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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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of you press tv headlines, palestinian resistance movement, hamas says it is presented a gaza sea's fire proposal to mediators with the aim of putting an end to ongoing campaign of genocide. yemesster leader says operations against israel lead linked vessels will extend to include ships crossing the indian ocean. and russians are heading to polls throughout the country in a three-day presidential election.
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hello everyone, it's 1 pm in the bessieg gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news. palestinian resistance movement hamas says has put forth new proposal for gaza cease fire with the aim of ending israeli war on the besieg territory. hamas says it is presented the proposal to egyptian and qatari mediators, the movement. says under this proposal, the occupying israeli forces have to leave gaza. hamas says this proposal also includes return of displaced palestinians to their homes and providing them with aid. exchange of palestinian prisoners with israeli captives held in gaza is also included. report said initial exchange will see release of israeli women, children, the elderly and sick, they will be freed in return for the release of 700 to 100 palestinians. the israelit. regime though
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said the new hamas position is based on what it called unrealistic demands. senior hamas official osama hamdan has already said any israeli opposition only means that the regime wants to continue this war. well the israely military has conducted new attacks on different locations throughout gaza. our correspondent in central city of dear abala earlier joined us with some details. in the meantime, the israeli incubation artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of several areas of gaza strip, particularly here in balah city and almograga neighborhood and even musairati fuji camp, heavy uh artillery shilling reach those areas uh and that shilling actually was maintained over the night and even in jabal refugee camp and in kanyunis city the israel also
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maintained and continued their attacks and airstrikes in the meantime the central the central areas of khanuni city and jabalia refugee camp also were hit uh relentlessly by those israeli continuous air strikes several buildings destroyed over those cruel attacks and condom nations continue pouring in over israel's massacre of over 100 palestinians waiting for human. manitarian aid in gaza city on thursday. the palestinan mujahidin movement says israel's shelling of aid seekers at the kuwaiti roundabout is a stain of shame for anyone complicit in the crime. resistance movement held the us and other western states along with some arab countries responsible for israel's genocide in gaza. another resistance movement hamas reacted as well criticizing failure of the international community and the un to take action against israel. hamas said in action. has given the
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regime the green light to commit such horrific crimes against palestinians. israel's time and again targeted eight seekers in gaza in the past several weeks. the regime unleashed its war back early october, killing over 31,300 people, most of them women and children. and the repeated israely attacks on aids seekers in gaza was the topic earlier of our news review program. here it is. and now welcome everyone to press tv's news review program where we get in depth in one of the day's top stories. joining us now for the program is habiba jaguuri, a journalists and activist joining us from adelade and john stepling, author and commentator. joining us out of inderoy,
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norway, hello and i like to welcome you both to the program, i guess habiba, we'll do the gentlemenly thing here and start with you - first, your initial thoughts, who in what conflict provides? or denies, pardon me, denies a civilian population of food, water and medicine, and the little that does get in, it targets them when they are desperately seeking to go after it. thank you so much for having me. well, the regime that has started off being anti-human in politics from the very beginning of its foundation, that from the very beginning of his foundation started off as a lie, started off as excuse to come and plunder and still. resources, of course, something like this, some atrocious, atrocious, absolutely horrific war crime of using starvation as a weapon of war, and then killing people seeking aid, seeking food, of course such a result will come from israel, a terrorist state. israel has been a rogue
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state from the very beginning of this foundation, it has never ever given importance to human life. john, welcome to the program, now john, you know very well, if there's a lory, a big rig and 18. wheeler somewhere in ukraine carrying humanitarian aid and it gets targeted, it'll be all over western corporate media news. this this is a trucks getting in, one out of every 500 are getting in, and then when they do, you're not just hitting the truck, sometimes you're actually, there's really sometimes are hitting them in route on highways, but the worst part is hitting when people are scattered around them resulting, and you very well know it's been done systematically, and it's not just on one incident now. yeah, what your other guess? said uh, it is worth underscoring again, and yes of course there's a double standard that's a naked double standard in reporting on on israel and gaza from western media, it's it's shocking actually, but you're other guess is right, israel has been a settler colonial, imperial
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project from even before 1948, they were killing arabs even before that, um, ergun and the stern gang, and so forth, we're we're terrorizing the region uh, you can go back and and look up the bombing of the king david hotel and on and on. the list of war crimes from uh committed by israel is is nearly endless. habiba jaguri joining us from australia and mr. john stepling there, joining us out of norway, and viewers, that brings us to the conclusion of this segment to your press tv's news review program. thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. the palestinian authority, prime minister and his cabinet submitted the resignations just a couple weeks ago, and now
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news has surfaced that there is a replacement for the job one approved by palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas. we discussed this earlier in our explainer program. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is said to appoint muhammad mustafa as the next palestinian authority prime minister. now this comes after the former palestinian prime minister muhammad shataya resigned from office paving the way for muhammad mustafa. but who is muhammad mustafa? well, mustafa is 69 years old. he's born intokarm in the west bank. he holds a doctorate economics from george washington. university in the us, he has also worked at the world bank for 15 years. other notable points of his resume, he has served as pa's deputy prime minister, the economy minister and as a boss's economy advisor. of the close to mahmoud abbas, he is not a fata member.
