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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:02pm IRST

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first of the headlines, the death though from over five months of the israeli us genocide in gaza keeps rising now nearing 32,000. a new un imagery report shows 35% of the buildings in the gaza strip have been destroyed by israel's domista's tidal campaign and the pressure on halting arms export to israel gains more momentum as the uk is considering to set conditions for sending weapons to the talavi regime.
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7:30 pm in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. over five months into the israely genocidal war in gaza. the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continued to claim innocent lives in the besieg palestinian territory. over hundred gazans have lost their lives in israely strikes since wednesday. several areas, including jibalia in the north and raffa. in the south have come under fresh shelling and aerial strikes. the death poll from the us-israely genocide in gaza since october the 7th is now close to 3200, most of them women and children. meanwile the israely army has also warned the displaced people in alsifa hospital to leave the complex immediately. palestinian media reported that the military also blew up building used as critical care unit there. israely forces attacked the hospital at the weekend, killing and entering number of people while kept laying. to the compound on wednesday, the
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palestinian resistance hamas released a footage showing its fighters repelling an israeli attack near shifa. the video shows resistance fighters targeting invading troops a tank with rockets and hand grenades. the un's satellite center has released an updated assessment of the damage inflicted on buildings in the gaza strip. it says that 35% of all buildings in the gaza strip have been.
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people, human rights organizations say the destruction appears to be aimed at or has the effect of rendering the return of civilians to these areas impossible. the humanitarian situation in gaza is profoundly distressing, continuous israeli bombings on civilian areas of have left people without shelter. let's take a listen to harrowing accounts of some of the displaced. there is us support, european support and support of the whole world with israel, they support them with weapons and planes, they mock us and send four or five air drops just to save their faces. we were sleeping a while before predon meal, however they bombarded the place. we are displaced persons from the north, we are not affiliated with any political party, no safe places being left across gaza. i am saying this to the whole world. they can see what israel is
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doing to the poor palestinian people. we have been under bombings for six months. they are children. what have they don't to deserve this? we are tired, we no longer have energy. the children in the south and the north are dying of hunger. what has baby done to die of hunger? sheet metal panels, rubble and the stones have fallen on my husband. got protected my daughter. i pulled her out from the bathroom. the metal panels and rubble from the adjacent. building collapsed on us, thanks god we survived. it is mother's day across the arab world. in palestine, however, mothers are not celebrating this event as they are facing death, displacement, starvation, and abduction. the palestinian prisoners society says the israeli forces have carried out large scale detention campaigns against women in the gaza strips to started the regime's onslot on the basiest territory early in october. the pps. the
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crimes and violations committed by the israeli forces against female prisoners have escalated an unprecedented way. the prisoners society said palestinian mothers in israeli jails are not allowed visitors on mother's. day. according to un women, over 9,000 palestinian women have been killed by israely forces since october, with an estimated 37 mothers losing their lives every day. israel's relentless massacers in the gaza strip are sparking a deepening rift between the regime and his closest allies. now the uk has conditioned the continuation of arm sales to israel on granting access to the red cross to visit hamas forces detained.
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palestine demonstrations, in one such rally, hundreds of britains shot down arms factories across england and in scotland to condemn the country's complicity in the israeli genocide against palestinians. the us-israely genocidal war in gaza has caused huge public outcry around the world, with calls getting louder to boycot or to impose sanctions on the occupying regime. western countries have so far refused to heat. those calls from their own citizens, they also continue to show their double standards by blacklisting those who extend support to the oppressed palestinians, but at the same time supplying the israeli regime with arms and money to keep spilling the blood of palestinians. firstly we discussed the issue with say muhammad marandi, a university professor and
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political analyst in tehran. let's take a listen. genocide in gaza is clear for. everyone to see, even in the west, people are increasingly recognizing the fact that the israeli regime is carrying out a holocaust, but as you rightly pointed out, the ban against the russians or bellorus or others is has been put in place not only by bodies linked to sports, but also all other institution. european institutions and elsewhere, the the russians are punished, but the israelis are not punished, the israeli regime is not sanctioned, only a handful of people in the west bank, settleers have been
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sanctioned, and that's for show, but whole entire countries are sanctioned by the europeans and americans, iran, syria, venezuela. cuba and yemen, other countries have been completely destroyed, russia also sanctioned, but the israeli regime despite carrying out this genocide, despite it going on for months and despite it being the first genocide to take place in front of the eyes the global community, the west is doing nothing to stop it. "the israely regime has conducted fresh rais on different areas across the west bank. four palestinians are killed in tutankharam and another killed in ramala during the incursions, bringing the deaththoll in the last 24 hours to nine. earlier we spoke to our bramala correspondent monacan deal on the seemingly on ending its really violence in the occupied territories.
