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tv   Mideastream High Hopes for Truce  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 5:02am-5:31am IRST

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without preamble, american movements regarding the ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners in the gaza strip have resumed, suggesting the possibility of a breakthrough in soon, especially as the head of the musad, david burnia headed to qatar last week to meet with the american, egyptian and qatari mediators. this comes amits leaks attributed to israeli entity prime minister benjamin netanyahu about immense american pressure being exerted on the mediators to achieve a breakthrough, while the palestinian resistance hamas has not issued any official statement regarding the resumption of negotiations. when bernia returned to zinas israel from doha last tuesday, after hours of arriving there, where he held indirect negotiations with a hamas delegation, mediated by egypt and qatar in the absence of the american delegation, israel reflected the
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failure of those negotiations. however, this time, berurnia met in doha with the director of the cia, william burns and the qatari prime minister and form minister muhammad bin abdul rahman al thani, and the head of the egyptian intelligence abbas kamel. on the eve of his departure, netanyahu met with bernia a time when the israeli entity channel 12 spoke of immense american pressure on the mediators to start moving quickly, adding that members of the war cabinet, yuf galand, benny gans and gadi eisencott. heard about the musat chief's departure to doha from the media, indicating that netanyahu monopolizes the management of the negotiation file, which is more extreme than the other members of the cabinet, which may limit optimism. now the level of us pressure on ziness israel is reflected in blinkins request to participate in two meetings with the israeli entity war cabinet and the ministerial committee for national security, which were scheduled to take place last thursday and were suddenly postponed. additionally, blinton's visit included a meeting with ministers from number
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of arab countries, including saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, egypt, jordan, and the secretary general of the executive committee of the palestine liberation organization, hussein sheikh. it has become known that when these ministers attend a meeting, discussions about the day after the gaza war are on the agenda, in which they are intended to participate in terms of arrangement and funding to ensure first and foremost zionist israel's interests. what is clear from all of this is that there is intense and pressing american movement an attempt to reach arrangements, not only linked to the risks events in the middle east post to us interests, but also reflecting on president joe biden's performance in the upcoming us presidential elections on the 5th of next november. it's difficult to imagine reaching election day emit a war that could completely change the electoral landscape, especially of arab and islamic origin borders and others affected by events in gaza refrain from going to the polls on the promise day, making biden easy pray for his competitor.
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donald trump, welcome to the media stream, i'm ostman. unless sudden changes occur, it seems that the temporary truce in the gaza strip will take shape within a few days, if the occupation entity is still showing resistance and prolonging the negotiations an effort. to limit the demands of the hamas movement, the former will agree in the end to the ceasefire, which imposes its occupation army weeks of relative calm, that's all a probability. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. muhammad hassan sweidan, a strategic studies researcher, a writer for different media platforms and the author of several studies in the field of international relations at pleasure. having you with us, mr. saidan now, is there a real change in the american stance? towards zionist israel, or
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is it just verbal pressure to try and uh deceive the american voters to make them vote for biden in the upcoming elections in november, and if so, does biden really think the american voter is that naive? um, first of all, thank you for having me here, um, as matter of fact, of course there is no change reh regarding the american stance towards zionist israel, it's the real change is uh towards netanyahu and... government and we should be able to differentiate between the two things. uh, the main problem biden faces today is that he needs to pressure netanyahu while not affecting israel and that's why he doesn't have lot of tools, you know, because many people ask why doesn't the us just stop uh giving military support or military of military aid to israel and that's why because uh and that's because uh biden has uh needs to pressure netanyahu without having any uh
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effect on israel and that's why he has only few tools to use in that situation uh so we can't speak about divergence or a change in uh the view of israel uh in the us, but the main problem is with with netanyahu, and that's because netanyahu isn't applying the american strategies, there is a divergence between the two regarding how to finish or how to achieve the goal of the world, they both agree and here we have to state that both biden and netanyahu agree on the goal of the war, which is the destruction of hamas, we always hear that biden speaking about the same goal with netanyahu, but how to achieve this... goal is where they both uh divert, because biden believes that they as today has a historic chance to complete the normalization process through dragging saudi arabia towards normalization deal with uh israel, also that he has a historic chance to end the palestinian case by establishing and
