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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 28, 2024 4:30am-5:02am IRST

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you press tv headlines israel's indiscriminate strikes kill dozens more palestinian civilians in gaza as regimes holocaus and the territory enters its 174th day. ireland strongly condemns israel's crimes against palestinians in gaza saying it will interven in south africa's genocide case against the regime at the icj. iran calls for global action to stop israel's genocide and war crimes in gaza, especially regime's incessint attacks on territory's hospitals.
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hello everyone, it's 3 am of the gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news, nearly six months into israel's campaign of genocide in gaza and the regime continues with his bombing and shelling against residential buildings and hospitals, israel's carried out eight mass. in the past 24 hours, resulting in 76 palestinian deaths and 102 in injuries. regime attacked the greenhouse near shabura refugee camp, killing four people, including woman. seven palestinians were also killed in an air strike that destroyed a residential building in western gaza. dozens were also injured in attacks in alza2 neighborhood of gaza city. the health system is also been under some extreme pressure due to israely attacks on hospitals and attack abil. full of people near al-shifa hospital
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led to deaths and trapped over six children under the rebel. now according to unicef, over 13,00 children have so far been killed. regime's on slot is claimed over 32,500 lives along with 74,00 injuries since october the 7th. earlier we spoke to our correspondent in gaza mutti abu musabin in the central city of deer albalah for an update, he says really war playing as truck civilian tents and rafa city while resistance fighters have targeted tanks and khan units belonging to the regime. the israeli incubition forces continued and intensified their attacks against several areas of gaza step the fresh attacks reached several areas in rafa city uh the latest one actually targeted attend of the palestinian evacues in rafa city when it comes to khanuni city the israeli war planes also renewed their attacks their strikes and and firepts
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against the western parts of kanyuni city, particularly the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex, amid fear clashes erupted between the palestinian resistance fighters and the israel incubition forces, whereas al-qassame brigades announce that they have targeted several israeli tanks in that area. when it comes to the central area of gaz strip here, the israeli war plans also carried out several air strikes against anosarati fuji camp, particularly the northern part of anosarati camp uh while the eastern parts of albage refugee camp were targeted also heavily by the israeli chronic artillery uh shelling and the israeli air strikes that targeted several residental buildings there, so when it comes to gaza city, more residental towers and buildings were destroyed and the flattened by the seasless and the continuous israeli air strikes in the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex, while douzens of those apartments were sit on fire by the israeli equibation forces, the current situation in gaza is... is still catastrophic
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at all means as dozens as hundreds of the palestinan civilians are sitting stranded inside the buildings of the ashif medical complex they are deprived of their basic humanitarian needs. the irish four minister says that dublin will interven in south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. michael martin said was currently happening in gaza constitutes blatant violation of international humanitarian law a massive scale. he said israel is purposefully withholding aid deliveries to gaza and is targeting civilians and the territory's infrastructure. he noted regime indiscriminantly uses explosives and populated areas and also uses civilian objects for military purposes. martin said that such measures amount to collective punishment of an entire population, adding that this has to stop. in january, the world court ordered israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention and ensure its troops commit no, genicidal
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acts against palestinians. for toronto from toronto, that is for more on the story is fidazal naji manager at canadian. defenders for human rights, hello fetas, hope you're safe and doing well, pleasure to check in with you, and now more and more countries are jumping on this icj case, case that obviously the israeli regime has yet to respect in any manner whatsoever. your thoughts on dublin now getting part of this genocide case against israel brought by south africa at the icj there firas, very honorable move and we have to condone the governor. in ireland, especially with the recent statement that was given by the prime minister in front of biden where he embarrassed him and made him clearly understand that the oppression that's happening in palestine is very relevant to the past oppression that happened to the
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irish people, and you have to salute these type of government officials at this point, especially in the west, because in the west most of them are very silent or they're supporting designist regime and... all their crimes and this you can call it a palestinian holocaust, genocide, there's a lot of different terms that you can use for this for this uh this catastrophic situation that's happening in palston, i mean so we must respect uh you know the move by ireland and i think that the irish flags must be uh you know held high in all the protests for passan and we did recently see that in a lot of protests and lot of irish people are coming and people are raising the irish flag and that there is a unified call uh you know to hold israel accountable for all their crimes because their crimes cannot be hidden anymore. as we can see the social media and even the idf themselves, those war criminal mercenaries are are are revealing themselves, are exposing themselves, the they're not even shy because they haven't been held accountable just because they haven't been
