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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 26, 2024 7:30am-8:03am IRST

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the headlines hap welcomes adoption of the gaz cease fire resolution by the un security council stressing the need for a permanent cease fire and withdrawal of israeli forces. iran says un security council's gaza cease fire resolution is a positive but inadequate step. "the regime must be held accountable for its crimes, and a un human rights expert says israel has committed acts of genocide in gaza, and it's planned to force elite to space palestinians amounts to ethnic cleansing.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 7:30 am here in the iranian capital. you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the united nations security council has passed a resolution calling uh for immediate cease fire in the gaza strip. will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s/ 2024/254, please the. raise their hand, those are against, abstention, the result of the voting is as follows: 14 votes in favor, zero
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vote against, one abstention. the draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 27/28, 2024. the draft resolution was jointly submitted by the current 10 non-permanent members of the council, 14 countries, including four permanent members of the un body. voted in favor of the resolution except the united states that abstained from voting, the actual draft demanded immediate ceasefire and the holy month of ramadan leading to a permanent sustainable cease fire in gaza, but the russian representative in a statement before the vote said that the word permanent was omitted before the meeting over the past five months since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza, washington has vetoed three draft resolutions on the gaza ceasefire sparking condemnations at home and abroad.
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the palestinian resistance moven hamas has welcome the adoption of the un security council resolution for immediate ceasefire in gaza in the statement hamas stressed the need for a permanent cease fire in gaza that leads to the withdrawal of israeli uh forces from all israeli forces from the territory and the return of displaced gazents to their homes. the resistance woven also expressed readiness for deal securing. of palestinians languishing in israeli jails and exchange for israeli captives sold in gaza. it also called for the delivery of all humanitarian supplies needed in the beseach strip hamas further urged the un security council to pressure the israeli regime to observe the cease fire in gaza and stop the genocide of palestinians. palestinian ambassador to the un riyad mansur has hailed security council resolution on gaza ceasefire expressing hope that the move will put an end to israeli atrocities against
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the palestinian people. this must be a turning point. this must lead to saving lives on the ground. this must signal the end of this assault of atrocities against our people. a nation is being murdered. a nation is being dispossessed. "a nation is being displaced for decades now, but never at this scale since the nakba, never this openly, from tantura to gazza, from 1948 to 2024. mr. president, now that this council has finally called for seasfire. "all forces should
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coiless to make sure it is enforced, apologies to those who the world has failed. to those that could have been saved and were not, save the lives of those who survived, against all odds, tell them, help is on the way, hold accountable those who inflicted such suffering upon them, end this injustice, end it now, all of this is long over, do and i thank you very much, mr. president. well, the united states abstention on the un security council's gaza ceasefire resolution as angured israel. the regime says it will not send the allegation to washington dc to discuss uh the raffa invasion. the israeli
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prime minister's office said the us abstention hurt the regime's war effort and efforts made to releases rally captives held in gaza. it added that the decision was a clear retreat from the united states con consistent position. washington says it's very disappointed by the cancellation of the israeli delegation's visit to washington. the un security council resolution has been welcomed by many countries and international bodies including south africa, the arab league, the european union and west asian states. israel however has said that it will not end its war on gaza despite the resolution until all israeli captives in gaza are released. iran has welcomed the adoption of gaza's immediate ceasefire resolution by the un security council as a positive though inadequate step, foreign ministry spokesman aser canani said, what is more important than passing the resolution is taking effective measures to enforce it and end israel's attacks on gaza and the occupied west bank.
