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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:02pm IRST

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headlines at press tv, the u.s. israel continues for the 169th day as number of palestinians killed surpasses 32,100. russia says it has arrested suspected gunman as a depto from the shooting rampage. a concert hall near moscow hits 143 and russian of of president declares a day of morning and vows to punish whomever ordered the shooting in the concert hall.
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hello and welcome live from tehran marshimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, nearly six months into the israeli general side of warn gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continue to claim innocent lives in the besieg palestinian territory. several areas, including japanese in the north and rafa in the south have come under fresh aerial strikes. at least nine people were killed in israeli shelling. as aid was being distributed in gaza city. the gaza health ministry says 114 palestinians lost their lives in israely strikes in matter of 24 hours. the death toll from the us backed genocide in gaza since october the 7th has now surpassed 32,100, most of them women and children. 7,00 others are unaccounted for and fear to be dead under the rubble of their homes. over 74,400 gassons. have also been
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injured, almost six months out israely bombardment continues to claim the lives of innocent gazas, families of victims of the latest israeli attack talk about their situation, we sleep at one o'clock and the house started shaking, eight people were killed, this is a shame, they were all children, five children and the father and mother. they were all children, they hadn't done anything, what happened to them is unjust, this is a shame, my message is find a solution to what's happening to us, we are tired, or they should hit us with bomb and relieve us of this world, this is a shame, what's happening here does not happen to humans, this is not normal, this is a disaster on the whole world, no one is doing anything or finding solution to this situation, how much longer do we have endure this, there is unbelievable pressure on us, people cannot be silent about us to this.
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shame on them, the things that are happening to us are shameful. can you see what is happening to us? every day we have 200, 150, 170, 700, 300, 400 marters daily. until when are you going to just look at us? until when is there a word going to just look at us? what does the word one from us? come and rescue us from the genocide that netanyahu and his group have inflicted on us. "the house was struck when people were sleeping, they were children and innocent people, not affiliated with any factions, they are innocent civilians and children, we pulled them in pieces, it is considered safe zone, there is no threat here, we are supposed to be safe here, people were targeted at 1 am when they were asleep, suddenly there was a
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huge explosion, my house is not far away, about 50 meters from here, so i came and saw that the fire had broken out in the house of these people, they were displaced people who had come from the north and taken refuge in the south, mother and six children, meanwhile un secretary general antonioterz a visit to the doorsp of the war ravage gaza has appealed for a cease fire and the delivery of aid into the tear. nothing justifies the collective punishment of the palestinian people. now more than ever, it is time for immediate humanitarian sease fires. it is time to silence the guns. palestinians in gaza, children, women, men remain stuck in a non-stop. nightmares communities was speaking
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in a visit during visit to raf crossing on the egypt palestine border. he described the long line of blockaded relief truck. on one side of the gates and starving palestinians on the other, moral outrage. the un chief said the choices between increasing agent or starvation. gatera said the continuation of the war will make the humanitarian situation worse. he also warned israel against launching a ground operation in raffa. the gaza strip is struggling with severe shortages in food, water, medication and fuel. israel has blocked the entry of almost all essentials and to the besieg territory, including food, stuff, medicine, and water, since the regime began its general side of war on october the 7th. now to europe where
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controversy is raging over france's continuing threat to land troops in ukraine, it's being reported that president emmanuel macron has been panicked by leaked classified reports which describe ukraine's situation as unwinable. brings us more from paris. france's president and military leaders continue to cause shock waves with repeated threats to russia of landing troops in ukraine. president emmanuel macron has refused to back down from weeks of escalating rhetoric, even after classified reports by the french military were leaked, which appear designed to put
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of how to run defensive operations,ron has now been quoted as saying privately that ukraine could fall very quickly. some in the opposition parties have said of macron's recent words, he is crazy, he is going to drag us into war, yes it is a colossal risk and obviously unwise, but macron also has major domestic problems to divert from above all, there are the upcoming elections for a european parliament, which are vital element behind these outbursts, even if the outcome there appears rather certain already. paul show macron's party is running a distant second place behind the nationalist party of marine lepen. polles also reveal that nearly
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80% of france doesn't want their soldiers sent to ukraine. it's very simple to formulate france's policy here. france shouldn't get involved in things which don't concern it. france needs to stop rejecting russia's diplomatic efforts to discuss european security and russian security and of course to stop refusing to discuss a ceasefire in ukraine and even a peace accord. former officials from the era of nicholas sarkozi declared that in the political and media elite there is dangerous crusading spirit that is playing at war and which could easily... escalate the ukraine conflict into a major european disaster. romin mazahari, press tv, paris. the 31st edition of the international exhibition of quran has kicked off in tehran. the event is held annually
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during the month of ramadan, showcasing a variety of products dedicated to the promotion of the holy book. fitomy brings us more. international quran exhibition is the most significant exhibition of its kind in the muslim world. it will run from march 20th to april 2nd at tehran's mosala held during the holy month of ramadan. the fair features paintings depicting verses and teachings of the holy quran as well as calligraphy and illumination artworks. this year's event has a particular focus on the situation in the gaza strip and palestine. this year's fair. several interesting sections, we have had a special focus and investment on some strategic sections such as the subject of children and youth. the aim is to teach coronic concepts to them through various attractive tools and games and other artistic means. another important issue that we particularly paid a special attention to was
