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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:04pm IRST

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first tv headlines: the death though from over 5 months of the israel us genocide in gaza keeps rising, now nearing 32, the palistan football association calls on fifa tempo. sanctions against israele teams over the genocide in gaza, also the headlines israely forces kill nine palestinians across the occupied west bank in 24 hours. in
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5:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. over five months into this genocidal war in gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continues to claim innocent lives in the besseeg palestinian territory. over hzens have lost their lives in israely strikes since wednesday. several areas, including jibalya in the north and raffa in the south have come under fresh shelling and aerial strikes. the death toll from the us is really. genocide in gaza since october the 7 is now closer to 32,000, most of them women and children. meanwile the israely army has also warned the displaced people in alsifa hospital to leave the complex immediately. palestinian media reported that the military also blew up building used as critical care unit there. israely forces attacked the hospital at the weekend, killing and injuring number of people while keeping kept laying siege on the compound. on wednesday, the palestinian resistance hamas released the footage showing. its fighters repelling an
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israeli attack near alsiifa. the video shows resistance fighters targeting invading troops and a tank with rockets and hand grenades. president joined us earlier from the central gaza city of jara. he updated us on the situation hospital, which was attacked at the of weekend and remained under siege. when it comes to gaza city, as you know, the brutal attack is still maintained and continued. against ashifa and the surrounding areas of the ashifa square, dozens of the palestinian residental buildings were set on fire by the israel incubation forces, in the meantime hand thousands of the palestinian civilians, mostly women and children are silly stranded and be sieged inside the shifa complex after the israeli incubation forces abducted uh the the men and the young men from the compound those palestinian families and the palestinian women and its children. uh are
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experiencing catastrophic humanitarian conditions, they are deprived of their basic humanitarian needs amid the continuous and the chronic israeli bombings and the israeli gunfire of the israeli tanks, they actually release several appeals to the ridcrossery and the international human rights organizations and bodies to interfere in order to evacuate them to evacue with them and to uh stop uh the the eminent death that they are facing. these moments, the humanitarian situation in gaza is profoundly distressing, continuous this really bombings on civilian areas have left people without shelter. let's take a listen to harrowing accounts of some of the displaced. there is us support, european support and support of the whole world with israel. they support them with weapons and planes. they mock us and send four or five airdrops just to save their faces. we were sleeping a while before
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pridon meal, however they bombarded the place. we are displaced persons from the north, we are not affiliated with any political party, no safe place is being left across gaza. i am saying this to the whole world, they can see what israel is doing to the poor palestinian people. we have been under bombings for six months, they are children, what have they done to deserve this? we are tired, we no longer have energy, the children in the south and the... north are dying of hunger, what has baby done to die of hunger? sheet metal panels, rubble and the stones have fallen on my husband, god protected my daughter, pulled her out from the bathroom, the metal panels and rubble from the adjacent building collapse on us, thanks god we survived. washington has taken u-turn after vedoing three gaire resolutions of the un security council. the west secretary of state who is a trip to west asia says his council members will support the us
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move and that it would send a strong message, a strong signal. lincoln made the revelation on wednesday evening during visit to saudi arabia to discuss the israely genocidal war against palestinians. this is blincon's sixth visit to the region since the war began. the us, israel's made backer had previously used this feto to block the three resolutions on the gaza ceesfire. earlier we were joined by human rights activist gina rabaya from the lebanese capital. root she talked about the reasons behind the us push for new draft resolution on the gaza seisfire. it is very crucial emphasize again and again the major role of the us as accomplice in the israeli war crimes and in all this israeli genocide