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punished, because they've been given a green light to commit all these crimes uh without any sanctions or any any type of punishment. so this is what's giving them the the the the kind of open. accessibility and you know shameless way of just promoting all their war crimes, we can see like you on social media the idf are not shy from showing all their crimes and uh we must uh work with the you know all types of human rights organizations, all types of activists, freedom seekers to uh to fight the zionist regime and to expose the zionist regime and and make sure that we one day will hold them accountable for all these crimes that they committing um and yeah, yes, i apologize, but you, and you notice that um, there's there's there's a countries also signing up to stop giving weapons, israel's very closest allies, not the us, but you saw canada putting a freeze on sending weapons there, you saw the netherlands say they're not going to give f-35 parts, you saw and now a parliamentarians in england saying, hey,
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it's time to stop giving weapons, these are some of the israel's closest allies, i understand for palestinians, they're moving very slowly with respect to this, but guess what, at least they're moving something. they weren't doing in the past, yes, i mean, this is very significant, and i think it's very important, and we can see that canada uh, with the leadership of ndp and jod sing, he made very strong, you know, motion, and he pushed it through, and he got you, it was very fortunate that he got a lot of supporters on his side, and endfully the motion did pass, i heard that it's non-binding, this, this is a type of a tricky situation that i don't understand, i don't, i really feel uh betrayed by it, but let's... still it's significant as a symbol, mean to to to you know to expose the zionist regime and to show that they are committing crimes and that that there's people that are going to be fighting that uh in all parliaments and all governments in the world, mean this this is very important and i think that israel is
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losing their allies and they're losing lots of support and also that the freedom seekers and the people that want freedom for palestine are actually uh growing, you can see that the growing. in universities, in high schools and elementary schools, even a young age of kids that they're also getting more awareness and act active in in their schools, there's protest happening in elementary schools, so when you see something like that, you see it's very significant, and then we can see that you know even in like in companies and the medical field, like hospitals, doctors, they're all speaking out speaking out against all these crimes and they're making stands and some of them are actually sacrificing their jobs, sacrificing their lifehood, they sacrificing their their incomes and and they're willing to do that because they feel that this is a conscious and and humanitarian cause that they should stand up for, and and it's truly human rights that you're standing up for when you stand up for paul's time, because palestinians are the most you know abused people from designist
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regime and the criminals, yeah thank you very much, all right thank you, likewise stay safe, is always a pleasure to check with you. manager there at canadian defenders for human rights, joining us out of toronto. now iran's foreign ministry spokespersons called for global action to stop the israely genocide and war crimes against. palestinians, now sir canani said international organizations must move beyond mirror issuing statements or passing resolutions and take practical steps taught the regime savage crimes and destruction of gaza. kanani added that israel's war on the health sector of gaza is painful part of the campaign is genocide, siting continued attacks on the territory's major hospitals. he said is really strikes are knocked out 33 of gaza's hospitals out of service completely. spokesman also quoted remarks. for the un special repertoire on occupied palestine, the crimes committed by israel in gaza during the past six months
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could keep the international criminal court busy for the next 50 years. and now new footage has emerged showing a disturbing incident in which israely forces execute two unarmed palestinians heading to the northern part of the gaza strip. footage captured by long distance camera shows men walking along the al-rashed street in al. lucy roundabout west of gaza city, both men are waving white flags of surrender. israely soldiers give them a false sense of safety before fatally shooting them. footage also shows regime soldiers trying to bury them with sand and garbage using a bulldozer. hamas resistance movement has reacted to the incident saying further evidence that fascism and criminality that governs the zionist regime's behavior in its gaza genocide. hamas called on the un and international courts to hold the regime and its terror. criminal leaders accountable for crimes committed against children and unarmed
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civilians in gaza. the palestinians hold a funeral for three young marchers and by uh killed by his really occupation forces. they're targeted in a drone attack in the city of jenin amid intensified raids on the occupied west bank. our romala correspondent join us earlier with your details. a 19-year old palestinian was shot and killed by the israeli forces during a military raid to genenen city. now we are speaking about two more palestinians had been killed, but this time they were killed by an israeli a drone strike, israeli military carried out drone strike at an area in the neighborhood of a damage in the refugee camp of genen, killing two more palestinians and winding. at least nine others, those two palestinians who had been killed, one of them is from the city of
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napolis and the second is from genean refugee camp and they were killed in this zone struck, this brings the number of the palestinians who were killed by the israeli forces in genen since the early hours of wednesday to three, we have to mention that the israeli forces had also stormed the town of qabatee in mean exchange of fire has been carried out between palestinian members of the resistance groups and the israeli forces, the israeli troops, as usual uh, they used their guns to shoot the palestinians, at least five palestinians had been wonded according to paramedex, this means that the number of palestinians who had been killed since the 7th of october is today over 450. maybe specifically 453 palestinians in addition to the fact that thousands had been
