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tv   EXPOSE GAZA PIER CONSPIRACY  PRESSTV  March 26, 2024 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST

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tonight on expos a, us president joe biden's elector propaganda aims to gain american public favor during low israeli occupation pressure, establishing appear in gaza while refusing to open land borders. now skepticism hits western mainstream media pointing that of zinus israel's obstruction is still a problem, but it will now arise at the distribution state. rather at the point of entry thanks to the biden peer plan in gaza, and social media users see this biden peer plan for gaza as a dark joke, claiming the only reason for this plan is to loot gas located on the coast of gaza and to allow of more land grab for the zinus occupation. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.
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the tone in zionist israel seems to be in line with the announcement by us president joe biden to establish a floating fort off the shores of gaza under the predext of significantly increasing the flow of humanitarian aid to the largest concentration camp in the world. this reconciliation. by the regime of benjamin netanyaho carries many messages in line with the objectives of their own genocidal war. let us hear from fuad itayim, our broadcast expert and writer at the cradle for more about this fake news expose. is there any doubt that the us plan to establish a temporary pier off the coast of gaza is suspicious and dubious and goes beyond the goal of aiding the palestinian people, whatever the... is the debate has
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opened the door to executing other alarming objectives such as force displacement plans and more land grab under humanitarian and other pretexts. fuad, how was the tide in western broadcast media when it came to this humanitarian peer? uh, so there's little to no doubt that the order by us president joe biden to establish this temporary port in gaza is attempt to appease u.s. public opinion and as part of his electoral propaganda giving the upcoming elections and "given that it's coming a time when there's been no real pressure by the us administration uh exerted on israel to force uh to force them into bringing in the aid into uh stopping their crimes against the palestinian people or to facilitate the entry of any of the convoys into the gaza strip which israel is continuing to block so starting off with abc news you could immediately tell that this was part of biden's electoral propaganda uh biden speaking as if he has no influence whatsoever on the decisions made inside israel" when we
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know we've seen clearly over the past six months that their partners in crime, so let's take a look at what what biden said last week, and how abc used it to portray this idea of fake feud with netanyahu. let's see that. 70,00 injured, according to the hamas run health ministry. president biden defending israel's right to pursue hamas, but warning israely prime minister netanyahu, the scale of civilian suffering in gaza is damaging israel's international... reputation, he must, he must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. he's hurting, i my view, he's hurting israel more than helping israel. the president's plan to build a temporary peer off gaza for eight shipments now in, well that was uh something out of a script from a movie, if you will, claiming that uh, he's actually telling that he must stop what he's doing, yeah, so the biden administration is trying to portray. this rift between the us and
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israel, which is to say the least, accurate, as the two sides have shown the entire world recently, that they're hand in hand waging geniside against the palestinian people and starving them, exactly. us media is also trying really hard to separate netanyahu from israel to portray this idea that netanyahu is uh worse than other israeli leaders, that they don't all share the same views, which of of course we know is untrue anyway, and the same of abc report, when asked about when aid would enter gaza, reporter tom burridge gave two contradiction answers, one according to officials in then in the biden administration and other according to the pentagon uh, let's gives us no clear answer, so let's take a look at that, and these are people from the same biden administration, by the way, let's hear that, oratial officials say that world central kitchen aid in cyprus will take two to three days to arrive at undisclosed location in gaza after it departs, in terms of that us made peer off the coast, will pentagon officials estimate that could be completed in about two months. rachel, so
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it's conflicting reports coming from the same side, which is a bit suspicious here, yeah, next we have a report by voice of america where they actually give a... platform to a palestinian medical professional who explains how israel controls the borders and is constantly denying the entry of aid, which amounts to a crime against humanity. deliberate starvation of civilians is violation of the laws of war uh and is subject to criminal prosecution, but then voice of america goes to whitewash these crimes and claim that the us and its regional puppet states tried their best to uh get around these blockades by air drops, which we saw were extremely insufficient. in fact, airdrops actually killed some civilians, didn't save them, definitely as we saw, and voice of america is actually us government funded outlet by the way, yeah, was a bit optimistic that they gave the floor to a person from gaza to begin with, but then again they end up like this, let's see what they did, let's take a look at that, that the situation has deteriorated for a couple of
