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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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the headlines israel's genocidal war on gaza strip enters is 100. 71st day with total death doll rising to more than 32,200. another palestinian journalist has been killed in an israeli airstrike in gaza. he was killed along with his son an area west of in gaza city. a new report shows that the us and germany supply 99% of israel's imported arms despite international calls to stop selling weapons to tel aviv. of
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisumi shah ahmedi and these are top stories, this hour. palestinians are facing an endless cycle of death and destruction as the us israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip enters its 171st day. the latest israeli strikes have claimed dozens of lives on the coastal territory. 22 members of the same family were killed when their home in gaza's central city of darabala was targeted. at least 10 people were killed in the israeli bombing of the southern city of raffa. several palestinians lost their lives in. air strikes on the alashati refugee camp
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in northern gaza, the regime forces also beseed two hospitals in southern gaza, apart from alashifa in gaza city. meanwhile, the un agency for palestinian refugees says israel has informed the international body that it would no longer allow onrua food convoys into northern gaza. the israeli genocide in gaza has claimed more than 32,200 lives. mostly women and children since october 7th. earlier we spoke to our correspondent muti abu musabi of from the city of dela in central gaza. he said israeli war planes keep attacking residential buildings in gaza while the siege on al-shafah hospital continues. let's begin from balah city here where. the israeli
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incubation forces committed an appowing massacre against the palestinian civilians after the israeli war planes destroyed several residental buildings and alb street located in the in the western part of their balah city, the other areas of gaz strip the israel incubation forces also continue their attacks and air strikes and rafah city as you know that several residental buildings were destroyed over the last night by the israeli occubation war. plains, while when it comes to khanuni city, particularly al karara neighborhood, the israeli incubation forces targeted that area intensally over the last of night by the successive and relentless israel air strikes and the artillary shelling that reach the area, while when it comes to the western part of khan city, the israel incubation forces are still circumventing and attacking uh the nason medical complex and al hospital, they are located in the western part of the city, as you know they were subjected to ' a brutal ground offensive over
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the last couple of months after the israel incubation forces attack that area a mid heavy gunfire and the bombardment the vast majority of the palestinian residental buildings and houses were completely or partially destroyed uh when it comes to the ashifa complex the israeli occupation forces are still attacking the buildings of the ashifa medical complex the upper roofs and the upper flows actually were targeted and hit relentlessly over the last night by the israeli tanks that are surrounding the buildings, knowing that hands of the palestinian people are still stranded and beseeged inside those buildings and the meantime the israeli incubation forces are still continuously opening their gunfire towards the people and towards the buildings of the ashifa medical complex, while the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex were also hit relentlessly by the israel incubation forces, several israeli air strikes and artillery shilling targeted those areas. another palestinian journalist has
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been killed in an israeli air strike on the besige gaza strip. the journalists identified as sahar. from ryan was killed along with his son an area west of gaza city. he had been working for the palestinian news information agency for more than 20 years. nearly 140 journalists have been killed in the us israeli genocidal war on gaza which began on december 7th last year. palestinians say the israeli regime deliberately targets journalists to cover up the truth about the ongoing onslot on gaza. un secretary general antonio gutaras who is in jordan says there is growing international consensus that israel must stop its war on the gaza strip. and nothing justifies the collective
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punishment of the palestinian people. the effective delivery of humanitarian aid requires the immediate delivery of humanitarian. cease fire, the need is urgent. i was at the rough border crossing this weekend, and i met with injured palestinian civilians and there directly from our frontline humanitarian colleagues. they are veterans of some of the worst humanitarian crisis in recent decades. they have seen it all, and yet without exception, they told me they had never seen anything as horrible as what... is happening in gaza today, the scale and speed of the deaths and destruction are on an entirely different level, and now starvation is bearing down on palestinians in gaza. there is a growing consciousness around
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the world that all of these must stop. a new study shows 99% of israel's arms imports are from us german. and despite international calls to ban weapon sales to the regime, the stockholm international peace research institute has reported that 69% of israel's weapons imports are from the us, 30% of the regime's arms purchases also come from germany. according to the study, the us rapidly delivered thousands of guided bombs and missiles to israel at the end of 20. 23, that despite calls for an arms embargo on the regime due to the ongoing onslot on the gaza strip. israel relies heavily on western countries for many of the components in his warplanes, helicopters, warships and submarines, the united kingdom, canada and the netherlands, also a provides real with
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critical aircraft components. we also have some breaking news coming in, as you can see on the screen, the health ministry and gaza. says israeli attacks have so far killed 20 32,333 and it has injured 74,694, the exact numbers. well uh, we were talking about the arm sales to israel, and we have mohammad khalid from the south africa, anc who was joining us live right now to... we discuss that further uh, sir, tell us what is your take on this new report? first of all, were you shocked to hear these numbers or was it something that you expected? thank you very much for having me, i'm most certainly not