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a wonded by the israeli forces over 7 and 7,800 palestinians has been arrested across the occupied west bank since the 7th of october. russia says it's extremely hard to believe the daesh terrorist group has the capacity to launch last. week's deadly shooting attack a concert hall in moscow. russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman said west had rushed to pin responsibility on daesh to deflect blame from ukraine and its western allies. maria zakarova said the us is covering up for ukraine adding that washington's bias and involvement in this issue is evident. now her comments came after russia's federal security service suggested not only ukraine but also the us and uk may have been behind the shooting. the russian president vladimir. has also said that the terrorists behind the attack were caught while fleeing towards ukraine. the us, uk and
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ukraine have denied any involvement in the shooting, which left more than 140 people dead. now joining us out of toronto for more on the story is eric walberg, canadian author and a journalist. hello, eric, always a pleasure to check in with you, hope you're safe and doing well out there in a cold toronto. your thoughts on russia. just not willing to buy it that this is uh strictly a terrorist attack carried out by uh from what isis corasan or dieish out of afghanistan pakistan border area. well isis kstan is really it's a figment of the c, well it's actual, i guess there are some kind of token horasanis, but it's in, i'm sure that this is a cia front, it's and what's its purpose is
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is to make second front for russia. "and it's not only ukraine, it's now got to try and activate the chechnia and tajikistan, russia's head terrorist attacks, not not a few, 2002, 2004, there were chetian attacks in moscow and elsewhere, and hundreds of people and children were killed, so russia is not, it's not..." um without such attacks, but it seems that from what i've read, i think reputable sources is that there is a training ground in balukistan, pakistan, and it's bringing together these kind of uzbek or tajik in others and connecting them then with
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ukraine, as it was clear that these terror. were fleeing to ukraine, and the russian government has already identified links with ukraine, so it's a very, very, very bad situation, and also russia is now ready to declare the the security apparatus of ukraine, which is behind this attack, it's a terrorist organization, it should be treated as... terrorist organization, so things are really upping, the anti is uping every day on this, and you it was wild right now, eric, what's always in the news, i mean everyday, it's all gaza, it's all gaza, and what's been put on the backburner has been the ukraine war, now if uh, someone, i'm not going to say who, was to employ a terrorist organization
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to carry out this attack on russia, have these guys fling toward ukraine, have russia have to respond by thinking it's ukraine. and carrying out an onslaught on ukraine out of retribution, guess what's back in the front page, it's russia and ukraine again and not israel genocide, gaza, so it's funny, lot of roads could lead back to the uh the intel apparatus, the cia and massad in this uh, absolutely, this is in israel's interests too, uh, it's frightening, we have this baltimore uh... out of the blue a whole bridge collapses under some kind of it looked like hacked automatic controlling of so this kind of terrorist activity who is the uh the mastermind of these uh uh intel or or uh this hacking it's it's israel and uh it's it's got
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it's put all its cards in the table we're going to destroy gaza we're going to go ahead with genocide. and look over there at ukraine and see all the bad things happening there, so yes i mean of course i mean of course i'm just speculating when i say that and i understand right now the that the russians are yet to have concrete evidence, but we're just talking about the possible scenarios here that the russians simply are not buying the surface story that this is strictly a terrorist attack by daesh, no it's i mean daesh itself was uh really uh not totally created but it was uh it was... nurtured and the cia was attempting to control it, now i don't know if they've always had control, i i don't know if or if it's gone gotten out of control, but when you create, it's like israel created hamas, and then when they had all the information that hamas was attacking, they just turned the other way, they set up
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the their own false flags so that they can perpetrate their genocides and it's us is... it's we've got to, we've got to keep the that link, because none of this would happen without the us. all right, but stay safe, we'll talk to you soon, eric wallberg, there joining us out of canada. meanwile, the islamic republic of iran has distributed a large amount of humanitarian aid palestinian refugees in syria in the holy month of ramadan as part of its unwavering support for palestinians. press tvs abraham reports out of damascus. in the holy month of ramadan and as part of its commitment to al-quds international day, the islamic republic of iran via its embacy in damascus has distributed several tons of humanitarian aid among palestinian refugees. and resistance factions in syria. the convoy included essential food kits as a gift from the iranian nation. the islamic republic of iran and the axis of resistance stand by the
