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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 7:30am-8:03am IRST

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your press tv headlines is really prime minister has improved plans to invade the city of rafa in the gazo strip rejecting new cease fire proposal by hamar. palestinian islamic jihad says the us is complicit in israel's onslot on gaza calling washington's limited aid delivery in act of hypocrisy and his brother has warned israel the lebanese resistance movement is prepared for any escalation of hostilities by the regime.
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hello everyone, it's 6 a.m. in the gaza strip and you're watching press tv, world news. our top story, the israeli prime minister is rejected new sease fire proposal by the hamas resistance movement that includes release of regimes captives and exchange for the release of palestinian abducties. benjamin netanyahu's office issued the statement following a war cabinet meeting in tel avive. however, the statement said delegation will leave for qatar to discuss israel's position a potential agreement. it also said netanyahu had approved plans for military operation into the southern city of rafa where more than million people are sheltering. earlier, hama said under his proposal occupying forces have to leave gaza. hama. said his proposal
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also includes return of displaced palestinians to their homes and providing them with humanitarian aid, exchange of palestinian abducties with israeli captives held in gaza was also included in the deal. palestinians and gazas there their dire need of food, especially in the holy month of ramadan. the gaza is facing severe food crisis due to the israelite enslot and blockade on the coastal. our correspondent in gaza muti, has your details. he was displaced after the israeli forces attacked our neighborhood. as you can see, we live in these tents made of plastic and fabric. we have nothing eat but some canned food, which is the only thing that we have been eating for roughly six months. we don't even have gas to cook. i have six children and i don't know what to feed them. i have this place
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of from annasira refugee camp, i have five children, i came from algeria to visit gaza and the war erupted, i haven't expected that the situation could be as bad as it is, the situation is beyond catastrophy here as the people can barely find their food, especially in this holy month, even those who want to travel or stock, or air shipment of food aid has a... arrived in the gaza strips coastline in a first after more than five months of israeli onslot which has pushed the territory to the brink of famon. now the aid consists of more than 200 tons of food and water now being unloaded. the consignment has been sent by the world central kitchen charity with the help of spanish aid group open arms. the group says a second package is already uh ready to sale to gaza from cyprus. food is planned to be distributed and nearly flattened at northern. the un has warned a
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quarter of the gaza population faces starvation and the crisis is growing and that admit persisting is really blockade on the territory. now we've been holding an exclusive interview with the deputy leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement. in it, he details the latest sees far plan proposed by resistance and gaza, but cast doubt over israely willingness. to reach a of political settlement, new proposal was submitted which divides the agreement, meaning that the first phase would begin, which includes the prisoner swap, and we to
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add other elements to it, which would include a withdraw from the rashed street and the... square which would allow for the return or guarantee the return of the displaced to their homes in the north of the gaza strip and gaza city. the second phase, which includes the swap of the soldiers, which must include guarantees for an end of the war, an end. to the aggression and an at to the ceastfire, and the third phase would include pledges to begin the reconstruction of gazza. we believe that the israeli government,
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because it includes number of members of the far right, will not, respond and it has maneuvered, there is maneuvering on the part of a netanyahu government. hindi harver said such israely maneuvering will not lead anywhere because of palestinian steadfastness. he said resistance is carrying out operations in areas which israel claims to have captured including in the north of the strip and in khan uninis to the south. the resistance official also highlighted.
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with israel despite the crocodile tears which they are shedding, so the goals are to eliminate the resistance, and these are american israely joint strategic goals, so the goals are the same, but there is a disagreement regarding the priorities. the americans talk for example about sparing civilians, but the civilians are being killed
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with american weapons and bombs. and some of these weapons reach israel even behind. back the congress at the time where the american hindi described as an active hypocrisy, us delivery of limited aid to gaza through air drops and temporary sea ports while delivering weapons to israel. he said us is attempting to mislead the international conscience and by time for the israeli regime. hindi also pointed to israeli threats to invade. refugee packed city of rafa, describing them as meaningless, given the large extent of israeli losses and casualties elsewhere in gaza, which he stress the regime is concealing. columnist and political
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analyst said shahubi tells us about the two major failures of israel since its creation, despite committing all sorts of crimes and atrocities. "there are few points here: number one, israel, after 75 years of occupation has not secured its own security, for 75 years, there have been only wars, crimes, genocidal policies, they have been repeatedly criticized by international bodies, so on the security front, they have failed to achieve their own security, despite what is..." said about their sophisticated security systems and sophisticated military hardware, they have faith, this is number one, number two, the when they waged the war on hamas and and on palestinians in the last
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four months since october the 9th when they started their operations against the palestinians, they declared and they said that our aim is to destroy. and demolish the resistance movements especially hamas, but now after four months or five almost five months, they have failed to do it, they have not been able to... defeat the resistance movement and this is what happened in the last, as i said 75 years, they have never been able to defeat the resistance movement, on the other hand, the they have been boming the citizens, the ordinary civilians in gaza, in sometimes in jerusalem, and now gr ground fighting continues to rage on. across the gaza strip with palestinan resistance fighters, repelling attacks by israeli forces. military wing of hamas, alkassan
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brigades says killed four israeli soldiers in central gaza. the group says regime's troops were targeted while moving explosives to building in al zahra municipality. in separate operation there, the al-qasam fighters carried out rocket attacks against five israeli merkava tanks. the alcuz brigades also launch mortar shells a gathering of regime soldiers. israel says it's lost 250 of its troops since regime's ground invasion of gaza began in late uh october, the palestinian uh factions however, the actual number of regime's casualties is much much higher in israel's hiding it to avoid public anger.
