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as the us israeli genocidal war approaches at six month, the genocide revealed to the whole world the true face of the israeli regime. it also exposed the complicity of the us in this genocide. all this regime, which includes using starvation as a weapon of war. is unleashed on palestinians, the palestinians are putting up a stiff resistance, along with the resistance fighters against the israely regime. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at the motives behind the israeli regime wanting to continue this genocide, especially against women and children, one of which iran's leader has said shows its defeat and the steadfast support of palestinians for hamas. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the program. khalid barakad is folks. person of the mar movement who
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joins us from vancouver, also joining us is zakir ahmad mayat who's an attorney activist and political analyst joining us from johannesburg. welcome to you both. i'll start with you khather barkot, we're looking at uh uh what appears to be average median average of anywhere between 50 to 100 palestinian deaths per day, over 24 hour span. the un special reporter on the right. situation in the palestinian territories, francesca albanese, i'm sure you've heard what she has said amongst statements, she said quote, there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel has committed the crime of genocide against palestinians. is there any doubt that genocide is taking place in the gaza strap? well, there is no doubt except for us and israel and their allies trying to fabricate this as if it's a war between israel and hamas. entire world now sees that this is a
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genocide, the millions and millions of people in the streets, definitely in our region and west of asia, they understand very clear that this is a genocide, not to mention also that we are not living you know in the 1600s and the 1700s, we are in 2023 where people can have access to information 2024 and the people can't look at what's happening on the ground by the minute. now francesca albanis in her report, and by the way, just just for your audience to know that she has been under threats by the israel is not to release these reports, not just her, but many in the united nation you know community or human rights communities have been threatened and if anyone just just try to show that israel is
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committing genocide and war crimes against the palestinian people in ghazza and in general, they are immediately being called all kind of names, particularly antisamite, they will call them all kind of names, in fact the representative of the zionist regime have called the united nation a tool for hamas, i mean who would believe such outrageous statements by designist regime that? thing is israel have lost its mind and lost its way, they don't have any kind of strategy except killing more palestinians, over 100 people, 100 palestinians by the day, and the footage that it's coming out of ghazza is just exposing more and more this zionist, illegal colonialist settler project in palestine. israel have lost this war, the only thing they're doing now is to kill more palestinians. with us weapons and you know uh
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you are mean you know people in the united states are actually baying for these bombs from their taxes and they're coming out in the streets outraged that this should stop and they call it genocide and like biden right uh z talks about how um israel is defeated in this uh genocidal war. iran's leader has also come out today and uh level that same accusation. uh against israel in terms of conducting a genocidal war, but yet it's defeated because of the fact that it continues uh targeting uh civilians like women and children, that's one of the things he has said along with the fact that with all the military and financial support coming mainly from the us, it has not been able to defeat the resistance fighters. um, when it comes to the aims that this regime did have, it does appear that they have been defeated, which then puts into question why they're continuing this gen. side of war so i'm going
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to start with the blessed words of there is very interesting interview that was released a few ' few months if not some period of time ago where major general shaheed qasim sulaymani sardar gives the interview and speaks about his interaction with the supreme leader during the time of 2006 when israel was attacking hazballah and the visionary that the leadership as in the form of ayatullah khamanii gives the indication that there will be victory. such as the companions during the battle of the trench, and this is exactly what we are seeing now, that he's already indicated that israel will be defeated, and he communicated this to the head of islamic jihad, this was in the presence of dr. g and amir abdullahyan, so
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when you look at that particular spiritual vision of it, and now we match it with what is happening on the ground, israel set out very clear. goals at the very beginning and that is to eradicate hamas and that is to also take over the the gaza strip and they succeeded in the beginning of rushing through ghazza, they had rushed through the north, they got to the center and it appeared that israel had cause such huge destruction in gaza that it would not allow the resistance to to hit back and today we see fighting all the way from the north we say in... but hanun in the central governorate, you see it in gazza city, you see it in khan unis and you even seeing it in areas such as strip, so right through all the areas israel claimed to have secured and cleared have become areas of
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fighting, this is a clear indication that israel on that level has failed, the fact that hamas is still intact, islamic jihad, is still intact. and many of the other factors are still intact, the rocket capabilities are still intact of the resistance, we are seeing attacks against and we seeing neuros being targeted quite regularly and even the settlement of b, these are all indications that israel has failed to achieve any of its objectives, one of the other objectives that i failed to mention was the return of the hostages, israel's not been able to return any of these hostages, there was some fical information that came out some time back about two... individuals that were released in arafa operation and then you have information that comes out shortly there after released by israeli publication that they were not hostages hostage in the first place. israel has lost on every single level and there's other way to look at it and the supreme leader has clearly given that