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last night was yet another bloody night here in the occupied west bank these. forces killed two more palestinians in nur shams refugee camp during military raid and taking death in noorshams refugee camp into karam 24 where the israeli military has already had already conducted earth strike at group of palestinians and they killed two palestinians their the israeli military claimed they were preparing to carry out anti-israeli operations in the lands occupied in 1948, later the israeli forces raided nors refugee camp, exchange of fire, continued for several hours and only in in less than half an hour the israeli forces left to karem refugee camp
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after killing two more palestinians, you have to mention that in addition to those four palestinians who were killed in north sham's refugee camp, the israeli military had already had also conducted. another airstrike earlier, engineer refugee camp and killed three palestinians, so it seems that we are speaking about nine palestinians. were killed in the last 24 hours in order in the occupied west bank, in the center of the occupied west bank and in southern the occupied. leader of iran's islamic revolution, iit ali khameney has delivered his annual speech, congratulating the nation on the occasion of no rose. thousands of people from all walks of life attended the address which was dominated by the ongoing genocidal war in gaza. gisumy has starting the iranian new
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year with the best blessing of all, men and women, young and old in the imam khumeini husseiniah in tehran to meet with the leader on the first afternoon of the year 1403, as he delivers the new year's address, which this year has coincided with the holy month of ramadan. شما برادران و خواهران عزیز به همه ملت ایران تبریک عرض می کنم. هم زمانانی بهار طبیعت و بهار معنویت به معنای این است که خدای متعال هر دو کفه لطف خود را در معرض استفاده بندگان خود قرار داده است. "the new year's address is always an occasion for the leader to pinpoint key issues, and while he
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elaborated on iran's economy and called for a boost and production with the participation of people, the ongoing international developments and the genocidal war in gaza became the topic of the day. غزه نشان داد که چه ظلمی و چه ظلمتی بر دنیا حاکمه."
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کاری کرد که در همه جهان منفور شد. این کسانی که در خیابان های لندن و پاریس و بقیه کشورهای اروپایی و خود آمریکا تظاهرات به نفع فلسطین می کنن این.
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afghanistan's reliance on pakistan for access to international markets has been a longstanding challenge, however recent disputes have pushed the taliban authorities to seek alternatives. the taliban have said they will invest around $35 million dollars in iran's chabahar port located in the country's southeast. the move aims to reduce afghanistan's economic dependence on pakistan, which has been murred by political. friction and trade disruptions. chawbahar is one of the most important economic and trade
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roots for afghanistan. the islamic emirate of afghanistan tries to have a strong bilateral economic and trade relations with iran as part of its economic policy. this port allows afghanistan to broaden its trade with iran, west asia and europe. that's why we are specially focused on chabahar and seek to invest there. analysts believe this could be a turning point for afghanistan's. international trade relations, they say that iran has been an ideal trade partner for afghanistan and accessing chaubahar port will further facilitate afghanistan's regional cooperation. about the benefits of chabahar port for afghanistan include its short distance with the country's borders. it allows goods to enter our country a low price. it is especially suitable with the overall economic situation of afghans. another benefit is that it opens a big roat for our exports which is in dire need of expansion. when we become able to expand our exports, our economy will grow rapidly. as
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the taliban government seeks to diversify its trade roots and reduce its reliance on pakistan, the decision. to invest in iran's chabahar port marks a significant shift in afghanistan's economic strategy. experts say the outcome of this move will not only impact afghanistan's relations with pakistan but also shape the geopolitical dynamics in the region. iran and afghanistan have the potential and opportunity to cooperate in many fields. trade and industry in particular can bring the two neighbors closer in a very volatile region. rahmat. european council president charles michelle has called on the european union to prepare for war and to enhance his military capabilities and escalating tensions with russia over the war in ukraine. price waville has more from ram. the recent european council president charles
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michelle's warning that the european union needs to ramp up its military production and she. to a war economy mode in response to an alleged threat posed by russia has sparked international alarm and mixed reactions in europe. earlier this week, michelle wrote an opinion editorial run by media specialized in eu affairs that if europe wants peace, it must prepare for war, arguing that although the eu's military manufacturing capacity has increased by 50% since the start of the ukraine russia war in 2022, far more was needed, our european awakening is just beginning to take shape, and i would like to tell you what i feel, the time has come to create a real union of defense coupled with a true defense single market. michelle added that the european union must finally take responsibility for its own security. for