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mustafa has also sat on the palestine liberation organization executive committee since the year 2022. now he's also served as the chairman of the palestine investment. fund since 2005. this is important since he oversaw a fund with nearly billion dollars in assets, so that's a lot of money. why is that important? not only did he oververs gaza's reconstruction under hamas rule after earlier war between israel and hamas, mustafa will be responsible for overseeing billions of dollars and expected international aid. the introduction of new prime minister is part of an effort by mahmoud abbas to reform the pa to create a technocratic government in the west bank. mustafa himself is widely regarded as an independent technocrat. he's been holding consultations with prospective cabinet members in recent weeks. the members are expected to be a group of technocrats unaffiliated with the boss fatah party. for those that may not know what a technocrat or technocratic government is? well, it's one in
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which the ministers are not career politicians and they are experts in their ministerial fields. so hopefully that'll define that for you. once the tech. government is in place, regional stakeholders will be able to move forward with plans to establish in-term committee in gaza responsible for providing civil services and internal security in the enclave eventually government gaza strip after israel's genocidal war against palestinians continues. well, there's some confusion in this stance since muhammad mustafa has also said in the next phase, what he will do was he would reunite gaza and the west bank. okay, this is a direct quote. this means gaza on the west bank will be one palestinian land, not separated actually by a border with gaza. well, the united government will perform under a reformed government comprised of. prime minister, it will be tasked with taking care of arab countries and european donors.
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there's also a request for the pa president mahmoud abbas to transfer some of his powers to the prime minister. and finally, will muhammad mustafa get along with the israeli regime? well, check out this quote, "if we cannot remove the occupation, no reformed governments can build a good governance system." doesn't sound like he and the israeli regime are on the same page. you be the judge. خانم پروین اعتصامی اولین شاعری بودند که به
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جنبه های گوناگون انسانی در شعر توجه کردن. زبان مردم خودش هست. رنج های جامعه خودش رو می بینه. همین رنج ها هم بعدها برای او تنگناها و محدودیت و دشواری هایی رو فراهم می آورد. what is most important is the depth of paris belief and her vision. for the empowerment of women, welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. now leader of yamanzana movement says the country will expand its military operations against israely link ships and will prevent their crossing through the indian ocean. our main battle is to prevent ships associated with the israeli army not only from passing through the
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arabian sea, the red sea and the gulf of aden, but also with the grace and assistance of allah almighty, we aim to prevent their crossing through the indian ocean and from south africa towards the cape of good hope. this is an important, advanced and significant step and we have already begun to carry out operations related to it. and leader said, so far three. operations have been conducted in the indian ocean, the emmy arm forces have been attacking israely link ships in the red sea since mid november to force the regime into stopping its campaign of genocide in gaza, and in response, the us and uk have launched a series of air strikes on yemen for what they call protecting international shipping. yemen though rejects that claim and has retaliated by targeting american and british vessels in the red sea. latest us led air strikes hit yemen's hajjah governor it early friday. yeman says israel, the us and britain are all responsible for the mounting tensions and as we uh follow the
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uh ongoing weekly demonstrations in support of gazans and in condemnation of the israel's campaign of genocide in yemen, we're also joined at one of the rallies, today's rally i guess by press tv correspondent abdul latif al washali, hello abdul latif, hope you're safe and doing well out there in sna, what can you tell us? thank you so much, you now despite the sunny and hot weather, the people here and also despite their being fasting today, you know it's ramadan, but the people have choosen uh to gather here, they came from across the city to gather in the capital sun and also in other cities to express their solidarity with the palestinian people, they said they can't just remain passive while witnessing the oppressed people of palestine suffer from killings and being starved to death by at the... hands of the israeli regime, they have to do something, they have to demonstrate, they have to keep provoking
