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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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welcome to have it out with gallaway, every single week i'll be here discussing the of hottest topics, the biggest world events, but perhaps from a perspective that you will not find easily on the mainstream media. the question this evening is, is the uk complicit in the gaza genocide? well, as the old joke goes, is the pope, catholic, do bears.
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ificate in the woods, the united kingdom's not just complicit in the current genocide going on in the gaza strip, it is complicit in the entire genocidal story of more than 75 years of the calvary of the palestinian people. i sit in the british parliament, where in the very chamber i sit in, in the very room that i'm... in every day the palestinian disaster, nakba catastrophe was authored when the prime minister of britain on behalf of one people promised to the of zionist federation on behalf of second people, the land that belonged to a third people. none of the three people concerned were of course consulted, and after that balford declaration, more than 100 years ago,
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we began the descent down the bloody staircase which led us to this disaster today. now breaking news, the united nations security council has called for a ceastfire for the month of ramadan. they hope that it will become a lasting ceesfire, but even a lasting ceesfire implies some kind of event at the... the end which might return the violence, the massacres, the bloodshed, the torture. the truth is we don't know at the time of recording, if israel will tell the united nations security council to stick their resolution, well the sun don't shine. we don't know what the members of the in security council will do about it, well that to be the case. it may be that, although he's
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huffing and puffing, the gangster netanyahu that truly wanted this is far to become uh into effect, it's possible, we can't trust a word, any of these actors say, neither the actors in israel and not the actors in the western world, in the presidencies in the chanceries, in the parliaments of the western world is perfectly. possible that all of this has been carefully choreographed. we must pray, of course, that there will be a c fire even for a day or a week of relief from the shot and shell of the western backed israeli occupation force which has laid waste its of grim reaper has now taken the lives and the of blood of well over 120,000 people who... have
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either been murdered or mayemed, mutilated and wounded. of course, the united kingdom is complicit within it. the endless overflights of british aeroplanes, air force jets from of the bases in cyprus, the selling of weapons from britain to israel, the exchange of intelligence information, where israel is effectively a... sixth eye, the five eyes, the white anglo-saxon five eyes that dominate the uh intelligence world has long been shared with israel, and in this last 170 days and more, when the catastrophe has reached of the depths that it has reached, the five eyes, the six eyes have been operating as...
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has one and what a sight it has been, all this death, all this destruction, almost unbearable, even for those only watching it on our telephones. and certainly unbearable for the victims, the palestinian victims. you know, it's coming up for easter in the western world, in the eastern christian world. it's a time when we think about resurrection, will the british government in some kind of act of epiphany, now now mend the great crime that it has committed. against the people of palestine, i'm joined tonight and in fact every week with a group of distinguished panelists as well as an interested live studio audience. our guest tonight, lowy is rapper, a hip- hop artist,
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investigative journalist, and his critically acclaimed music has millions of streams on spotify, over 25,000. digital downloads and over 45 million youtube views. loki breaks the ground for independent political music. he's also the host of the watchdog podcast on mint press news. dr. marwa osman is a journalist and a presenter. she holds a phd and two masters in the university lecturer at the lebanese international university and marf university. she hosts and produces political shows as well as being a writer with our comments being published by a whole variety of outlets and fra huge is a journalist, author and human rights activist from the north of ireland. he has written several books including an activist tale, my
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walk with palestine, which chronicles his experiences as an international activist and his involvement with the viva palestine. five medical aid convoy, his work focuses on the role of activism in promoting justice and human rights and a plethora of interested and interesting audience guests joining us from all over the world will be chipping in throughout the show, but let me turn first if i may to my good friend, sage, sear, a philosopher. a philosopher king, to say he's a rapper and a hip- hop artist, which he is, and a highly successful one, is not even half the story, as you are about to find out, if you haven't seen him before. loki, thanks for joining us. i suppose it's the most obvious
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question in the world, is the uk complicit in the genocide in gaza? i know that your answer is the same as... mine, yes, but to what extent and in what ways is the uk complicit in the genocide in gaza? well, thank you so much, george, for the very kind introduction, um, i'm certainly not worthy of the praise that you heaped upon me, but to start with, it's important that people are aware that britain has secret military agreement which it signed with israel in 2020. do not know the details of that agreement, but it's very likely that it stipulates some level of involvement if if either side officially enter hostilities. what we do know is the r1 shadow spy plane of the royal air force has