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oppressed palestinian people in the face of the western and american support for the israeli entity which has not seased its crimes against the palestinian people in gaza. today's gathering comes within the framework of supporting the resilion and patient palestinian people. this gift is part of series of annual donations offer. by the islamic republic of iran to palestinian refugees during the month of ramadan in several syrian cities, according to palestinian officials, this large amount of aid delivered by iran is message of solidarity with and commitment to the palestinian goes. this is a significant step within the framework of iran's support for the resistance of the palestinian people. this support has been reflected in all forms and means since the victory of the islamic revolution under the leadership of imam khamaini, may god rest his soul and whose legacy continued with the leader imam ali khamenei. therefore, we as palestinian people and resistance factions appreciate this gift and everything that the islamic republic is providing. the palestinian factions expressed their gratitude to the islamic republic of
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iran for this gift that is presented every year to the palestinian people. this aid provided by the islamic republic of iran during the month of ramadan to the palestinian people is considered as proof of iran's great role and interdependence between the iranian and palestinian people. these activities can. the loyalty of the palestinian people to the axis of resistance, addition to the fundamental and strategic role of syria and iran in the access of resistance. with this humanitarian aid, iran demonstrates that true support lies in actions rather than words, and it reflects the enduring place of the palestinian cause in every iranian's heart. this gift is not only a gister of love from the iranian leadership and people. more importantly, it underscores their unwaving commitment to help their palestinian brother. and whever they are, damascus despite the imposition of extensive sanctions against iran, countries managed emerge as a global power house when
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it comes to knowledge-based companies, science and technology parks play a key role in complementing iran's knowledge-based production ecosystem. reports. one of the main goals of knowledge-based pharmaceuticals is the formulation. of herbal medicines using modern pharmaceutical science in order to achieve high quality and effectiveness. also, taking advantage of the wide range of medicinal plants in the country, these companies seek to help improve public health. in this regards so far, various medicinal products in the forms syrups, ointments, gels, capsules and shampoos and also medicines for treatment of numerous diseases are produced and supplied to pharmacies all over. the country, it is worth mentioning these products were once all imported from other countries. this company is specialized in extraction, purification, formulation and
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production of herbal medicines and as knowledge based company, it has done the formulation of more than 20 of herbal medicines and has supplied 14 in the country pharmaceutical market. some of these medicines. and some of our activities have led to the achievement of various honors and awards such as recobisol which is available in forms of shampoo ointment and gel. the idea of innovation is created before a knowledge-based company established, then the entrepreneur develops the innovative idea into a unique prototype. finally, the manufacturer rolls out the product a small are pursuing the production of high quality
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products, having a central laboratory and standards, we have paved the way for relevant search areas. one of the foremost innovations is antibacterial and nanostationary, including the smart ink, which has been recognized and registered internationally. ordinary ink may go bad in high or low temperatures, but smart ink undergoes little change and maintains its properties in different temperatures. knowledge-based, innovative and nanotechnology driven organizations utilize all available potentials in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country. some manufacturers aim at boosting a national success by getting connected to international supply and distribution chain. and improving their proficiency in the field of research and development, also with massive exports to develop countries, these groups can help iran's economic growth. knowledge and
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entrepreneurship are different parts of the development phases of science and technology parks. there are over 700 knowledge-based companies in iran which provide services and products to domestic industries. many are active in biotech, computer software, agriculture, food production, chemical tech, steel and gas industries, toys and so much more. fatih massumy, reporting for press tv, tehran. it's a... latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. ramadan is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long.
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up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice. it's about sharing food with your family and friends. it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims. and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helped me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states.
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then i hit the street, that was 15 years ago, we are in los angeles, they are building and modernizing everywhere, the rent is always increasing, the city doesn't know what to do with all the homeless people, this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get her off the streets at the next year, for everyone i house there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation. so that can make my work very discouraging. housing first is just the first step to be the emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life.
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انا كان في ابو عبد الله لقيناهم مرميين هنا كلياتهم استشهدوا الحين اللي هنا طاروا غاز قالوا الباقي مبلاطه الفوقيه يعني ايش البلاطه
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امسك الشناكل امسك الشناقل
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ramadan, when muslims refrain from food, drink and marital relations during daylight hours is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and... your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate will power, discipline and self-restraint. they also increase their charitable activities and empathize with the poor.