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let me uh make sure to say unarmed palestinian state, which means a palestinian state with no sovereignty, netanyahu's strategies, his military strategies, his insistence. of going into rafah and continuing the military campaign threatens what uh the us is trying to achieve and threatens the us strategies and uh this is what the us have been working years ago from 2020 from the first normalization uh process when it starts till today netanyahu is thirtening this whole process and that's why this divisions occur and it's only between biden and netanyahu not between uh israel as an entity but at the same time we have upcoming moves that include uh milestones for both entities such as the vil uh the visit of yaf gallant, the israeli entity one minister to the pentagon and as well as discussions by israeli entity delegations which are agreed to be sent to washington to uh discuss uh uh
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the last call that happened between biden and netanyahu concerning not going through with the invasion of uh rafah uh why does that sound like the real deal there like the real negotiations happening there, not in qatar, not in the unsc, this is how it sounds, yes, because because as you have stated, i think that the negotiations in the us are of the same importance as those in in qatar in doha, uh, you know, the the the real negotiations also, as you stated is in the us, because what's happening in the us is the united states is biden's administration trying to pull netanyahu and his government, pull israel out of a strategic defeat ' defense, the defense secretary lord austin told the israelis before, we are trying to or uh, please don't change a tactical win to a strategic defeat, negotiations in the us target to just give israel this strategic uh
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win uh, and that's why they are of much importance, if israel abide by the american strategies, then pressure will will will deescalate uh, but if doesn't abide if netanyahu al insists on continuing with his own strategy, with his own military campaign, with entering into rafah, then we will have escalation between biden, a political escalation between biden and netanyahu, that's why the negotiations in the us are really important, there are two things that uh may lead out of these negotiations, first uh these negotiations negotiations will decide whether political pressure will increase between biden and netanyahu and second to what extent the war will continue because uh the negotiation what the us wants from these negotiations is to lead to sease fire inside gaza and this seasfire of course isn't related to what uh the people on gaza needs is serving the israel's interests as
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the us sees them uh whereas if these negotiations failed then netanyahu will proceed with his military campaign and this threatens an escalation in the whole region and that's why that i think think uh, if negotiations in qatar needs to work, then they have to be achieved in the u.s. first, and that's why they are of much importance. and i want to thank you very much, mr. muhammad hasan saidan, a strategic studies researcher, writer for different media platforms and author of several studies in the field of international relations for being with us, discussing this uh pressing issue hoping for sess fire for ce fire for our brothers and sisters in gaza. way that they see fit. thank you very much for your contribution. now ladies and gents, stay tuned because next we are going to discuss an end of an era for netanyahu.
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before the alexa flood battle and the ensuing war of extermination launched by the zianist israeli occupation army and during the battle, the tendency of most analysts, commentators and observers focused on the role of the extremist israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his dangerous and harmful policies, so much so that it seemed to many that removing him as leader of racist right-wing regime in this entity would open the doors to finding a political solution to the war of extermination in gaza and the west bank, but is this true though? details in the following report. can benjamin netanyahu
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emerge victorious from the genocidal war, he is currently waging on the gaza's trip. i believe he genuinely thinks so, and he seems convinced that the objectives he has set for this war are not only realistic, but also achievable. this explains his stubborn insistence on rejecting sease fire before his occupation army manages to retrieve all the captives held in the strip, destroy the military infrastructure of hamas, toppel its rule in the area and install an alternative authority willing to cooperate with the zionist entity on security matters with its primary mission being the protection of this entity from any resistance retaliations in the future. many observers and officials have hinted repeatedly that getting rid of netanyahu is step one to finding a political solution to the genocidal war in gaza and the west bank, perhaps even to open up prospects for acceptable and reasonable settlement in a prisoner exchange deal between resistance movements in gaza and the israeli entity. western media outlets along with statements from some western officials such as the european union's foreign minister joseph