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been flying almost daily over gaza, and one the key specialities of that plane is target acquisition, so it would lead you to believe that there has been some involvement on the side of that. we also know that the raf has sent uh over 50 military flights to tel aviv from the british base in aquatori in cyprus. we also know that around nine israeli military jets have landed in this country throughout the uh bombing of gaza. we do not know the details of what was on those flights. we know that the us has used the british bases. in cypress to transport weapons to israel, we know that britain, for example, according to claudia web, member of parliament, um, she stated that britain has granted 26 arms export licenses to israel during this time, but what we also know is
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that from the f-35 to the f-16, to the apache helicopters, even the sniper rifles that israel uses, they used in 2018 to squash the great marcher. return where palestinians were attempting to exercise their right under un resolution 194, that even within the sniper rifles, there are components that come from britain, there are over h companies which function in britain that are involved in the construction of the f-35 fighter jet which israel has used to reak such devastation over gaza, so really we are looking a picture where it's not clear where british intelligence and israeli intelligence begins and ends on either side. britain, israel and the united states are very much part of a trilateral uh security arrange. which sees key functions of the israelis outsourced to the british and also vice versa key functions
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the british outsourced to the israelis, so unfortunately, i would say the answer to your question is definitely. thanks for that, we'll come back to you. let's take a view from ishah who's in london on our audience wall, new innovation, very glad to see you, you're the first person to speak. from that wall, what would you like to ask? hi, george, i wanted to ask you, what do you make of this un resolution? um, if israel does follow the ceasefire for the rest of ramadan, what will it do, or what do you think would happen in the west bank, knowing what happened last time during the ceasefire, where they simply upped the aggression and the murders and the violence in the west bank, well, i mean, one possibility is that israel refuses to heat the un security council resolution and the
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security council is then forced to take a decision about what it will do in response to that defiance or israel will pretend to be accepting the resolution and as you put it may displace their activity switch the murder incorporated from gaza to jerusalem. to the west bank and what will the security council do then? um, i think that biden abstaining on the motion is a significant thing, i don't on balance believe israel wanted him to abstain, i think they wanted him to to veto it, but time will tell if it's all some macabra dance or... of death, but the fact that the resolution passed at all, with britain voting
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in favor, it's been abstaining for the last 170 days, the fact that britain voted for a cease fire is a tribute each and every protester, demonstrator, boycotter, letters to the editor, everybody who's ever done anything to stand up against this job. genocide can take some credit for forcing the british government into the position that it took today. let me go to our second guest and introduce her uh to you, dr. marwa osman, journalist, academic and activist, presenter on television and very widely read writer. dr. marwa uh joins us. uh from lebanon, dr. marwa, uh, what's your take on the question
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we're posing and on the security council uh resolution? thank you for having me uh on your show uh george, and condolences to my brothers and sisters in palestine for the grave loss of human uh souls uh this past six months and um let me start from your last question and then go to your first uh the un. resolution was a bit of something anticipated by many, but lot suspicious by others as well, like me. i'm very suspicious about how this is going to be implemented in gaza, whether or not israel is going to comply with this temporary cease fire. and i have lot of questions as to why now, how come the us decided to abstain from the vote, and what is the result going? to be mirrored on the ground, whether the israely entity will comply or not, whether they will be sending the delegation to washington or not, lot of
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questions, but especially why now, it's a very big question, and whether or not this is just for show, because if you look at the the the points in that cease fire, there are some them are really very hard to implement if you're going to just talk about israeli captives and not talk about the palestinian hostages, more than 8,00 palestinian. is in israeli entity detention centers that this resolution did not even mention, so i have lot of suspicion concerning this and the application of this so-called cease fire. now going back to your first question: whether or not the uk is is complicit, i would have to start by saying that today, the minister of health, the ministry of health in gaza issued the latest toll of murters and injured and it says that 32,33 palestinian civilians were murdered by the zionist entity, and 74,694