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and this brutality on gaza. previously we addressed the us funding of this war by supplying weapons to the israeli regime and that if it was not for this supply the war would ended because israel doesn't have the ability to exhaust its military equipment in a long-term war, especially that it is fighting on several fronts, then we spoke about the us multiple times and unilaterally blocking the way a sease fire decision by the general assembly through its veto uh alleged right, and now the us totally stopped its funding of the unurwa in another clear indication that it is accomplish in the israeli starvation against the palestinian civilians in gaza, not only did the us stop the funds for the unarwa, but it also totally disregarded the israeli bombardments on un facilities and workers. the us has the power
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easily make israel allow humanitarian aid into ghazza, but it deliberately refrains from taking such decision, because the reasons behind starving the people of gaz. an attempt to force the resistance in ghazza to yield into accepting israeli conditions to stop the war are for the benefits of both israel and the us. since israel is, as matter of undeniable fact, an extension of the us in west asia, and today the cease fire negotiations that are going uh that are ongoing non directly of course between palestinian resistance and the israeli regime are led by the us from the israeli side. because it is about whether the us can or cannot resume this war and it is about the future of the us interest in west asia. the united nations satellite center has released an updated assessment of the damage inflicted on buildings in the gaza strep says 35% of
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all buildings in the gaza strip have been damaged. you nosat said nearly 90 thousand buildings have been damaged, among which around 32,00 have been completely destroyed. the new assessment shows nearly 2000 buildings have been damaged in the gaza strip since the previous assessment in january. israel's indiscriminate bombings of the besege territory have resulted in destruction of hospitals, schools, mosks, churches and civilian infrastructure. such destruction of homes and other essential areas has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. human rights organizations say the destruction appears to be aimed at or has the effect of rendering the return of civilians to those areas impossible. this time i'm going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries
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in the world. the coral beaches of gaesh are regarded as the most astonishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves, the mangrove forest of rech has covered area of over 9,00 hectares. it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian gulf. i have walked through many valleys, valleys much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley, but i dare say this valley is the most beautiful one i have. through in terms of land for, welcome to impose sanctions against israeli back to the news here on press tv. the palestine football association has called on football's international governing body, fifa
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teams over the regime's genocide in gaza. the palestinian association said six other member nations have endorsed his proposal, asking fifa to put it on the agenda of its upcoming congress in may. that the regime's onslot has killed nearly 100 football players and destroyed or seriously damaged the entire football infrastructure in gaza in clear violation of international law. palestinian officials said at least five football clubs based in israeli settlements in the occupied west bank are members of the regime's football association. they said such inclusion implicitly recognizes israel's sovereignty over these settlements which goes against international law and fifa's obligations. the us-israeli genocidal war in gaza has caused huge public out cry around the world with calls getting louder to boycotter to impose sanctions on the occupying regime. muslim countries have so far refused to heat those calls from their own citizens. they also continue to show the
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double standards by blacklisting those who extend support to the oppressed palestinians, but at the same time supplying the israeli regime with arms and money to keep spilling the blood of palestinians. firstly we discuss that issue with syd mohammed morande, a university professor and political analyst in tehron. let's take a listen. genocide in gaza. is clear for everyone to see, even in the west, people are increasingly recognizing the fact that the israeli regime is carrying out a holocaust, but as you rightly pointed out, the ban against the russians or bellorus or others is has been put in place not only by bodies linked to sports, but also all other and institutions, european institutions and elsewhere, the the russians are punished,
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but the israelis are not punished, the israeli regime is not sanctioned, only a handful of people in the west bank settlers have been sanctioned, and that's for show, but whole entire countries are sanctioned by the europeans and americans, iran, syria, venezuela, cuba and yemen, other countries have been completely destroyed, russia also sanction, but the israeli regime despite carrying out this genocide, despite it going on for months and despite it being the first genocide to take place in front of the eyes the global community, the west is doing nothing uh to stop it, there's really. regime has conducted fresh raids on different areas across the west bank, four palestinians are killed in turkaram and another killed in
