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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 29, 2024 5:30am-6:03am IRST

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genocide in gaza exceeds 32,500 as the regimes indiscriminate strikes claim more palestinin lives. more than 140 christian leaders called for a permanent ceasefire in gaza egging the us and its allies to stop supplying arms to israel. and the leader of yemen's ansurollah movement describes israel's crimes in gaza as a stain on humanity saying the regime's brutal. measures
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will speed up is annation. hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran. thank you for joining us. it's been nearly six months into of the israel's genocidal enslot on the gaza strip. "the regime strikes are still killing or injuring civilians across the territory, the latest israely is rice killed at least 12 palestinians in house in rafat south of the gaza strip, eyewitnesses reported about 30 people killed by strike. in industrial zone
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east of gaza city. eight people were also killed after the occupation forces bombed the house in the almagazi camp in the central gaza strip. the israely genocide has so far killed over 32,500 civilians and left nearly 7500 injured. seven thous, 7,00 more are unaccounted for and fear to be dead under the rubble. the hamas resistance movement has reiterated its determination to end the israeli onslaught saying the regime has failed to achieve any of its declared goals in gaza. the israeli occupation wants to prolong the battle, it doesn't want to end the war for a simple reason, which is that the israeli occupation has not achieved any of its goals which it had declared. it hasn't eliminated. the resistance, the resistance is
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still on the ground, it hasn't retrieved the prisoners. in an interview in term, haya said, israel wants to prolong the onslot. he censured washington's complicity in the crimes committed against palestinians, saying the us will pay heavy price for his support in the genocide in gaza. the deputy chief of hamas movement said some arab countries support for palestinians have not been enough. he said the movement was prepared to show flexibility. in the ceasefire talks for the sake of palestinians. he added that hamas does not insist on ruling gaza alone. haya also held anti-israel operations in the region saying the regime has failed to stop such attacks. more than 140 christian leaders from across the world have called for a comprehensive and permanent cease fire of in gaza and an end to foreign military support for israel in a letter to groups slam the
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empty rhetoric of world leaders who ignore the underlying causes of the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. the christian leaders said israel's daily bombings and is shutting off of basic life sustaining services in gazas to gasons are the direct causes of the crisis. the letter is world leaders not to be silent as people continue to die in gaza. it demanded an end to the israeli quote: atrocities, violence, death, and destruction in gaza. the christian leaders also called for immediate and adequate humanitarian assistance to more than 2 million palestinian people in the territory. that to talk more on this, we are joined by miss charlotte kates, international coordinator at samidun palestinian prisoner society network from canada, vancouver. and now, miss gates, welcome to press tv. miss gates, we obviously. saw the muslim world uh condemning
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the us israely genocidal war on gaza and now uh more than 140 christian leaders from across the world are asking washington to stop what they call the israely atrocities, of violence, death and destruction, now and also specially stopping armed sales to israel, how significant do you see the move, and also do you think it will yield any result or anything positive will come out of it? well, it's certainly significant and reflective of the fact that organizations and institutions around the world can recognize the reality that's in front of all of our eyes, that is that the zientist regime is committing. genocide in gaza a daily basis and that the palestinian people facing a genocidal regime. now of course there are muslims, christians, jews, people of all and no faiths around the world who are taking to the streets, mobilizing and organizing. um, in north
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america, many christian organizations are having processions to stop the genocide in gaza this weekend for easter weekend, i mean it's been churches have been bombed and target. by the occupation in gaza, so it's it's about time that that christian leadership are following in the footsteps of christian populations and communities who have been coming out and participating in mass in the major demonstrations that have been taking place in essentially every capital and major city in the world for the past six months. um, the the the reason is clear, the answer is clear, this is genocide, um, in terms of whether it's going to have an effect, "i mean, every institution taking a position, it's time to really step up the position and also implement a boycott of israel, a boycot of so-called interfaith activities that serve only not to actually bring people of all faiths together, but serve the purpose of whitewashing uh the zionist regime in the israeli occupation, um,
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to boycot the various kinds of uh projects that intend to promote christian zionism, for example, um..." among the christian population, this is not just a religious idea, this is an idea that's fully in line with colonialism, with imperialism, and those are the forces that people of the world are confronting, so it's about time that um christian leaders are speaking up, but really this is about building the level of broad support across all communities that are opening their eyes to the fact that there is a genocide taking place in palestine, a genocide that is is attacking palestinian christians just as much as attacking palestinian muslims, and that mass popular support can stand in solidarity with the palestinian resistance and the regional resistance forces that are on the ground fighting for the liberation of palestine.