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he added that lifting israel sie of gaza, sending extensive humanitarian aid and international funding of gaza reconstruction are other important steps that must be taken. canani said israel's reaction to the resolution shows how angry it is about the reparable defeat that the regime has suffered in political and international arenas, he said the security council must hold israel accountable for the crimes that has committed against palestinians during the past six months. earlier press tv's correspondent motian joined us from central gaza, city of dar albala to update us on the situation while reporting live, more palestinian dead bodies were seeen arriving at alasa hospital at. listen towel gazons are struggling with the catastrophic conditions, according to gaza's health ministry that the israel incubation forces over the last 24 hours committed at least 11 opponic massacers against the palestinian civilians across all
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areas of gaza strip claiming the lives of at least 107 palestinian civilians and injuring roughly 176 others these numbers as you can see are rising incrementally with the continuous and the ongoing israeli attacks and air strikes and incursions that are still covering all areas of gaz strip here in balas city and in the central area of gas, particularly over the last couple of hours the israeli war plays, the israeli war plays uh attacked almhraga neighborhood claiming the lives of six basinia civilians uh as you can see here behind me that more civilian cars are bringing more palestinian casualties left behind that air strike as you can see that uh "the ambulances uh are dispatched, these moments, apparently there is uh multiple casualties left behind that air strike, it was huge air strike, yes, evidentially it is another massacer uh tok a
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place moments ago and there in balah city particularly the surrounding areas the vicinity of the alexamartas hospital so the constitution is catastrophic" and here is another civilian car bringing more palestinan casualties, so this is the current situation so far, this is what is happening these moments in hospital, six months into the israeli genocidal war on gaza, the regime's forces continue to pound homes, refugee camps and convoys resulting in the death of more civilians in the besieg palestinian strip. we came running and found the houses, as you see, destroyed and flattened, and we began the process of bringing out the wounded, survivors and martyres. unfortunately, there
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is no safe place in the gaza strip. there are houses of displaced people and civilians who have nothing to do with anything. the rootless enemy has left no safe place in gaza. at least 107 civilians have lost their lives in the israeli bombing and shelling campaign over the past 24 hours 32 people were killed in israel on residential buildings in the southern city of rafa alone, also a house was bombed in the central gaza city of deral bella leaving at least 18 people dead there, according to media reports israeli attacks on the vicinity of al shif hospital in gaza city also caused a number of casualties, areas surrounding amal hospital and khanines were shelled as well, regime forces have laid siege to several hospitals preventing medical supplies from reaching them, the israeli onslot on gaza that began early october has so far claimed 32, 300 lives and injured nearly 75,000 others. a un
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rights expert says there are reasonable grounds to determine that israel has committed acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing and its onslot on gaza. francesc and is a un special operator on the occupied palestinian territory she said in her report that israel has violated three of the five acts listed under the international national genocide convention, the expert added that the overwhelming scale of israel's attacks on gaza reveals regime's intent is to physically destroy palestinians as a group. albanese also asserted that statements by senior razy officials about forceable displacement of palestinians and replacing them with settlers amount to ethnic cleansing. report is due to be presented to the un human rights council on tuesday. after michael gove, the uk
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secretary of state for leveling up, announced the government's redefinition of extremism, we'll be examining the implications of his statement in this week's show. we have effectively ziness interests using a think tank to talk to government, but then the their views are then taken on by government by people who are pointed by government come from the think tank itself, this new definition of extremism, it's not statutory ' but it doesn't mean that it won't have impact, this will have impact on the ground, of course it will, if you look at charities for example who are trying to host events with these organizations, uh, they may have to jump through extra herdles via the charity commission in terms of you, if you're inviting an extremist speaker, and technically they will be on that list of extremist speakers. welcome back, the leader of ansarla movement has praised the yemeni nation's resilience and unity in
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the face of the saudi led coalition's aggression. abdul malik al huthi said the people of yemen have overcome the invading forces and continue to make progress. huthi was speaking in a televised address marking the ninth anniversary of the saudi led war on yemen. he denounced the saudi led aggression as an unjustified and treacherous war whose goal was to destroy yemen, occupied and undermined the right of its people to freedom and independence huthi said the aggression resulted in the death or injury of over 50,000 civilians, mostly women and children, on sorlas leader said the saudi led aggression was part of a larger geopolitical strategy pursued by the us, uk and israel to reshape the region for the benefit of the zionist regime. he affirmed that despite the extensive damage to yemen's infrastructure and high civilian tool, the nation spirit remains unbroken, with he pledged jemen will further develop its indigenous military capabilities and economy, he called on certain countries to reassess their miscalculations and aggressive policies