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decades, the european union has relied heavily on the united states and the western military. alliance nato for its security. analysts believed that the dependency on external powers by the 27 member block has resulted in a complete loss of its own geopolitical and strategic autonomy. at this point in time the eu cannot be militarily independent. it can't adopt autonomous strateges. today europe must creat its own defense system so that in 30. is time, it can really be geopolitically autonomous, if we continue to put national interests ahead, all individual states, including italy, would lose geopolitical relevance. michelle's remarks come as ukrainian and international politicians and experts are warning that ammunition shortages are resulting in the losses of territory to russia. michelle is
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trying to keep germany under pressure, demanding together with the french government that berlin provide ukraine with... ranch cruise missiles tours. german chancellor schulz has so far said no to this request to avoid the war escalation, adding that his country has already provided here with arms for 7 billion euros, while france is struggling to pay for ukraine military aid. on wednesday, the italian former prime minister juseppe conte accused the current prime minister giorgia meloni of dragging italy into world war ii after having turned the country into irrelevant subjugated power. max chively. workers across france have walked off their jobs demanding higher pay to offset and during inflation. it was the first labor action featuring the nation's top eight unions, indicating looming trouble for the administration of president. has more from paris. france is unions united for a massive
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nationwide strike to demand higher wages. in the face of prolonged record inflation. in the past two years, the annual inflation rate has combined to reach 10% in france. however, in that same time frame, public sector workers have been given raises which add up to only 5%. as 6 million people work for the government, that means 21% of all workers and their household dependents have been suffering economically since inflation began to sore above the unofficial limit of two. percent since way back in august 2021. everyone here is working for the same goal, to serve our population and to provide them with free government services of good. quality, all workers need their wages to improve immediately, and this is undeniable. last month, the government added 10 billion euros in new budget cuts to the already
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austerity 2024 annual budget. they even warned more cuts are coming soon, meaning workers should expect even less help from the government. how can we attempt the same failed cure of austerity again? when you don't have food, the cure to your hunger. isn't to reduce the amount of food on your plate, it's the same with money, when everyone has seen their savings decrease, the not to make us even poorer. when we had the 2008 crisis, the government had this uh song, the same in britain, the same in every country, saying that uh, yeah, we need to make a collective effort to uh really support the banks that did cheat with the subprimes and everything, uh, and the people did, they... at the time they believed in this speech, 10 years after, more than 10 years, uh, the same song doesn't grasp in the mind of people, people, they they they don't want
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to be fool again. after a 55% tax rate, the second highest in europe, the average public sector worker takes home €2,400 a month. government data shows that in the decade between 2011 and 2021, private sector salary. increased twice as fast as salaries in the public sector. the first major union lead demonstration of the year has a familiar ring to it, austerity cuts top of painful inflation, which is still running at 3%. the government insists that austerity will start working finally, but france's striking workers appear unconvinced. roms and that doesn't for this. world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now,
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floristan's prestine nature with vast oak. forests, gaping gorges and amazing waterfalls. it's where heaven and earth meet each other and stars frequent to welcome the visitors at nights. just to watch the most wonderful place in the heart of europe,
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writer, screenwriter, translator, theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor, and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature. phd in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist.
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how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation? how do they form their secret army hagana? how do they grab lands? belonging to palestinians, how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short-term and long-term
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se acabó, se acabó, se acabó,
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ah. for defense and security corporation, document will be signed by the honorable richard miles, deputy. mister, i believe that working together we can make history.
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my beloved country and my trips to the most prestine places in iran, a country i wholeheartedly feel proud of. many people in the world consider iran as a desert.