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indication that israel has lost and this will bring about the end of thesignist iran's leader has said that as i mentioned one of the things that he has said and this all also was somewhat confirmed and repeated by khalil, the deputy chief of the hamas movement in gaza, that israel has been defeated in the gaza because it has not achieved any of its uh stated or declared goals. our guests are from johannesburg mentioned that. i'm wondering how much of defeat is that for israel as much as it is for the us who cannot with all the assistance financially and militarily to have given israel not been able to through. will defeat the resistance fighters? this is very important question and actually this is what was in the united states back you know when the when they early days of after october 7 when the united states warned israel of a
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strategic defeat. now it wasn't just the us official you know anonymous person, it was the secretary of defense saying that and the united united states does not want to go with israel into this strategic defeat, but they cannot uh run away from that, because the united states understand very well that israel defeats mean not just the united states defeat, but it also means the western block defeat, and along with them the arab reactionary regimes like saudi arabia, united arab emirates, the egyptian regime and so on and so forth, and they don't want this to happen, this is precisely. why there is this dispute between the biden administration and netanyahu? the biden administration tells netanyahu a daily basis, you are taking us into a strategic defeat and who's going to benefit from this according to united states iran, and the reason they say that is because
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they understand that they are confronting an entire resistant block and it's not just ghazza, and we see that the resisting camp, the access of resistance in... in the region today is not just getting a massive popular support, but also had better strategic reading of the battle of toufanal aqsa and where is it? heading: one is that they understood that israel's strategy has always been on attacking the other side in a very fast you know aggression that will last for couple of days and that the war will end. israel is not fit for wars that could drag to months and years, and this entire gibrish israeli policy, policies is failing to that. look just at the in. internal situation of israel today, divisions between fascist
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religion groups and fascist secular groups, they want to drag the haridin to serve in the army, and they're doing this, i mean just imagine dragging somebody to fight, how is the moral of this is going to be, there are hundreds of thousands of israeli settlers are leaving palestine when this... by genocide and war crimes palestinians in gazza are still expressing their steadfastness and this is what the iranian you know the revolution leader you know said you know the strategic patient theory in fact i mentioned this theory couple of days ago in colombia university and design went bistic on me because they say what do you mean that iran have a... strategic uh inocation theory, it's actually working, and yes, there are many
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people are being killed at the hands of israel, in palestine, in lebanon and at the hands of the united states and uk, in yemen and elsewhere, but we are definitely the united states and israel are heading towards a strategic defeat. yeah, and one of the things that's very perplexing zakir ahmed is these cease fire talks. now and i'm going to refer to uh uh this happened a few hours ago, this interview with khalil alhaya, the deputy chief of the hamas movements in the gaza strip, where he said, we're ready to to actually resume the talks, we never said the talks have collapsed, and he said that we are ready um to show the greatest level of flexibility, these were the words that came out of his mouth um to uh by not abandoning the core issues, but for these cease fire talks to continue for the sake of palestinians, you know he's ready to do that, but it doesn't seem like israel is receptive, why do you think that is? are we are we looking at the fact that one theory being
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that many say because netanyaho does not want solution, it a will signif defeat for israel and then his political life would be over? there's a principle in warfare that you must negotiate while advancing on your enemy, preparation and prepare vicious attack whilst you negotiate, and that was the strategy of israel, they would... engage in the seasfire talks, drag the situation out until after ramadan, with the hope that the powder kerg of haram sharifsa would not erupt, especially when you have the atrocities being committed against the worshipers as we've seen over the years and it was bound to happen under the watch of atima bin, however the the other game that came into operation was the united nations security council vote and "the the public face was that there was a split between israel and america over this
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particular vote and america's absention, it's not actually the case, what was actually the strategy here was to place the resistance in a very difficult position, to place them under the united nations security council constraints to stop the resistance and to give israel the breather, when this entirely backfired when the resistance showed their willingness to continuous sefire talks and to about" it by the cease fire and they they loaded it, this entire strategy backfired for israel, israel was then caught into a position where they would have to let off the pressure on the palestinians resistance and would have to abide by the seas fire pushed through by their ally, this was not what they wanted, they wanted a decrease in the intensity of the operations in gaza in preparation for the large scale onslot on rafa after ramadan, this completely backfired, so when we look at the seasfire talks and netanyahu now pulling out his
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delegation, not showing willingness to engage any further, whilst the palestinians come of as very rational and willing and engaging, this demonstrate that israel's public game, the game in the in the public eye has failed, what is being shown to the world is israel is not a partner that's interested in peace, it is israel. 'who is the aggressor both on the ground and historically, and that israel only has one thing its mind, its genocide, so this is becoming very clear to everybody, everyone that's observing this'. and further to that, when you look at the israeli position, the israeli position in the ceasefire, the negotiations have been that they must only be a limited return of palestinians to the to their homes, 8000, and that is to camps in the north, not to their homes, the resistance has been very clear that they must return even to their destroyed homes, that there must be a release of all prisoners, they were
