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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:03pm IRST

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headlines of press tv, the us is real war in gaza continues for the 169th day with the occupation forces intensifying their attacks on the al-shafaf medical complex. hamas hales russia and china for vetoing a us raft resolution on gaza saying washington wanted to give legitimacy to the israeli genocide against palestinians and the depto from a terror attack near moscow rises to more than 100 with russia hinting about ukraine's involvement. in the attack,
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hello and welcome live from tehran, you've turned to press tv's world news, i'm marza hashimiy, thanks so much for being with us, well nearly six months into israel's general side of war on gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling claim more lives in the best sie palestinian territory, at least 10 more palestinians were killed in israeli air strikes on gaza city, house was struck in the southern city of rafa, were eight people, mostly women and children lost their lives. three more people were killed in an air strike in kandunis, also in the south. the israeli regime began its war in gaza on october the 7th, since then, more than 32,100 of people have been killed in the palestiny. in
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territory, most of them are women and children. 7,00 people also remain unaccounted for, and almost 74,400 have been injured. well, our correspondent moti abusabe joined us earlier from central gaza city of darabala to update us on the situation in the coastal strip, including the al-shafah medical complex, which remains under israeli siege. the continuous as israeli aggression against the ashifa square enters at sixth consecutive day with uh continuous attacks with fierce air strikes and artillery shilling and the gunfire of the israeli tanks. several buildings inside the shifa compound were targeted heavily by the israeli bombardments and the israeli shilling uh leaving uh
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multiple buildings on fire uh over that intensive intensive attacks, over that intensive attacks, in the meantime the medicine residence are still stranded and who are still beseged inside the hospital, actually are living catastrophic humanitarian conditions, they are trapped between the continuous israeli attacks and the lack of the basic humanitarian needs as the israeli equibition forces are still denying them any entry of their basic humanitarian. necessities, the surrounding areas also were of targeted heavily by the israeli attacks and the israeli are strikes, several horizontal buildings were destroyed in addition to the uh people who were killed over those chronic attacks against the presental apartments in the vicinity of the ashifa medical complex, multiple appeals were released by those families and those palestinian civilians in the area for the international human rights organizations to help them to be evacuated and to... them from this continuous israel
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attack that that is targeting them uh continuously when it comes to the central area of gaza strip the israeli war blins carried out relentless and cruel israeli air strikes against alamal town located in the northern part of anusarat refuji camp it includes several residental towers the israel incubation forces flattened and level to the ground several horizontal towers in that area leaving thousands of the palestinian civilians six months of israeli bombardment continues to claim the lives of innocent gazans, families of victims of the latest israeli attack talk about their situation, messages find a solution to what's happening to us, we are tired, or they should hit us with bomb and releave us of this world, this is a shame, what's happening here does not happen to humans, this is not normal, this is
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a disaster on the whole world, no one is doing anything or finding solution to this situation. how much longer do we have endure this? there is unbelievable pressure on us, people cannot be silent about us to this. stand shame on them, the things that are happening to us are shameful. we were asleep at 1 o'clock and the house started shaking, eight people were killed, this is a shame, they were all children, five children and the father and mother, they were all children, they hadn't done anything, what happened to them is unjust, this is a shame, can you see what is happening to us, every day we have 200, 150, 170, 700, 300, 400 marters. until when are you going to just look at us? until when is there a word going to just look at us? what does the world want from us? come and rescue us from the genocide that netanyahu and his group have inflicted on us?
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the house was struck when people were sleeping, they were children and innocent people, not affiliated with any factions, they are innocent civilians and children we pull. them in pieces, it is considered safe zone, there is no threat here, we are supposed to be safe here, people were targeted at 1 a.m. when they were asleep, people were sitting down for sour, when suddenly there was a huge explosion, my house is not far away, about 50 meters from here, so i came and saw that the fire had broken out in the house of these people, they were displaced people who had come from the north and taken refuge in the south. mother and six children. un secretary general antonio gaterres a visit to the doorstep of war ravaged gaza has appealed for its cease fire and the delivery of aid into the territory.
