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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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the headlines. israel's genocidal war on gaza enters its 171st day. iran strongly condemns israel's inhumane crimes against the medical staff and patients at gaza's al-shifah hospital calling for an international probe into the israeli crimes. and a war, new
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of report shows that 99% of israel's arms are imported from us and germany. hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters and tehran, thank you for joining us, my name of is gisum shahmadi and these are top stories this hour. palestinians are experiencing an endless spiral of death and destriction as the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip enters its 171st day. medical sources say that israeli forces have committed eight massacres in gaza over the past 24 hours, killing 84 civilians and injuring scores of others. at least 10 people were killed in the
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israeli bombing of rafa, one palestinian was killed in gaza city. israeli war planes also hit the alashati refugee camp in northern gaza, leaving number of palestinians dead and injured. meanwhile, the regime forces have besseged two more hospitals apart from al-shifah, blocking food and medical aid into gaza. the un agency for palestinian refugees says is... had informed that it would no longer allow onrua food convoys into northern gaza on ra was called has called this a an outrageous blockade. the israeli genocide in gaza has claimed more than 32,200 lives, mostly women and children. earlier we spoke
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to our correspondent mutyab musabi from the city of de alballa in central gaza. he said the israeli war planes keep attacking residential buildings in gaza while the sajan al-sifa hospital continues. let's begin from city here where the israeli incubation forces committed apparing massacker against the palestinian civilians after the israeli war planes destroyed several resident. buildings and b street located in the in the western part of their balah city, the other areas of gaza st the israel incubation forces also continue their attacks and air strikes and rafaah city as you know that several residental buildings were destroyed over the last night by the israeli occupation war planes, while when it comes to khanuni city, particularly al karara neighborhood, the israeli incubation forces targeted that area intensely over the last night by the
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successive and relentless israel air strikes and the artillary shelling that reach the area, while when it comes to the western part of khan city, the israel incubation forces are still circumventing and attacking uh the nasa medical complex and almal hospital, they are located in the western part of the city, as you know they were subjected to uh a brutal ground offensive over the last couple of months after the israel incubation forces attack that area a mid heavy gunfire and the bombardment the v majority of the palestinian residential buildings and houses were completely or partially destroyed. when it comes to the ashifa complex, israeli occupation forces are still attacking the buildings of the ashifa medical complex, the upper roofs and the upper floors actually were targeted and hit relentlessly over the last night by the israeli tanks that are still surrounding the buildings, knowing that handers of the palestinian people are still stranded and beseeged inside those buildings and the meantime. israeli incubation forces
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are still continuously opening their gun fire towards the people and towards the buildings of the ashifa medical complex, while the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex were also hit relentlessly uh by the israeli incubation forces, several israeli air strikes and artillery shilling targeted those areas. israeli forces have been raping and executing women during their raid on al-shifah hospital in gaza city, that according to a palestinian woman who was trapped in the building near the hospital, witnessing the tragedy unfolding there. jamila alihi says: palestinian women were also starved, tortured and kidnapped. in another horrific detail, she added that israeli forces pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them. alhisi had been trapped in building near
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al-shifah hospital for six days before being forced out by israeli forces. she said troops also torched a building where palestinian civilians were taking. shelter burning to death entire families. israel launched a raid on al-shafah hospital a week ago, killing at least 170 people and abducting hundreds more. the hospital was gaza's biggest medical facility before the israeli onslot on the basis strip. iran's foreign ministry spokesman has. condemn the israeli horrific inhumane crimes at al-shifah hospital in gaza city. nasar khan ani said, those atrocities have added to israel's shameful acts and its dark list of crimes. he expressed sadness over the killing of scores of people over the
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past days in israel's raid on the hospital and its restrictions on basic medical supplies. he also referred to reports indicating that palestinian women were. raped and tortured during the israeli raid on al-shifah, kan ani added that the international probe to expose the volume of israel's war crimes in the medical facility needs to be carried out, he recalled the responsibilities of the international community and islamic states with regards to palestine's lives, and the war in gaza. the hospital. is not the only health facility under siege and by the israeli forces, according to palestinian red cresent, israeli forces have laid siege on two more hospitals in the southern city afghans and israeli
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occupation forces have raided the old town of nablus in the occupied west bank injuring several palestinians our correspondent in rom has the details, the israeli forces had stormed the the old town of annablis and as you have mentioned exchange of fire have taken place between the palestinians in the old town of napolis and israeli forces that stormed the area. israeli troops, as usual, they opened fire at the palestinians and they wounded at least three palestinians according to the palestinian. crecent, the palestinian fighters succeeded to detonate explosive devices at the israeli forces vehicles that were invading napolis, it's were napolis as well, this time the israeli forces had wonded
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at least one palestinian in the village of baitur nabl, this happened all after midnight where palestinians took to the street. in order to support the the their brothers and sisters and the gozap and the israeli forces opened fire at the protesters winding at least one palestinian and they have prevented the vehicle to move this palestinian who was wonded to one of the hospitals near b furik. speaking about to karem at least one more palestinian was shot and wonder this time 15 year old palestinian was. hello and welcome to another edition of the news review, in this edition, new study shows
