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tv   Have it out with Galloway Have it out with Galloway  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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implement merely a form of international law when they said if israel will be um pursuing genocide in gaza, we will take it into our own hands to block these ships and it has to be remembered that many of the ships and especially the initial ships were um vessels owned by companies directly linked to israeli intelligence, for example zodiac maritime owned by the off of... family, this is a shipping company which has a history of ferrying israeli agents across the region to carry out assassinations, and so what happened was the yemini armed forces blockaded the red sea and have now extended that bloccade to the indian ocean, but what did the axis of assistance do? it found a way to rather than relying on the port of elat, which had the it dropped in the imports that were... coming in by over 80%, it brought it
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to a stand still almost, and you have to remember that the economic ramifications for the zionist entity of this entire period of time have been massive, it's never been hit as hard as it has been economically during this period, but anyway the axis of assistance saw to it to create a land bridge which went from the uae to saudi arabia to jordan and then into the zionist entity, and so what we're... looking at is those in the region and those internationally that have fear of this uh this justice divine justice which um is fully deserved by the a palestinians and others in the region doing everything they can uh to block it, so personally i do not hold great hope in specifically the international criminal court, the international court of justice could be slightly different story, but i
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think the extent to which any decisions made there can have an impact on the material reality is yet to be seen, and i much agree of with you that it's the balance of the international pressure, the uh inability to withstand some of the domestic pressure that comes upon some of the global powers, but most importantly the mechanisms of resistance within the region who are working day and night. without sleep to try and force a different equation in gaza. thank you, dr. marwa, where do you stand on that? do you think, as i do, that uh, there will be no justice forthcoming in the so-called international legal system, uh, that being more or less lipstick on the pig of injustice that the world order has been, but that there may. may be accountability and a holding to
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account in political change in western countries, where do you stand? well, i'll tell you george, from experience that how leban dealt with the non-existence international community and the ineffective unsc resolutions is that we took our land back, we kick designs out by our own heroes, by the people who are native to the... and aka the resistance, so we really as natives of west asia, as natives of the levant in specific the that region, me coming from a region that is on the border with both occupied palestine and the golden heights, i remember on october seventh, actually i i was with you on one of your shows and we spoke about what the prospects were and i was there, i was in my house on the border between occupied palestine and the golen heights and i told you that we support the resistance, we believe in the resistance, i
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still say that. why do i say that? because despite the fact that it's been six months that i've been displaced from my house right there where i was with you six months ago because of zianist israel, not because they wanted to wait a war, but because our people, my resistance in lebanon stood stad fast and said, we will not let go of our brothers and sisters in gaza, we will not leave them be alone, we will engage and we in lebanon attack. uh posts, military posts for the zionist entity in support of palestine, so hence why we didn't even wait, it started on october 8th at 6:45 am, i was there, i watched it first hand, i started reporting from there, this is great example george of how we operate here, we don't wait for justice that that is going to come from the international community or from the unsc or from the global powers, because we know that it does not exist, we know that they are...