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flexible on that, the israelies were were of the opinion that you cannot... release any of these prisoners and they were pushing for the ability to deport palestinians outside of falostine, this is exactly what they wanted to do previously, they've tried it with the resistance leaders and they're trying it now, so israel's mask has fallen and that is why we seeing the negotiations collapsing the way they are, the palestinians are willing, but israel has been caught in very difficult position and the duplicitous nature has been exposed, yeah quickly running out of time uh khan barkot throughout all this, after six months and 32 or 34 thousand deaths, the support for hamas resistance group is as high as ever and strong as ever, and that perhaps for some may be uh somewhat surprising um, especially in the gaza strip, it actually has increased from what it was before, and uh, when we had this rep uh speak today, he talked about how he uh, hamas does not want
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to rule the gaza strip, uh, the vision he said was to form a unity. government based a or former government based a national consensus until elections are held and then uh that would be the plan they had which was uh somewhat not torpedo but uh did not comply with what the uh government in romala had in mind the palestinian authority and they blocked it they formed their own governments and hence we're looking at the situation now uh what do you think about the rule for palestinians how that would unfold based on the present landscape? well, i mean, we have to see the poles and uh, you know, that is being conducted by independent, you know, research centers and p centers in palestine, not even a pro resistance centers and the vast majority of the palestinian people in ghazza, the west bank, jerusalem, even in occupied land, 48, and palestinians in the
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diaspora are in support of the palestinian resistance today, the armed resistance. and hamas in particular, i can tell you, i can tell you the result of the poll we have, i'm sorry to jump in uh where uh if parliamentary elections were held today, this was poll that was uh done just few weeks back, um, 64% participation, 30% would vote for hamas, 14% for fata, 6% for third parties and 15% remain undecided, so hamas still would win there, and these are uh numbers in relation to the west bank and gaza, when you apply this on the entire palestinian people. you are going to get more in favor of the palestinian resistance, the palestinian people understand that by this choice that they're making uh that they're going to be heavy price, because our enemy is vicious enemy who is willing to commit genocide and work crimes as everyone is seeing you know daily for the past 75
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years and not just since october 7, but at the same time the palestinian people are sick and tired. tired of this futile path of the so-called peace process since the oslo and before that the madrid conference in 1991 until today all what the united states is selling to palestinians and to the region is illusions. i mean, i just want to remind you that biden actually told mahmoud abbas that you will have a state when jesus christ comes back. and so this is becoming a joke, the so-called. state solution, palestinian people understands that israel uses this path of the so-called peace process, at the same time they are stealing palestinian land, building colony in the west b and you know declaring that you know palestine you know doesn't exist and that is israel is the only power in
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in in palestine from the river to the sea and that's why palestinians now are pushing for. for a free and liberated palestine from the river right, final question comes about the buffer zone that uh um has been proposed, this is something in the past uh confirmed by khalil and uh this basically zakir ahmed is about this a zone to prevent what israel says future attacks from the north to the south uh but the participation of arab countries they're not interested uh because genocide is continuing, what do you think about this buffer zone which goes obviously against what uh not only palestinans in the gaza strip one but against uh hamas itself? the buffer zone is intended e heat up 15% of the gaza strip, that is why they had used large scale explosives, eventually they ran out of tnt because of the ukrainian war, to use
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landmines and strap it up, that became major risk for the israelies, the resistance would wait until the entire set of buildings would be rigged, they would send the yasin 105 shall in or a rpg tandem shall detonated and this would kill large numbers of israeli soldiers, israel has attempted to wipe out all the buildings along this 15% in the hope of creating something called the dead zone, the the arab regimes don't want to participate because they can see the trajectory, israel is going to lose, israel has lost, israel is not capable, it's the fasad of israel as a strong nation is god, it's the end of the road for israel, sorry to have interrupted you, we just don't have any time left, khalat barkat, thank you, spokesperson of masar bedol movement and zakir ahmed mayat there attorney activists and political analyst from johannesburg thank you to you both, with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight, from we covertway and the team, it's goodbye.
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why the atomic bomb? why all the power? you scientists are blind for the weapons. to be used, killing innocent people to get what? this is sarayevo, a country that shares borders with serbia and croatia and has
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survived years of genocide. mjesec ramazan aktivira ovdašnjeg čovjeka na poseban način. ovdašnji čovjek od od davnih. vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. ramadan and holding ceremonies to mark adelpetre has had an important impact on preserving the religious and cultural identity of bosna muslims over the years.
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despite all the sanctions and limitations, published statistics revealed that the islamic republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019. for muslims across the world, eid al-fitir, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud
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for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities. and forge a stronger unity, different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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your headlines on press tv, the death toll from the israeli genocide in gaza exceedes 32,500 as the regimes in. criminal strikes claim more palestinin lives. more than 140 christian leaders call for a permanent cease fire in gaza urging the us and its allies to stop supplying arms to israel. and the leader of yemen's ansar allah movement describes israel's crimes in gaza as a stain on humanity saying the regime's brutal measures will speed up his annihilation.