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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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of nearly 100 palestinians are killed in the latest round of israeli strike sang gaza. the overall death toll from the aggression is approaching 32,000. israely prime minister benjam netanyahu vows to launch a ground invasion of raffa and gesture of defiance against calls to stop the genocide in gaza.
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the netherlands, the uk and several other european countries witnessing fresh protests against the angoan us israel war on. live from our tehran studios, you're watching press tv, world news. i'm your host berrus najafi, welcome. some five months into the israely genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regime continues, pounding the blockaded territory with indiscriminate air strikes and artillery fire. the gaza health ministry says at least 92 people were killed in. 130
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wounded over the past day, at least 12 were killed in an israeli strike a residential building in der albela. according to the ministry, israel prevents medical teams from reaching victims were still under the rubble. israeli jets meantime continue bombing residential buildings across the coastal strip, including gaza city. the suffering is not limited to just being targeted by bombs, according to awa, malnutrition and famon are also striking northern gaza and now moving to sudden areas since the beginning of the israeli war early october 31,645 palestins have been killed, most of them women and children. okay now, our correspondent is there forest covering all those atrocities and crimes being committed against palestinians in the central city, central gaza city albala. see what moti has for us,
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well brows, actually let's begin uh with the lady. statement of the spokesperson of gaza's uh civil defense system, as he stated that at least 400 palestinian civilians uh have been killed uh from the palestinian civilians who were waiting for the humanitarian relief to reach gaza after many palestinian injuries uh actually secumed to the once they sustained over those attacks. i mean near the eastern and the western parts of gaza city particularly in uh uh or around. and the al kuwait and annabul roundaboutts. as you know that the israeli incubation forces committed several massacres against the palestinian civilians while they were waiting for those humanitarian aid heading to gaza city uh and this number is uh highly expected to rise as many injuries are still suffering from the
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critical injuries they sustained over those attacks. in the meantime the israeli wall planes continued uh decimating and attacking gaza strip several. areas of the gaza strip were hit by the relentless israel air strikes over the last couple of hours here in the central area of gaza strip uh the israeli war planes attacked attacked multiple residental buildings in anosarati fiji camp and and in almograga neighborhood located in the northern part of anosaratu fuji camp more residental buildings were destroyed over those attacks and in the meantime even in gaza city the israeli warplanes also renewed their air strikes again. neighborhood, multipontal buildings were also destroyed over those attacks and when it comes to khanuni city, the israelicuvation forces maintained destroying and blowing up more residental squares particularly in the eastern part of kanuni city, al-karara neighborhood, more residental squares were
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blasted using the explosive devices uh uh by the israeli occubition forces in the area, and the meantime the artillery shilling was renewed also against the eastern part of khanuni city. it's worth mentioning that over the last couple of hours also the palestinian uh paramedics and the palestinian medical staff uh evacuated and uh extracted at least five palestinian dead bodies uh of those palestinians who were killed while the israeli when the israelicubation forces uh uh uh were attacking hammed city and hamed neighborhood located in the western part of the city so we are talking about continuous air strikes are still discimaring and attacking gaza strip uh destroying more dental buildings and they taking more lives the palestinian civilians. all right, we've seen reports that a limited number of trucks, five or six trucks of bread or flour uh have been able to, i don't how they have been able
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to uh kind of get flower and bread to the northern part of gaza. i wonder if any such aid has come your way where you are. yes, actually these tracks moved from the south, the southern part of gaza strip to the north, as you know that uh, they passed through the central area of gaza strip and they are the first trucks and uh the first humanitarian aid to be allowed to reach and to arrive the northern parts of gaza's trip in four months uh they are the first to uh to arrive there for uh four consecutive months and according to the their need the... "the palestinian civilians there are living and experiencing, they are nothing, i mean these humanitarian trucks, because when we are talking about limited, limited numbers of those trucks or limited amounts of those humanitarian aid compared to the dire need of those people, they are just like drop in the ocean because
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the need is is too dire and the the and i mean that the salvation is still hitting there in the northern part of gaza strip and gaza city, because as you know that according to the onrua the..." two third of the palestine and its children there are suffering from the malnutrition and dehydration, so the people there actually uh urgently uh need uh continuous and smooth flow of those humanitarian aid and necessities and supplies and they also need a real cease fire in order to guarantee that this humanitarian aid would be delivered and would be guaranteed to reach the people who are in a their need for them. all right, thanks for that. that's a live update, our correspondent live for us in der alba, gaza. now the head of the world health organization calling in israel not to launch a ground offensive and the southern gu rafa were 1.5 million displaced palestinians ofside
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shelter. teris said that the escalation of violence and rafa would lead to many more deaths and suffering, they call on israel to refrain from the attack in the name of humanity. added that people in rf are too fragile, hungry and sick to be moved around. on friday the israely prime minister approved plans to attack rafa despite increasing international calls, not to do. such a thing. a senior leader of the palestinan resistant moment hamas says that the group is waiting for a response to a ceasef proposal from israel and the us, the regime's main accomplice in the gaza genocide. asama hamdan says the initiative put forward by hamas is a realistic one with clear details. it provides for a swap of captives in gaza and palestinian objecties and the pull out of israeli forces and said that the palestinian movement during negotiations called for an end to the war, the return of refugees, the
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dispatch of aid and the beginning of the reconstruction of the strip. hamdan touched upon divisions within the israeli regime on the war and added that tel aviv has achieved none of its declared objectives, despite the atrocities it's committed in gaza. he said hamas has told the intermediaries that acts of aggression against gaza must stop. well as the us is really genocidal war grinds on, there has been a new proposal put forward by hamas raising prospects for a cease fire. now hamas has proposed new 40-day troops in gaza and an exchange for several dozen israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. for the first stage, this is what is proposed for the exchange. as you can see, the total number of israeli captives would be 42. this includes five female regime. and 37 others, women, children, the elderly, and it would not include male regime forces. now here is where