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reasons and we're at the point that we are because there is a bottleneck, there used to be three entrances into the gaza strip, israel controlled two of them and egypt controls one of them, now only one out of the 3d is partially functioning. to get around those blockades, regional partners began dropping aid packages from the sky. over the weekend and on the eve of the muslim holy month of ramadan, the jordanian air force over gaza dropped pallets filled with flour, rice, baby formula and water. and the united states air force dropped more than 88 bundles of aids said to contain nearly 53,000 meals and 23,00 bottles of water. wow, yeah, yeah, so focusing on this charade of dropping aid, instead of explaining to us why the us is not pushing israel or pressuring israel into lifting the blockade and opening the borders and letting all this aid in, it's just another level of manipulation and deceat, what i mean, starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is an offense under the
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legislation of many states, including the united states of america, but american mainstream media doesn't question it, and instead it's engaging in running news stories like, promotions to support biden against trump uh, it's never been about the civilian lives in gaza, and never will be, and i think they might even use gaza to try and elevate the position of biden against that of trump, so that's what america's plan is, but i want to thank you very much flad for being with us, to tell us about this matter on this segment, now we move to digital mainstream media. "the palestinian people in gaza have every right to question the significance of the american step to build a floating port on the shores of their decimated gaza a time when the united states of america could effectively impose aid entry through alternative means such as compelling the
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opening of border crossings and delivering assistance via land routes through international institutions particularly the united nations relief and works agency for" here's more about this with our own mission media expert julia qasim. thank you for being with us, julia. thanks ma, so the us plan to build this uh floating port off the gaza coast is reminiscent of the multberry harbors built after in normandy, but let's make no mistake, this is a preemptive move to basically install a us military base uh in gaza, and as the biden administration is basically bankrolling israel's genocide, the same israel. also have a say in determining what uh at all goes through goes through that port essentially, so it also raises lot of questions for the north of gaza which has been completely cut off uh from aid uh throughout this whole genocide. so these concerns were not only raised in pro-palestinian outlets mara, but also in the
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guardian, the uk based outlet, where on march 8th, julian borger, the guardian world's affairs editor published a piece titled who is going to distribute it, the key flaw and the us has planned to build a port in gaza, so in this piece the guardian quotes ziad isa, humanitarian policy head at the action aid charity, saying people say this is a complex situation, but it's very simple: israel is not allowing aid to get into the gaza strip, soziadas uk- based organization had previously dealt with israeli embargos aid headed to gaza, multiple locations before when the zianist entity rejected vital items like food, shelter kits and medical aid, so he says that uh, although biden administration officials had presented the plan as washington taking leadership and not waiting for the israelis, uh, israeli inspectors will be in the cyput port of lanarca scrutinizing cargoes of aid going into southern gaza, and the inspections will
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provide israel a tool with which to regulate the flow in the name of security vetting. so the guardian also spoke with jermy kornich, a former senior aid official in the biden. administration and now president of refugees international aid advocacy group who asked very important question, who is going to distribute the aid? definitely, that's what was, that's what all of us are thinking, right? so he then says the eight organizations presence in northern gaza is pretty close to zero because the israelies have wanted everyone out and then have been restricting access to the north ever since. so marawa kundik touches upon a very important aspect of this proposed new plan to supposedly alleviate famine in gaza, since this peer plan doesn't obliviate the problem the whole obstruction by israel in the first place, definitely, but rather than being a problem at the entry point, it's now going to... be a problem at the distribution stage, which by the way, we've seen them killing people, whether it's on the route or through
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the distribution phase or either after they get the aid that they need, so they're still killing people, now they want to take control the aid and no one knows what they will do next, exactly, so they've used the the distribution of aid as a pretext to cause more massacers such as the multiple flower massacers or even in the aid drops, um, but another take about the proposed biden peer in gaza, it was brought by the zionist israeli ynet newspaper uh where ynet explicitly stated that it is uh all attempt to appease public opinion from the biden administration which is already has its legitimacy in question. so the wyatt wrote that the reason behind this proposed plan is that viden's political conundundrum. he has vested a need to plastate the democratic party base which is come to include muslim americans and various pro-palestinian activists. acting the new pier biden. hopes will demonstrate the administration's seriousness when it comes safeguarding the lives of palestinian
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civilians. so after all marwa we saw with the uncommitted campaign in several primaries so far uh the progressive wink of the party and its voters voted non-committed instead of voting for the 81-year-old incumbant uh making it a protest vote essentially against his pro israel stands in gaza. so you can see how much legitimacy is is really lost in his administration uh so the... zinius wiyinet newspaper also quoted the deputy pentagon press secretary sabrina sink saying that no us forces would set foot in gaza, a way to reassure americans that the united states is not putting troops on the ground and yet another middle east conflict. however, the ynet found that to be a suspicious statement rotating back to the question posed by the guardian, as to who will unload and distribute the aid if us troops are not there to set foot in gaza, and if israel is to control what gets in and what doesn't? so again there's no logical way around it uh with at least seven seven other potential