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the yemini army escalate its operations in the recy on, and today we've seen them being happy after hearing the speech of yesterday saying that the naval operations now will be escalated and now they will target the israeliing ships not only the red sea and bab al but also in the indian ocean and in the south africa. the people today are very happy, they said they will keep telling the enemy army and urging the emmini army to keep escalating its operations, we will have in a few minutes, i believe new state. released by the spokesperson of the yemani army, the brigadeer uh, we believe it's going to be about an operation that was conducted last night, we will wait inshallah and see what he's going to tell us today. okay, so abdul latif yemen, these anti-israely operations, and i believe abdulti said there was 73 uh so
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far, which is a pretty significant uh anti-israely operations in the red and arabian sea and three, uh so far in the indian ocean, so now we're talking about a quite a significant uh geographical uh area that's going to be covered by yemen's armed forces targeting these uh israely linked vessels, three separate seas. you know when we heard that said abdul malik saying that we uh knew that when he said that they have new surprises for the uh uh the american the israelis and also for the british they have surprises for them in the sea. "we know that it was right, they have, i believe new weapons, new missils, they have tested these missles and they were successful, they will now be targeting the israeli ships with those missiles. you know, i remember in 2018, i believe, we heard the general saying that they are been, they have been able to manufacture a drone a daily basis, that was in 2018, i believe now, six years later, they
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have been able to expand the manufacturing of the drones and they have thousands of drones that they will..." use them now in targeting the israeli linked vessels not only in the red sea and the bal but also in the indian ocean and the south africa they will now keep hunting the israeli linked vessels until the israeli war and genocidal war against the people in gaza seises it is a right for the yemani people to defend our land and also to defend the people in gaza according to international law. all right thank you abdul latif. uh we'll be following this very closely, probably swing back into you uh as soon as uh the yemini armed forces make this uh very highly and much anticipated statement during this rally uh later we'll come back live to you uh but hang out we'll talk to you soon abdul latif i'll wash ali there joining us from sona thank you you bet meanwile people throughout russia are heading to polls to choose new president for the next six
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years boat is taking place throughout the country's 11 time zones more than 112 million people are eligible to caster ballots from front uh from friday today and through sunday, incoming president vladimir putin is running for fifth term, he has three rivals, they are from the new people party, the liberal democratic party and the communist party. now prior to this election, putin called on russians to vote, saying people are the only source of power in this country. he said russia is going through difficult period and needs to stay united and confident to overcome it. the vote is also taking place in four regions that russia annexed from ukraine back in 2022, namely donietsk, luhansk, zaprigia and herson. our corresponded to, johnny miller earlier joined us from moscow with more details on ongoing presidential race in russia. well, as you say, russians,
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millions of russians going to the poles over the next. days friday to sunday, frankly nobody expects anybody else to win except for vladimir putin, he's being effectively in power for the last 20 years and almost certainly he will win another six-year term. the major reason for that is that he's very popular uh that's the reality uh the economy is stable and growing, politically it's stable despite of course the major conflict, the war, the special military operation as it's called here that's going on in ukraine, the main opposition is from the left. and the right of him, the communist party usually comes second in these elections and the certainly opposition um, not necessarily about opposition to how the country is generally going, but certainly disagreements with vladimir putin from the from more on the right, more ultra-nationalist. conflict in ukraine has led to major restructuring of
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global weapons market, according to new report from top ngo dedicated to peace. europe has doubled its arms imports in recent years with russia dropping from its long time number two spot behind the us. robin mazaher reports out of paris. the top annual analysis of global arms sales found that france has risen to the number two weapons exporter in the world. the gains have often been made thanks to debt from ukraine, which has become europe's largest arms importer. french arms sales have soored 50% in recent years and now comprise 11% of the global market. the world's leading arms dealer is still the united states, which controls a record. a country which greatly respects human rights,