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in this week's episode of irantech we're checking out lapscale nuclear wastewater treatment system that uses activated sludge and membrane bioreactors to filter out the impurities in the nuclear wastewater including uranium and other heavy metals. don't miss it, the times are written below. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. hezbella resistance moved warns, it is prepared for expansion of hostilities with the israeli regime if necess. hezbillah made the comment in a statement shortly after it responded to series of israeli attacks its positions in
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southern lebanon. the movement said it targeted the regime's military bases and gatherings of its soldiers with rockets and missiles. hezbollah and israel have been exchanging far across a southern lebanese border since regime began its onslot on gaza early october. and as israel continues is deadly attacks on southern lebanon and tensions with hezbulah, our correspondent in beirot, matty am so, they joined us earlier for an update on latest developments there, that there was a heavy shelling from the israeli side and we're seeing increased amount of air shelling more than artillery fire, which was basically the norm and the beginning of the confrontations, now you have lot of shelling on the outskirts of several villages like almashab, like ramia, for example, but you have certain towns like mesjabal andkila for example, where you have
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the lot of residential areas have been completely turned into rubble, and despite that you see, and we notice know from our authorities that the israeli seem to go and once again shall the same place, even if that residential area, certain residence or group of houses uh or buildings were like we said completely demolished, the israelies still... once more target that same area, analysts are saying that this is part of israel's frustration and the fact that they do not have uh enough data when it comes to their their targeting, husballah's fire has also uh reached uh the israeli posts in several areas. we also know that hazbullah has been attempting to target israeli soldiers whenever they uh they spot them, we know that there was a group of soldiers in the vicinity the bircatricha post and that targeted that group of soldiers uh by a burkan rocket.
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thousands of yemenis once again take to the streets of the capital sana and other cities, demonstrating their starch support for palestinians in gaza. they also held military operations of the yemini armed forces against israeli link vessels. abdul latif al washali has your details from sona. following friday prayers, thousands of yemanis in the kabara sana and across several other cities took part in demonstrations to express their unwavering support for the palestinians in gaza. they praised the yemeny. army's escalation of naval operations targeting israeliing chips in the indian ocean. the protesters also voiced their opposition to israel's policies which have led to the starvation and death of waters turken palestinians in gaza. mr. abdul malik's announcement was clear, if the israeli escalation in gaza and killing of palestinians continue, yemen will also carry
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on with targeting israeli bound ships, preventing them from sailing even in the indian ocean and cape of good hope. "the escalation of naval operations is a step previously promised by mr. abdul malik al-hufi. i believe that it is only a preliminary step and there will be upcoming surprises because mr. abdul malik did not disclose more details and we all know that these operations are in support of our brothers in gaza. germany army spokesman yahya also addressed the administrators detailing the country's latest naval operations in the red sea." no. with god's help, the naval forces of the yemini army carried out an operation targeting the israeli ship pacific 01 in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. our forces also carried out an operation targeting an american destroyer in the red sea with number of drones and successfully achieved its objectives. thanks to god, we began to expand
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the scope of our operations against israeli ships and those linked to israel to include the indian ocean. to the cave of good hope. abdul malik al hothi, the leader of the ansarullah movement, had previously blidged to expand the scope of yemen's naval operations. he declared that the yemani army would hence forth prevent israeli boundships from passing through the indian ocean. al hothi further mentioned that the yemani army had carried out 12 operations using 58 missiles and drones last week, three of which took a place in the indian ocean. people here vow that they will continue to stand and support of the people of palestine and the wake of. israel's genocide in gaza, they believe that all free people worldwide should unite and stand against israel and its supporters, reporting for pr tv, youran's foreign ministers call for united endeavor by the muslim world against islamophobia. in an online post on x, amir abdul said aim should be creating effective deterrance against
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seditious moves that are opposed to lasting peace and security. top diplomat. added hegemonic powers are doing everything to distort the image of islam before the world public opinion and depicted as a threat. am described such policies as a plot stressing islam is always promoted peace and mutual respect among uh different people and religions. he made the comments on the occasion of the international day to combat islamophobia which is marked on march 15th. national court of justice says it will hold hearings in nicaragua's case against germany freating israel in its genocidal war on gaza. the world court said hearings will take place april 8th and 9th. according to nicaragua, germany is violating 1948 genocide convention and 1949 geneva conventions on laws of war and occupied palestinian territories. earlier
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this month nicarago asked icj to issue emergency measures requiring berlin to stop military. to israel and reverse its decision to stop funding unra. icj recently issued an interim ruling in a case against israel brought by south africa. now that case called on the regime to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in gaza. however, you and experts say israel appears to be in breach of that order. russia has begun three days of voting to pick their next president, four candidates including incumbent vladimir putin. are vying for the post. in a pre-election address, putin called on russians to participate in the election. we discussed this issue with our guests earlier in our news review program.
