claiming that the current circumstances could deepen the divisions with this and no government as the israeli war on gaza rages and hamas had made it clear that without a national consensus it's a reinforcement of a policy of exclusion and deepening of division and this is exactly what even palestinians here in the occupied west bank are saying that the most important thing now is to work for ending these genocidal war on the gas ship is to reunite the palestinians and end this division and then working for let's say for for forming no
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government national unity government that represents all palestinians in the west bank and in the gaza ship thank you so much for thatil from romala thank youly forces have carried out fresh strikes on area ta targeting the vicinity of the capital damascus. the syrian military says the rockets were launched from the direction of the occupied gollen heights. it added that the aggression resulted in the injury of two civilians causing some material losses. the attack comes two days after the regime fatal air strikes on syria's aleppo killed a number of civilians and military personnel. the syrian government has on numerous occasions called on the un to force the israeli regime to stop its acts of aggression. damascus says the assaults are in violation of international. allah aimed at propping up terrorists, breaking news: there concerns the
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israely military, it has attacked southern lebanon in the form of um and the town being rashaya alfar, and this i'm sure a rocket strikes that have happened in this particular area located in southern lebanon, part of the daily exchanges that take place. onto news from turkey where the turkish president rip taip has acknowledged his party's poor performance in sunday's local elections, calling the outcome a turning point. for the justice and development party, also known as the ak party, we will open-heartedly analyze the results of the march 31st elections within our party and make our self criticism boldly. although not finalized yet, the election results show us that we are experiencing a loss of ground in local administrations across the country. of course, we will discuss the reasons for this decline we see on the local basis. erdowan
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issue the statement after early results squashed his party's hopes of winning municipality and mayor seats in istanbul and ancora and some other traditional strongholds. the opposition republican people's party has already declared victory for ekrem immamoglu, the incumbent mayor of istanbul, after 96% of the ballot boxes were counted. partial official tallies also showed the chb was leading in other big cities. sunday's local elections appeared to represent a fresh blow to the president. has set his sights on be taken control of urban areas, and that does for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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مشکل تعبیه توی همه کارخونه جات تولیدی بود از جمله خود ما به این فکر افتادیم که یه کار اساسی اینجا انجام بدیم برای تعویه سالن با خیس شدن آجورای سفالی و عبور هوا از دیوارهای مشبك آجوری هوای خنک مطبوعی به داخل سالن. حدایت تو این دریچه ها باد خنک میزنه زیر هر دستگاه یه دریچه هستش که از این ما هم خنک میشیم هم آلودگی بغلمون همین سنتی آجر است و هوای خنک خودش یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay pall of death and destruction descended over the muslim community. most muslims fled their homeland where their life.
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libya is a north african country, frequently in the news over its political stilmate, the country has two. competing governments, the tripoly based high state council and the house of representatives in the eastern city the brook. they are reports of these two sides will unite for the good of the country. libya is also at the center of a migrant crisis. the total number of migrants landed in italy from libya last year was approximately 51,700 of which 16,500 cream from the eastern region of libya. this country is also one of the richest.