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tv   Gaza Under Attack GAZAS STOLEN VOICES  PRESSTV  March 17, 2024 12:02pm-12:30pm IRST

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as apartite israel pushes on with its vicious us-led bombing and man-made starvation campaigns against palestinians. this is gaza under attack. welcome back to the program everyone, first off, a quick reminder of some of the latest developments. for the second day in a row, israeli occupation forces opened fire at starving palestinians waiting for aid in northern gaza, killing at least 21 of them. arrests and restrictions imposed by apartide israel against thousands of...
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palestinians trying to pray at alamask on the first friday of ramadan. in other news, australia reinstates funding to the key un aid agency, anrua admit concerns about the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza. in the us, senate majority leader chuck schumer calls for a partide israel to hold elections to replace prime minister benjamin netanyahu. also, in the us, the treasury department announces new sanctions against three settlers and two illegal outposts. in the occupied west bank, and here in the uk, the government targets several muslim groups with the new definition of extremism. it comes after months of national protests calling for of immediate ceasefire in gaza. joining me to discuss all of that and more in the studio, latin american political analyst isaak bijo and via skype from new york, united states, ashish prasar. ashish is a political strategist and a spokesperson for gaza voices and a former. advisor to the uk's middle east
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peace envoy, tony blair. welcome to you both. i'll start with you. isaac, if that's okay. more than 31,000 palestinians killed, over 7300 wounded, nearly 23 million tons of debris, including on it exploded munitions according to the un, and deteriorating humanitarian crisis. your thoughts on the scale of this ongoing genocidal campaign by israel, you forgot to talk about the disappear people. all together is is 5% of the population of gaza, i think that gaza has become the most bombed place on earth in all history, the equivalent of four hiroshima bombs have been dropped into gaza, i a jew and my ancestors suffer the holocaust, ketos concentration camp, etny clingsing and israel
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is doing that on our name to the palestinians and the palestinians are the real inhabitants from judea, israel and the biblical kingdoms, we cannot, we cannot allow to do that, this is reverseing, and the other thing is when we are going to have five years in the moment cathedral was fired in paris and everybody was saying, but more important it, it it used to be the first capital of kanaan, what is israel, palestine during the egyptians, they have so many mosk, churches, monuments, forts, and they have been completely destroyed, even one of the three oldest church on the planet, so this is, in my opinion, this is massacre not only against children and women, but also against and award human heritage, what do you call those who call jews such as yourself? we speak up
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for palestinian rights as self-hating jews and the like. well, we are not self-hated jews, we are jews that support our rich traditions to fight against racism, because what is what we are, what i'm seen in israel now is that we have racist people in government that are killing all our traditions. i my my grandparents used to live in muslim country for generation, they never have any problems. "we had very good civilization in spain for 800 years, muslim, jews, christians together, they are killing that, so it is the racis that are massacring the palestines who are betraying the jewish traditions, i and all these jews that are against all these massacers are in are supporting our jewish traditions against massacer, pograms concentration camps." and
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distraction and it's still ongoing as as we speak, and ashish, if i can come to you, what do you think is preventing secefire from being reached at this point? there's been another proposal by. but was spurned by the netanyahu regime, i mean the us is being held, sorry, the world is being held hostage by the united states, that's just the fundamental truth, there is no, we've had un votes, we've had general assembly votes, um, there is questions about finally should we reform the un and security council, because one country should not be allowed to hold the whole world hostage, israel cannot do what it's doing, cannot massacre with impunity, cannot commit this genocide without the support of the united states, they have aided and abeted uh this genocide at every point, they've facilitated it from the weapons transfers that they've been doing without the approval of congress, they have allowed for
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political support by literally vetoing everyone else's um call for a ceasefire, mean think the un, the us even said the algerian uh proposal was brilliant, but they're not going to vote for it. "i mean, what else can we say? i mean, it's being held hostage by them. i mean, and to see yesterday, i think some israeli officials announced that um, when chuck shumer announced that israel should have elections to move on. well, let's just get two things straight, is elections are not going to stop israelis committing this genocide with as long as they continue to have us support. 80% of people support the in israel support what's happening in gaza, 78% of people support the starvation policy. these are, this is radical..." society right now, and an election is not going to change that. what was interesting in those statements, they were telling the us to stay out of their business. israel doesn't fundamentally cannot commit this military campaign, fundamentally can't exist frankly without us aid and support, so it's ironic