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have been injured since october 7, 2023, and despite that the... the uk government still refuses to suspend its arms transfer to the zinus israeli entity and despite the fact that it knows that uk license equipment are being used, have being used and will most probably be used to carry out genocide, facilitate serious violations of human rights of international humanitarian law, including uh war crimes, and they don't really care despite the fact that it is now complicit, and not that's not me saying, that's a report by the united nations by the, i'm sorry, the human rights watch, they issued a report saying that the current situation places actually the uk government at risk of uh failing to prevent the genocide, no, as further than that, it is also being complicited in serious violations of international law, including the violations under geneva convention, the arms straight treaty and domestic laws in the uk itself,
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and george, for the first time we have seen un special reporters. saying this, tweeting about this, posting about this and saying that they have been warning, not from now, since before 2024 entered that the transfer the weapons and ammunition that is made by the uk to zinus israel is very heavy violation of international hitarian law and must stop, and yet the uk government did not stop. furthermo it is also complicit in genocide because there are uk citizens, george who are have. really involved in this act of genocide, whom can i be referring to? for instance, for example, there's a king who is a british citizen and also the deputy mayor of the occupied al-quds, he's a uk citizen and he's compliced in genocide, you have the very infamous ilan levi who's from north london who's also a spokesperson for
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the israeli entity government despite the fact that there were some uh talk in the past week that he was sacked from that job. you have peter learner, is also originally from kenton, northern london, and he became very prominent figure in the israeli entities occupation army as lieutenant colonel, colonel and a spokesperson, and we have richard hack who's also a scottish colonel and a voice in the israeli entity occupation army, and all of these, if they are not putting the uk government in a complicit position, it pushes us to have serious questions regarding the uk's policies regarding its own citizens participating in genocide and not saying a word about that despite the fact that they have been uh arresting and harassing protesters who are just asking and demanding ceasefire. you've also have lot of uh complicity when it comes to the uk's role in stopping the fund of the
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most important un agency which is the honorwa, the un's relief agency in... gaza, they are complicit in that genocide for pushing, not only stop, but also pushing other states to stop the funding of the unurwa, despite the fact that there is now starvation, famin in in gaza because of this genocidal war that has been going on since october 7, and added to that, there's a lot of charities working within the uk government's border that have been warning the uk government that they are committing and they are part of. facilitating serious violations of humanitarian law of international humanitarian and humanitarian rights law, they are saying that they are pushing right now for new wave of activism, asking the public and asking those ngos who work for aid usually to stop paying taxes for the uk government because it is now complicit
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in genocide. there's a very important campaign going on in the uk right now called, i think it's called no tax for genocide uh campaign and it's by the way, it is completely legal, it's and uk officials and part people are part of the government who are complicit and genocide or at least to support scientists israel don't have any way in saying that this is illegal or this is this should not be happening or it's a violation of uk domestic law because there is several legal duties that are included in the 1945 un charter and the uh statute of the international criminal court and also the terrorism act of the year 2000 that give legal foundation for tax resistance against a government like the uk was completely complicit in genocide. well all all sounds very much like complicity to me, dr. marwa, thank you very much indeed for that uh opening uh statement, fra huges is a man i've
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traveled to gaza with on the viva palestina sanctions busting convoys, he's an author and an activist and a regular broadcaster, he's joining us from ireland, fra uh it won't come as any surprised. to you as an irish man uh that the british are being rather powerfully accused of being complicit in genocide. what say you? absolutely. i agree 100% with everything that's been said so far. we're witnessing the genocide that's happening on the ground uh right now in real time. it's not over very eyes through uh social media. uh i saw a photograph recently which showed family. in gaza breaking their fast at iftar with that water, lemons and grass and george, you'll be well were of the farmon we had in
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1847 in ireland, which was a man-made farmon, a weapon of war used by the british to subdue the irish population and also to end the irish question in british politics for several generations, the people in ireland died by the side of the road eating grass, so when i saw that picture, was i was quite touched. i think maybe just for one second touch on this uh un resolution. uh, prior to this a resolution, the uh talks taking place in carl and capitals around the supposed grounds and boundaries for a permanent stroke, temporary seas flow. hamamas was looking for you, a minimum of six weeks perhaps going into six months where they would really. takes the uh is really sayed mosen prisoners that they have uh held uh under control, what we're afraid that video is breaking up now, not a great video, but a