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shocked in the least to hear about these particular numbers, because the west, the united kingdom, the united states of america. have always been, they've been actively in the genocide against the palestinian people, so one is not surprised, it is, it is out there, it is public knowledge, hence when we hold israel accountable, we also hold the west accountable, the us and the uk in particular, what do you think can be done in order to at least put an arms embargo on israel, it has proven that is not using arms um the least to expect is complying with geneva conventions. most certainly, look, the united nations needs to be lobbied, we need to have a united nations security council resolution uh, basically resolving that
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there's an arms embargo on the apartted genocidal state of israel, also pressure needs to be placed particularly in the uk. we know in the uk. there's an elections that are coming up as well um and and and and the political atmosphere is very very tense and open with possibilities in the uk, we already saw that the... is sease fire that british parliament did agree to because of pressure, so pressure needs to be applied by activists, by members of parliament as well, for an arms embargo against the apartted state of israel, by the by the uk government, um, no matter what you try in the us, that will not happen, we as the progressive world need to increasingly isolate the united states of america, that's what needs to happen, and do... do you think that the road to achieving that goal is clear or how many obstacles do
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we have to overcome? look, considering the growing, considering the growing anti-israeli sentiment and with the international community becoming more aware. i think now, compared to before, the road is not as difficult compared to before, the road will be difficult, the americans and the british and others will impose economics. sanctions or they will attempt to impose economic sanctions on countries who are making this cause make life very very difficult but compared to before the atmosphere as you have pointed out to is is is is is much more susceptible to achieving that particular goal. thank you very much mr. khalid, thank you very much mohammad khalid said from south africa anc. moving on, israeli occupation force. have raided the old town of nablos and the occupied west bank injuring several palestinians. our correspondent in ramala
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kandal joined us earlier with the details. the israeli forces had stormed the the old town of napolis and as you have mentioned exchange of fire have taken a place between the palestinians and the old town of napolis and israeli forces that stormed the air. israeli troops, as usual, they opened fire at the palestinians and they wonded at least the three palestinians, according to the palestinian event crecent. the palestinian fighters succeeded to detonate explosive devices at the israeli forces vehicles that were invading nabl, it's were in neaplas as well, this time the israeli forces had wonded at least one. partian in the village of veturik, this happened all after midnight
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where palestinians took to the streets in order to support the the their brothers and sisters in the goza ship and the israeli forces opened fire at the protesters wonding at least one palestinian and they have prevented the vehicle to move this palestinian who was wonded to one of the hospitals near bet furi. speaking about karem, at least one more palestinian was shot and wonded, this time 15 year old f was wonded. calls for an end to the genocide in gaza have once again a rung out in number of cities around the world, people in the jordanian capital have hit the streets to voice their support for palestinians. bismillah. gathered near the israeli embassy
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and aman to condemn the regime's atrocities against palestinians, but jordanian police clamped down on the rally, firing tear gas at the protesters and detaining. some of them, there were fresh pro- palestinian rallies in several iranian cities as well, protesters in the capital, tehran gathered in front of the british embassy to vent their anger at the ongoing genocidal war in gaza. he didn't kill himself, two one. calling out western double standards. shocked at the complete endifferance of western countries, particularly the us and the uk, the
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demonstrators couldn't even wait till the next day. recent appalling media reports of the israeli genocidal war on gaza once again brought pro-palestine demonstrators together, this time outside the british embassy and tehran, to condemn israel's aggregous atrocities, particularly in al-shafah hospital, with full support, from countries that have always claimed to be advocates of human rights, but now blatently compromising it in favor of their political discression. حدود ۶ ماه شاهد جنایت رژیم. we have been watching designists atrocities for the past six months as they enjoy full support from the us and the uk. we are in front of the british embassy now and the ukrainian flag is completely visible from here after two years and they have lost only 500 civilians so far in the war, but in gaza the total is over 32,000. what happened to the human rights slogan? alsafa hospital in gaza city remains
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under siege since last week when the occupying. even care about the icj ruling that requires there must be a way to stop this, they don't them to allow humanitarian aid into gaza. "the demonstrators denounce the us and the uk's shameful silence in the face of israel's total disregard for the february 26th icj ruling demanding humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza and for the genoside to stop. i have run out of patience, that's why i'm here. i hope that we can get our voices
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heard. so far, all i have been able to do to help the women and children in gaza was calling for support with social. media hashtags, clearly that is not enough, more demonstrations are expected to take place, particularly in tehran's palestine square, where iranians have been holding numerous pro-palestine rallies since israel launched this brutal genocidal war on gaza. gisumi shah ahmadi press tv, tehran. iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy, and science and technology, and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two
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nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties. russia is still reeling from flying days a terrorist attack in a concert hall near the capital moscow that left scores of people dead and scores more wounded. four main suspects have been charged with acts of terrorism and may face life in prison. a cour statement said two of the detainees have already pleaded guilty. one of them according