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the issue of palestine and gaza resistance movement, which is the top issue of the islamic world. the fair features 45 coronic institutes. and 24 governmental bodies. the coronic meeting of the exhibition will focus on the issue of palestine and situation of the gaza strip in the presence of scholars from 20. 25 countries, five ministers from islamic states as well as representatives from iraq, lebanon, turkey, poland, russia, sabia, tenisia, libya, algeria and qatar are invited to take part in the event, these days we are witnessing israeli genocide in gaza, and it's heartbreaking for everyone to see the innocent people of palestine under such conditions. the issue of the unity of people is very evident in the international section the exhibition. one of the important messages
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the international section of the fair is to speak loud and clear about the defenseless and innocent people of the gaza strip and the resistance movement. the tehran international quran exhibition is annually organized by iran's ministry of culture and islamic guidance. as always, the exhibition will host several couranic competitions. researchers and university professors. have also been invited to talk about the holy quran and his teachings. the international holy quran exhibition opened on march 20th with the aim of promoting the holy quran and its concepts. this year, the focus of the fair will be on the gaza strip and palestinian resistance movements as well as pertinent issues like the alaqsa flood operation and zainism. fatih massumi, press tv, tehran. all the school year in afghanistan has commenced. yet over 1 million girls have been barred by the taliban from attending classes beyond the sixth
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grade. afghanistan is the only country with such restrictions on female education. reporting from kabul press tv's rahmat bond brings us the details. in kabul afghanistan, the school bell rings and students make their way to classes, but conspicuously absent is half of the student population. the taliban. top officials attended a ceremony on the reopening of schools and delivered speeches that omitted any mention of girls education or their future, even female journalists were banned from reporting this story. it's a great honor that the new education year is kicking off in afghanistan. from today all students are returning to their classes after a winter break. last year 1.2 million new students enrolled in schools and this year the number will increase. we as muslims are obliged to learn islamic teachings and lessons first and modern education is also
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necessary in the second place. despite the taliban's valuation of education, their ban on female students has now impacted some 1.4 million afghan girls. according to unicef, 5 million were out of his call before the taliban takeover due to lack of facilities and other reasons. afghan female students and advocates are now outraged and the more we're devastated, we're going backward and our energy and time are being wasted, we're alive but not living, we want
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our human and islamic right to education. the taliban have repeatedly promised young female students would be readmitted once several issues were resolved. nevertheless, the ongoing band poses a significant barrier to their quest for recognition as afghanistan's legitimate government. afghan citizens remain optimistic about the prospects of education for their daughters, yet there is a growing concern. that opportunities are diminishing, they call upon both the taliban leadership and the international community to collaborate in ensuring equitable educational access for all in afghanistan. press tv. kabul.
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and now it's time for our news review: the death toe from a terror attack a concert hall outside the russian capital, moscow rises to 143. scores of people were also injured in the shooting rampage. the attackers dressed in... camuflage outfits into the crocus city hall on friday and open fire. the dish terror group claim responsibility, but authorities in moscow have dismissed the assertion emphasizing that the investigation is still underway to ascertain the culprits, the federal security service has reported the detention of 11 suspects. russian president vladimir putin says the four people directly involved in the attack were trying to flee to ukraine when they were detained. all
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perpetrators, organizers and masterminds behind this crime will get just an inevitable punishment. whoever they are, whoever guys. on our people, four perpetrators of the terrorist act who shot and killed people have been detained, they were traveling towards ukraine, but putin described the attack as a barbaric terrorist act and announced a day of national morning, he said some people on the ukrainian side had prepared to let the suspects cross over the border, from russia, ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack, and the massacre has been slammed by countries across the globe. the un secretary general antonio gateres condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms, while the security council underlined the need to hold accountable those responsible for the deadly incident. iran's president ibrahim raisi also censored the attack and extended his
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condolences to the families of the victims. like to welcome my guests to this news review out of moscow, mimi adam, journalists and activists and out of pittsburg, daniel kovaleck, author and activist, thank you both for being with me, well let's start it off in moscow and mimi, your thoughts, because on the one hand um we hear that uh daesh has said that they were responsible for this, on the other hand we're hearing out of moscow that they're not accepting that daesh are actually the culprits, your take on this and your thoughts, why russia is saying this? well, i think for decades now isis has been acting on behalf of the cia, it's not a coincidence that every and not only the cia, you when i say cia, i also mean musad, it's
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not a coincidence that every country that the us wants to destroy happens to also face a lot. large battalion of isis destroying the country also um and this is just far and parcel with that the reason this time is so suspicious so blatant that the russian government isn't going to play games and isn't going to pretend just random isis attack is because you know it's been years since isis has done any kind of attack like this isis was pretty much almost completely uh defeated and so this comes a time like right after the russian elections, right when you know the battlefield was accelerating in ukraine, right after victoria newland threatened more money to ukraine and uh nasty surprises for putin and asymmetric warfare, this is off to the you know netanyahu uh threatened russia, there was also other