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the ratio is different than the previous proposal. for the five female regime forces, the ratio would be one to 30 to 50 palestinian prisoners. for the 37 others, the ratio would be one ordinary captive to 20 to 30 palestinian prisoners. there's a possible snack here, and it comes from the israeli regime. it's opposing the... of palestinian prisoners who have killed israelis, especially israeli regime forces, something that was part of the hamas demand, and that is something that may be a snag. another hamas condition is the return of all palestinians to northern gaza, including 19 year old males who were restricted from returning in the previous proposal from the israeli regime. now hamas has required for the israel regime forces to withdraw from cities and populated areas. that includes al-rashed and salad. streets in order to allow for the return of the displaced palestinians. aid is as important for hamas
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officials and they have required the 500 trucks to be allowed into the gaza strip daily in the first stage also. now comes the second stage, the release of the remaining israeli captives. there are 130 captives, including 32 presumed dead, subtracting the 42 released before leaves 88, which includes male. forces ratio is 1 to 30 to 50. hamas requires at this point for the full withdrawal of the remaining israeli regime forces from the gaza strip, one of the major sticking points. other key demands include things like reconstruction, the crossings being reopened and ending the siege all together. us, qatar and egypts of the agreements. hopes are, if this is executed and there are no violations, it will ultimately... ends in a permanent seasfire.
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israel prime minister benjam netanyahu says the regime will proceed with a planned ground offensive in gaza's southern raffa city. he criticized israel's allies for what are called having a short memory. at the common came despite growing international concerns about a war on gaza and domestic criticism of his handling of the war. on sunday jordan and germany warned in is really. attack on ra would worsen humanitarian conditions in the southern gaza strip. the un world health organization chief also urge israel not to launch the assault. meanwile, a former israel military commander said that israel has already lost its war against hamos, it's like bricks that what's happening in the gaza strip and lebanon will blow up in our faces sooner or later. now people in different european countries to voice solidarity with palestinians in the gaza strip in the netherlands capital, hundreds of pro- palestine demonstrators scathered outside the
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national holocaust museum for the second time since last week. the demonstration came as delegation from the israeli re was visiting the national holocaust museum, protesters held pictures of the children killed in the israeli bombings in gaza, they call for immediate end to the genocidal war. in another european capital, london people display support for palestinians in rally against racism, they call for an end to the israel occupation of palestine. also in italy, hundreds of ralliers gathered to milan in supports of palestinians. they held signs reading, stop the genocide in gaza and stop arming israel. the german city of berlin was also the scene of a massive rally. "we are here to
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demonistrate uh for palestine, and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards uh the german media and the german politicians, because they have lot of power and they decided to take a side, and even they use sometimes some wars for human crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that..." it's just empty worse. the protesters demanded immediate cease fire. they carried blood stained small mark body bags in reference to the large number of children kill and gaza. in the austrian capital vienna, thousands took to the streets to slamp the israeli genocide. the demonstration was part of the israely apartide week called by the bds movement,
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which promotes boycut against israely products and multinational companies linked to the regime. the protestarts taking part in riley said that the european governments are complicit in these really crimes us president joe biden warning that freedom and democracy is under attack and that after former president donald trump suggested a blood bath in the case of losing the fall election. biden was speaking at the uh grudon club uh dinner with was back with journalists and politicians, he said to trump's lies about a 2020 election, the plot to overturn it and embrace the january 6 attack a capital have posed the greatest threat to america's democracy. president joe biden's campaign also stated that trump won senator january 6 to happen. on saturday at republican nominees for us president donald trump said if he
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doesn't win the fall election, america would never have another election in the country. "if i get elected, now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath for the whole, that's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a blood bath for the country, that'll be the least of it. if this election, if this election isn't one, i'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country, does that make sense? i don't think you're going to have another election in this country, if we don't win this election, i don't think you're going to have another election, or certainly not an election that's meaningful." trump was addressing gathering of gop supporters in ohio urgent to people to vote for in the november presidential election. trump lashed out of his democratic rival and incumbent president joe biden saying that he has destroyed america's economy. he said that americans will not enjoy proper social security, medical and other welfare services
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with biden in office. campaigning is intensified in recent weeks with trump and biden. attacking each other's record and character. the nigerian government says it's stopped its military cooperation with the us with immediate effect. in our news review program, we delfed into the story and ask for some expert opinion. well, look at that, the replay and it's goodbye for me for now. this government says it has broken its military cooperation agreements with the us, calling the accord illegal. the us presence on the territory of the republic of niger is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the
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sovereign people, in particular through its elected representatives, to be consulted on the installation of foreign army. that the government revoked with immediate effect a military accord that allows military personnel and civilian staff from the us department of defense its soil. the declaration came just day after a senior us delegation left niger following a three-day visit to renew contact between the two countries. us relations with njer faces challenges after a military coup outed the western-backed presidents in the african country last year. however, the us still stations some 10 troops in niger a desert drone base. niger has previously severed military ties with his former colonizer france, it forced french troops in the country to withdraw after nearly decade. vidal, international relations and security analyst joins us from akra, we also have uh with us jonathansa who's a publisher at africa briefing who joins us from london.