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to the russian media said he is a citizen of tajikistan. all have been remanded that the... pre trial custody until may 22nd, authorities arrested the man as the men, all them, as they were attempting escape to ukraine. president vladimir putin has pleaded to, they have, he has pledged actually, to bring the perpetrators to justice. earlier, kiev rejected the notion that it was involved in the incident that took place at a crowded corcus city hall, the attackers also set the venue. and that caused the roof of the hall to collapse. russian authorities have confirmed 137 deaths and more than 180 injuries as a result of the attack. for more on that, we're joined by ryan dawson, human rights activist who is joining us live from
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soul. mr. dawson, what is your take on this attack? well, this was something that definitely. are not used to, the last similar attack happened nearly two decades ago, well there was the attack in in 2015 in france, they killed about 130 people, and of course israeli terrorists killed 118 people, starving people trying to get food from food trucks and they gun them down just a couple weeks ago, that's a state actor so maybe they don't consider that terrorism, excuse me, i'm focusing mr. and i'm sorry to cut you off right there, but we're focusing on the terrorist attack in moscow. i'm just responding to, oh, in russia, there hasn't been an attack like thats in decades, you're right, um, they could... they caught them and they're being interrogated, they seem to be blaming this on ukraine, of course ukraine denies it, the men were trying escape there, isis claim responsibility for it, but it
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doesn't really fit the isis mo, they didn't murder themselves, they all were captured and they have also confessed to trying to collect payments later, which is not really how the islamic state tends to operate, exactly, the attack does not definitely does not bear the hole. of isis attacks, so what do you think, what are the signs, what do the signs indicate, what could this be um coming from, who could be organizing attack of the scale a state like russia? well, there were terrorist attacks with drones last year, and moscow was the target, ukraine has done attempted terrorist attacks in the past, none them were successful as this one, this does seem to be... be a group of privateers, these are double digit iq mercenaries who were sent in to murder as many people as possible. it doesn't really benefit russia to lie about ukraine or isis, they're at war with both of
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them anyway. they've been at war with isis in syria, and they've been at war with ukraine with the past two years, so the evidence that they must have must indicate that these are uh ukrainian back terrorist proxy forces, not proper military, and that's usually how terrorist acts are conducted by western states is through. plausible deniability. thank you very much, mr. ryan dawson, human rights activist, joining us live from saul. and on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of serbia, people have gathered in the austrian capital to commemorate the victims of the aggression by the military alliance against the balkan nation. protesters in vienna chanted slogans against the continued nato expansion and medaling in eastern europe, they also... expressed their anger at the militarization of the eu as well as the nato's support for the israeli genocidal war on gaza. protesters held banners reading stop nato aggression and
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death to imperialism and freedom for the people. in march 1999, a western military alliance launched a 78-day aerial campaign against the federal republic of yugoslavia, which then included serbia and montenegro. the nato. aggression took place without a un mandate and in violation of international law. thousands of civilians were killed or injured as a result of the undeclared war. our correspondent in viena has talked to some the protesters. let say a listen. we are here uh to commemorate 25 years of nato aggression against yugoslavia. this nato aggression was the start of the new world order and uh uh meant. in uh consequence, also the aggression on russia. we are here because of 25 years of the nato invasion of yugoslavia. the event is
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exemplary of the new nature of imperialism. since the early 1990s at the latest, it has become clear that us imperialism is riching for global dominance. nato is it means to achieve this and the eu is its accomplice. this all runs through from the breakup of yugoslavia. eastward expansion of nato to the encirclement of russia to the current events in ukraine, imperialism as a word system is not capable of peace. the focus is always on saying, you cannot keep quiet about something wrong and forget it. we do not forget, we can forgive anyone who acknowledges their guilt, however, for those who are silent and think they are right to violate the un charter. "we do not need these people, we cannot forget or forgive as long as no one is held responsible for their crimes and apologizes. nato has
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declared war against serbia and the serbian people. serbia has never received any reparations or compensation that nato inflicted on them. 40,00 bombs were dropped on serbia alone. 4,00 innocent people died be kindem this war. however, today it is crucial to condemnate. attacks and us worse, they are slowly leading us into world war ii. austria must stand up and ensure that the usa, nato and the eu leave serbia alone. as we approach the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of serbia. we must state clearly that nato as a military alliance must be dismantled. they will trigger wars around the world and massively increase arms spending. the answer can only be that this military alliance is also fought internationally. it is the reason for many military conflicts, russia and ukraine, the war against palestine and 25 years ago the war against yugoslavia. that
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brings us to the end of this edition of world. news on press tv, thank you for watching and until next time, goodbye.
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honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free.
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this is home, first was car, then the house, then i hit the street, that was 15 years ago. we are in los angeles, they are building and modernizing everywhere, the rent is always increasing. the city doesn't know what to do with all the homeless people. this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get her off the streets in the next year. for everyone i house, there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation, so that can make my work very discouraging. housing first
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is just the first step that they need emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life.
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смотрели на своё окружение, на своих близких, да, если вы видите какие-то перемены, то...
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the introduction of this trip and the welcome ceremony of turkman officials to an old neighbor goes back to the early days of the 13th administration where iran announced that relations with its neighbors were top of its foreign policy and this