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that's right, miss gates, the regime as so far killed at least 32,00 gazons, it b hospitals, schools, ambulances, the water and suish systems, basically whatever was needed for. rival in gaza as well as hundreds of mosks and churches which were used as shelters for civilians. now israel uses stalvation as a weapon. it has disregarded all international resolutions, including the recent one by the un security council calling for humanitarian sease fire in gaza. and the list goes on. so my question is, do you think the christian leaders or christians in general have also realized that the zianist regime is not just a threat to uh the gazans to... palestinians to the muslims, but the whole humanity. i think that any person who is concerned about the future of the world, who was concerned about the future of humanity, who wants to see society that's based on justice, that's based on dignity,
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that's based on, you know, principles and ethics, can take a look at this ongoing genocide and recognize that it is ethical and moral responsibility to... bring an end to this genocide as quickly as possible and to support all of those who are actively working to bring this genocide to an end, first and foremost the palestinian resistance, alongside the yemani resistance, the lebanese resistance, and all of the regional forces that are working to actively bring an end to this genocide, and that this genocide isn't something that's been happening for the past six months, it's something that's been happening for the past 75 years and beyond. miss. before we let you go, in a letter the group said the islam, the empty rhetoric of world leaders who ignored the underlying causes of the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. who is it referring to? well, i believe this is uh particularly referring to uh western leaders for example, such as u.s.
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officials and politicians who continue to express their alleged concern for the humanitarian situation of palestinians in gaza while sending more weapons. to the zionist regime to bomb and create said humanitarian situation, um, the problem goes beyond empty rhetoric uh, the problem with the united states, the uk, canada, france. germany, etc., is not just empty words and silence, but all out complicity and the ongoing genocide, and it is, it is meaningful that the popular movements are actually beginning to force some kind of pressure on these institutions, because they have no interest in stopping the genocide against the palestinian people. it's only when movements pressure them to. for example, as we've seen with this declaration from the canadian government regarding stopping arms sales to the zionist regime, that's only happening. because of masses of people taking to the streets in every city and town across the country. thank you, miss is always talking,
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nice talking to you, there you haven't miss charlotte cats, international coordinator at samidoon palestinian prisoners solidarity network from vancouver, canada. thank you, miss gates. now hamas has hailed the ruling by the international court of justice ordering the israel regime to address famin in gaza. the resistance group has called on the international community to create a... mechanism to ensure the order's implementation, in a statement hamas said israel must be forced to immediately execute the world court order. it said israel is fascist occupation that uses starvation as a weapon against civilians. hamas lamented that the regime has consistently disregarded all international resolutions, including the including the recent resolution by the un security council calling for humanitarian sease fire in gaza. the group said the us cover for his. has made the terrorist regime to behave in such a way as if it is above the
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law and accountability, the reaction comes after the icj ordered israel to allow the immediate delivery of humanitarian supplies into the besieg territory. the court said fammon has now turned from risk into a chronic crisis for the civilian population in gaza. the court's order urged israel to ensure unhinded provision of food, water, electricity and medical supplies to palestinians. ramadan is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh in sense, in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer and the... iran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about
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self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends, it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims, and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helps me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community. back in the states. welcome back. yemen's answerullah leader abdul malik al-huthi says his country will continue military actions against israel, the us and the uk to prevent their vessels from passing through the red sea. during our news review program. we discuss the impact of such operations. let's take a look. and now it's time for the news
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review section where we delve deeper into the days or one of the day's top stories, so stay tuned. now yemen's anser all israely atrocities in gaza as a stain on humanity, saying the brutal attacks will certainly accelerate the decline of the regime and its ultimate. warned the us of consequences of his unwavering support for the israeli genocide in gaza. he said the yemani forces will continue their attacks against israel linked and us ships in the red sea. al huthi added that the yemani forces attacked nine ships last week, bringing the total number of ships targeted to 86. we conducted 10 military operations this week which were
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conducted with 37 ballistic missiles and winged missiles and drones and we targeted nine vessels and the full sum of the number of vessels that we have targeted 86 vessels have been targeted that are linked and associated with the israeli enemy and the uk and the us, this is very significant number of vessels and it is, it has had very significant impact as well. al huethi said the yemeny attacks have extremely limited the movement of israelink ships in the red sea. the yemani leader said the us ships are now trying to conceal their voyages, but they fail to pass through the red sea unnoticed. he quoted an american officer as admitting that the us navy had not been humiliated at this level since the 19th century. another.