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nothing justifies the collective punishment the palestinian people. now more than ever, it is time for immediate human. it is time to silence the guns, palestinians in gaza, children, women, men remain stuck in a non-stop nightmare. kataris was speaking in a visit to rafa crossing on the egypt palestine border. he described the long line of blockaded relief trucks on one side of the gates and starving palestinians on the other, moral outrage. the un chief said the choice was between increasing aid or starvation, and he said the continuation of war will make the humanitarian situation worse. he also warned israel against launching a ground operation raffa. the gaza strip is struggling with severe shortages of food, water, medication
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and fuel. israel has blocked the injury of almost all essentials into the besieg territory, including food stuff, medicine and water, says the regime began its general side of war on october the 7th. meanwile the un security council has rejected a us draft resolution which linked the cease fire in gaza to the release of captives by hamas. 11 security council members back the resolution. however, permanent members, russia and china, as well as rotating member algeria voted against that, while one country abstained. hamas welcomed the... rejection of the us draft resolution is that the resolution would have given israel cover and legitimacy for what it called the war of extermination against palestinians. the palestinian envoy to the un called the resolution one-sided. riyat mansur expressed support for another
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draft resolution put forward by elected members of the security council that is expected to be voted on soon. the russian and chinese representatives also said the us resolution. is imbalanced and does not clearly call for a ceasefire in gaza. distinguished colleagues, from the very onset, it was clear that the so-called negotiations which are us colleagues have been engaged in on this issue have been focused gear merely to drag out the time. all of our comments, all of our red lines were time and time disregarded, as were the proposals of number of other delegations. this was some kind of empty rhetorical exercise rather than normal work document. the american product is exceedingly
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politicized, the sole purpose of which is to help to uh play into play to the voters, to throw them a bone. own in the form of some kind of a mention of a cease fire in gaza and to establish the us's political ambitions in the region through the establishment of... terrorist labels and to ensure the impunity of israel whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed. i wish to draw attention to the following: the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount a military operation in rafah. at the very least, the authors try to make it to such that nothing would prevent western jerusalem. from continuing their brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza strip, and what is
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washington actually trying to achieve, we have already stated that we will no longer tolerate pointless resolutions which do not contain a call for a cease fire which lead us to nowhere. this draft should not pass with the majority of the membership. political commentator john stepling says washington ceasefire proposal was a sham and it's meant to give the israeli regime the green light to commit more crimes. the fact is that the the ceasefire was a was a sham uh uh us- driven uh piece of of it amounted to cover for the for the status quo for the... continuing of the occupation and a subjection of palestinians, what is required as an end to
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the occupation? i mean, there is other solution. zionism is the problem, and zionism has has um exceeded it sall by date, it never should have been given this land in the first place, it's a legacy of colonialism and colonialist rule and and the british uh... hand in that region, so so everything else becomes almost a distraction, debating the fine points of this cease fire becomes a distraction, because we are watching a genocide go on, people are starving to death, the israelis have sadistically you know blocked food from getting in, uh, they know people are starving, they want those people to starve, they are, they are now advertising beach front. property uh for sale in gaza in the new york times, i mean this is this is
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openly illegal, it doesn't matter, israel thumbs its nose at world opinion and uh and does what it please because it's protected by the united states. moving to other news now this hour, the death toe from friday's terrorist attack a concert hall. near the russian capital moscow rises to 115, while dozens more sustained injuries. according to the russian media attackers dressed in camouflage outfits entered the croco city hall and opened fire there. the daesh terror group claim responsibility, but authorities in moscow have dismissed the assertion emphasizing that the investigation is still underway to ascertain the colporates. the federal security service chief has reported the detention of 11 suspects. he says. four them directly involved in the attack were arrested in the bringants region bordering
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ukraine following a car chase. ukraine, which is at war with russia, had quickly denied any involvement, but the head of the state duma has pointed his finger at ukraine and its backers. andre kartabolov says kiev will receive clear response on the battlefield if its involvement in the terrorist attack is confirmed. meanwhile condolences are pouring in from around the world after that deadly terrorist attack in russia. the un secretary general antonio gateres condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms, while the security council underlined the need to hold accountable those responsible for the deadly incident. iran's president ibrahim raisi also strongly condemned the attack and extended his condolences to the families of the victims. he said that joint effective fight against terrorism requires serious action by the international community. the united
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states has also sent its condolences to russia over what it described as terrible shooting attack. many other countries, including germany, france, spain and venezuela also reacted to the tragedy in russia. meanwhile, ukraine, which is at war with russia, has denied any involvement in the attack. well... earlier we discussed this deadly terror attack in our news review program. let's take a listen at what our guests had to say. joining us now for the program is a greag simon's independent researcher and author from upsola sweden and tim anderson director at the center for counterhegemonic studies joining us from sydney, australia, gentlemen, like to welcome you both to the program, i guess tim uh, we'll start with you, 93 people dead at this