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borrel and his statements opposing netanyahu's obstinacy have fueled this inclination among some. the truth is that this kind of analysis and commentary diverts attention from the reality of this racist entity in its body, mind and spirit, especially after tens of millions of free people from all corners of the earth demonstrated their support for the palestinian cause overall, protesting for over five months or more in all western. african, asian, european, and latin american cities and capitals against the scale of crime and brutality perpetrated by zianist israel through all its political, military and media institutions, especially in the gaza strip. this trend represents a misguided direction and deviated compass from the essence and reality of the israeli occupation's political structure, which began its history before 1948 with massacres and crimes and continued as such throughout 75 years of the arab zinist conflict. truth is that this statement overlooks a set of fundamental historic and current realities,
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such as firstly, neglecting without awareness the reality and essence of the natural origins of this entity and its crimes, secondly, ignoring the demographic and ideological qualitative shift that has occurred during the past 40 years. thirdly, overlooking the transformation in the political and party structure within the israeli entity itself, and this superior approach presisted in every attack and aggression. out by israeli occupation forces against jordan, lebanon, syria and gaza. massacres and civilian killings were repeated in all these cases, totaling more than 1,200 invasion, aggression and massacre incidents against neighbors since 1947 until the eve of the current aggression on gaza since october 8, 2023, during which in just 160 days over 2,300 massacers were committed, resulting in more than 3500. palestinian marters in addition to 71,000 wounded. the israeli zionists considered these massacers against
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arabs including palestinians as one of the pillars of the israeli entity deterrence theory. through a policy of terror and intimidation, the dream of building this hebrew state is realized. now to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. hassan hijazi, expert in zionist affairs, a pleasure for having you with us, mr. hassan, now uh, netanyahu faces. and inescapable dilemma, his government is threatened with collapse whether it accepts or rejects any formula proposed by the uh resistance in palestine. consequently, early elections in zinus israel are highly likely at the moment in the upcoming months, which will inevitably lead to netanyahu's disappearance from all the zionist political scene, but is that enough to demote the risk on gaza and the west bank or is the problem plays a fundamental role at
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this level in prolonging the war. this issue is a fundamental issue and a crucial not in not stopping this battle. netanyahu's staying in power is intertwined with the continuation the fighting. if things head towards early elections and netanyahu is forced out of power through the ballot boxes, this issue may affect the shape and course of the battle. netanyahu is creating a battle for his political life at this level, and he fully realizes that the end of the war will lead him to be held accountable and tried. this issue will have decisive repercussions on his fate and his political trajectory. perspective, undoubtedly, early elections, if held during the war, will have significant implications at this level, even though the other leaders still adhere to the issue of the battle's objectives and the elimination of hamas, and they may align with the direction supported by the american administration regarding the exit from the war, and the search for political solutions through agreement with the palestinians a formula for the next phase of the war. this
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is what netanyahu currently rejects. from this perspective, netanyahu may play a fundamental decisive role at this level, whereby the issue of the battle's continuation is linked to his staying in power, while if he leaves his authority, alternatives and formulas may already be found through which the new authority can find ways to end the war and claim that it has achieved at least part of the objectives and goals it was seeking. but this puts it a very important question, which is one of the leading zionist national security theories which has always been to implement massacers in the arenas of their enemies. and their adversaries, especially among civilians in order to instill the element of terror of uh being intimidated in the mind and consciousness of the people that they are fighting. they have succeeded in doing so uh sadly uh with an unprecedented scale of genocide in gaza over the past six months, but do you think that this is what is considered success inside of the zionist
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entity community, if i may, despite the fact that they know that the objectives set by the regime were never... this issue relates to what the occupation terms deterrents in zionist military theory, which dictates causing comprehensive destruction and notifying the other party that it will pay unbearable prices and cannot coexist with it if it chooses to confront the zionist entity. from this perspective, the occupation sought to commit this enormous level of massacres and this high level of killing, destruction and displacement of the palestinian people. however, at this level, the occupation may have collided. despite the horror of the scenes in terms of human losses and destruction in palestinian buildings and infrastructure, it collided with a state of resilience, endurance and patience that the palestinian people demonstrated in the face of this massive and terrifying massacre. from this perspective, palestinians managed to cope with this level of fighting, and the matter was extremely painful, but their resilience on the ground, enduring the