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towards yemen. the emmy scholars association organized event to encourage muslim scholars worldwide to unite and advocate for the palestinian people a mit the ongoing war in gaza. abdullah reports from. in the great mosque of the old city of sana, the yemen scholars association convened the meeting calling for the nation scholars to fulfill the rule in the alux of luid battle and the ensuing victory, the event so a significant turnout of yemen scholars. our message to the scholars who have shirked their responsibility to support gaza is to fear god, for that will expose them to god's punishment in this world and the here after. silence regarding what our brothers endure in gaza amounts to... participating in the zinest enemies crimes against children and women, the people will also justify their
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silence with the silence of their scholars and rulers, therefore their sin is greater than that of the rest of the people. the participants criticized the inaction of muslim scholars regarding the atrocities in gaza, labeling it the junocider war by israel. they emphasized the scholar's profound responsibility, asserting their religious duty to support their palestinian brothers. they argue that the current situation in palestine is the consequence of decades of silence, the responsibility of the scholars is great, as they are the ones who can move the streets and the people. and they can compel the rulers to act with the fatwa or war from them in support of gaza. since the onset of the war on gaza, yemen scholars have actively participated in weekly demonstrations supporting palestine and have encouraged public demonstrations and solidarity. further more, the scholar's association has declared its support for the yemani military naval operations targeting
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israeli maritime activities and its allies. emany scholars assert that the norm. ization deals between arab countries and israel have emboldened the regime to continue its oppressive campaign against palestinians. they urge all muslim scholars to advocate for palestine regardless of their government's positions. reporting for presivia. us occupation forces have carried out series of strikes against targets in eastern syria near the border with iraq. reports say american warplanes carried out 10 simultaneous strikes. on residential neighborhoods and military installations in der alzar province, including the cities of deralzar, amayadin and al-bukam. they say at least 20 people, including women and children were injured in the attacks. no more details have been provided so far. the united states regularly conducts air strikes in syria under the pretext of fighting terrorism. damascus has written numerous letters to the united
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nations calling on the world body to put an end to us attacks and its military presence in the arab countries. the latest survey show the upcoming european parliament elections in june will revolve around raising prices and social inequalities. european voters seem to very concerned about the decaying state of their finances and lifestyles. we have a report on that. next june, more than 400 million european voters will take to the polls to elect 700. 20 politicians to the european parliament, the composition of the eu's executive arm, the european commission will also be renewed. a recent poll by the multinational market research group, ipsos has found that european citizens most important electoral issues in the upcoming elections are the rising prices and social inequalities in the continent. the cost of
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living in the eu countries has been rising much faster than people's wages, even though. inflation in the block has dropped over the past year around one european out of three or almost 100 million people is experiencing a precarious financial situation faithfully the eu recent historic events, events which have seen the pandemic crisis first and the energy crisis triggered by the war in ukraine later, greatly affecting economic growth. this explains why europeans are very... concerned about social security and employment, immediate consequence of this social crisis will be the final rise of populist movement. other issues deemed very important by the survey respondents in view of the june elections were economic growth and unemployment in the block. after narrowly escaping recession in late 2023, brussels has
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downgraded its growth outlook for 2024 a modest .9%. from the previously expected 1.3% employment in the eu is suffering across all sectors, the increasing use of non-permanent contracts, informal work and insecure jobs has impoverished the significant portion of the middle class leading to high levels of social exclusion. it goes without saying the rising prices do the skyrocketing energy cost have barely affected all europeans. having said that, it must be noted the price here in italy are still much lower than prices in other countries of the block. european borders hope that new eu leadership won't introduce sturity measures which will translate into more suffering for weaker countries. analysts have also pointed out that voter turnout will be the biggest election challenge next june as the election campaign ramps up and discontent is growing
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across europe, many fear that much less than half of eligible voters will cast about. in the european elections. in 2008, the european union's economy was larger than that of the united states. however, following the global financial crisis, the covid pandemic and the ukraine russia conflict, today, the united states economy is 50% larger than that of the european union. max chivili, press tv, rome. russian president. through various channels is trying to convince the satellite countries and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence, there is allegedly no trace of kiev in the terrorist