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distribution points across gaza uh it's not a pretext to get us boots on the ground we don't believe it it's lie lie and lie than some more with this administration and its puppet regime in zinit israel thank you very much julia for presenting to us what the mainstream and the zionist entity media was speaking about this very dubious uh planned by the bider administration now ladies and gents we move to social media expose. in interpreting the significance of biden's gaza pier initiative, its motives and its objectives, social media is divided into two camps. the first camp assumes goodwill and believes that the purpose of this step is to restore the reputation of the biden administration after it went too far in supporting the criminal genocidal war currently being weighted by zionist israel on gaza, while the second camp operates on the assumption that the biden administration. is involved and complicit in this dirty genocidal war, making it impossible for it to
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undertake any initiative that might hinder the plans and objectives that the israeli occupation seeks to achieve. here is simayim, our social media expert and editor at the cradle with more floor is yours, my dear. thank you, so in reality it's very difficult to separate this suspicious sport initiative from the biden administration's overall policy since the start of the al-aqsa flood battle, because the admin adopted the israeli narrative from the beginning where you know they claimed that israel had been subjected to a terror attack, it was that simple, hamas had you know massacred civilians, raped hundreds of women, decapitated dozens of children, and despite all of this being debunked, the bin administration continues to adopt this narrative as we saw in his state the union address last week, so social media has a lot to say about this uh sinister port initiative, that's here what they said, so well... uh, there was this one i hab albi who posted the following video that was published
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by the israeli entity uh of the israeli occupation forces supervising the construction of this american pier off gaza's coast so let's watch the video and see what ehab posted about it okay. you have then posted is: military published footage of its forces supervising the construction of the american peer off the gaza coast. the protector is the thief and the killer. well, i second his tweet. so moving on, we have another post on x criticizing the construction of this zionist controlled port from murad abu saad who tweeted, "it's a ludicrous absurd comedy. what madness and planning is this? america
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cannot pressure israel and egypt to open the crossings, deliver aid and provide secure areas for distribution." has america reached such level of incapacity or is the construction of this port a spectacle for public opinion in america and the world, portraying america as exerting maximum effort to provide aid to the palestinian people. america is a malicious player in these massacres, complicit and creating the suffering of the palestinian people and complicit in starving them. completing this port would take two months and gaza needs urgent assistance, stop your malicious games and open the crossings. can i say amen? you know, last time we talked about the aid drops and they are not efficient, we know it has other motives, not only because it will take over 60 days, but because it's not uh feasible, and it has been planned since 2014 by the way, so exactly, security control, so we move to a post by james ray at good vibe politic, who quote tweeted a post by the hill saying biden to announce us military led
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mission to build port on gaza coast to boost aid, james said, instead of ending the genocide, biden is actively participating in, he's proposing airdrops and some absurd plan to build a port that likely will cumulatively bring in a fraction of what could come in if the aid truck sitting outside of gaza were allowed in, a sick, cruel joke. it is, and it's not even close to funny for the people inside of gaza. we also have megatron ron, who brought it home by hitting every nail there is in his ex-post, saying the pentagon on the temporary gaza port said, "we will likely need a thousand american soldiers." biden also announced. israelis will secure the temporary port to provide aid to gaza, the same israelies that are blocking the aid and starving 2.2 million people in gaza, will be commissioned to secure the transfer of aid to the strip through the us military built port. the purpose is already known, the extraction of the gas located on the coast of gaza, which was also written about by the jerusalem post. today israeli media also wrote that the invasion of gaza has stalled
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and there is no progress. hamas hold their positions firmly, therefore it is not excluded that these troops will join the idf. "wow, you see, it was the biden administration that provoked all these concerns that we're seeing on social media, because the us not only provided the weapons that it's been uh in this word that it's been waging on gaza for almost six months, but it also ensured political cover for israel in everything that it's doing and prevented the imposition of sanctions on israel, which many have called for at this point, regardless of the magnitude of these blatant violations, this unprecedented genocide that's being waged against these people that violates all treaties and..." conventions and norms and thanks to their veto they didn't even allow the nsc to take proper uh ceasefire uh agreements or to impose any kind of cease fire against israel thank you very much for the latest on social media especially ex platform uh uh sema for showing us what the world is actually seeing it's like for the first time this uh image this imaginary image of what zinust israel is has been completely