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99% of israel's arms imports are from the us and germany, despite international calls to ban weapon sales to the regime. stockholm international. research institute has reported that 69% of israeli weapons imports are from the us and 30% are from germany and according to that same study, the us rapidly delivers thousands of guided bombs and missiles to israel at the end of 2023, that despite calls for an arms embargo on the regime due to the ongoing onslot on the gaza strip. israel relies heavily on western countries for many of its components in its war planes, helicopters, warships and submarines, the united kingdom, canada and the netherlands also... israel with critical aircraft components. to discuss that further,
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we are joined by jafar ramini, palestinian writer and political analyst who is joining us from australia, and also br. nagesa, member of the kenyan palestine solidarity movement who's joining us from nairobi, kenya. let's begin with our guests from australia. are you shocked or surprised at the news that i just uh read 99% of everything that israel is using is imported either from the us or germany? i'm not surprised at all, i mean i'm not, i'm surprised actually is not more than 100%, because this has been the case uh with with the united states of america since the 1960s ' the they provide them with the arms and provide them with money and they provide them
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with political cover. as far as germany is concerned, germany is paying protection money. the the design is threating germany every now and then do or else, and i'm i don't know whether your viewers are aware that germany has provided israel with nuclear submarines gratis, they paid nothing for them. worships, thanks, you name it, during this last six months, the united states of america has passed, by bypassed congress to send arms to israel hundred times during the last six months, so both germany and the united states of america are not only complicit in the genocide in in in gaza, they are partners and those other countries you mentioned like canada and the uk and here in in australia, they they threaten to to
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withhold arm sales or expos to israel, it's just rubbish. i mean, you only have to look at elbit in in britain and see the partnership between britain and israel in armments and manufacture, they are all doing israel's bidding and and who pays the price? us, the palestinians exactly, that's absolutely right. here, let's bring in our guest from nairobi, kenya. uh, now this is all happening, while there have been numerous calls for a halt in sales of arms to israel, because it is clearly uh using them to advance a plan of genocide, and that is very obvious to the entire world. yeah, thank you.
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in fact, this is only confirmed what we have continued to say that the war that the is being financed by the united states and the so-called civilized west, that that war is actually not just about. the elimination of hamas, but the war is about disposition of land, the palestinian land by the zionist regime, and the united states imperialism have only gotten into partners with the so-called civilized west, particularly germany this time in terms of providing armamentts to this. jam to continue to you know to advance their genocide on the
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innocent people in gaza that the only crime you know is to resist land theft and also to defend their right to self good and it also brings out the hypocrisy or in terms of international law because the united states has continued to lector the world about you know uh they are calling peace, democracy, while even the icj has already in its conservatory, you know, guidelines, outline that those are just not even directly involved in the war but are complicit you know in this genocide that is ongoing in gaza will will remained you know indic but the united states with the german and west partners will not care more about international law if that international law
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do not favor imperialism or do not favor so it's just hypocrisy and you could see even do a comparison. on between when they are quick you know to pass warrants of arrest to people that they think are anti united states establishment while when their own partners, their own people that are advancing you know imperialist interest commit such atrocities against the palestinian people, nobody is calling for you know from the in in fact the ruling class in the in the united states none them is calling for an indictment against netanhou and his war machine, but if it was in africa or in somewhere in in asia then they will be or in russia, then they will be very quick to call upon you know uh call upon unilateral sanctions against such individuals
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and even call for uh international criminal court uh to issue arrest ones, but now we see that the hypocrisy of the united states empire and the so-called morals that it has has been exposed to the world with the ongoing genocide that is taking placing that. that is absolutely right, let's go back to our guest from australia, all of this is happening while we've had in recent weeks only uh some reports of the us trying to push for se fire deal in the un security council which of course it was feedowed and of course you know those humanitarian aids, the air drops and all of that, this is all happening while the us itself is the one sending israel most of the arms that it is using to kill palestinians day in and day out. that's true,
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mean it's it's it's all show business, mr. biden is is is. fighting for his life for reelection, so few thousand palestinians die, what if he is reelected, then is collateral damage, is as our guest from nairobi said, they are all hypocrites and the double standard is amazing, mean i follow as a palestinian and i'm involved heavily involved in politics and in particular the politics of the middle east and my own country, i follow them close. i mean i remember john kirby when he was describing the atrocities, the so-called atrocities that russia is committing in ukraine, he broke down on camera and he was crying, yet when he is asked about the atrocities of israel in in in palestine, all what he had to say israel had the right to defend itself, while it is not,