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welcome to you both. fidol, let me first start with you, and i'm just going to quote the nigers military spokesman uh, because he pretty much explained why this relationship is going to end, and i'd like to find out from you what your reaction is too. for example, how he said that the agreement that was signed. between niger and the us back in 2012 was imposed on niger and had been in violation of the constitutional and democratic rules of the country and its sovereignty. tell us why this was imposed, what he means and how it violated news sovereignty? thank you very much sir for this opportunity. firstly the year um under review. is 2012 was year when um extremists uh were awarded in the sahil, so in mali and niger we found al-qaeda in the islamic
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maghrib and saraddin a tuarec back group uh that was sweeping across the region taking cities in central mali and in the in north west niger so that was the time. where operation bakin by france was started and so it was the same time the us uh decided to establish uh a drone base in niger in order to fight extremists. now the processes that led to that uh could could may have been not that thorol or may not have followed laid down rules as the military genter claims. however, at the time it was more of emergency situation that brought the united states to the place. um currently with seen uh a kudita in niger and the janta is having to um cut ties with uh the uh west and so france has
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been removed from niger and so this current announcement that the uh janta is ending its relations with the us is not so surprising despite the fact that us foreign policy with niger has been different from that of france okay well let's get into that foreign policy and again i'm going to quote the nicher's military spokesperson who has said uh jonathan off say the government of niger regrets the desire of the american delegation to deny the nigerian people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorists and uh he said niger forcefully denounces the condescending attitude of the u.s. it to me it sounds like niger is saying that the us is not a partner when it comes to fighting terrorists, yes, look, see, they are for the wording of the
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government spokes man, one word, stands out, condescending, okay, look, niger, is a small country, so-called impover country, the us, you know, it's a super, the world's only super power. you like right, and according to the j statement, um, the us did not follow the normal diplomatic protocols, you visit a country, mean you form the host government, and even state the number of the delegation, okay, but in this case, america did not do that, according to the uh, the... the the spokesman again his statement and they just came even not on on the date that was agreed upon okay so that was condescended and i
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believe that during the meetings they had mean the us as usual might have tried to impose certain conditions and might have given some threats and buse the us is is not happy with the with the with money and um burkina faso and um des increasing alliance with russia, so that is what the us was trying to to count, but the us is failing and to to to see that the the geopolitical situation in francof west africa is changing, they could have taken a kill from um niger, mali, bukina fasso, expelling french. troops from their territories, okay? they should have taken a c from that and at least try to uh deal with niger, maybe as a, but not in
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that condescending manner. so the reaction by niger was natural. niger wanted to or wants to asset its sovereignty, it's independence, right? the the dynamics in that region are changing, so this is what the us has to take no, so what in my opinion, what need did was the right one, it may come a cost, but then um sovereignty always, accepting your sovereignty always comes at the cost. thank you very much for that. fidel amakersu, international relation and security analyst and jonathan alfe, ansa, publisher at africa briefing. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli
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light. crackdown, diplomacy, israeli onslot on gaza. ich will noch also meine studium zu ende bringen.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مش عارفه ولا لا شويه.
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more than 30,000 palestinians have so far been killed in israel's full-blown campaign of genocide against gaza since october 7th last year. the war like any other israeli.
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action has received full support from the united states, but the amount of us support for this particular war has been consequential, and the death and destruction caused by it have been horrendous. the us support for israel's bloodched has been so unconditional that it has prompted the closest allies of washington and tel aviv to speak up and urgent end to the american administration's blindbacking for the israeli regime. in this episode of the program we'll take a look at how the united states is liable for genocide and gas.