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broken thank you for showing this to us now ladies and gents we move to figures expos a the new survey from data for progress asked likely us voters about various foreign policy issues, particularly related to the ongoing zionist genocidal war on gaza. when asked if they approve or disapprove of the way joe biden is handling the israeli entity war on gaza, voters disapproved by negative 21 point margin with 57% disapproving and 36% approving. this margin has since data for progress started polling this question early november with approval highest in late november after the last temporary cease fire began. however, disapproval of president biden's handling of the israeli entity war in gaza is driven primarily by republicans with 79% expressing this approval, while majority of democratic 61% approve of biden's handling
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the conflict by a plus 31 point margin. this margin is only about half the margin of democrats approval for biden's overall job. performance, which is plus 60. around two-thirds of voters, 67% of them, including the majority of democrats, 77%, independents 69%, and republicans 56% support the us calling for a permanent cease fire and deescalation of violence in gaza. this represents a six-point increase in support for us calling for a permanent cease fire, since data for progress last polled this question in november with a 12-point increase among independent. now let us move to the most notable expose voices for this week. the biden administration realizes that the most effective way to oliviate. "the humanitarin suffering of palestinians facing genocide in gaza is to push for a cease fire and to open the land crossings especially in the rafa crossing where hundreds of trucks loaded with
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food, medicine and temporary shelter supplies are lined up. it also understands that any other approach besides this one is bound to fail. now muds eye real news on tiktok reposted a video by al-jazira english professor norman finkelsteen who is a renowned american political scientist ex exactly explaining why the biden pier is an absolute dark joke. president biden has turned the gauzet into a photo up for himself. there's no problem with getting food and medicine to the periphery of gaza. there are hundreds of trucks which are ready to go in. it doesn't change anything one wit if there is a floating pier on the water periphery of gaza. that's not the problem. the problem is getting the food and the medicine from the... refery to the people, and israel is blocking that, it's blocking it both physically and also by its continued indiscriminate bombing to terrorize the
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civilian population, there's something truly sickening when the president of the united states turns the morterdom of the people of gaza into an election year photo. now president stewart also raised important questions about the new gaza peer project about other cheaper and faster options to alleviate zinast imposed famin on gaza. let us hear what " priston had to say, if this whole process, the gaza pier seems overly complicated and confusing, i'm with you, it is, it it's still hard for me to understand how this is the best solution, if the goal for this specific project is to provide more aid in a timely lumater to the people of gaza, there are other solutions, air dropping aid day after day is not the end all b all solution, that's never going to meet the volume that's necessary, but israel has port facilities that are open today, it can facilitate large ships, i don't... "i haven't seen any conversation about why can't those ports be used, the aid come in and then they're facilitated down into the gaza strip.
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i i understand there's some challenges with with getting aid across the border, with israel having the appropriate security mechanisms in place to search those vehicles before they go in, but it it seem can that not be more easily resolved than building pier from scratch by the united states, setting sail from the united states to put that together, i just..." "not entirely clear how this is the best solution for what the uh various parties are trying to achieve, and my personal favorite about this topic came from a tiktok account named that politics fella who hinted that us troops in gaza are just sitting ducks in the hostile neighborhood as they should. how clueless is president biden, he's going to put us interests near gaza to build a port. doesn't he remember what happened in lebanon?" on back in the 80s under regen when the people who hate us have an opportunity to kill us, they usually do, i
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just ladies and gents, with that we conclude our expose for tonight right here on press tv, please do follow our handle at exposeptv on x, instagram, youtube and tiktok, stay tuned for more eye-opening investigations right here on expose, the truth is just the revelation bismillahirrahmanirrahim. بشيء من الخوف والجوع ونقص من الاموال ونقص من الاموال
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والانفس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبه قالوا قالوا inna lillahi waanna ilaihi rajiعun uləkəhim salawat (salawatan) hum المhtadun صدق اللهl العlim.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hardway and of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine.
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in late 2023, south africa filed case at the international court of justice, icj over the israeli apath regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. south africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the lossit against the israeli regime at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that cited last october are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction. a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group, we have a special guest to discuss the topic today, he is none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis moloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today, thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak. it's a pleasure to be here.
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israeli occupation forces press on with their genocidal war on gaza despite the un security council's call for immediate ceasefire. the political bureau chief of the palestine's hamas movement meets with iran's for. minister here in tehran and lebanon's resistant movement fires rockets at israeli targets inside the occupied territories inflicting heavy losses.