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is also a nation which is so very proud of its weapon sales. it's clear that the values the french people and human rights are subservient to geostrategic interest, and we shouldn't celebrate france's a arming of often dictatorial regimes. arm sales to ukraine has proven to be big. business, and it may explain president emmanuel macron's about face on the conflict. two years ago, macron warned that russia must not be humiliated, but he's recently become one of europe's leading anti-russia war hawks. france's top three arms clients are india, which is the world's largest arms importer, followed by saudi arabia and tiny but rich kater. africa is still reeling from 40 tons of illegal free armed. drops france made in 2011 to support anti-kaddafi rebels in libya. as predicted, the weapons soon found their way to syria, the central african republic,
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ukraine and elsewhere. french arms in africa allows france to show off their latest weapons and present them as combat proven, so africa is not just a show window for french arms, but also testing laboratory and with all ways destabilizing results for the continent. this week, french parliament approved a 10-year military pact with kiev, which guarantees billions and more weapons deliveries. russia continues to gain ground against nato-backed ukraine, which is an important reminder that some weapons are made to work under actual wartime conditions, and some are made mainly for sales and profit. robin maziri, press tv, paris. and now we're going to swing back. over to the uh yemani capital sana, we're going to show you images of a live demonstration there, a quite significant one, in fact in support of
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palestinians in gaza, now we know that uh the yemenis are also observing the fasting month of ramadan, but nevertheless they have poured out, as you can see in the thousands to condemn this uh campaign of genocide by the west, especially israelis and washington against the people of gaza. and they've been pouring out every week condemming this very uh war uh in sana in saada in the port city of hudata and this is uh in conjunction with the fact that yemen's armed forces have launched a number of uh uh missiles and drones that occupy territories targeting um israeli interests they've also targeted israeli interest in the high seas with over 73 uh uh different cases of targeting is really linked uh vessels there in the uh red sea in the sea of oman and also according to abdu malik al huti leader of the antstero
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movements the uh operations will be extended to the indian um ocean where three operations have already supposedly taken place there against israeli linked vessels and there's also a targeting of us and a uk warships by the yemen's armed forces and that's because they've been hit carrying out multiple air strikes um against yemen on yemen soil, different cities and um military uh sites of uh yemen in support of the uh israelis and their interests in the high seas now uh abdul malik the head of the movement said the yemen armed forces will in fact start to expand their operations both in scope in magnitude and uh geography uh a bigger uh area of land as far as the the high seas go as well as a more frequent attacks until this campaign of genocide comes to an end and the siege on
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gaza is uh lifted. now yemeneses uh spiritually, militarily they've been one of the uh most vocal and active supporters of palestinians we have seen since the um october 7th starting of this campaign of genocide by the israel's. against the people of gaza, that's resulted in all already over 31,300 fatalities, over 72% of which have been women and children, over nearly 75,000 palestinians injured in such a short amount of time, we've seen at least 27 uh infants die due to starvation because israel is blocking critical aid into gaza, so live images out of san that we also... that the yemen's armed forces, of most likely a general yahya sadi will be making a very important statement in reference to these ongoing operations against israel and
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interest or it could possibly be about a operation that was conducted against the us or uk uh warship in the past uh 24 hours we don't we don't know but we know there's going to be an important statement released throughout this rally and we're going to follow it very closely and bring it to you here later on press tv and that's wrap for your press tv news bulletin everyone thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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ay ayyuhalaziinamanu shallu alimuu taslima.
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я очень сильно люблю свою семью, конечно, поэтому для меня я долго не мог, но боялся что-то сделать, чтобы не сказал, я думаю, но
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для меня больше открывает, потому что... понятие свободы для всех разное. depressed coverage of this assassination of sulaymani now entering its uh uh fourth day we're looking at some uh
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