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israel does not have the right to defend itself because israel is the occupying power, the other. thing these people do, and i hope your your listeners, your your audience would know this, that what america does by supplying arms to israel unconditionally, they are not only breaking international law, but they are breaking american local law, which says emphatically, you cannot supply arms to a... if you know or you feel that the ally is using these arms to kill civilians and the palestinians for the last six months have been killed on camera, it's the only genocide in history where the victim is actually recording his own demise and the entire so-called civilized world is looking
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the other way, why? because israel, israel is... above international law, above any morality, above any legality, even above god's word, because israelis are the gods of modern time. thank you very much, now back to our guest from nairobi, we don't have much time, so if you could please uh wrap this up very quickly, africa has had a long history of dealing with colonialist powers. could you draw the similarities between what's happening in? to palestinians and what happened to african nations? first of all just to give that the the overpublicized. air dropping of um of aid to the palestinian people for us was humiliation, you cannot block tracks from reaching gaza that has
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enough aid to help the suffering palestinian people and then you carry out a movie exercise to do your propaganda while you know that you have already you know lost public opinion and everybody can see from you know the very end that the united states is actually a party to the genocide that is ongoing in gaza, the second part is when we look at the direct comparison between colonialism that happened in in in africa and now the settler colonialism that is taking place in the occupied palestinian territories, you will realize that the first thing is an open propaganda war that you are dealing with a terrorist organization and that's why they are... very clear in the western media the mass sympathizers were in the streets instead of saying that the people were that were in genuine solidarity with the
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palestinian people that are only fighting for their you know for their survival, they are fighting to leave in their own land, but the united states and the classical colonialism the british at that time even called our own land and freedom army here. just like the same way they are doing to hamas that it is a terrorist organization, mandela himself was in prison was called a terrorist organization, amilka kabral was a terrorist, everybody that has you know has stood up and against imperialism and colonialism is being branded as a terrorist, well we know that the people who actually financed terrorist organization like daesh and isis are actually the united states you know ruling plants. and their western partners, the issue around palestinian question is about the occupied and the occupied, and we must know that there is difference between the violence of the
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oppressed and the violence of the oppressor, indeed the israel army cannot justify that they have been fighting an armed population, killing civilians, children and women and bombing each and every you know place that they can find refuge. in the name of self defense, we had such concentration camp, in fact gaza has been under siege for you, since for the last 10 years, there was nothing that was allowed to get in or get out, gaza was not allowed to have their own airport to have their own control of their own food supplies, so literally gaza has been an open air prison that everybody in gaza has been subjugated to israel repression, so we understand from the african. perspective that the same tactics that the white white setler colonialism took upon the kenyan people and the african people, while anybody who brought in help,
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now we see our iranian comrades, they are assisting you know in terms of aid, we are seeing the ourmen comrades, they are standing up against united states imperialism, what does they do, the united states and the british go and bomb their many people while they are very clear about what they want, so "we see and we share a lot of pain and we we share the palestinians conditions and we will continue to never forget palestinian, in fact our solidarity with the palestinian people are permanent and unconditional, only that we cannot join them now to fight against you know physically to put our bodies in the street to defend the inch of their land, but we know for sure that their victory is guaranteed. thank you very much, now the..." that was jafar ramini, palestinian writer and political analyst joining us from australia and berker nagasa, member of the kenya
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palestine solidarity movement, joining us from nairobi, kenya. thank you very much to both of you gentlemen for sharing your thoughts and views on this edition of the news review. and thanks to all of you viewers for watching this edition. for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short-term and long-term effects on human health. قاعدتاً الان همه دنیا و حالا کارشناسی کشور ما همینطور به این نتیجه رسیدن که تا اونجا که امکان داره از سوخت فسیری کمتر مصرف کنند. one
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type of energy that plays a key role in human life is electrical energy or electricity. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. this week on expos a, with a port to be established in gaza and no intention of open. england borders, us president joe biden is using electoral propaganda to carry favor with the american people after his full-fledged support to zianis israel. now the bite and peer plan in gaza has caused suspicion in western media indicating that although the obstruction by zinist israel remains a concern, its impact will now be evident during the distribution phase rather than the initial point of entry. also, social media users view the biden peer plan for gaza as a dark joke, arguing that
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its sole purpose is to allow the zinist occupation to continue grabbing more land and to plunder gas deposits off the coast of gaza. stay tuned for expos a. the truth is just a revelation away.
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смотрели. на своё окружение, на своих близких, да, если вы видите какие-то перемены, то.
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president joe biden's electoral propaganda aims to gain american public favor during low israeli occupation pressure, establishing appear in gaza while refusing to open land borders. now skepticism hits western mainstream media pointing that ziness israel's abstraction is still a problem, but it will now arise at the distribution stage rather at the point of entry thanks to the biden peer plan in gaza. and social media users see this biden peer plan for gaza as a dark joke, claiming the only reason for this plan is to loot gas located on the coast of gaza and to allow more land grab for the zinus occupation. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.