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that the person loaning them the money and the weapons to do this is being told to stay out of their business. in fact, i think it's actually doing damage to the us is standing as they look isolated from the world, but also look innept to some. the people in the world. um, yes, speaking of damage, um, you talked about the us military support for israel, it's diplomatic support, the veto power, it's been the us vetos as well as the uk's abstention at the un security council that has prevented any resolution against israel over the past six months and of course before that - what, what do you uh, how do how does it make you feel when you hear things like the conservative government here? are afraid that there might be peace um in the middle east and that will prevent the labor, the opponents in the next general election being hurt, that in other words, if the genocide continued it would support them, the conservative party in power here in the
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uk to perhaps win the next general election. we already know that, i think the conservative party lost the next general election no matter what happens, i think it's about the size of the majority that labor get at this point, but it's "the damage has already been done to labor, you know, and it shows you the the lack of humanity that every individual in that government has for other human beings, they have no soul as far as i'm concerned, watching them talk about this as palestinian children, women, frankly men as well are disposable to their war game that they have right now, but like the most important thing here is like it wouldn't matter which one of them is in government, i mean if you watch kier starmer himself go out there and say at the beginning, remember this man is an international..." human rights lawyer and he justified the starvation and lack of electricity and everything else that israel were going to do at the beginning, he justified it under the right to defend themselves, which anybody who understands international law, anyone who's worked in it like i have, knows that that's not even israel doesn't actually have the right to
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defend itself from people they occupy, and that is the most important part, and in britain british people, the british government already calls palestine the occupied territories of palestine, that is such an... important thing that people need to keep residing, israel does not have that right, that unilateral right to do all those things and the leader of the opposition and the prime minister themselves have justified under justified this under the right to defend themselves. absolutely. um, talking about the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip, now australia has joined the european union and canada in restoring funding to the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees (anrua) in late j. january, you recall, camera joined more than dozen countries who halted hundreds of millions of dollars of support in response to israely allegations against the organization. here's australian foreign minister penny wong announcing the unfreezing of funds. we took a
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decision to pour $6 million of additional funding, which was taken after serious allegations were made, resulting in unra's dismissal of staff alleged to have been involved in the... these and the australian government lawyers is that unra is not a terrorist organization and that existing and additional safeguards sufficiently protect australian taxpayer funding. australia has been working with a group of donor countries on the shared objective of ensuring the integrity of onro's operations, rebuilding confidence and so importantly ensuring aid flows to gazans in desperate need. what do you make of the fact that everything first of all of the unfreezing of funds by australia
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and canada and the fact that whatever israel says, whatever allegation it throws out there is accepted as fact by governments in the western world and by establishment media, established media. well, i think there is double standard, because for example, when russia destroy one hospital in ukraine, no, oh, they... blockate russia, they kicked out russia from the olympics, from the euro the european song festival, eurovision, yeah, eurovision, but when israel is doing destroying all hospitals in gaza, nothing is happening, nothing, and for example, the the united states said that china is doing genocide. against the muslims, birmania or myanmar is doing genocide against the
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muslims, but israel is not doing genocide against the gazans, which and the situation the gazans people is even worse, much, much worse, so i think is double standard, and the other thing that i wanted to say to you is as a jew, i'm very worried, because we have never been persecuted until 70 or 80 years ago in any muslim country and... who persecuted us was mainly the christian western powers, when napoleon bonaparte invaded palestine 200 years ago, the jews from gaza left, and the the leader of the resistant in palestine was a jew who kicked up napoleon, yeah, so the point is this, now we are supporting now, the western power that always persecuted us, germany that did the whole. now they use israel as their own pone, so whatever persecute the palestinians, come
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back to little later, because ashish i understand has to leave us, but one final question if that's okay to ashish, and that is, let's talk more about uh, how the situation in gaza and the genocide is playing out in the us, and as far as the the uh funding to oro is concerned, the us of course was really the first to to cut funding all together. yeah, i mean the under thing shows you, i mean the double standard point is the key thing, but also um, like it just also made it so clear who is aiding in a betting in this gen, i go back to that earlier point right, the us and the uk, australia, canada, the eu, who've blindly called themselves, when they say things like the worlds on israel side, they literally name 20 countries, right, the rest of the world is not on israel side watching this genocide take place. "the unrefunding, pulling it without actually having the evidence, just some allegations, is diabolical, there's