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operate in a way that only garners interests for their own colonial power, for their own imperial power, for their own entities, the likes of the cancerous zianist entity in our region and and if you look at the unsc draft resolution that was passed today, you could clearly see that it is in the favor of zianist israel, by the way, yes we want gaza to breathe, we need some sort of seasfire for the people to breathe, especially in ramadan, but on the same page, you could see that it is actually in the interest of the zionist entity, which has been losing very strategic loss in history that they have not been lived before, they have never experienced before. well they're beginning to lose friends uh also dr. marwa and uh as uh we go to air uh one of those might be the prime minister of canada one of thesign states uh most powerful
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friends let's go uh to one of my most powerful friends one of my oldest friends dr. mala who joins us from canada in ontario uh dr. to see you again, any update you can give us? the the air is full of rumors that israel's friend justin trudo might be in his last days. yes, habibi, george, i'm talking of all this friend, just talk of yourself, you, it's a spirit by, youthful spirit, whether for you or for many others, and let me take the opportunity to say salam and the greeting to dear sister dr. marwa and sakina, and dear friend and comrad uh you know in this segment so far there are so many themes could be discussed at lence and which we haven't come across and discussed yet but let me start from canada as you know canada might be out but you know the question who will be in is more important because if it is the
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conservative then you'll be talking about a zionist government in canada and that you know takes me to the point george can you tell me where on this globe. "the uk was not and has not been complicit. can we name any continent where the uk or the you know great britain has not been complicit in genocide and crimes? if there is a justice on this world, so most leaders throughout the the the centuries of the uk and western entities should be rotten in jail, you work very hard against the the genocide of iraqi people and you were..." accused and what this led to, the lives of tony blair and george bosh led to more than one million iraqi dead, you know, you want to take any other part of the world and you will see literally, literally the rulers of the bridge, throughout many
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centuries, their hands is socking with the blood of people from all over, from the philippine to australia. to canada, look at the map, australia and canada, they are at the total different ends of the world, and what the uk did with you, the first nation and aboriginous people, they committed massacres against them, george, and you knew it, and you talk about it, so the question is, what can we, you and me and all of us do to attempt to bring some justice, some justice to the victims of the uk and western imperialism and... and the crimes, you know, maybe by election some the the the reason the sun never set on the british empire is buse god would never trust us in the dark, as you well know, but uh, in ireland, of course, for
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800 years before we started occupying other people, we occupied ireland and held it as a colony and visited uh... famine upon it. ireland didn't starve. ireland was starved just like gaza was starved is being starved. let's go back to fri in ireland for a perspective on that. fraw, welcome. thanks, george. uh, as as i said earlier on, uh, just about what happened with the farm and that's why the irish people have such affinity. and... such uh empathy for what's happening in palestine, we suffered from military occupation, we suffered from massacers, we suffered from ethnic cleansing and partial colonization of the north of ireland uh in the 17th century, so i i only see the
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difference between what's happening in palestine and gaza today, which is on such an inhuman monstrous scale, it's just a time scale, what happened in ireland in the 19th century with the farmen is exactly being replicated today in gaza, starviation being used as a weapon of war, starvation being used as a form of... subjugation and it appears that starvation is being used as part of uh the zanis regimes negotiations uh behind the scenes uh with hamas, i just touched earlier briefly that you know hamas was trying to get an extended cease fire in these uh talks that were being held in caro and paris and other capital cities uh and what they wanted to do was release the prisoners that they hold in small traunches uh uh kind of adherent to the good faith of the israelis on the ground, but it appears
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with this un resolution that rabbit has been pulled out of the hat and the carpet has been pulled from under hamas, it's just my personal opinion, but we have gone from what seemed to be hope for a cease fire between six weeks and six months, which could then possibly be extended because once the guns go silent it's harder to uh turn them back on again uh and what we're looking at is possibly two-week, we're looking at food for hostages, which has been the stated goal of the zanas regime and the americans right up until the un folk that was vitaled three days ago, i think uh israel can say what it wants in the public dominion, i think they are delighted, but this draft resolution has been passed, they will have all their hostages potentially released in one go, and i believe once... that happens, that yahu had two stated, two stated ems, one to free the
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hostages, as he calls them, and the second to destroy hamas, what an effect he may count is release of the hostages, which kind of negates the pressure and leverage that he's under from his own constituents in israel, we aren't curred about the deaths and massacres and rapes in gaza, but our only concerned... about the 150 plus well everything will determine uh be determined by the definition the word hostages, if i were uh negotiating it, i would be treating the palestinian prisoners, 7,800 of them, i'd be treating them as hostages and when the resolution says the release of all hostages, i'd be saying that's all the uh uh uh israeli captives and all the palestinian captives, we'll see uh