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ramala during the incursions, bringing the death tool in the last 24 hours to nine. earlier we spoke to our ramala correspondent monakandial on the seemingly unending israely violence in the occupied territories. last night was yet another bloody night here in the occupied west bank. the israeli forces killed. two more palestinians in nur shams refugee camp during military raid and taking death at all in noor shams refugee camp into karam 24 where the israeli military has already had already conducted earth strike a group of palestinians and they killed two palestinians there the israeli military claim they were preparing to carry out anti-israeli operations inside the lands occupied the night 1948 later the israeli forces raided norsam's refugee camp exchange of fire
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continued for several hours and only in less than half an hour the israeli forces left refugee camp after killing two more palestinians you have to mention that in addition to those four palestinians who were killed in north refuge camp the israeli military had already had also conducted another airstrike e earlier engineer refugee camp and killed three palestinians, so it seems that we are speaking about nine palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours in order in the occupied west bank in the center of the occupied west bank and in southern the occupied west bank, the islamic resistance in iraq has announced a new operation against an israeli target in solidarity with the... the group said anti-israely operations will continue in
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support of palestinians in gaza and in response to the israely massacres of innocent civilians. the new attack came just the day after iraq's islamic resistance hit israel's mangorian airport with drones for the second time. the iraqi resistance has carried out series of attacks against israely targets and by territories in recent months, it has also attacked us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for washington's role of the israel genocide in gaza. that of the palestine foundation in pakistan, sabir abu mariam says the baqi resistance has extensively shown its support for gaza with various attacks against israel, we we we are witnessing and we are observing that the lebanon and syria they are existing
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in the border of occupied palestine, but iraq and yemen, they are little bit far, especially. is so far, but the both of them, yemen and iraq, they are clearly standing with the people of palestine, with the cause of palestine through their resistance, through their arms, through their sacrifices and especially the the the islamic resistance as in the second phase of resistance activities, first they had stopped ships in the mediter mediterranean. and now in the second phase they are continuously attacking in the talab also in talabiib and also the bingorian airport, it is the clear message, not only for zinis regime, not only for illegitimate israel, but this is the special message, this is the very strong and special message to the government of the united states which is the most criminal which is
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the most biased, which is the most inhuman government in in the world and which is the supporting systematic and organized genocide of plaza with israel, so this is the message to us. european council president charles mitchell has called on the european union to prepare for war and to enhance its military capabilities and but escalating tensions with russia over the war in ukraine. president reports from rom. the recent european council president charles michelle's warning that the european union needs to ramp up its military production and shift to a war economy mode in response to an alleged threat posed by russia has sparked international alarm and mixed reactions in europe. earlier this week michelle wrote an opinion editorial run by media specialized in eu affairs that if
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europe wants peace it must prepare for war, arguing that although the eu's military... manufacturing capacity has increased by 50% since the start of the ukraine russia war in 2022, far more was needed. our european awakening is just beginning to take shape, and i would like to tell you what i feel, the time has come to create a real union of defense coupled with a true defense single market. michelle added that the european union must finally take responsibility. for its own security, for decades, the european union has relied heavily on the united states and the western military alliance nato for its security. analysts believed that the dependency on external powers by the 27 member block has resulted in a complete loss of its own geopolitical and strategic autonomy. at this point in time the eu cannot
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be militarily independent, it can't... adopt autonomous strategies. today europe must creat its own defense system so that in 30 years time it can really be geopolitically autonomous. if we continue to put national interests ahead, all individual states, including italy would lose geopolitical relevance. michelle's remarks come as ukrainian and international politicians and experts are warning that ammunition shortages are resulting in the losses of territory to russia. so far said no to this request to avoid the war escalation, adding that his country has already provided here with arms for 7 billion euros while france is struggling to pay for ukraine military aid.