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hello and welcome. you're watching press tv's news review where we look to print to some of the top stories of the... on this segment of the program, people across russia are heading to the post to choose new president for the next six years, the vote is taking place across the country's 11 time zones, more than 112 million people are eligible to cast ballots from friday until sunday, and comment president vladimir putin is running for fifth term, he has three rivals, they're from the new people party, the liberal democratic party and the communist party. prior to the election, putin called on russians to vote, saying that people... are the only source of power in his country, he said russia is going through a difficult period and needs to stay united and confident to uh overcome it. the vote is also taking. place in the four regions at russia annexed from ukraine in 2022, namely donietsk, luhansk, zaporija and
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hersan. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have press tv's very own johnny miller joining us from moscow, also we have journalist activist and political analyst mr. john boz joining us from belgrade. let's start off with press tv's johnny miller in moscow, johnny uh... block us through uh what's uh taking place during the uh three days uh as russians go to the polls and about the significance of this election as well? well the first day of polling is practically at an end, local reports say 20% of russian people have already voted. i spoke to one woman today who told me she's never voted before, but she's going to vote this time. she didn't tell me who she's going to vote for. it's quite implike question to ask here in russia. i've tried my best to most people. answer it as well, it's rather than polite to to answer it either, but though one man told me there's only one man to vote for and that's who i'm voting for, by what else he told me, i suspect that he was voting for vladimir
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putin, uh, vladimir putin will win the election, i won't even say almost certainly, he certainly will win the election, the main reason being is that he's very popular uh, the economy despite the fact that russia is fighting major conflict, a war, special military operation, call it what you will, against. ukraine, some say the whole of the collective west, russian economy is stay very strong, and indeed is growing, politically, it's very stable, and vladimir putin remains very popular, so the main reason he will win the election, um, and i think many people have criticized in russia or question why they're holding an election now, they are fighting, major conflict, but i think it's also part of just the kind of stability that the russian government wants to project, that the country is running along smoothly if you. here in moscow or elsewhere in russia, daily life does continue as normal, it feels like there's a war at the edge of the empire so to speak, but life continues, and that's very much what this election is proving, was uh
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certain attempts to destabilize russia, particularly from ukraine, drones, attacks in the belgrad region, other events around russia try to destabilize russia in this election, but certainly it does feel a very stable, the election is going uh going going ahead as planned and the russian government. does seem strong and confident going forward. the issue of the economy was something that our correspondent johnny miller just brought up, mr. bozic, i want you to break that down for us as well as we know uh in spite of uh the uh dire predictions of many critics, uh russia has actually been successful in evading western sanctions and its economy has outperformed those uh expectations. how is that going to play into the uh uh to the voters minds and the elections uh at this point in time right now? you know, i've had the privilege and the good fortune of being personally involved in some of these
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transformations. i was the advisor to the japanese prime minister's office at the time that we negotiated on behalf of japan for the building of the espo pipeline, the eastern siberia to pacific ocean pipeline, and that pipeline has become the economic life, life blood of russia and and from the revenues from that pipeline, russia has been able to build its links internationally and to finance the redevelopment of agriculture. russia was agricultural importer and now is an exporter. russia is now one of the world's leading oil, petroleum product exporters. russia is producing domestic retail goods, and russia has built an alliance of steel, literally pipeline of energy and retail products interchange with china. at the perfect time, because china is under sanctions from the united states and it has turned its eyes towards russia as a commercial and retail market, there couldn't
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be better nexus and better synergy of all possible benefits, and that has been tied directly to the presidency of vladimir putin. thanks lot, press tvs, johnny miller joining us from the russian capital moscow, and thanks to journalist activist and political analyst mr. john boznic, joining us from belgrade. with that, it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. من تاب من بعد ظلمه
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واصلح فان الله يتوب عليه، ان الله غفور رحيم. الم تعلم ان الله له ملك السماوات والارض، يعذب من يشاء ويغفر.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise. but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary.
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are the voice of the voiceless. we are press tv.
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what's going on everyone, desert here. back with another episode of iran tech and i'm back here at the atomic energy organization of iran where we've covered a lot from how the reactor works to what happens within the core of the reactor that is submerged in a pool of heavy water to how we get the radio isotopes from within the core of the reactor but we may have missed a crucial step in between which is what do we do with the water that surrounds the core of the reactor that gets eventually saturated with radioactivity and can no longer function the way used to because the water is needed partially for the safety of uh the operators within the nuclear facility, because it absorbs a lot of the neutrons that is resulted as the core of the reactor just simply operates uh, but we can't