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liquid party members that were threatening russia on our key uh because russia... has taken a uh you know a closer stance to palestine, they brought the palestinian resistance into moscow recently just this month uh and so all of these factors point to uh the the nato, israel, cia sort of access of evil uh perpetrating this attack on moscow as a form of saying we're going to bring the war to you, it's not just gna affect the heartland of russia, well daniel, you're... i mean with like in any situation when a crime is committed we look at who benefits and and who does it hurt so uh your take on this who would benefit from this type of terrorist attack and in your perspective who's most likely behind it? yes, well it's all always honestly i can't conceive of who could
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benefit from it, mean obviously ukraine has been carrying out attacks against civil. in towns like belgrad, russia, and even against people in the new regions of russia, formerly ukraine, so they certainly seem uh to have the motivation to do that sort of thing, though how it benefits them, i it's hard for me to conceive of, i think this is only going to rally the russian people behind the government um and and really strengthen their result, i think in the end if ukraine was behind this and i think they may have been. it's a death sentence for them, um, meanwhile, a couple weeks ago, he had the us giving a travel advisory to american saying, avoid concert halls and other public. spaces in moscow, right? because chance of a terrorist attack. well, how did the us know that? how much did they know? did they inform the russian authorities of this? um, you
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know, i think it's a little strange when people predict in event, and then it happens. well, they must maybe have some for knowledge and maybe even some involvement. you know, i don't know for sure, but certainly the west seems intent. on fatally undermining russia and they're losing the war in ukraine and they may see this as a way to again in their minds undermine the resolve of the russian people, but again i think it's going to do quite the opposite. well, maybe looking at uh daesh or isis saying that they are responsible, isn't it quite interesting that um this so-called entity, daesh we... see them basically always attacking uh uh countries or entities that are actually anti-imperialist, anti-western hegemonic, we
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don't see daiish going into uh uh the zionist regime right now and basically attacking them for killing tens of thousands of palestinians, their so-called muslim brothers, so your your analysis of this this whole thing, because basically it's almost seems as if this is an' extension of the western hejamanic front, perhaps in the name of daesh, your take? well, absolutely. i mean, for 10 years, the question always was, why has isis never attacked israel, and the one time apparently that an isis rocket accidentally went over to the israeli side, the israeli ministery, minister of defense said that isis apologized and that israel accepted their apology. so you know, even now in the midst of a genocide, in the midst of israel destroying multiple mosques in gaza, they're saying they're going to you know kill
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three cows and build the third temple a mosk, but this so-called islamic state in the lavant is attacking russia, i mean it doesn't really make any sense right, unless you conclude that all along this uh isis... was the work of the cia in the world and you know i wouldn't, i would say of course the ukrainians would be involved since these guys were running towards the ukrainian border in their car, but at the same time i would the fact that the american's state department knew all about this and specified that it was a concert, it wasn't even just that there would be a terrorist attack, but a terrorist attack a concert uh that is highly highly suspicious and the question is how would they benefit from this? is well, how did they benefit from multiple terrorist attacks in syria? uh, this is uh, causing destabilization is going to affect the economy, it's going to affect the psychology
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of people, and it's going to cause destruction. this is just another method of war. well, what about that, daniel? mean, because we we're hearing more, more from, for example, the likes of uh, french president mcron and saying that they have to possibly put troops on the ground um to... win this war against russia, um, so we see more and more this wave against russia, um, how likely would it be that the europeans and the americans would be the ones likely behind it, and go back, going back to what you said about the u.s. and it's warning um to american citizens, one would think that in a way it's actually kind of message that we do know this, perhaps we may be behind it, but of course we will never admit to it. yeah, well i think there's a very good possibility the us is behind it, look, if daesh is behind it and or ukraine, the us is behind it,
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because those are instruments of the united states, so and the cia, which we know by the way has 12 bases uh along the borders of russia and ukraine, the new york times even admitted that about a well, so um, i think there's every reason to believe. okay and of course we heard from president putin today that... ly the perpetrators will be responded to. thank you both for being with me on the this uh news review. journalists and activists out of moscow and
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daniel kovaleck out of uh... pittsburgh and thank you viewers for being with us on another news review and thanks so much for staying with us right here at press tv. and that's it for this news bulletin. i'll see you in another half hour. so much, goodbye, crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, down diplomacy, us israeli
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genocide against palestine, the prling cover of this assassination of. money now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh, this is sarayavo, a country that shares borders with serbia and croatia and has
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survived years. mjesec ramazan aktivira ovdašnjeg čovjeka na poseban način. ovdašnji čovjek od od davnih vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. commemorating ramadan and holding ceremonies to has had an important impact on preserve. the religious and cultural identity of bosniak muslims over the years. for muslims across the world, aid alfitter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud
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for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan, which date back to... get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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posible que una sociedad
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this is for palestine, gaza, this is for the child that is searching for ronaldo. this is not just a war over stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television, televise i'm telling lies, how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never die free palestine free. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine declassified.