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uh concert hall, this active terror, what do you make of it? well it's an appolling act and uh the uh the suspicion in russia of course initially was that it came from ukraine which has been massing more foreign mercenaries near in the kiev region and carrying out some cross border incursions in the belgrad area so the suspicion lay on ukraine with the claim from isis or isis k as some sources say it really points to think it back at the us. uh which had has admitted that it had uh, if not advanced knowledge, it was warning um us citizens in russia not to go to large gatherings in the moscow area, some two weeks before this happened, so lot of suspicion should land on washington, i suggest, because they showed some degree of advanced knowledge, and then after that, if
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it indeed is one of the isis cells that carried that out, we know that in the past the only operative uh capacity of isis has been to assist us operations, although they claim to be fighting isis in in west asia, but in practice they were an agency of the us, and president biden when he was vice president 10 years ago and the head of the us army admitted that, they said that all of the funds and arms that isis received in syria and iraq were from the um the allies of the us in that region, so it's always operated to fight the people that the us is fighting, it never attacked the... for example or they claim to be fighting some holy islamic cause, so i think suspicion should rest very squarely on the us, as it has number of agencies and proxies of course across the region and as we know also in russia, and it's backing this war uh from the ukrainian side as well. thank you, tim, greg simons, welcome to the program out of uh sweden now
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greg, your thoughts, i mean daysh on his telegram account claim responsibility and... out of the blue comes the us saying they feel to a great extent confident that it was uh daish that was behind this up, but the only thing i can think of is uh maybe that was a response to the campaign against the terrorist group the russians carried out with their allies in syria, but so much time has passed since then that it kind of makes it suspect and the russians aren't buying that it was purely a dyish operation. your thoughts? well absolutely, i agree with tim uh to a great. if we look at uh political conflicts in the past, when the us had a problem with duerte in the philippines, all of sudden you had isis turning up in the philippines, when they had a problem with maduro, isis turned up in venezuela, and you've had uh department of us department of
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defense and pentagon uh documents such as audit saying that they are supporting... isis militarily, materially, and one has to look, i mean, at this point, who benefits, and i mean, this nonsense that this is a right stark uh, fire incident is just a red hearing, and i mean it, it's the us, they're being humiliated once more, i mean they're getting humiliated in ukraine, they were not able to stop putin from being reelected, so now that they're trying political. using the proxies uh such as isis okay thanks uh and um tim it was really odd about three and a half weeks ago supposedly washington warned the russians that they're going to have a terrorist attack carried out on their soil uh most likely somewhere in around moscow uh possibly a large gathering a concert hall they mentioned uh the russians said it was uh
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very loose information they could make much of it but but it's really wild because here's the us giving all these weapons to israel then it it has this like lame assemblance of olive branch by the these little package uh aid packets that that parachutes in into gaza and you see the same thing here all these weapons are going to ukraine and here's this the slither of an olive branch of this information that amounts to absolutely nothing just like that aid in in gaza what's the what what kind of role is is is it a game that the us is playing with the russians when it comes to sharing intelligence on this uh so called act of terror. the warning was uh obviously directed at us citizens, telling, warning them not to go to big gatherings in in that area, but let's not forget that when the previous terrible terrorist attack occurred in kerman in iran earlier this year, who was it the claimed responsibility there when all of the suspicion was on the us and the israelies at that time? it was also isisk, so isis is a convenient label, it's
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trotted out, i think to hide the real hand behind these sorts of things and as i say, my suspicion rests very firmly with washington, there the puppet masters, let's look past the monkeys a little bit and look at the organ grinders, that would right over my head uh there are greg, how do you make that correlation that we have hundred dead in iran not too long? three months ago and now we have another 100 dead in russia, two us adversaries. absolutely, i mean, this is what they do, it's the political warfare, and the point about it, they believe that there some kind of plausible deniability in their actions here, but let's look at what has been done uh, not only yesterday, but what has been done systematically in the past. it's like a copy and paste of the same kind of terrorist action in the territory of an adversarial country as means to destabilize
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it, because it's standing up it's being a subject of international relations, it doesn't bow down and become an object of us geopolitics. i want to thank you for joining us on our news review program here. that was uh mr. greg simons there joining us from upsola, sweden and uh tim anderson joining us out of sydney, australia, viewers, uh, thanks for joining us here, brings us to the end of your news review program, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now. and with that brings us to the end of this world news bulletin right here at press tv. thank you so much for staying with us.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, us israeli genocide against palestine.
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2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay p of death and destruction descended over the muslim community, c'est les maisons de qui sont
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détruit, les maisons de... old colonizers came back under the banner of peacekeepers, history began to repeat itself, ce sont des armées, l'armée français, mais il a pas de protestation, c'est eux qui ont créé cette histoire, c'est... eux qui sont à l'origine de tout ce que nous vivons là, nos malheurs là, c'est eux qui sont les responsables.
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if you have a souvenir from loved one, you feel pretty good. my grandpa left me a very small box in his cluttered store room. i have no idea how he knew i loved traveling like himself, and he left me his travel guide along with few other practical tools. my family would let me travel only if my cousin, who is older than i, accompany me, the chubby guardian angel that has always been next to me since childhood, so i packed my orange travel backpack and started the journey.