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great great contribution uh from fra huws, let's go back to the video wall uh and ask in london for his point of view, well i listened to the uh the un uh output with kean ear and nothing's changed, you've got an inept un which is basically controlled by a the usual global mafia suspects and they managed to just about after five months get uh essentially uh two weeks of respite for for the palestinians. now the reality, i mean in the short term, i mean what i wanted to put to you george was really uh to to look at uh what what has changed now that we've just seen if... israel unveil itself uh completely. the emperor has no clothes now. there was a time when zionism was made respectable here, but i think most of the
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public even in the west now understand what's really going on. and there was a time when the two states solution was the only game in town. and yet it's also being pushed again now by the likes of biden etc. they're all still pushing for this two states solution. but the new reality seems to be that the axis of resistance. uh of which amas and the the islamic jihad and all the other palestinian resistance forces are now an integral part uh is very much active and alive and has shown itself to be able to resist uh how is this going to shape the future of palestine in terms of what the interests of the americans are or the israelis who who by the way the current ultra ultra zionist ultra nationalist leadership is also so not after any kind of two-state solution, i mean, is the two-state solution ever an option given that these guys are still now pushing it, well or is the one state solution actually now the most likely
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one to to be be uh put forward uh by military means, well i think that change will come uh in palestine uh in the way that it came in south africa between the hammer of the resistance of the palestinian people. and the anvil of mass international solidarity, boycott, divestment, sanctions, making the ground too hot under the feet of politicians and parties for them to go on with business as usual uh supporting israel to the end degree, the hammer can be relied upon, the palestinian people will never surrender as long as to... if two of them remain alive, there will be a palestinian resistance, and their children after them. the question is,
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how big and strong can we make? the anvil, those of us not in palestine, how big and strong can we make the mass movement, which has grown exponentially over the last six months, but which was in any case growing and growing, as you know, i was involved in this 50 years ago, and 50 years ago you could have fitted all of us who support palestine into one hall with room for some. elephants at the back, now you couldn't fit us in to the whole of central london, spilling over the bridge into south london, edging up towards north london, this is a truly mass movement now, but we got to make it count, count in elections, count in boycott, divestment, sanctions, demonstrations and so on, thanks for that side, moson, fahima is also in
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london. let's hear from her, for welcome. thank you very much. um, as we know, and it has been said already, that the uk has historically maintained a close relationship with israel, including diplomatic, economic and military ties. so to what extent do you think the uk will be held accountable for its support of israel, especially in your views with the recent developments regarding the efforts to pursue justice through the international criminal. courts and as we know, how can we maintain that they actually will be accountable, because as of recently, my last update researching, knowing that the icc has not even issued any formal condemnation specifically related to the iraq war perpetrators. well, let's throw to the oracle, a man who knows both the iraqi and the palestinian cases so well. loki, will
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britain ever be... held to account for what it's done and if so how how could that happen? well, in the case of the international criminal court, the uh lawyer who was just appointed to head the investigation into palestine um and the crimes committed there is in fact a donor to the conservative party and he's somebody that when uh put in the position to make the decision made sure that no british soldiers were prosecuted for war crimes in the iraqi context. of course, the question points clearly to a kind of infallibility of these particular global powers during this section of human history, but the pendulum is moving a different direction and the global economy is returning to a more natural equilibrium,
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which... i think along with it will uh render these types of exertions of force. what you're talking about in gaza is the power to some extent of the global north being visited upon the heads and the shoulders of what is deemed to be the most vulnerable part of the global south. gaza is separated by land from its allies in the rest of the resistance axis and you have really in the region. on one side the resistance axis, but then on the other side the assistance axis, so the axis of assistance which comprises of the uae, saudi arabia, jordan, um, and egypt and others in the region have worked to circumvent some of the greatest achievements the excessive resistance over the last period, for example when the yemen armed forces attempted implement merely... a form
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of international law when they said if israel will be um pursuing genocide in gaza, we will take it into our own hands to block these ships, and it has to be remembered that many the ships and especially the initial ships were um vessels owned by companies directly linked to israeli intelligence, for example zodiac maritime owned by the offer family, this is a ship. company which has a history of ferrying israeli agents across the region to carry out assassinations, and so what happened was the yemini armed forces blockaded the red sea and have now extended that bloccade to the indian ocean, but what did the axis of assistance do? it found the way to rather than relying on the port of elat, which had the it dropped in the imports that were...