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environment, and the resistance fighters resilience prevented the occupation from achieving what the zionist entity and benjamin netanyahu. specifically called a decisive and final victory. netanyahu has set a fundamental condition that cannot be achieved in any way, even in the view of various circles within the occupation entity, because he will not be able to eliminate palestinian resistance, which continues to fight on all fronts despite six months passing since the battle. this issue confirms that the zionist strategy has failed and that the theory of victory that benjamin netanyahu talks about, will remain distant, and that the palestinians have a long breath to continue fighting and are willing. to make more sacrifices and they will not raise the white flag, as many zionist experts claim. this confirms that the occupation will not dream or taste the sweetness of victory in facing the palestinians, but will encounter resistance in its various forms everywhere. we must take for example what happened in el shifa hospital after the occupation entered it in the previous period and claimed to have ended its work there. now it returns to this
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place to face persistent resistance and relentless fighting, indicating that the military. operations, in the manner pursued by the occupation and utilizing all military capabilities and energies its disposal, did not achieve its objectives and that the victory netanyahu talks about will be very distant. well, it is worth noting here that benjamin netanyahu has remained throughout his years in power since 1993, working and maneuvering to achieve two main goals for the zionist entity, one completely liquidating the palestinian cause, and to uh integrating zionist israel with the region by normalization at the same time, doing both goals at the same time. he always believed, and he still by the way, believes that he could do that, that he is the only one capable of actually achieving those two goals. however, after gaza 2023, 2024, what do you think the legacy of netanyahu will be
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after he gets either ousted or removed from power? uh, the reality of the normalization project, sponsored by the administrations of former president donald trump and current president joe biden aligns perfectly with benjamin netanyahu's vision, who seeks to gain relations with arab states in the surrounding region and the gulf, but at the same time he does not want to offer anything to the palestinians. netanyahu clearly adopted this theory and stated that we will go for settlement and normalization with the arabs, leaving the palestinians behind so that they eventually have no choice but to follow us and accept the conditions. netanyahu's theory now clearly states that he does not want to recognize any form of authority for the palestinians or any form of sovereignty over any geographic area, neither in the west bank nor in gaza. yet he aspires to continue the path of normalization with the arabs. this issue will remain on the table in the future stage. some arab parties, led by saudi arabia, have expressed the
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rejection of this principle and stated that they will not accept normalization unless the palestinians obtain something. this issue cannot be accepted by the arab public opinion any way that fully harmonizes with netanyahu's direction at this level. netanyahu may have put the occupation in this entity on this path into crisis in the next stage, because the level of confrontation. the generated this kind of crime and zionist destruction, and this image of this entity at the level of arab and islamic public opinion, will create a significant obstacle for any arab state that may resort to normalization. after this massive massacre, it might be difficult at this level unless a power within the occupation entity accepts making concessions. however, it seems that we are now seeing the political level moving towards more right-wing extremism and racism, as the knesset rejected recognizing any form of palest. this confirms that benjamin netanyahu has left extremist marks on zionist policy that will not serve the occupation in the long run, but rather increase its isolation
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and prevent it from achieving what is called integration at the regional level. well, mr. hassan hijazi, expert in zinist affairs, i want to thank you very much for your time and contribution discussing with us an end of an era for a war criminal a genocidal war criminal like. netanyahu, thank you for your time and effort, ladies and gents, thank you for watching, do follow us on telegram and on x, and please stay tuned as we bring you the latest from west asia right here on press tv's, the mediast stream. i'm back, not just here in the scene of many
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crimes, but on your screen with a brand new weekly show called have it out with galloway, there'll be panel, there'll be experts, there'll be me, but there will also be you, joining me as a studio audience online, have a goal, why don't you if you think your heart? i believe that uh working together we can make history.
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landmines and explosive remnants of war are the terrifying legacy. مین ام ۱۴ تمام
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پلاستیکی انفجاری زخمی کننده این مینا نبودم من اصلا اینجوری نمی شدم من چیکار داشتم به مین من داشتم زندگی خودمو میکردم حدود چهل ثانت در ۴۰ ثانت اندازه این مینه اومده بغل چادر عشایه all the sanctions and limitations reveal. that the islamic republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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your headlines on press tv, israely forces kill scores of palestinian civilians in indiscriminate strikes across gasa as a total death toll from the regimes genocide exceeds 32,000. 600 new report says the biden administration has quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel in recent days and the islamic resistance in iraq targets an israeli military sites in the occupied golen heights in support of the palestinian people in gaza.