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other words for it, this is a un recognized agency that served uh palestine in other territories all around the world for generations and then to find that the accusations were based on torture, they were based on people being forced to confess and were tortured for hours by israeli officers, israeli occupation officers. "you got to ask which western leader knew that part, and if they did, why was that not the allegations not thrown out straight away, the un still hasn't got the allegations for what, the actual report that israel, because israel wouldn't submit it to the un, they just made some allegations, it also goes back to the point that the us and the uk to a degree are providing that political cover, they it's not that everyone believes what israel's saying comes out, those two governments will just follow what israel." wants them to do and provide the cover for them to continue continue this genocide, and everything that i
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think a lot of people work in the space know to be true is being shown to the whole world right now, everything from those un votes, but the unrefunding actually reaches the ig say, ig icj's ruling itself, right? the ruling asked israel, asked israel, it ordered israel frankly all measures in its power to prevent further acts of genocide. and how is all of that going down uh as she sorry to jump in with the us public? you have all kinds of support on the part of the uh american government for the israely? regime and then on the other hand you have the sanction of sanctioning of the settlers, you have the building of peer to get humanitarian aid in and the like. so the us public is not stupid, they're seeing everything for it is. no one believes that when you see thousands of trucks and images of thousands of trucks at the borders of gaza, um not being led in by israel, no one believes this peer is going to do anything, they don't, i think the us
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public is joe biden basically is at odds with where the public is. "i mean, i've seen it's not just protests, it's everywhere, right? you can even look at this thing they're trying to do with tiktok. this is not a ban to ban tik tok. this is the patriot act for information. it's to control what people can see. it's nothing more than that. they are unhappy that the public are being able to see gazans, palestinians in gaza blowing to shreds every day indiscriminately by israel. it's playing to see that israel are the bad guys, it's playing to see we are supportor." the bad guys, so what do they do? instead of focusing our energy on getting sessfire and focusing our energy on doing what the public itself wants, remember nearly 80, 78% of people support a ceasefire, immediate ceasefire in the united states, instead of doing that, they're banning tik tok, we're trying to ban tik tok, and and what's really dangerous in that, bill that nobody is talking about is the use of a vpn is going to
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be illegal and get you jail time, if you you if you access an app, they don't want you to... also there'll be security council for information that will pass things that you as a as a resident of the united states won't know might be illegal in the future so you might be in the vpn on an app that you didn't know was illegal but they've passed that because you're seeing information they don't want you to see it shows you how worried the administration and the political elite are that the public are finally learning the truth about what israel is doing to palestinians absolutely it is election year in the us and lot hinges on that ashish prasar thank you so much for. joining us, i hope we can speak again soon. moving on now, uk conservative minister michael gove has unveiled the government's new definition of extremism. the move has an angered rights groups who accused the communities secretary of stoking division and targeting muslim organizations, especially those who are pro-palestine. we spoke with renowned
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anti-ziness campaigner and academic professor david miller, who outlined the dubious origin of this new attempt to... reframed the debate and why muslim groups were in the government's cross hairs? the policy comes from a review of prevent the government's counter terrorism policy conducted by lord showcross who is famous islamophobe and who worked when he was appointed to that process at the policy exchange. his findings were which were all accepted by the government had come uh almost verbatum from a previous report by by the policy exchange, the the think tank for which he worked, which is published the year before his findings, so this is a policy dreamed up by the policy exchange, which of course, as people will know, is an islamophobic think tank which is funded to a large extent by key zionist families in the uk, most notably of course the wolfson family which runs next retail
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chain, so this is a this is an israely government policy essentially being uh 'vintololiquized by the zionist michael golf, of course was the first chairman of the policy exchange, and it's being introduced in order that they can attack the uh palestine solidarity movement, but they're as you say, not doing very well with that, because of course what happened was uh that in the draft speech uh an hour before golve was due to give it and leaked selectively to many mainstream media outlets were uh uh seven organ'. organizations um and when he gave the speech he listed five organizations, amongst which were three muslim organizations, cage, mend and the muslim association of britain, now the organizations that they removed the last minute from the speech were first of all, five pillars, the muslim news website, which wouldn't look very good given he's saying this is not an attack on freedom of speech, but secondly also uh friends of alaxa
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which is kind of rather liberal pro- palestine organization ' which they have removed from from the listing, so the actual uh pro- palestine organizations they've listed are effectively just muslim organizations, mean cage is a pro- palestine organization, yes, mendes too, and so, but they are, these are not specifically palestinian related organizations, they do other things as well, so this is an this is a an indication really the government really doesn't know what to do and is struggling to to get it stucks and actually it was in the end to name these other organizations why the new definitions would be problematic. police and would leave the government open to legal challenges by the organizations named very difficult job because the way in which the