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how that works out in coming days. uh, thanks for that fr. let's go back to the wall. nargis is in london, she has a question, splendid hat, nargus, you need to, you need to wear a hat to come on this show. first of all, george, congratulations, thank you. uh, you won your fighter for truth, and secondly, i wanted to salute and give a great salute of honor to gaza and to palestine and to all the forces of good who are now, fighting and facing the forces of evil, we uh, we should correct. "now the masks are all have all fallen and we should correct bush junior when
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he said that he was going against the axis of evil, but he was leading the axis of evil actually, and and we should also tell him that it's not god who spoke to him at the time, it was satan, indeed, and um, unfortunately, for the israelis now..." there's how i see it is the end, pack and go, it's now time to give what belongs to the palestinians back, their land, their identity, their history, their roots, they will never go anywhere, all the maths say that with the access of resistance to that i salute. to from yemen to lebanon to syria to
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uh iraq to iran to the silent ones because we don't know who are the silent ones also here and uh israel is becoming a liability, the israel was the one of the largest and most powerful uh tentacles of the zionist octopus, i always... like to to to remind you about the zionist octopus and this tentacle is becoming a liability now and uh thanks to south africa i applaud them so much because it's thanks to them this time, you know, um, the scandal went so wide all over the world, that now not everyone wants to be found in a, i don't know, a nurenburg style tribunal or court, that will happen soon, and you have politicians starting to peel, pull their pins
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from the game one by one, the nurenburg would have to say. in permanent session. nargas, thanks for that. loki, where do you stand on this uh recent uh security council resolution? does it provide in your view any basis for at least a lengthy sessation of of the genocide? so my understanding of it at this stage is that it only would provide for the next. two to three weeks, what i also understand is the us ambassador to the united nations tried to immediately say it was a non-binding uh ceasefire because it wasn't it covered by chapter seven um in the united nations protocols that then was challenged by experts on the issue and said it was binding
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um i do also agree that it stipulates the release of the israeli captives who are in gaza who it has to be noted that these captives have been uh being killed by the israeli military in its raids on gaza. in addition to that, i think it's also worth um pointing out that the uh russian um representative to the united nations attempted to insert the word permanent. into the motion and was not able to do that and that is obviously cause for concern. it's definitely uh not a good sign uh days to come will tell us how bad a sign it is, i'm sure. dr. frank gelly, another old friend of mine uh one of the one of life's miracles, an
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italian protestant. go ahead dr. frank. well george, um, it seems to me that um, we have a lesson to learn, and the learn is a lesson is that at the end of the day, israel listens only to force, only force, declarations, resolutions, statements, moral assertions, cut no eyes with the rulers of state of israel, netanyahu doesn't give a... damn so we have to find ways in which can bring force to bear upon the perpetrators of the gaza genocide. certainly disinvestment, bds, the campaign disinvestment is a strong powerful tool, but it really hurts, it really hurts the state of israel and supporters and i
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belong to a group, the lambest witness group, and we are actually agitated. in that way, but i also i want to be bold enough to say that it would be good if there was an international, an international body like there was i say in spain during the civil war or indeed when cuba sent fighters to south africa to angola to fight the south africans, body of volunteers who would volunteer to in some ways. to fight the israeli butcha of children, the children killers in gaza, and also eventually possibly even states like brazil under lula, even possibly south africa, and maybe inshallah some arab state
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would actually take initiative and do something forceful about this must. gross aggression which has completely disgusted every decent person in the world and which we must not let go unpunished. punishment, but punishment belongs to ethics perpetrators or crimes should be punished, and we can begin to that by disinvestment, by bds, but there other ways. i support the idea of body of volunteers um who would actually... go and fight this oppression in palestine, i'm not sure how that could happen, the um states through which it would be necessary for. volunteers to pass are members of what lo key memorably called the access of assistance, so
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the boundaries of the dichotomy between the axis of resistance and the access of assistance would have to alter for that to happen. tarek othman is a palestinian in luton in the south of england. tarek, welcome, what's your take? on these things uh yeah, mean the take is is self-explanatory as everyone has has has has been explaining so far um what we are seeing is of course important and do think represents a sort of fork in the road for israel, the the the the the discussion it has now, the the choice it has now is to continue isolating itself to force it into a position where it no longer has any friends as it now is becoming all ened by by by its usual western parents or it could or it can decide to move towards a more reconciliatory path and and and become more