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former general for the us army also said concerning the situation that the us navy is living right now as a result of the aggression that they have tried to protect the isionist crimes trying to support the zionist enemy by also launching aggression against our country. he said that the us navy has not had not reached this level of humility since the 19th century. al-howe also held a millions strong pro-palestin marches in the arab country saying such rallies are unparalleled in the muslim world and show the yemani people's readiness for jahad against israel. now to talk more on this we are
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joined by mr. hussein albukaiti activist and political commentator from sun. and also mr. feras ali, political commentator from malmo, sweden. gentlemen, welcome to the news review section. now, mr., i'll begin with you. let's begin with the abdul malik al-hothi's recent comments, the yemen leader has uh has said that the israely atrocities is a stain on humanity and that it will accelerate the decline of the regime resulting in his ultimate aniholation. so, mr. bukaity, your thoughts on the answer leaders comments and what effect or effects has this war. had on the regime, especially the public image around the world posta operation. bismillahirrahmanirrahim, i mean this is exactly was happing, the public image of the scientist state of israel has been damaged, we remember before the attack on gaza in recent month, no one actually many country,
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especially the population of western country, they used to be like afraid to... either protest against israel because the laws there call any protest or any condemnation of israel as anti-semitic, that's why i believe that this recent attack has exposed the z and as all they have exposed the international community, especially country who are directly supporting israeli regime in its geneside like britain, france, germany and as all the united states and the amenistan as well exposed those country that i mean "it doesn't need to be a strong country or to be uh someone who have battleship like the united states to help uh people like in gaza, but yemani actually they are doing it, even though they have come out of a war, which now we still have the truth for two years, that war was conducted for more than nine nine years by saudi aggression and the united arab
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emirates with a full support of uh uh united states and uk, that's why what happened to yemen is throughout the..." nine years of saudi war and blocade, they actually feeluh what's happening and what's actually the israeli regime is doing in gaza, and i said abdul malik has insisted that all attack in red sea and as well in the gulf of eden will be stopped and the yemani army will seized those attack if the united state and uk and as well israel itself will stop its genocide against the palestinian people and will lift the blue kaz uh... before we wrap this up, we just go about a minute left, i also wanted you know your thoughts on the courageous naval operations in the red sea by the yemani army, they are one of the poorest countries in the world, uh, like mr. abukaiti said, they enjoyed nine years of war with the saudis and yet they stood their ground, uh, they say they will support the oppressed palestinians no matter what, and do you think it has been a massive defeat and humiliation
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for the us and the uk naval forces? that's very obvious. even for western readers to see that buse in the end of the day all the target in yemen, all their targets that they claim they have targeted, it's useless, we see that the naval blockade is still in place, the americans are still hit, israeli ships are still hit and they even expanded the region to the indian ocean as well, so we can see that we can see that there is no real goal in this, and that's maybe why we now are starting to hear about the activation. of al-qaeda or isis in yemen, syria, lebanon as well and so on, but in the end of the day i just want to say this to your viewers that i think those who mean those the support that means most for the people in gaza is the support that comes from yemen, with all respect to the rest of the resistance front, because the people in yemen have lived
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through what the people in gaza are living now, and they're giving what they have, everything, they are engaging in full support for palestine despite any danger that could they could encounter, but despite that they're giving full support for gaza, and i think this means very much for the people in gaza. as well as for the resistance, because the yemani people has shown to the world there are brave people who will inspire, not only the people in palestine, but as well the people in the rest of the region to free the region for the us germany and the end of the israeli occupation army. thank you gentlemen, there you have it, mr. hussein albuiti, activist and political commentator from the yemani capital, santa, and also mr. faraz ali, poli political commentator from malmo, sweden. gentlemen, thank you very much. and with that we come to. the end of this news review section, thank you for being with us, take care for now,