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definition so-called definition is written is definition which would fit and of course all those who support the genocide in gaza because there is no clearer evidence of supporting violence and terrorism and horror and there is in the zianist movement the the evidence that mend or cage or the muslim association of britain uh support such activities is extremely minimal to nothing, so the they're going to have a a difficulty here and of course it's going to be robustly challenged by everybody in the movement and of course indeed with the support of the broad mass i would say of the british public we saw only last night that uh on question time where the carefully select the audience to have range of political views by which they mean a range of mainstream views. the question time uh chair couldn't find a single person to speak in front in favor of the government's uh new policy, so this is a policy which is destined to be even less
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popular than the previously very very unpopular and islamophobic prevent policy. across the pawn, the us has imposed sanctions a group of three extremist israeli west bank settlers accused of harassing and attacking palestinians to force them off their land. the... announcement comes a time of increased friction between president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose far right government reacted angrily to previous sanctions of the kind. extremist settler violence carried out with impunity in the west bank has killed, injured and threatened the livelihoods of countless palestinian civilians. this violence risks destabilizing the west bank and obstructs efforts to... pathway to peace and security for israelis and palestinians through two-state solution. there is no justification for violence against civilians. no justification for forcing families from their
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homes. in february, president biden issued an executive order giving the state department new authorities to impose sanctions on those responsible for undermining peace, security and stability in the west bank, and the department imposed sanctions on four individuals. today, we are imposing further targeted sanctions on three. israeli individuals involved in undermining stability in the west bank. we have also designated two associated entities referred to as farms. these west bank outposts are owned or controlled by designated individuals, have acted as base from which to launch violent acts and are illegal, even under israeli law. well, let's get to zag bijo's thoughts on those developments and perhaps on the new definition of extremism by the uk government since ashish. he talked about those sanctions on israeli settlers, um, what do you think the government here is reaching for, and what is that even mean for civil liberties, freedom of expression and of speech? well, i
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am very surprised that they try to illegalize or restringe, for example the muslim association of britain, for two decades, they had organized peaceful demonstrations, but they are not putting in the extremism category. the people that support the extremist israeli government, it's the government itself here, it's the uk, look, you have in israel, i am, when i watch channel 14 in israel, which is like is the the most progovernamental channel, they discuss how many palestina we need to kill, that the children the we need to kill children, you have a minister that said i am racist, other minister said we have to nuke gaza. kill everybody, you know, in britain if we have one single person that said that against the is, the scot is, the wells, or the is going to be in jail, but we have this
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kind of government in israel and we have supported of this government, and they are not called them extremists, you know, no, it is, when every time i see this kind of racist that claim to be jewish, i am very, very, very sad, i don't think that this definition. issue of extremism is is is is correct because it on one side is only against muslims, not against right-wing jewish, and on the other hand, i saw like was a conservative mp who even criticized sadiqan being an islamist and sadikan not even, he doesn't go even to the palestinian demonstration and i know his team of muslim people and they are pro lgtb, they are very liberals, so there is... kind of islamophobia being developing at this moment is the definition definitely not detering the pro palestine protesters and we'll see that
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probably in the next weekend or the one after. all right, our time is up, many thanks to isaak, bijo and ashish prasar for their thoughts and to you for staying with us. catch our earlier episodes by visiting, until next time, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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well, i think lack of... tech workers is the least of israel's problems right now, look, we're committed to win the war, we're going to win the war regardless of anything, uh, and i think that the when people look at economics of israel, they want to make sure first of all we're secure city and country, so our security is economic element, if hamas thinks that uh... we're going to end this with them uh returning to power, they're wrong. the far bigger problem it faces is first of all it's military challenge and the resistance on every front.
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here's to be headlines, as the us is really genocide in gaza continues for the 163rd day, a fresh israeli airstrike on darabala kills at least 12 palestinians. people across the world continue to display their support for the people in gaza. urging immediate cease fire on the beseach strip. also the headlines government ends this military cooperation agreement with the united states calling the accord illegal.