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on wednesday, the italian former prime minister juseppe conte accused the current prime minister giorgia meloni of dragging italing. to world war ii after having turned the country into irrelevant subjugated power, max chively, press tv, rome. in move to diversify afghanistan's trade route, the afghan acting government is planning to invest in iran's chabahar port. precibis rahmatallahman has more from kabul. afghanistan's reliance on pakistan for access to international markets has been a longstanding challenge, however. recent disputes have pushed the taliban authorities to seek alternatives. the taliban have said they will invest around $35 million dollars in iran's chaubahar port located in the country's southeast. "the move aims to reduce afghanistan's economic dependence on pakistan, which has been murred by political friction and trade disruptions. chabahar, chabahar is one of the most important
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economic and trade roots for afghanistan. the islamic emirate of afghanistan tries to have a strong bilateral economic and trade relations with iran as part of its economic policy. this port allows afghanistan to broaden its trade with iran, west asia and europe. that's why we are specially focused. and seek to invest there, analysts believe this could be a turning point for afghanistan's international trade relations, they say that iran has been an ideal trade partner for afghanistan and accessing chaubahhar port will further facilitated afghanistan's regional cooperation, the benefits of chabahar port for afghanistan include its short distance with the country's borders, it allows goods to enter our country a low price, it is especially suitable with the overall economic situation of afghans. another benefit is that it opens a big route for our exports, which is entire need of expansion. when we become able to expand our exports, our economy will grow rapidly. as
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the taliban government seeks to diversify its trade roots and reduce its reliance on pakistan, the decision to invest in iran's chabahar port marks a significant shift in afghanistan's economic strategy. experts say the outcome of this move will not only impact afghanistan's relations. with pakistan, but also ship the geopolitical dynamics in the region. iran and afghanistan have the potential and opportunity to cooperate in many fields. trade and industry in particular can bring the two neighbors closer, in a very volatile region. press tv, kabul. and that is for world news. this bye-bye for now.
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what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall? will never sease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget. now i am become death. we now have a name for the disease and it is covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home. that's what comes from china really deeply, that if people are sharing more, then the world will be more open place where people can understand what's going on with the people around them, and that's really what we want
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to get towards. did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of leave. eu? yes, i did. it's a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. "the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense, in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint, but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends, it's about increasing solid'. charity with fellow muslims and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in the community helps me to
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understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states.
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la sorpresadito.
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government of the united kingdom, great britain and northern ireland for defense and security cooperation. document will be signed by the honorable richard miles, mp, deputy prime minister. it speaks with me the saint of the soil from
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the blood. and the ashes, it speaks with me the sound of the rain, from the battle, and victory. oh palestine, i free you! oh palestine, i free you! oh palestine, i free you! you, oh palestine, i
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free you, my every bread is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out and the thunder in my voice will den you, i cry out and the tornado within my soul, will will you away, my bleeding wound. once felt those on
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forgotten, but the aching so in me never gone, i raise it will, my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your deads. i raise it with my anger and love, love of my land, anger at your d, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palace. this time,
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wonded in love, my hands turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace. but as long as the pillows of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the th crown of evil force, i'm a flaming thunder and tornado, and i cry out, i c'
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the palestinian resistance hamas responded on friday march 15 to the paris 2 proposal with a phased agreement that emphasized the cessation of aggression on the gaza strip with withdrawal of the israeli occupation army and the commencement of relief operations. however, the israeli entity authorities are focusing on the issue of their captives to circumvent ending the aggression file. in the details, hamas's proposed document includes a temporary cease fire lasting 42 days in the first stage and transitioning to a permanent cease fire in the second stage. in the first stage, the palestinian resistance hamas demands the
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withdrawal of israeli forces from specific areas and offers to release of palestinian prisoners in exchange for israeli entity captive soldiers. the second stage requires a permanent ceasefire before any further prisoner exchanges. also involves launching a comprehensive reconstruction process for gaza and ending the blockade. hamas spokesperson osama hamdan affirmed in a press conference that the occupation is trying to shift the focus to the issue of captives to circumvent ending this aggression, considering the paper presented by the movement as realistic and highly flexible. hamdan emphasized the prisoner exchange must take place, but not at the expense of fundamental issues, foremost of which is stopping the aggression. in contrast, the office of the israeli entity prime minister benjamin netanyahu described hamas's proposal as unrealistic, but announced that delegation would head to qatar to discuss a potential agreement. in the same statement, netanyahu's office added that the ladder.