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welcome back for the fifth night in a row, hundreds of jordanians have demonstrated near the israeli embassy in aman to voice their support for the palestinians in gaza, the protesters opposed the normalization of jordan's. relations with israel while strongly condemning the regime's crimes in gaza, especially its brutal attacks on hospitals. protesters chanted slogans while carrying placards and waving palestinian and jordanian flags. they also reiterated their demand for immediate cease fire in gaza and the closure of israel's embassy. the jordanian right police however block their march towards the regime's embassy for months, jordanians have been calling on their government to cancel all treaties with israel and do not allow the country to be a transit route for goods into israel, jordan, which hosts 2.4 million palestinian refugees had with has witnessed numerous pro-palestine
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rallies since israel launched this onslaught on gaza early last october. pakistan has hosted the conference on freedom of palestine in the capital islam abad in solidarity with the oppressed palestinians in gaza. the participants called on the international organization. to bring about immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the besieg territory. press tv's correspondent nasa casmi has more in this report. in a fervent display of solidarity with the oppressed people of gaza, a high profile event dupt palestine freedom conference was convined in the capital islamabad. political leaders, scholars and representatives from various advocacy institutions gathered at the conference to... them the ongoing israeli atrocities in gaza and to advocate for the rights of palestinians, the united nations role is getting more and more important, but
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we see that united nation is going on on the agenda of israel and the agenda of america, they are not doing their good efforts to stop this war. beside stopping the war, they are provoking the war, they are supporting the war, united nation should take important steps to stop this war, the event was aimed implifying voices against the relentless israeli attacks and unarmed civilians in gaza, scholars and experts also slamed global powers for their role in perpetuating the ongoing genocide. and supporting the israeli regime, we are not expecting much from the united nations, more than 3000 innocent men, women and children have been killed, but the
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un has no courage to stop israel from doing these inhuman action ghaza. muslim leaders have taken no effective step for a cease fire in the besieg territory, they should feel shame for their silence on this massacer. the gathering denounced israel's military aggression against gaza and emphasized the importance of upholding the international humanitarian law. there is a joint venture of western powers, nato and our other allies, they are supporting israel, they are part of this all aggression and inhuman acts of israel. that is the reason, unfortunately the muslim world and the leaders of the muslim world, they are unable to do some solid work to relieve the pain and the sufferings of palestinians. the conference. underscored the urgent need for international intervention to halt what it described as the blood shed in gaza. it also called for practical and immediate steps to alleviate the sufferings
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the wars taken. palestinians participants in the palestine freedom conference to continue their efforts for the people in the gaza strip. they volve to mobilize the support for the implementation of the un resolution that called for immediate cease fire in the territory. nasik azmi, press tv, islamabad. and those were the top stories on press tv. thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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in 1964, every swiss woman of childring potential would give birth to almost three children. what happened to the traditional family? rompete le scatole, datori di lavoro, non lavorate, c'è il messaggio per intanto
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attuale. questo e quindi questo è venuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un secondo tempo sono anche arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari cominci a pensare a tutt'altro. a large area. 37.9% are single people, 24.7%. are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples with children. stop arming israel, stop arming israel,
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palestine. one two th f occupation no more free palestine free palestine free to the river palestine will live forever israel to slaught the palestinians in free free palestine from the river to the sea palestine will be free.
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as the us- israely genocidal war approaches at six month, the genocide revealed to the whole world the true face of the israely regime. it also exposed the complicity of the us in this genocide. all this regime, which includes using starvation as a weapon of war, is unleashed on palestinians. the palestinians are putting up a stiff resistance along with the resistance fighters against the israeli regime. in this edition the spotlight we will look at the motives behind the israeli regime wanting to continue this genocide, especially against women. children, one of which iran's leader has said shows it's defeat and the steadfast support of palestinians for hamas. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the program. spoke person.