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peaceful and and fundamentally changes zionist um core but i think related to what many others have been talking to talking about and what you have just mentioned um what is it that we can do you know maybe we aren't able to go into to um and fight with the axis of resistances as you mentioned, but what is it we can do here in luton, in london in the uk, to replicate your some of your successes that you've had uh in rotsdale for example, and turn them into more powerful and effective um uh successes uh that can do more what we've seen in the united nations today, well i i'll... be speaking in luton soon, i hope you come along to the meeting, i have some ideas in that regard, uh, it's not realistic to uh for people in western
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countries to travel to gaza, in any case, frankly, there are enough fighters in gaza, the resistance is not defeated, uh, what is necessary is to change the balance of power in the region and the balance of power. in the world, in the western world, the old world is dying, that much is obvious, but the new world really is struggling to be born, that's why we are in this extended period of uh of uh under the rule of monsters, uh, the power, growing power, no doubt of countries like russia, china, iran, south africa, brazil, is not yet. powerful enough to say halt, no more, no further, we will not accept any more of this, and if you don't stop it,
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we'll be landing our own ships on your beach that you hope to turn into beach front properties. we're not yet at that stage, that much is clear, but the access of resistance in the region is growing more powerful. "i suppose the question, i'm going to ask dr. marwa this, the question is, how secure are those on the thrones of the axis of assistance? can we look for any change in their behavior or any change in them being replaced by someone else? dr. marwa, well, change in their behavior, that's a big no, because they are part of the colonial system that was installed in the region, they are part, they are. extension to the regimes found in the west, now them be outted, that has to do with how powerful their uh, like the natives of those countries are against
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those regimes and it's it's a big debate that could take a lot of time to research and talk about the minorities that are being oppressed and how can they stand in the face of these regimes, but i have suggestion concerning what your lovely priest was suggesting, and you said it's not applicable because you have access of... assistance countries, but you, i don't want you to forget that there is lebanon, and there is the mukaawama in lebanon, and there's the saraya mugawama and lebanon, which actually accepts anyone who would like to come and take part in the fight against scienist, israel, because you know we have 120 kilometers between us, give or take 100, plus or minus 120 kilometers between lebanon and occupied palestine, and just as zianist israel brought about from all over the world merceries to help out in this genocide against our people in palestine from all over the world despite the fact that they say they are natives to palestine which they
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are not, we can also do that. how? well, you have to go to the people who are capable of doing that, but lebanon always welcomes whoever wants to fight against scientis israel and will always uh be there. i entered this arab world through the portals of lebanon in 1977. i've never been able escape, dr. marwa. thank you to you, to fra huges, to low key, uh, our panelists, to all of the studio audience, and my apologies. for those of you who didn't get in, well this has been the first, but god willing, not the last, have it out with galloway. if you want to join our studio audience, be up there asking questions from that video wall, then go to our website, have it out it's been marvelous for me, i hope it was for you, and if it was, come back, same time,
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same place, next week. thank you. or have it out with gallaway, come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough, ramadan in iran where asia. musicians blend with modern celebrations to create a truly unforgettable spiritual journey, where everything comes alive with the spirit of the holy month, a unique experience like other. these and more on this edition of iran today.
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this week on expos a benjamin netanyahu vows to reject any calls to hulk the rafah invasion as he and joe biden intensified their staged public spat over zionist israel's genocide in gaza. now following the statement made by former president donald trump that there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november, leftist politicians and media personalities completely lose it on social media. and lastly, a recent political survey reveal. that 50% of americans think trump is guilty and ought to be tried before the 2024 presidential election. stay tuned for expos a, the truth is just the revelation away.
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in today's show, we'll be covering the growing. popularity of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zinist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. well, it tells you that the uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's it's been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but the designers didn't even have to lift finger and some some cases, because the organizations took each other to court. they contacted every... uh non-brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you worked for an anti-semite, how do you feel about it, but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves they've gone through what you guys have gone through, you now - that energy helps.
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your headlines on press tv, four more palestinians die of starvation a gaza hospital as a death told from israel's genocidal war nears 32,800 mostly women and children. israeli forces kill a palestinin man over a st having attack that left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories. and turkey's president erdogan concedes local elections setback cause paul results a turning point for his ruling justice and development party.