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attack in moscow, that the bloody terrorist attack was committed by members of daesh, we know by whose hand this atrocity against russia and its people was committed, but we want to know who ordered them to do it. putin stressed that the assalants tried to flee to ukraine. adding that there are many questions to be examined, he said the attack maybe just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with russia since 2014 through the neonazi regime in kiyev. putin reiterated that the attack was meant to so panic among russians, four gunman burst into moscow's um crochis city hall on friday and began shooting at the people attended a concert, they killed nearly 140 people and injured over 180 others 11 people including the... backers have been detained and are facing terrorism charges. ukraine has denied any role in the attack. in our news review
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program, we discuss with our guests who they think was actually behind the deadly terror attack in russia and how likely russia will respond to the attack with stick. i like to welcome our guests to this program, scott ritter, former us marine and scott, your your assessment of the situation, you hear that those who have been arrested were tagic or artic nationals, and we know in the very beginning that daesh or isis had claimed the responsibility uh, but the russian government was saying that uh, it wasn't the case or... they could not prove it one way or the other. your take on who do you think is possibly behind this? well first of all we need to understand that there's still an ongoing
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investigation and uh we it's sort of irresponsible to get ahead of the investigation, but there are certain things that that jump out: one, um, if this was an isis attack, it didn't fit the modus operat. of of you know previous isis actions uh normally um isis terrorists uh are marters for their cause and they uh they die for their cause uh they have suicide vests they uh they're viewing this martterdom as path to you know heavenly reward um these are people who um sought to live uh even their uh photograph that was you know where they are pledging allegiance to isis uh with their left hand by the way, which is also a red flag, i would think, um, they show blurred faces, which means they didn't want to be
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recognized, which again is departure from past practice where you know uh, videos are made where they announced their intent to be marters, and they were seeking escape, um, and escape towards ukraine, which causes lot of people, uh, it raises lot of red flag. well, don, your take on this, i mean, with every situation. we always look at again who benefits and who would not, and in this situation we had just seen the election, re-election of uh president putin uh in a landslide in russia, and also we see the uh, basically as our previous guest was talking about um their actually becoming or seemingly on the road to victory over ukraine, so in your perspective, uh now - scott said that looking at possibly us involvement or cia involvement with ukraine, your thoughts on that, um, how likely do you see that as being
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a possibility? you know, you go to the who benefits from them, look it, and scott's right, it's it's early, this is all speculation, there's an actual investigation going on, we here in the united states aren't used to that part of it actually happening, we have pundits figure out what happened after the fact, most of whom... can't find their behind with both hands in their back pockets um the investigation uh with you doing all kinds of forensic and other uh uh peaks into their phone logs and their activities and you know all of that tracing the weaponry and things they're going to know not only who did it but who they were in contact with and it's they promised i think there's a miscalculation here um one of the lessons of the election that just took place uh is that president putin's foreign policy uh visa v nato, the united states and ukraine, which were supposed to be destroyed.
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uh by by the uh sanctions and the war and the other efforts of the us resonates positively with 87 87% of the population or 87% of the voters, which means that everything that he's done up to this point with the economy uh with the with the military, with the war, with foreign relations was ratified loudly by the people, and so the only criticism i heard, i was there as an election observer last week, "the only criticism at all that i heard of of the policy of uh president putin towards that whole matter is that they wanted him to go earlier into donbast to secure the people there. i won't pass judgement because he has better view of their strategic capabilities and the sit overall picture than i do from here, but to to do this now an attempt to intimidate the population or to chip away at that 87% support ignores the
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nature of it and he is now" empowered with the votes of all of those people to get as aggressive as he feels he needs to to protect the people of russia, and with something like this, a strike like this in the capital, even though it wasn't in the center of moscow, it was in the city, something like this is going to require a strong response, and he has promised one, and he promised it to all those involved. all right, and on that note, i think both of you for being with me here on this news review, scott ritter, former us marine intell. officer and donabar activist and commentator and thank you viewers for being with us on another news review and thank you so much for tuning into this news bulletin right here at press tv.
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let's wap for now let's stick around there's plenty more to come. on prets tv, see you in a bit. for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food.
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if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free.
8:00 am
abu hussein iraqi intifather shabaniah during saddam hussein's regime by abu hussein. اللي ما يروح يلتحق بالجيش لو يقص ذانه لو يقتلون. يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا
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سلام الله عليه. see the story of a man who is recounting the tales from the recent past.
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this is for palestine ramala, gaza, this is for the child that is searching, this is not just a war over stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we never really? know how many people are dead, they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize, i'll testify my television, i'm telling lies, how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never die palestine,